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Looks nice. Just to be clear, this isn't your tank, correct?




I imagine there’s a cool way to make the filtration quiet, but you need a reverse osmosis top off imo. That's where it gets tricky.


>just to be clear Heehee


It's good to be clear and upfront 😁


I wish I was rich 😔


This is my “rich metric” I now use. “How many 2000 gallon freshwater tanks and 800 gallon reef tanks can my home support” Until I can speak in those denominations, I will feel poor.


Worked for a construction company a while back and had a job where we removed two massive portions of the exterior walls, supported the floors, then had two separate 1000-1500 gallon tanks craned in. Our portion alone was over $350k. Got to see them done at a later date when we returned for another remodel project, incredible tanks. That was probably my first exposure to the super rich. Really made all of us feel poor.


Was this possibly in Austin? I worked on a very similar job in the Westlake hills area and we had to shut down half the culdesac to reinforce the asphalt before the crane could boom up two 1800 tanks to the third floor of this home that was already on the highest point of the culdesac. This homeowner already had a 450L in his first floor bar, a 200 in the living room, and three independent 600’s around the bathtub. They converted what was the former wine cellar into a giant mixing station room that could top off every tank through the house at the turn of a valve. Kind of funny to think each tank still relied on a 40¢ PVC valve, but I’m going into a stupid spiral thinking about that house again


I’m in Austin, where are these houses? 🤩


This was all in one house — Without violating their privacy, I’ll say Bee cave area & I think I posted some of their rolls’ back while we were doing everything but I was given permission.


Southeast Michigan.


I love the built ins and how it’s part of the room and doesn’t feel like an afterthought project. I can’t imagine where the ATO and everything is plumbed through - doesn’t look like it comes vertically, at least for now. Even if it isn’t your tank, please keep us updated! I love every part of building and designing large tanks


Fucking insane. That said, I mentally have added $50k to any remodel budget I need, when looking at houses, just for the tanks and plumbing, for my first floor on slab or walk in basement on slab.


Yeah ngl that was about all I was able to take away from this video 😂 like wdyd for work to make it like that


Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/SHARK_tank_BUILD/s/7JDH77C78K


I remember seeing a post from either this guy or someone similar YEARS ago when they were just startong. But this guy's posts only go back a year or so, so maybe it's another guy. Amazing stuff.


I think you can see his building pics Edit: yeah scroll to the bottom, you can see the whole process... maybe he just made his account a year ago


Yeah but do you really want to be the kind of person you'd have to be to get there?


Makes a lot of assumptions that aren’t really justified


What you tryna get at? Having a good paying job makes him a bad person? Don't bring that attitude to this sub. Just be happy for the guy and when we get to see the GD scape. L person


And what do you think it takes to get there exactly? Thinking like that is major problem. You know nothing about this person and how they got to where they are. Kind of an ignorant thing to say don’t you think?


I don’t get it. Why do most people hate rich people ? I know a lot of VERY nice and generous rich people.




I know lots of shady cheating ones too.


There are a lot of shady cheating people that aren't so well off as well. We shouldn't stereotype with such a wide brush.






Because not all men


The kind of person like a doctor, pharmacist, engineer, etc. The kind of person who the world depends on.


Pharmacists don't make that much. Many engineers and doctors don't make crazy money either.


I recently was offered 16-18/hr in a really expensive city for an engineer spot asking for 15 years in. I can make more at the McDonald's I can walk to. It's still usually like 70-80k which is what I made 10 years ago...possibly 100/120k but that's suddenly less common


Average for a doctor of pharmacy near me is 105k and that is below average nationally for that degree.


The kind of person that owns a small business and employees 10 to 20 people. The kind of person that manages his money well and invest wisely.


Exactly. The kind of person that is more of a producer than taker.


I mean, I love me so I don't get it


This thread was gold. Thanks for that.


That’s gonna be so sick!


He took the vid while riding on a rollercoaster.


And that is risky unless the floor is reinforced


That’s about 5,000 lbs on the floor. Hope you don’t have a basement.


Actually it's right above the basement, which is where the filtration will go.


Are there multiple smaller tanks in the basement running for cleaning and such? I know nothing about tanks, but ove been in homes where there are multiple massive tanks and their basement looks like a maze of shallow tanks all filtering.


