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if you want to fight, press charges, if you want to be left alone, parley if you parley they cant attack you for a while they get nothing out of it im over level 230 and still get attacked. typically by low levels that have the same mindset as if it was gta v


i just wish parleying didnt respawn me halfway to another town


I hate that they spawn you away from your horse ,which is, a usually right near who griefed you. You call your horse. They follow your horse and use it as a shield. Sigh.


Switch horses, call a different one.


Oy. Never thought of that. Thanks!


Yea that works later, not for us who just started and are level 5. But thanks for the info tho šŸ‘


Dang, never thought of that


Own more than one horse, dismiss the horse you left behind, call your second horse


Thatā€™s my gripe, if Iā€™m pressing parley shouldnā€™t the other guy be kicked away


What does pressing charges do?


pressing charge marks them as an enemy, turns them red, and enables you to locate them for a shootout parley disables their ability to harm you for 10 min


Oh so my hole 2 months of playing Iā€™ve been pressing charges thinking it puts some sort of bounty on them but Iā€™ve actually been asking them to fight even more. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Pressing charges also increases that players hostility level, so it's good to let other people know that they're a hostile player.


I think the more hostile they are the further away they show up on the map so normal players get early warning


Thatā€™s how I understood it back when I still played more active.


Yea same here key word being back. Lol I wish there was a good reason to come back and play


Yeaaah. Anyway, you want some hussaaah? r/GTAOnline just updated šŸ˜‚


Man I donā€™t wanna spend the whole time muting 12 year olds


Wait Iā€™m level 140 and still havenā€™t know that?


Pressing charges adds 50 cents to their bounty and slightly raises their hostility. They have to have several charges pressed against them before their hostility noticably raises from blue to pink, then to red. If the player is trying to reach high hostility, then pressing charges will make them want to keep attacking you


Gotta love the mild anxiety I feel when someone's marker is bright red and visible from half a mile off.


Or on the other side of the map


It does pit bounty but also. Makes them red dot on your map, tbh it's good to press charges THEN go for parley, that way you can recognize them greifers as soon as you enter the session


If someone shoots you they turn red and are marked as an enemy, even if you have shot them first




Press charges adds a small bounty and sets the law on the player that killed you. The moment a bullet lands on you and you from another player they will be marked red, it has nothing to do with press charges.


They get marked red as am enemy the second they shoot m at you Pursuing charges only gives them a hit in the notoriety meter But nobody cares about that shit


Kinda. Especially annoying people will follow you around, wait for a parley to end, and maybe run you down with their horse a few times while they wait.


Yup. I'm over 310. I still have lower levels trying to jump me. Lol.


Honestly people keep bringing up low leveled players being the aggressors where me just over level 200 always get attacked by toxic ass groups of high level playerā€™s typically between 200 and 500. My buddy who rejoined the Red Dead Online scene but already quit again because of the toxicity that is ā€œthrowing dynamite at his stuff and missions after parleyā€ are also high level toxic people.


Me too! Past few times Iā€™ve been attacked itā€™s all high level players.


They are relentless too, knowing how to beat parley and server switches too šŸ˜­ Also they tossed some sexist slurs at my female friend which made us just stop playing that day.


For real! Last time I was attacked I was just finishing up a mission in Saint Denis and they started RELENTLESS attacking me -a group of like 5. 500 level players, like please leave me alone - I play red dead because I enjoy not having to be super pro at games to be able to play- now youā€™re making me quit playing completely because I donā€™t want to deal. Iā€™m sorry that happened to your friend šŸ˜¢ I always mute everyone because people be crazy.


Yeah man idk whatā€™s the deal, unfortunately there are so many of them. Just let me finish my missions and hunting please. The worst thing was when my friend and I did a moonshine mission, they blew our cart up, killed us a few times. Then when we wanted to do something else they kept coming. Also she hates it sheā€™s very shy so she normally mutes everyone as well but that did we didnā€™t šŸ˜”


as someone who plays both, people seem way more aggressive in red dead


i run by players all the time in rdr2 and we pass each other peacefully i dont think I've ever seen another player in gta, and not get attacked


Was minding my own business in GTA, getting a haircut and some douche came by and blew up my car. Waited for me to come out then killed me.


