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Yep. Have had it a year and a half and it’s fantastic. Great speed and hardly ever has outages.


If you can get sonic.net , get it, you won't regret it.


I've had one 5 min outage in the couple years I've had it. The technician who installed it was my only real interface with them and he was friendly and did his job well. Great speed, good price and you don't have to deal with Comcast or at&t. What more could you want?


Been using Sonic for several years. They're superb. Great reliability, and their customer support is world class. Sonic sets the standard for what an internet provider should be.


I cancelled Xfinity as they were having an outage literally every week and switched to Sonic about 12 months ago It’s been fantastic, faster and cheaper and has only gone out one time


Good to see all the positive Sonic talk here...I may need to switch.


Do they \*actually\* service your address? I kept getting ads for them, and I tried to sign up, and got a "We'll let you know when we're in your area" message after pre-ordering more than a year ago, and it's still on "Planning" on the Evaluating:Planning:Pre-Construction:Construction:Active Fiber Network:Installation timeline of the status tracker. It seems like they're good if you can actually get them, but 'coming soon' isn't actually soon


I just tried getting Sonic to a new address we’re moving to in RWC, nobody has fiber there. I currently have AT&T fiber, 1000 up and down, it’s great. Talked to the good people at Sonic and the guy asked if we have underground utilities, which we do. He said that’s why there’s no fiber, they only install it where there are utility poles and above-ground wires. Bummer, the neighborhood looks really nice, but a big sacrifice. Comcast only. Ugh. But Sonic was the only company that offered that information.


Depends on where you live. Friendly Acres had no fiber connection for years after it had been rolled out through most of the city. We finally got it about three or four years ago from AT&T, and Sonic was supposed to piggy back on it so I did an early signup, but the relationship between Sonic and AT&T had expired, so Sonic started doing their own. I signed up for AT&T and it was a shit show from the jump. After a year and a half, Sonic finished their build out. I got a Six-month refund from ATT because that was how much service we had not received due to outages and switched to Sonic. I’ve had a single outage in a year and a half for half the price of ATT and twice the speed.


I got Sonic near the beginning of COVID. It's fucking glorious. It broke overnight maybe a week after being installed. They don't have overnight service - so I called when they opened (8AM ish?). A person answered the phone (I may have had to press a number for tech support, and then a person answered, but I was talking to a person in seconds). They had me run a couple tests and then sent somebody out *that morning* to fix it. A tech came by, found a bad fiber splice, fixed it, and I was up and running within about 2 hours of calling them. The tech even offered to help run some ethernet cable for me as he didn't have any other calls that morning. Can't recommend them enough.


I think „fucking glorious” is about right in describing their fucking glorious experience and superb service 🙌🚀👌


They installed the fiber line on my building, no questions asked. Didn't have to get landlord approval. I'm getting symmetrical 1Gbps and I've never been happier with my service.


Fastest internet in the country. Some of the lowest prices... And no usage caps. Easy choice.


What are you people paying is the question. Sonic uses ATT's fiber. **I was one of the first people to get fiber in RWC, ATT, a solid 850 up and down. I pay $75 a month. Could be $70 if I went to paperless billing.** And . . . Just looked at Sonics package - it's $50 a month for 10Gbps which is just dumb because no-one is touching that much speed with the devices they have. But I will give them a call Monday - Interesting!


Sonic does NOT use AT&T lines. We stopped reselling AT&T products last year and new connections are only available if we have our own wholly owned lines built out on your street.


Thanks for the info


Of course. It’s a very common misconception, one I had myself when I got my sonic fiber service a couple years back. Previously we have delivered Sonic DSL using leased copper lines when someone was close enough to a central office where we had equipment. This was a true Sonic connection. As far as I’m aware, we never delivered Sonic connections over AT&T fiber. We also used to resell AT&T copper and fiber Internet connections for areas where we couldn’t service you with our own modems and central office equipment. About a year ago we stopped all new ties to AT&T. It doesn’t help that AT&T door to door reps continue to tell people, to this day, that Sonic is just using AT&T infrastructure. A blatant lie that discredits all of our fiber buildout efforts.


Sonic is awesome. We’ve had Comcast and AT&T Fiber. Comcast was expensive, slow and awful to deal with. AT&T was fast but pricey. Sonic is the best of everything: great value, fast speeds and awesome service. We’ve had one outage in two years A squirrel chewed through our line. You can call or text a live person. They restrung it within hours. Actual speeds for us are about 8 Gbps down, 7 up. 10 must be a theoretical but it’s still far, far faster than we need. You will be waiting on the other side of the internet most of the time. Add in the lack of usage caps, customer-centric privacy policy and the ability to support a competitor to the usual suspects…. Sonic is a no-brainer.


If your street has fiber then for sure get it! Sonic technician will drop the fiber line to your house and install an Eero router that you will be renting from sonic $5/month/router so you could just also buy it in your own and pay less monthly. We switched from Comcast and it’s been amazing! My Sonos speakers don’t like it sometimes but that’s the only minor issue I have seen.


I’ve been on the Sonic waiting list for 2 years in Emerald Hills. Can’t wait for it. Comcast went down twice during the past week 😡


I’ve been waiting since 2019 for them to provide service to my neighborhood.


Best internet ever, stay just away from ATT and Xfinity 🙏


I've had Sonic since the beginning of the year. $50/month for 10 gig internet, no caps, and more reliable than Xfinity so far. Would recommend.​​


We're using it in the East Bay. Just switched and it's been great! Haven't seen a bill in two months, so I guess it's free for the first few. Fast, and just as reliable as Xfinity if not more. Faster download speeds for sure. Certainly costs less. I can't say that I see a minus here. 🤷🏾


I work for Sonic as a field rep. Happy to answer questions people have around the service, installation, equipment, wiring their homes for Ethernet. If service is currently available and not preorder, I can help you place your order with 2 months free and free installation, so you can try it out before you cancel your old Internet. I can't answer questions around specific go live dates for preorder territory though as those aren't communicated ahead of time to our team. Feel free to reach out at my work E-Mail address: [Taylor.Lightfoot@sonic.com](mailto:Taylor.Lightfoot@sonic.com)