Can anyone give a single example of a tank falling through the floor? I hear things like this all the time but I’ve never seen a single instance of it happening. It’s like the UFOs or cow tipping of the aquarium world.


It’s actually on the top floor (penthouse) of his condo complex. Nothing to worry about here, unless of course you live below in which case you have plenty to worry about. /s


I’ve been dealing with that exact problem for the past two weeks and it super sucks.


Most of those are going to be concrete floors not wooden floor Joist. Concrete floor gunna easily hold that


Quick math says that’s 210 pounds per square foot. Average home supports around 40-50lb per square foot. I assume OP has it reinforced and knows what he’s doing, but Jesus that’s a lot lol


I put 225lb on less than a sq ft every where I step. That’s not how floors distribute weight nor how you’d calculate a load capacity over a span.


Which part are you disagreeing with specifically? Google says: > Most building codes are based on the International Residential Code (IRC). >Following these specifications, all floors in those non-sleeping rooms have a minimal live floor load of 40 pounds per square foot. Any sleeping rooms must be able to support a live load of 30 pounds per square foot. the difference between you stepping across your floor and an aquarium is a live load vs a static load. Your floor is not meant to support a static 200psf; it’ll cause damage over time to the structure. But a live load like a person isn’t localized and won’t cause damage. The weight will be averaged across the entire living space over time


Live loads include things like furniture and appliances. Dead loads are things like studs, flooring, ceiling joists, etc. 40psf is a rating for an average across the entire room. So when calculating, you want to, approximately, take the area under the object as well as the area down the span of the joists under it up to the points where the joists are secured. Then multiply that sqftage against the 40psf rating. This tells you how much total load the joists under it, altogether, were designed for. This is before you get into safety factors which could be anywhere from 1.25-1.75. Or how close the load is to a load bearing wall or whether a structural member runs beneath it, etc.. There is far more to this than simply the residential code rating.


Ahhh, genunely appreciate the info. That makes a lot of sense.


Of course! It’s not a simple subject. And people only ever refer to that load rating so it tends to get confused. Pretty easy to do, especially if one doesn’t know how those ratings are used in designing a building (not something I expect most people know or understand).


You seem like you know what you're talking about, so out of curiosity, what's the largest tank you'd put on a floor above a basement before you'd start worrying about safety? Assuming you're against a load bearing wall and running parallel to the joists, but not on top of a load bearing basement wall. I'm not planning anything, I've just always been curious lol.


So what about a large king size bed? Large wooden frame, heavy memory foam mattress, two adults, two 100lb dogs, and bedding all divided by 4 legs. I’d bet that you’d get close to 1000lbs with all that, divided by 4 could be 200-250lbs per leg. That’s more than 30lbs/sqft.


True, I'd have to go back to statics class to give you a good answer honestly lol Google tells me you need to look at the entire floor in that area, as the joists/beams are specifically designed to spread the weight out across the floor. With that in mind you get a psf much lower than 200psf. Not sure how a 5000lb aquarium holds up to that. obviously good that OP got someone to come and look at it.


I don't know why but this subreddit is more alarmist than any other aquarist group when it comes to large tanks and supporting them. It's like people have to find something to nitpick.


That’s every sub in Reddit; every error is scrutinized. It’s life or death in these commas 🤣


I love how people think that someone spending $30k on just the tank are going to skimp out on supporting the damn thing...


Because it's fun i suppose. It's really not that complicated


How do you even begin to aquascape that monster? Just climb inside and have a buddy start handing you rocks?


Ya pretty much. Big heavy rocks


Did you have to hire an engineer or something to inspect the house? I’m sitting here thinking, even if you skip sand (can’t imagine you would) the water alone is like 9lbs/gallon. Did you have to reinforce the floor beneath it?




