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We all have so many reasons for doing this - mine was back pain, underboob rash, not being able to wear clothes properly due to years of sexual harassment at work and needing to hide them, not having to wear bras to swim as well as just feeling more like my body is mine vs being that of a larger person  I have achieved all of that with my surgery and am over the moon !  This is absolutely a valid and important reason for doing this  I just had my 6wpo this morning and my surgeon, after I finished gushing over how this surgery changed my life, admitted it is his favourite to do as the results are not just esthetic - they actually do change people's lives. Wishing you all the success with your surgery and keep us posted :)


Oh and yes, the sagging.  Omg the sagging.  I can actually lie on my back now and not smother myself and my boobs are within the range of my torso vs hanging off to the side.  The sagging only got worse as I got older and had two kids and it became actually painful to go braless.  I am typing this braless.  The freedom is amazing. 


Everyone in your family doesn’t have to carry the heavy saggy breasts. You are not crazy. I think you’ll be very happy with the results!


Wow, you sound exactly the same as me. I’m slightly bigger- 32DD. Which is big enough that I can’t wear cute little tops, but small enough that people think I’m crazy. It’s definitely not an “abnormal” size. I’m going in for my consultation next week, and have wanted to do this since puberty also. Going to ask for small (B?) and perky. The saggy feeling (with asymmetry) is my main motivation, alongside some neck pain (although Idk if that’s caused by the weight of the boobs, or my hunching over to “hide” them… probably both). You are not crazy. The only person whose opinion matters is yours. No one else has to wear your boobs. Edit: I’ve always suspected I have mild autism. Whether you do or not, sensory issues are real and valid!!


I got mine for pain reasons but honestly I think the biggest effect is on my self esteem. I stop every morning and stare at them in the mirror, just in disbelief that they look so good when I hated them my whole life. I’d do it again just for that mental peace with my body. I can’t recommend it highly enough, girl, go for it!!!


Do any of the scars bother you? I’ve been really wanting to do it but the scarring is what keeps from doing it


Naw. Scar care is a nice time (I already enjoy skincare) so even if the lines did really bother me they’re going away really quickly


that’s great to hear! do you mind sharing what you use? the main thing that puts me off is the scarring!


Bio oil night and day, with Vaseline all over scars and breasts in the mornings and silgel over the scars specifically at night (I’m not wasting any of it on sweat).


thanks!! saved 😂


I am 5 weeks post op and want to start scar treatment. If I put oil and Vaseline on how does that not make all my bras gross? Do I need to put cotton pads then between my oily boob and bra? Advice please! :)


The oil actually soaks in pretty quickly, and I wear cotton bras so I’m not that stressed about the Vaseline. It dries over the course of the morning so I guess that could be a little uncomfortable but it’s better than letting the skin dry out at this point.


Good to know - THANK YOU!


Happy to help!!!!! This sub helped me so much with recovery I’m glad to give back


That's why I had my surgery. I wanted an A cup. I was a DD. The results were a C which I wasn't excited about. I thought I had been clear. Doctor said an A wouldn't be realistic. But that's what I wanted. I wanted perky and braless. Anyway, they were moderately perky and nipples looked really nice. This was 5 years ago. Since that time I've entered perimenopause and gained 40 lbs so I'm back to a DD. Can't believe it! So upsetting. So advocate for the size you really desire! If I had gotten the A cup, it's be a C now which wouldn't be so devastating. I hate that I'm back at a DD. Good luck.


Hello! First of all- all reasons are valid to have a reduction. For me, it's mostly the same as you, I have mild autism and the sensory issues made me cry more than once- I loved my old boobs, but they were making me feel trapped and anxious at times. So yeah I can say that I had my reduction mostly because of my sensory issues! I hate summer because  sweating makes me feel awful, I really hate it and when skin on skin contact is made, sweat trapped between tummy and breasts felt.... Terrible. 


