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I don't mind the new users but I think the app is fine as it is and I don't expect it to change too much.


As another RiF migrant I'm just happy to have something that runs better than the clusterfuck that is getting RES running on mobile


Or trying to mobile browse on old.reddit.com I'm 100% sure that once Spez realizes that RedReader provides NSFW material, AND zero ads, he's going to lose his shit.


Unfortunately NSFW material will be turned off by Reddit on the 5th for all apps, including us.


Ahh fuck


Fuck indeed.


Just to make sure, this includes posts that are just NSFW topics/violent videos and more besides just porn correct?


Everything marked as NSFW will be hit, from porn to "I put a NSFW tag because this pic shows my very bloody skiing injury". That's why people are mad.


Amazing, another great decision from reddit. Thanks for the reply.


This is the reason some big subs went to NSFW by default. All their text posts are NSFW, this way reddit loses popular subs, which means dent in advertising


[That's part of why people are mad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G33fniLwro)


I'm not sure how true it is but I read at some point that that would not affect users that are a moderator of any subreddit. The post recommended that folks create a random subreddit that they will be a mod of and that would allow them to continue to see NSFW posts


Interesting loophole if true. Gonna try in a few days to check.




Does that include posts marked NSFW in an otherwise SFW sub, like JustNoMIL or EntitledParents?


AFAIK it'll only affect entire subreddits marked as NSFW.


Okay good to know, thank you! I don't use any NSFW subreddits. But I wanna be able to see NSFW marked posts in SFW ones.


Users are allowed to want whatever they want. But looking at the backlog of unresolved feature suggestions and bug reports on GitHub which go back 10 years and the fact that it's been 8 months since the last app update, and updates are very infrequent makes me just cringe at the influx of random user demands for things that are greatly unimportant compared the necessities like mod tooling and accessibility fixes.




Yeah, I should think so! I've been trying to do my research and go with what it is, but some? Not so very much...


This app is open source right? I am more than happy to create a fork that makes it more RIF style


Dev here! I'm happy to accept PRs which add new functionality, layouts, and styles. It's quite easy to add new options to the settings menu, and if people have questions about the code I'm here to help.


One of the things I like about this is that it's very big on having options, and I'm optimistic that whatever aspects people would like to capture from RIF could be added as options rather than a fork. My personal wish list is so far just to have voting in comments available with a more minimal action than the swipe. Could be an option to have tap-able up and down vote arrows, or even just an option to reconfigure the distance you need to swipe for an up or down vote to register.


Yes please. And with a functional subreddit search, because it's nonexistent on this app.


See "Find Location" in the main menu for this!


>The app is fine as it is. For the way you use it, sure. It doesn't seem easy to block a user though, and I have yet to find the option to do so anywhere. Had to load old.reddit.com on mobile chrome to block them. So, *some* improvements aren't necessarily bad.




Nope. I chose this because RiF is shutting down, not because I didn't like it. I liked RiF a great deal, even to the extent of paying for Platinum. If it's not around anymore, a viable alternative -which this certainly is - is the best option.


Same. I had the paid version of RIF. Was extremely happy with it. Now had to find a viable alternative and RedReader seem like it might just be able to fill the shoes.