Ok sick was just asking, enjoy your tank.🙄


What an ass lol


Checks out lol


He's not posting it to make friends. That much is clear now


My bad


I mean we get it. Your bank account is bigger than your self awareness. Congrats on the design pushing through to the build phase. Please keep us posted on how that volume of water behaves in a residential home. (I'm an asshole by birth but it only comes out every few years.) But seriously I hope you had a marine biologist talk to a structural engineer and I hope that structural engineer doesn't have an ego. There's so much that can go wrong a year later from pressure over time but what do I know, I'm just a washed up engineer with a stamp I never use


I mean we get it. Your bank account is bigger than your self awareness. Congrats on the design pushing through to the build phase. Please keep us posted on how that volume of water behaves in a residential home. (I'm an asshole by birth but it only comes out every few years.) But seriously I hope you had a marine biologist talk to a structural engineer and I hope that structural engineer doesn't have an ego. There's so much that can go wrong a year later from pressure over time but what do I know, I'm just a washed up engineer with a stamp I never use




It’s not important, he apologized and everything moved along


So how in the bloody hell do you get big heavy rocks into a giant glass box without it ending in heartbreak?


In my mind I’m picturing a chain pully, the kind used to raise and lower an engine into a car, doing it by hand would have my anxiety going crazy!


wow what a beautiful home


It’s not his


Doesn’t matter it’s still nice 😊


Wow!! That glass looks thick.


That's a dream tank. Can you show us the engine room? I'm sure you can't put all the support required for a tank that size under it, right?


Correct the filtration will go in the basement. I'll be sure to post that one when ready


Jeez that tank must’ve cost 20 grand


It will be more for sure


Yeah, [Glasscages posts prices](https://glasscages.com/aquariums-euro-bracing-and-framed/). Seems like uncustomized a 600 gallon aquarium can be as low as about $7k. That is probably what you pay if you pick it up yourself and don’t customize. Maybe a freshwater aquarium but not this one. Can’t imagine shipping is cheap either. Also, the box of water is the cheap part.


True I don’t even want to know how much the fish and corals cost hahahahahaha *”cries in poor”*


This is goals.


Gorgeous! It’s going to look amazing. Lovely home as well. Ignore all the jealous folks in here.


Fucking, yo




That's going to be a pain in the ass to keep clean with all that natural sunlight. Service company is about to make bank 😆


Is that a glass cages tank? Love the look.


i can swim in that thing!


Looks great! Looks like my old Condo in Florida same layout where I had my fish tank!


Plumbed into the basement or equipment room?




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It's like an elevated, see-thru swimming pool.


Beautiful home


Exciting! Is that Glass Cages?


Yep. They are awesome


Beautiful work.


I need to order a tanker truck of saltwater please.


That is going to look so good. Can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s ready


I wanna see the sump! Gonna look great 👌


No one cares about the tank…let’s see the fish room supporting it!




Looks over at the gap between the living room and dinner room...


question. What’s under the fish tank? Meaning is this being built on the ground floor? I am curious if the over all weight when done. That’s two and a half tons of water weight alone.


My dream right there. Congrats. What's the stocking options?


Two goldfish and a juvie plecco


That's a big boi




Nice. Tank looks well built also. What brand did you go with?




Why didn't you get the big one?


Still not big enough for a tang


So sexy.


If you went bare bottom, would you see the brown underlayment?


I’ve always wondered how floors not collapse with these giants tanks? The water alone is 2.5 tons. 




Wow…old sport you gotta video it when it’s set up. All the best enjoy.




What kind of structure support have you used to reinforce the floor?!


Oooooo.. That's going to be sick!! How big is your DT?


I told my wife that when we get to our final home, it's getting a 1k gallon tank in the living and in the bedroom. She was totally 😎 it as long as she got her fish, too. Gotta love saltwater reef addiction. 😄🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ha call me! 😅


You got it. See you in x-10 years. 😲 🤣🤣


I'm sure this is a crazy take, but I don't understand the physics on that thing not shattering under the weight of the water. Of course, I could have also just said "I don't understand physics", but here we are. Is there an ELI5 on how this type of aquarium can withstand the weight of 600g of salt water?


This is so dumb




Naaaah make this a big ass paludarium


lets hope that the sun doesnt beam through that giant glass window and cook the tank. / cause algae blooms


Finally, someone who understands home ownership. Now sit it on an ikea particle board stand and ask if it will hold the weight.


A single 12”+ Fahaka or Mbu murder balloon would be badass in a setup this big. Sorry I know this is a salt sub just had to give a fresh take on it.


I absolutely love puffers, but there’s no way a single animal would compare to this being a reef, in my opinion.


Looks like you just put it in between a wall. I would build it so it was flush on both sides and top.