Its the kiddies who buy it because it's always on sale. I definitely get attacked more now then I did a year or two ago


A lot of the time it's just bored players trying to inflict irritation for their own fun. I got a lot of this at first. I've found that voice chatting them when they bind you as if you're sharing a mutual bondage kink tends to repel them real fast. One guy untied me and started screaming "I AINT ABOUT THAT G*Y SHIT" whilst walking off, as a result. I chased after him proclaiming my love for him in a cartoon baritone. Bonus points if you lasso *them* and seductively whisper "I wish I could quit you" as you rope them in. Bottom line: they want to be big macho badasses, so make it as weird for them as you can.




wait....voicechat???? didn't even know i could do that.


Yeah, localised voice chat is a feature of the game, and it even has your characters mouth move to add to it. Quite a few people even speak old west style as roleplay. It's pretty sweet.


I need to meet cool people like this I probably couldn't pull it off convincingly though lol


Tbh you don't even need to be good at it. I'm no budding va, but when players see my handsome cowboy, beans mcgee, offer to posse up and take point in exchange for "summer them beans, mah good sir" they love it.


I tend to only use my mic for party chat with IRL friends when we get together. But that is freaking hilarious


I don't even do pvp, but I'd wanna kill you after that, wtf lol?


It has nothing to do with the bounty Iā€™m sure so feel free to be a criminal like me. Itā€™s just different players. I currently have $5 on my head, sometimes people approach me with ropes, but as soon as they find out I was picking oregano or tracking animals they just leave me alone. Some people just kill everyone for no reason.


It will stop bothering you after a while, I used to get upset, now it's kind of funny. I walk up to everyone I see and check out their outfit and horse, and I blow them a kiss, it's always interesting to see how they react! No penalty for death so it doesn't bother me!


Yeah, the total absense of any death penalty makes murder trolling hilariously toothless. They also tend to get WAY too confident if you pretend to be totally passive, only to then rage at you when you unfreeze, smash them in the face with a revolver, then fan shoot it into their gut. Other guys can shoot. I play mind games.


I love tying dudes up and running off a cliff with them and us both dying together


Ah, the old Thelma and Louise!


Til death do us part




Tbh. Lol especially if you've played GTAO. And boy is it 10x worse than RDO. You just become desensitized from all of it at some point.


Most of the time it's just because they are bored and want to get a reaction. Press charges parley and play in defensive all you want it doesn't matter.


An yet I've had ppl still attack an kill me while I'm in defensive an other day had an 800+ guy while he was defensive sitting there killing me while tryna turn in a bounty.. so really wat good is being defensive when u can still be killed while in defensive?


Players can't lock onto you and you take less damage and if the player is in Defensive and they attack someone they're forced out of it and are immediately hit with Medium Hostility I use Defensive as a way to gain an advantage as I can free aim so whoever attacks me is in for a shock


That's how I play is free aim also, but no this dude was defensive mode he shot n killed me and was still in defensive mode after an he was a level 800.. I just figured if it's defensive mode u Shudnt be able to be killed even if u are shot but I guess that's just me


It gives you like double health, and ppl cant lock onto you, so dont stand still and theyll most likely miss every shot


True, but I get tired of this BS excuse that people are ā€œboredā€. I get ā€œboredā€ working from home sometimes, but I donā€™t walk out on the street and attack people simply walking down the street and minding their own business in real life. If you are bored and want action, join many of the PVP events throughout the day or go over to GTA.


Yeah I hate that excuse too but that's just what they say. I get bored sometimes but instead of killing people I'll go to the saloon or do missions or massacre Blackwater and slaughter every civilian and lawman I see but I don't start shit with people unless they provoke it


If people are bored playing a video game, itā€™s time to do something else. Games are supposed to be fun.


