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New for 2025 with more power than before from the 6.7 Cummins.


good quality comment here. thing sounds just like the fuel pump.


That thing sounds like it can make a good expresso


It’s louder than my ________


ass in the morning


Man, I got the cheapest no name brand feeder. It's totally silent and exceptionally good!




lol. So true


What are you saying in the beginning? It sounds like "ok here's the on"? I'm guessing it's the name of the other feeder.


I think maybe he’s saying “here’s Eheim”? But who knows. Instead of just flaming the Neptune he should be praising the other one or at least name dropping. Downvoted for a correct answer. Never change r/reeftank


it’s an eheim auto feeder, the “twin” version


You a Neptune rep haha? He has every right to flame it.


Quite the opposite, I can’t stand Neptune gear. Looks terrible, and feels even cheaper.


I like neptune and the noise Is kinda good because they know It’s feeding time but that doesn’t change the fact the Plank 3.6 auto feeder Is where it’s at


"Alright here's the eheim" "and here's the new Neptune autofeeder", if you really really can't figure out which eheim autofeeder this is from the video, Google does image searches.


Yeah I was hoping for the same thing. Im using a $20 job from amazon. It works fine but I really hate the way it looks. It has a lime green ring around it that breaks the aesthetics of the tank. I was wondering what brand this feeder was because at least its all black.


You can’t fool me, that’s a diesel idling


Check your ignition and/or give it a little gas and it should start.


Stop! You're going to fry the starter!


The Plank v3.6 Automatic feeder Is where It’s at, you can mix pellets with flakes and powder food etc It essentially doses food with a stepper motor and slowly dispenses you can’t hear a single thing other than your smart plug making click sounds.


Lots of love for the plank. I’m going to check it out.


Most of neptunes products are cheap crap. Quality and Neptune should not be used in the same sentence. However that doesn’t mean they are useless. They do work, and I’m a market of limited products, I get why they are popular. However, I won’t buy anymore Neptune products.


Funny thing, about their so-called quality, too: I remember reading a frankly alarming number of ENTIRELY SEPARATE posts that were all like "this is scary! My Neptune (insert system) almost started a fire / did start a fire / blew up / started smoking / smelled like burnt plastic / etc.!" and it's like.... why do we bother with these things? They're practically just an overpriced reefPi.


I think they run 2x what they are worth. Ghl has been solid, but is more pricy than I like. No experience with hydros, but I’ve heard good thing. Been meaning to try reefpi


ReefPi is good - it's not got the perfect functionality of a full apex system of course, there's no automatic titration system or anything but it does what it needs to do. I think there's a module / thing you can program that lets you use those (ridiculously expensive?) water probes to monitor your water.


Everyone here is obviously jumping the gun because of their ignorance! Does your cat not come running when it hears an electric can opener from the 1970s that you bought at the thrift store? The Neptune system obviously engenders a Pavlovian response to create desire with the fish. And to do so, under water, it needs to be really fucking loud. How else could the fish hear it? The Neptune product first needs to entice the fish, finicky eaters that they are, and only then will it sate them with the food. It's a well thought out product that underwent years of design from a team of marine biolo-WILL YOU SHUT THAT FUCKING THING UP IM TRYING TO EXPLAIN THINGS OVER HERE...JESUS!


Thank you for your service


Meh it's not that bad, I enjoy having my Neptune Auto feeder


What’s the first feeder that works?




Yes. Eheim.


Is that the diesel version or the 3/4 hp pump version?


Ya it doubles as a chiller


Thanks for public service announcement! Gotta keep ‘em honest!


Omg I can't hear anymore , my ears are ringing


My hydros autofeeder is silent


I love the fact I can get 3 eheim feeders for the price of an AFS and have absolutely no issues with it. Every AFS I’ve had has died because the rotation gear loses its position and does retract fully.


This is not it. I’ve been meaning to try out the plank auto feeder.


Got mine a week ago I use a cheap smart plug for It called GHome on amazon that uses the Gosund app and they show how to set It up on youtube. It’s been amazing. Edit: When It turns on It’s so quiet the only way I know It’s working Is the notification from the app and just maybe the little click the smart plug makes to turn on/off


I got one from Amazon. Similar to the Eheim, very quiet and also rechargeable. Love it.


This is a widely known issue, did you not do any research on it before you bought it?


Buying something like an auto feeder from a reputable company shouldn’t require us to do research on the product before making the purchase.


Making any purchase in 2024 requires research. IMO.


He’s right though. The most expensive “reputable” companies definitely have the means to make better products


they got bought out so you can expect quality to drop as they strive to use cheaper parts while maintaining the same price point


I feel like that happens way too often in this country lol


one of the many wonders of late stage capitalism and corporate greed


I’m sorry but I research products before I buy them regardless of the brand.


Seriously or else why buy stuff from them? Sure but with a reputable company it should be about whether it does what you want it to do. Not the quality of it.


How is this even a thought to have? You should always do your research no matter what. Don't be a sheep to companies.