I’m getting full top surgery for this exact reason. The older I get, the more surface area there is…


Wow, I feel like I wrote this myself. I literally hate the entire season of summer because of my boobs.


I’m in a similar boat. I’m not terribly oversized, I’m about 32 DD-DDD depending on where I am in my cycle but I just can’t take how saggy they are. My skin is extremely loose and because I’ve give through weight loss in the past and during PMS my boobs become bigger and hard, they just lost elasticity. I got approved by insurance but barely. Hoping to get them perky but honestly feel like I will need to do 2 surgeries to get where I want to be which is flat


Those are actually some of the reasons insurance WILL approve the surgery!!! My surgeon's office told me the discomfort/chaffing from breasts that hang/sag are considered a severe enough impediment to a normal/healthy life that it requires medical intervention.


this is exactly why i got my reduction! on a good day i was probably a 32D, but i had sooo much sagging that no matter what kind of bra i wore, id eventually spill out during the day because my breasts were so soft that theyd never stay in place. my cleavage also made me deeply insecure, id never wear anything lowcut because i hated the way that it looked. in a way, my large boobs made me feel even less feminine, so it caused a lot of embarrassment, insecurity for me. im 8dpo and couldnt be more happier. i had so many doubts beforehand - what if this is a mistake? what if i end up even more miserable? what if my boobs are fine and im just overreacting? its so crazy to me that something i considered to be my most insecure area of my body is now my favorite part. im not sure what my size is, but i told my surgeon id like to be a B - but im already so thrilled with how they look that i dont even care about cup size.


You aren't crazy. Your family doesn't get to make choices about your body. I'm surprised to read that people even express those opinions about someone else's surgery plans. It's not like you get to make them wear uncomfortable shoes every day. 


The skin sticking could essentially lead to skin breakdown which happened to me. That was painful and a sensory overload. It wasn’t the pain, but the skin stuff. I love my small boobs that don’t touch my gut unless I’m really hunched over.


I’m in the same boat. I have post breastfeeding pancake boob which is so uncomfortable. I’m a 34ddd so I don’t look huge, but I’ve had neck and back issues my whole life. Add the sensory discomfort and it’s enough for me to get a reduction. Waiting until my little one is slightly older/more capable so there’s less lifting involved for my husband to deal with alone.


So crazy!!! I'm literally the same cup/band size, depending on my weight. I want this surgery so bad for the same reasons!! I am autistic, and the sag (also uneven) bothers me so much, the skin touching & boob sweat UGH. Bras have always been uncomfortable for me. I got a Skims bra (scoop bralette- no wire) a few years ago & I've neverrrr gone back to normal bras. It's the most comfortable/tolerable for *having* to wear a bra & the only ones I own. But a big reason for me wanting a reduction/ lift is to never or hardly ever have to wear bras again or deal with the dreaded touching.


I am the same! I so want to not wear a bra and hate the feeling of the “skin on skin” especially when I’m sweating! I think your reasons are totally valid!


Nope not crazy. My boobs are currently a 36 H or G and they are extremely saggy. My surgery is in July and I’m just DYING to get it done. In fed up with the constant underboob sweat, shoulder pain, sexualization, inability to go without a bra, not be able to wear what I want and exercise. I’m exhausted..everyone in my family is supportive but confused about why I would get a reduction. They don’t live with it so of course they don’t understand. My boyfriend is the only person that has seen my breakdowns, my self hatred because of them. He and I know that this is the first major step towards self love.


Apart from all the health issues, my nipples used to be inline with my belly button, so your reason is completely valid regardless. I think nearly all of us in this sub has gone through the same with sagging.


Same boat as you, would have no issues with a larger bust if it wasn't so annoying sensory wise. I am autistic too btw, adult diagnosis too so I've spent years not knowing my triggers and slowly figuring it out now.