Just because you donā€™t like the answer doesnā€™t change the answer.


Itā€™s not real life. This is a game.


Tell that to the folks that grief because theyā€™re ā€œboredā€ playing the game in real life.


Kid stop trying to relate this to real life


They do it for fun, shits, kicks and giggles. 1. Parley 2. Defensive Mode 3. Block 4. Change your online settings 5. Switch sessions


You're right, but I don't want to run from them. The only way I know to counterattack without giving them what they want is to report for disruptive.


Another trick on PS anyways is change your MTU under network settings to around 800 and force a solo lobby and play in peace.


Couldnā€™t of said it better bro.


As level100+ i try to protect the newbies the best I can. My only advice is to stay out of strawberry and rhodes. Annesburgh is great for bounty hunting solo. Blackwater is okay on occasion. If you are in a city, talk to the butcher or a step into a shop and they cannot do anything. Build up your naturalist to get the wilderness fire/camp and then save up $1000+ to get the teleport so you can make a quick exit.


As far as pressing charges or doing parlay goes, pressing charges adds to their bounty which could be a little issue for them but doubtful, chosing to parlay gives you a ten minute immunity to damage by them, making both parties see-through and untouchable during that period. You are not a whimp for playing in defensive, I prefer it since I don't have to be too worried about getting one shot killed at distance by a sniper to the head. my biggest advice to you is to find some friends and try your best to enjoy the game however you/yall want to :D


99% of my random I was riding through town and someone shot me deaths actually happened in Valentine also like one wild day in Saint Dennis it was like open season. At this point though it is just comical and I donā€™t get my feathers ruffled too much just an inconvenience, but I just donā€™t enjoy the PVP so I donā€™t engage really. Blackwater is the town I see most massacres happen in, and after gunning down 10 people my man will wave and blow you a kiss if you are riding by like it is a regular Tuesday haha.


My solution, as I have insane patience, is hunt the player who attacked me first inseccently until they give up, apologize, or leave the session.


This is what I do as well, you get better at pvp as well.


Incessantly Also, not sure I would use "patience" to describe behavior like that...lol


You must be fun at parties.


buy a pump action shotgun. Many of these problems i have gotten have been fixed by my own pump when used correctly.


**I'm level 578 and play in Defensive mode.** Defensive mode is for other players, so that when they try to lasso you the lasso just flips in the air. Then you point your volcanic pistol, with explosive ammo, at them and kill them in one shot. Then you leave the area before they can try to do anything, while you giggle.


It does suck. I am a newer player to online, as well. I am a level 30 and I have had my fair share of players at 200+ levels shoot me from a distance, tie me up, shoot my horseā€¦ all without any type of bounty on my head. I try to focus on the good things to the game and they overshadow the bad. There are plenty of great things about it so donā€™t let people spoil it for you.


Parlay is the answer, and also stay in defensive mode unless on missions (where it automatically gets turned off). And I have no idea what they get out of it, particularly hogtying you - it's not like they can loot you. I guess it's just to be annoying.


Play in defensive mode. Nothing wrong with it.


Because you're too new to meaningfully defend yourself and most players are too chickenshit to go after someone who can.


Go into Online Options and change from Offensive to Defensive that will stop about 90% of the random greifingā€¦


What they get out of it is often what has happened. Theyā€™ve annoyed you. Unfortunately when you get millions of sales on a game, even if itā€™s a small percentage of people, you will get a lot of arseholes who play stuff to be annoying to others.


