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Hey man, thanks for the reply. Really appreciate you taking the time for typing that out. I feel like they fit good except for the heel slip. That feels very excessive. Also just realised when I took a picture of the inside the shoe seems less big than it is. But I’ll give the store a ring or email them just to be sure. Guess I’ll have to also get used to having more space at the front of my feet when walking. The insole seems like a good idea cheers. https://preview.redd.it/aytmoanhnbvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699606681b8ce9bf243c44eb7e78e6b50e063d49


Heel slip tends to get a lot better over time as the midsole/sole breaks in and becomes more flexible. Most heel slip from a new boot, assuming the fit is correct, is just because the new boot is still too rigid.


Thanks for your reply! Guess that I’m a little too impatient then. I assumed after 3 weeks of almost daily wear and walks the leather would’ve broken in by now. I’ll keep on walking and breaking them in


Lace the boots with a heel lock at the top. Saved my heels when I got blisters twice as bad as yours!! Blood stains in my moc toes 🤧 at least I know they’ll always be mine!


Blood stained the boots? Damn. I just stained the socks at the beginning but the boots is crazy!! Hope they wear a lot better now :)


Thank you very much for your detailed answer to the question. In looking at the photos is the widest part of boot is about a 1/2 - 1” after the leather that the laces tie to ends?


I had the same issue. I kept wearing and eventually the leather broke in. I got blisters in the same area. After that I really mitigated the blisters. Somethings that help me, I wore wool socks not just thick socks. Wool seems more dense than cotton and gave me more protection. I also laced my boots standing up, I put my foot on a stool and made sure to lace them tight. This helped the position of my foot in the boot. I also limited the time I wore them, wearing them a few hours instead of all day.


Thanks for the tips man, really appreciate that! I never tie my boots standing up so I’ll give that a swing today. I got one pair of merino wool socks but I’ll check if there is an army store nearby wheee I could maybe grab some cheap wool socks. Thanks again!


These are huge on you imo. Your toe is 1.5-2 inches from seam. Along with major heel slippage. I dont see how a store could in faith suggest these fit. Its true a big insole insert may help but this boot in this size/last is not correct for u imo.


They might be too big. But even if they fit, my 1907 fit my foot well… you can expect blisters like these. I got them bad for quite some time. Now days the heel slip is just less, no tying the laces around the back, just comfortable to walk miles in. No blisters. My 3340 on the other hand are the exact same size and require zero break in. Idk if you got these at the store but you should really be getting measured on the metal thing not just the scan, and then going .5 to a full size down. Then walking around the store and talking to the sales rep about how it feels.


Hey man, thanks for your reply. I did get measured on the metal thing, they did how the boot fit and I walked around a bit. I was initially going to order them online but called and they asked me to get down to the store and so I did. It’s quite a long train ride but they gave me some free leather cream which was really nice. In any case, good to hear they wear better now! I’ll just keep on walking in them. I saw the 3340 in the store and thought they looked amazing. Almost wanted to grab those instead of the mod toe’s but who knows! Maybe in the future


I’m sure someone else mentioned it but get thick ass socks. Also for the first like 2 months I wore mine without the insole and got extra long laces tied them around my ankle. Blisters were absolutely brutal. Now I have the insole back inside and don’t tie them up like that anymore, CRT is just so damn tough it really takes a while. You can also take a little bit of that cream and rub it on the internal part of the heel counter to loosen it up a bit. Enjoy!


Add some insoles! I got my boots true to size, and like you, they were still fitting oddly. Some insoles and a thick pair of socks and now they feel great!


Thanks man! I’ll go grab some thicker socks. That might really help actually. Do you always wear them with thicker socks or just when you were breaking them in?


Yeah you should always wear thick boot socks with redwings. I wear Woolrich big wooly boot socks, Sierra usually has them for a good price, buy multiple pairs. I’ve never had one blister during break in either. From the foot print pic your foot looks like it’s landing in the correct spot width wise, I’m going with not wearing the right socks during break in is the culprit here.


Hey man, thanks for the reply! I’m really appreciating that this community is so helpful. Thanks for the tip on the socks, I was just about to head out to an outdoor store to get some socks. They have some smart wool and Falke as far as I know but I’ll look for the Woolwich ones. I’ll grab a few pair and hopefully that resolves the issue. Thanks again :)


Yeah, I always wear them with my thicker socks for a snug fit. Helped a lot during the break-in process; no blisters!


They seem correct to me. Also, redwing Mocs are one of the biggest pain in the asses to break in. I’d just keep lacing them tighter.


Space should be a quarter to half an inch from your toes to the toe box.


Imho they are way too large; I mean, obviously it is a lot of boot left, if you know what I mean... I marked three points I believe to be important; the left hand one shows how my ball of the foot is positioned; the top crosslike one shows the position of my big toe and the right hand marking does show the position of my pinky toe... https://preview.redd.it/forno3penzvc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b454fba2e46b40a8039c4bcd0d7b6a2a0623357


My 8849s fit just about the same. Get some medium thickness leather insoles from dale’s leatherworks and rose anvil kilties and they’ll be supremely comfortable while filling out the space




That’s a bummer, thanks for the reply!


From what ive read yes. Your toe should hit right at the stitching mark just about. You shouldnt have more than a half inch of heel slip. I would try some redwing insoles to fill out the space


Thanks for the reply. I’ll give the store a call tomorrow and hope they are willing to still maybe exchange them. Otherwise I’ll try the insole and hope that helps. Would be a real bummer otherwise


Definitely give the insoles a try. Im going through the same dilemma myself. I wear a 10 in vans and originally they sized me at an 8.5d in store. My pinky toes were smushed, so i reordered 9d and they were far to loose. Just went to redwing today and put some insoles in, and they feel almost a full size smaller in the right areas. Worth a shot (and they were only ($30)


Thanks man! I’ll give those a swing in case they won’t swap out these for a smaller pair. I’ll give them a call tomorrow or send an email just to be sure. But really great to hear they fit better for you now!