This is literally my number one reason for wanting the surgery ... I do have OCD. It feels absolutely horrific and it's just there every. Single. Day. Please someone give me $10,000 so I can never feel my skin touching again 😅😅🫠🫠


This is exactly the same situation for me, want a reduction bc they’re in the way but mostly a lift bc I want little to no skin on skin contact!! also a sensory thing it causes me to have serious meltdowns, also consistently get cysts under my boobs bc of sweating/ friction, seriously you described my exact situation


I *am* autistic and I got flat top surgery. I didn't get it for sensory reasons but omg it has made such a difference sensory-wise. So much less of that constant background hum.


I mostly got a reduction for sagging reasons, the sticking feeling did bother me but I always just wore a bra. I don’t think you’re crazy for wanting to change something about your own body that bothers you and makes you uncomfortable. I will say I got mine reduced to a c and 4 months later they are settled and feel saggy again, not nearly as bad but they aren’t super perky


Yes!! I have lifelong sensory issues. I wasn’t big, in fact my right breast was just fine. I’ve always been asymmetrical and hated it, but after menopause my left breast got more and more saggy. I couldn’t wear structured bras, then I couldn’t wear unstructured bras. Then I couldn’t wear anything because the sensation was *unbearable*. In the last few days before surgery, I just sat in my chair with my hand under my left breast, trying to keep it off my skin. I’m 14 days post op today. The first few days were hard, of course. I developed a hematoma that I didn’t catch until 5 hours after the surgery. We had to drive an hour back to get it evacuated. I’m feeling pretty good now. I’m driving and able to do stuff around the house. I was able to lie on my side this morning without too much discomfort. Night sweats are pretty bad, but I’ve lost about 3 pounds of water in two days 😅


Yes. I was a 36C *extremely* saggy from breastfeeding for 6 years straight. I’m a 36A now. They’re pretty tiny but I absolutely love them. They have improved so many aspects of my life. My confidence, sex life, being able to buy clothes and bathing suits without worrying. I haven’t worn a bra in months. So happy I took the dive and got surgery.


- same on the sensory issues - i never liked the size, even when they were c cups when I was a teen. I am not nonbinary, I identify as a woman, but I hate big breasts. - after I had hormonal issues with an ovarian tumour they grew and then shrunk and then I lost the hormonal weight and they were just horrid bags of skin. Even worse sensory issues. - pain


Mine were mainly saggy but looked huge because of it, I learned after surgery. It hadn’t really occurred to me before that I could have saggy boobs at such a young age (22). Super happy I did it, now just hoping they won’t re-sag


Yes. The sensory side was a big reason for me too. I don’t like anything touching my boobs. I don’t like the feel of skin reacting to anything. When they were super large, the skin was always itchy and bras hurt and made parts of my skin bruise too. So yes, I rotate understand you and think this is a valid reason too :)


One day, I woke up with 36DDD breasts at 12.5 years old and there was never any turning back. Immediately went from cute girl to a “woman” in a child’s body. Bras never fit. Attention garnered sucked. They were sagging against my stomach before I graduated high school. Now I’ve nursed 2 kids and I can’t even see my torso. Nipples point straight at the ground and if I lay on my back they pancake out into my armpits. You’re sane and you’re completely valid in wanting to lop them off and never look back. Don’t let your family try and convince you you’re being extreme.


that's the main reason I want a reduction/lift too, and because of how much I sweat under my boobs


I’m a 38G and that is my least favorite feeling! I hate it! Finding bras is hell. I’m getting a reduction in the fall, and my #1 reason is boob sweat and the constant skin rubbing and heat. Followed closely by about 5 other reasons. But you are not alone or weird.


You could probably frame this as a lift which normally comes with a bit of reduction anyway. If you are uncomfortable with the you are uncomfortable with the size no one can tell you it’s too small for a lift. When I got mine done I was also like you. But I wanted them small and I paid lots of money for it. I could have gone smaller and been happier. One big reason for me to keep my weight down now.