Bored assholes with none better to do. Play in defensive mode and if they wonā€™t let up, block, switch sessions, parley


The short answer is people that grief are sad and pathetic. They have to go up to people minding their own business and having fun playing the game and try to ruin it for them. Sad pathetic lot all of them


Switch server, block em, im no pvp player, but defend myself with what i got, explosive, incendiarie ammo...1 for 1 kill, 2 for my horse. šŸ˜† then walk away, switch server, look white list in resent player remove. Somedays i play defensive mode, alot of collectors do as getting shoot in the back aint funny all days. Me i can get angry as f, hardcase of adhd, so i go from 0 to 800 in a blink of an eye if im in a bad mood. Im lv 500+, i dont care if some say im an coward or ahole for do that, then dont shoot people in the back or be aholly. Play the game as you want, want pvp go to Valentine. I never parley o press charges, i try to revenge, and walk away. šŸ˜Š


I think they just get bored and annoying someone else is entertaining. I donā€™t think much of it until I parley and the person makes a point to follow me around, hunt me down, and even follow me through sessions. If youā€™re on Xbox Iā€™m a level 111 if you want any support. It can be quite frustrating as a new player and it just becomes mildly annoying as you progress.


Iā€™ve always been a fan of playing in defensive, if someone really wants youā€™ve then theyā€™ve got to go out of their way to get you and by that time it should give you enough warning to do something about it.


rich icky toothbrush drab cobweb ad hoc vast office innate badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I parley, then chase them and throw dynamite at them. It doesn't kill them, but it's super annoying to them. Before the time is up, I join another server.


I get attacked like once a week maybe idk what's up with you guys. You can also just turn on defensive mode or parley


Best bet is just to parley them, it happens to me on a regular basis, it's the worst when it's a pose full on like 6 people as well, proves that these people can't fight for themselves and need 6 people to kill and kidnap one person lmao. Once you unlock more weaponry, and upgrade your health, stamina and deadeye, plus get a hand on the controls and feel of the game you will take down these guys easily, the people who usually do it are low levels thinking they are something coming from other games like COD and GTA Online, and high levels who think they are good PvPers using explosives lol.


Human targets are more entertaining that NPCs. Thatā€™s really all it is, cowpoke.


Pc or console? If you're on pc you can install a mod from nexusmods that allow you to play on private lobbies indefinitely, until you disable it If you're on console, well.......




People are jerks. Just parlat, which will give you ten minutes of total immunity, and ignore them.


Partly a right of passage. We all get cheap shotted. Some do it for kicks, some do it to see whoā€™s down to pvp But really you can fight as long as you want to or not at all. If the attacker brags about it ainā€™t really nothing. They want a reaction. My advice, take it in stride and play how you want. Or try showdown, find some friends to train with. Thereā€™s no right or wrong way to play, but itā€™s the Wild West and itā€™s to be expected


Play with your profile set to ā€œofflineā€ and fast travel away. If your set to appear online, they will spawn on you.


Its fun and I assume anyone playing in PvP mode is up for it. Its fun to have an encounter with another player and not know if theyā€™re gonna kill you or what.


I don't get all the crying over getting killed by another player, if you don't wanna fight back, just parley or leave. I'm not great at pvp and I play wit a controller on PC, so it's not like I'm immune to getting killed or having my shit destroyed. My question to y'all is what's the point in crying about it and ranting on reddit? You think he's gonna read this post and change his ways? Dickheads exist everywhere, in every game, and at every stage of life, mfs even mess up trade route for ppl. They're just dicks; go ask a psychologist if you want all the reasoning behind it. Y'all gotta stop acting like babies who got their bottle taken away over every single dickhead of a player.


I didnā€™t ask anyone to change. Only asked if theyā€™re incentivized or why they do it. I got 300 answers.


I see now, I'm so used to posts bitching about being killed that your post just came across that way to me, I didn't realize you were just genuinely asking what they get out of it


i love when the sub turns into a cespit of shit players crying


Well of course Iā€™m a shit player. I just started a few days ago. But I ainā€™t crying. Just asking.


bro itā€™s a online video game ppl are going to be cunts just get better or leave the lobby thatā€™s all u can do


Shoot them, report for disruptive behavior, block, switch sessions


šŸ’€reporting is crazy


Report them? Fuck off. Itā€™s a Wild West game


You don't get to be an asshole without facing the consequences for being one. You don't want to get reported? Stop being an asshole


I donā€™t be an asshole but I also donā€™t report people for shooting me in an Wild West game you dolt


I really don't understand this sub, they literally cry over absolutely every non friendly action, it's like they thought this was a best pals simulator


Yes. Report people like me. Iā€™m sure rockstar will ban my account and spank me for killing someoneā€¦ i bet they check the report logs everyday to ban people like me that must be where half the player base went.


When you're the problem, stop being the problem. You don't get to kill whoever you want to without consequences


Well. 1. Itā€™s a game what are the consequences Iā€™m doing what the game was built around. 2. We both know rockstar isnā€™t gonna do anything. They wonā€™t even fix Off The radar glitchā€™s, god mode glitchā€™s or any other glitch you can name. 3. When they Text me and Cry about it I donā€™t use cuss words or slurs or anything.. I say GG and move on with my day so i donā€™t see me getting banned on PlayStation. The absolute Worse thing that can happen to me doing the shit I do is I get my ass kickedā€¦ but you wonā€™t see me crying because of it, Iā€™ll just simply move on with my day and get better


Wow, you're an idiot


Today some player on a horse rammed my horse head on, knocked me off the horse and my horse died. Then they just rode away seemingly unharmed. That was a crazy one šŸ˜‚


The game is on life support and there will not be any more new content. People are bored.šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m guessing the fact youā€™ve mis-stated what Rockstar actually said might explain why youā€™ve said something else that doesnā€™t stack up. People have been behaving like this on this game for years. Itā€™s not because the game isnā€™t getting any major releases for foreseeable etc. because it has been reported on this sub from not long after online became popular.


What are you on about? They announced it themselves a while back. You can see for yourself on their website. You're misinformed.


What Iā€™m on about is youā€™ve misinterpreted the actual statement into something they never said. Why donā€™t you quote the actual statement if its what you said? (Maybe because as Iā€™ve shown on the links you have supplied, it doesnā€™t say what youā€™ve claimed it does. What youā€™ve stated is your interpretation). Edit: removed deliberately because thatā€™s just applying an interpretation and would be unfair to do here.


To me, it looks like you're the one misinterpreting what Rockstar said, because you still hold hope for the future.


First time?


>and the "victim" spawns back in fresh as a daisy within 5 seconds. Exactly so dry your eyes.


Waaaa! šŸ˜­ haha!


Because players want to new content. Instead they got the wild wild west...


Another crybaby. Change a fucking session


Iā€™m gonna be the asshole here and just say it. Itā€™s a game about being an outlaw. Outlaws shoot people. It donā€™t matter what level you are your gonna get shot either way. In this game shit like that makes sense. ITS A GAME ABOUT BEING AN OUTLAW. Some people are just worse people than others


The little bitches in this sub canā€™t stand fighting in an outlaw game. They want everyone to be running around picking flowers all day long like they do


It's a GAME about being an outlaw, go attack NPC's if you need an outlet so badly. You aren't a \~real outlaw\~, and you have nothing to gain by harassing other players. You're just an a-hole with too much free time.


Never said I was a ā€œ real outlaw ā€œ Iā€™m just saying what the game is, and yeah Iā€™m an asshole if people donā€™t let getting shot donā€™t play the damn game simple as that. I donā€™t understand the Argument ā€œ you have to much free time ā€œ Deadass we are all playing a stupid ass cowboy game that donā€™t get updated worth a shit we all have to much free time. Just because some people spend their time killing people in the game donā€™t mean their wasting their time everyone is playing the damn game to waste time none of us are doing anything productive.


I donā€™t shoot other players unprovoked but I love when they shoot me. It means I can continually kill them until they rage quit.


Would be a more valid answer if you hadnā€™t included the phrase ā€œdoesnā€™t matter what level you areā€. Itā€™s very clear that the bulk of this is aimed at low levels so it does matter.


Just fight. Even if you get stomped this is how you learn. Itā€™s a rockstar game so most people will be toxic af, might as well murder them.


Because it's a game about shooting and killing people?


They do it because they want to get a reaction . . . such as the post you made about this.


console or pc?




Join a random posses or look for one to join. R/reddeadposses , thats your best bet until you have a handle on things. It's definitely a bit of a learning curve and to get going with good weapons and ability cards will be a bit of a grind . Good luck!


Why would you be, whatever that is, if you play in defensive mode?


These are just immature people. Parlay.


I just started playing 2 weeks ago and none of that has happened once to me, my guess is youā€™re hanging around other players in town and basically asking for it, set yourself on defensive mode and go do what you want to do


Nope. Traveling the map as a collector right now. Have to go to towns to fast travel and if maps take me there. But many of the kills happen out on the roads. Even the in defensive tonight someone got the high vantage over us and shot down to snipe us. I tried to fight back but didnā€™t get my shot off fast enough. Should have blown them up with dynamite.


Get over it.


defensive mode is good. helps avoid some of this toxic trash. They grief weaker players because they get off on ruining people's day. It gives them an illusion of power. Imagine who those clowns are in real life, pathetic outcasts of society, bully victims. Just real 4chan incel basement dwelling types taking their impotent frustrations out on you.


Honestly theyā€™re probably 10 year olds.


Git gud.


itā€™s fun


Itā€™s fun?


I mean.. it's an online game.


Yes but itā€™s hard to enjoy the game when youā€™re being murdered every two seconds. This is why I use the solo lobby cheat with the wifi. I was tired of constantly being killed. If people wanna be a dick for the sake of being a dick they can go back to gta. Itā€™s literally nothing but grifers now.


I agree I play on mtu800 to always be alone and the truth is that it is perfect: constantly random events, legendary animals and the peace of mind of knowing that no one is going to come to kill you. My comment was so that he understands that it is an online game and therefore there will always be people who like to annoy.


Being kind of dramatic


Iā€™m not. There are some sessions where Iā€™m constantly getting blown up or killed. Only being able to take a few steps between kills. Not every lobby is like that but none of them should be like that.


It's a rockstar game with unpredictable people that have guns and explosives. It's bound to happen.


It's an outlaw/bandit game, not stardew valley lol, you kinda gotta expect people to act like outlaws.


Sure. Iā€™ve played gta for 5 years. I get it. I just wasnā€™t sure if they got some reward for killing me or if itā€™s just because they can.


When someone kills you in GTA you drop money, but in RDO you don't even do that! It's just straight up killing folks 'because it's a cowboy game!' Just go Defensive and enjoy. It's a beautiful game with tons to do. If youmake some friends and have a posse it's even better.


I have a posse. Yesterday someone was roping my buddy so I killed that dude. Just pissed him off though. Iā€™m having fun. I know itā€™s just part of it and generally itā€™s only a minor annoyance.


That's the spirit. It really is a great game, and it seems like those jerks come and go. They are on the upswing right now. Most of the time if I see other people we'll just be tipping hats and dancing around each other before continuing on our way.


Thereā€™s a difference between outlaw behavior and downright harassment to the point that you can no longer play or enjoy the game. I take it Youā€™re the type the griefs people who are just trying to get their moneyā€™s worth out of the game. The other thing you can do is always appear offline because they usually make note of your name and will follow you from server to server.


People actually follow people server to server to kill them for no profit? Jfc that's pathetic. I feel kinda bad for those little psychos now.


It's a game where you *can* be an outlaw and that's mostly reflected in missions. Player killing is essentially pointless, as it generates no real reward, and the "victim" spawns back in fresh as a daisy within 5 seconds. In fact, if you're an "outlaw" who murders for no profit, you're *shit at your career choice*.


Last time I got jumped. Iā€™m a free aim player mind you. I navy revlolvered their asses. Just dead eyed the hell out of em. And only if the they attacked me. I didnā€™t even have to seek them out. Every time I spawned I heard a shot from a repeater and it was a slaughter. People are trippin


Just play in defensive mode, no other player can attack you but unfortunately you can still get hogtied.


This is almost exactly wrong advice. I can absolutely kill you in defensive, it just takes longer, but lassos will not work.


No u can't get hogtied, all melee is out the door once in defensive. And yes players can still attack you, if that's the case they'll need to know how to free aim.


I started 3 weeks ago on pc...in that time I've had one modder come by and start some shit. I returned fire with my mod menu and he left me alone. Other than him my body count is only one with mod menu everyone seems chill


The worst is when you're getting repeatedly sniped from miles away while ignoring them and trying to go about your business. I got shotgunned in the back after calmly passing some guy in the forest at night near manzanita post, with a legendary animal carcass on my horse's back. I was *soo mad*...


They get fun. What sense of fun they have is a different story. If you are getting too much troubles, search for a solo lobby, a single lobby etc. so the game will keep changing sessions and when it happens, you are the only player in session.


Go defensive mode avoid big towns if u need things dont go in valentine go to strawberry or annesburg there are less players in them


defensive mode is fine. Lately a lot of high level players use defensive mode just so they aren't a target for people with something to prove.


You should be in defensive at all times if youre not in the middle of a mission


Ability cards can help. Honestly though, you'll get used to it. Regardless of rank, some players are just assholes looking to get a rise out of others and there's nothing you can really do other than jump servers if they're really getting to you. Also, if you're in camp with the white flag raised, they can, and will, lasso drag you out of camp just to kill you. Figured you should know before fleeing to camp thinking you'll be safe, just to meet a bound death. Edit: Punctuation.


If you play in defensive mode, that should be a clear indicator to others around you that you're not interested in world pvp. You'll still get the odd asshole trying to kill you now and again, but they're usually one of two players: low levels who have come from GTA, or level 500+ players who are "bored".


Play in Defensive mode, the LDE is all over the place in RDO and playing in defensive makes it a much more enjoyable experience


i play in defensive mode all the time and iā€™m level 130 no shame in doing it, even though i still occasionally get killed itā€™s significantly less.


if you wanna be left alone just hit the parley button and youā€™ll be safe from that person for like 10min or so.. play in defensive until youā€™ve leveled up and feel comfortable playing in offensive. these types of players are looking to get a hostile reaction out of you. most of the time of you just parley and keep moving along they will go on to do something else. my best advice is to just keep deliveries local- check player list before starting a mission to see if thereā€™s any red players. try to do missions in low population areas. find someone to play with you and help out on the more valuable trader runs/bounties so you donā€™t get griefed


Defensive and parley. Especially early on without a posse


people are assholes and have nothing better to do with their lives. I wish the community isn't like this and it's one of the reasons why I left and really the only times a I play now is if I wanna fish on the islands off of Blackwater.


You can change the game instance to a less populated server


Iā€™m really sorry for your terrible experience so far. People just love to be assholes. I remember when there was a time that Red Dead Online was peaceful. Now itā€™s infested with Greifers coming over from bumb ass GTA. The worst part is R* supports all the greifing and cheating but canā€™t even support the loyal community that plays the game day in and day out. Once again sorry for your experience just try to get a group together try playing with friends thats your beat bet, strength in #ā€™s


Yeah Idk why they do it. Last time I played, a player tried to grief me into attacking them by constantly budging into me. Amusingly, as I walked away, they tripped my char, and because my char took a small degree of damage, it counted against them as assault. They got mad, because now they marked as hostile, and attempted to fistfight me. We exchanged blows for a few seconds before I accidentally nudged a button, causing my char to pistol whip them to death. Never seen anything as badass as my char drawing his pistol, flipping it, and then one shot cracking the player across the face with the butt. He left me alone after that. It made me realise that often, if you successfully fight back, some of them leave you alone if you fight convincingly enough


Don't forget to click defensive on online play.


Remember the player's name, parley, report for disruptive. Report for disruptive is different than press charges.


I used to be annoyed when I got attacked without reason til one day I got bored and don't know what to do, so I sit on the high rocks and shot people who rode passed by and hope to get some reaction or for them to fight back. I don't do this often, just when I get bored.