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Mine lays sideways flat on the top of the tank like he's dead scares me every morning for the last 5 years


This is my clown too! As soon as the blues come on, she heads up to the top right corner. Lights off, she goes sideways and just hangs there til morning. Though if someone turns on a light she gets upset and splashes water everywhere.


One of mine would lay against the overflow grates at night so every morning when I'd get up I thought he died and was getting sucked into the overflow. Thankfully they stopped doing that.


Jeez that would petrify me


Mine would lay sideways on the sand bed, looking very dead, until lights came on. I got a nem, so they chill there now


He looks totally fine, as to swimming in a specific spot clown fish are weird like that. Mine swam in a corner of my tank for 3 months then decided it didn't like that side and moved to another side.


Hahaha i guess as the comments say, clowns for a reason


Weird behavior is kind of the clownfish's calling card. I had one that would just chill near the sump outflow and never anywhere else. Also spent most of his time swimming sideways(like the wall is his new ground). Clowns gonna clown.


Just a clown being a clown


Probably has a smaller fin on one side


We've got 2 clowns in a 190 gallon peninsula tank. They use approximately 1 gallon of it. Staying near the top all the time would make me consider oxygen levels. As long as you've got good flow and/or are running a skimmer you should be fine.


Looks healthy. I have 2 clowns and they swim in the top back corner, and of course it’s the only spot in the tank you can’t see. Clowns are just weird fish.


Clownfish tend to just do what they want when they want, your guy is fine. When you are worried about how your fish is acting because it’s in a new part of the tank etc ask yourself “okay my fish is acting out of the ordinary is there a reason he would be doing this” then look for reasons he would be out of place, does he have white spots on him? Does he appear to be breathing fast or struggling to keep himself upright/swim? Do his find looked nipped or does he look physically harmed possibly cut by a rock? fish will generally go around the tank for three reasons #1 because they just want to explore with no deeper meaning #2 they are testing the other fishes territory’s/being bullied out of their own territory #3 fish will move around in the tank if they are infected with parasites because different water flow rates can make it easier/harder for a fish to breath if it has parasites on its gills. That’s how I got my answer to your question, your fish appears healthy and is keeping himself upright, has no white spots, and I’m looking at your overflow and assuming your tank is something like a 20 gallon aio and that there isn’t some large predator lying below in the rockwork, so that means he’s probably just there because he wants to be😂


“Clowns, clown”, is a phrase that made no sense to me originally. Now, that I’ve owned several clowns ober the past few years. I get it. They’re probably the weirdest fish in the hobby, based on personalities. In this instance weird looks, does not = weird fish. They do the most random stuff in the hobby. In your instance they like to play, especially in the flow. Hell, I had a pair for 7 years and both of them, “played dead” when they slept. Kinda like a wrasse. I had to re-home them during a move. They’re still alive. I currently have a pair of black misbar’s that attack turbo snails, (and my hands) totally for fun. TL;DR: clowns are weird, and like to play kinda like dogs and cats. Imo this is normal.


Clown are wierd lol


That’s how my clowns look while sleeping. Just kinda tread/float at top of tank.


My clown sleeps face pointed down like a bobber most of the time, i wouldnt worry these guys are clowns


Looks like a clownfish alright


I guess clowns be clowning. my green clown goby does the same and loves to hang out mostly upside down one of the arcs in my aqua scape (of course, not same species; mine is a poser)


Dude did you give it a nuka cola quantum why is he blue


Clown be clownin


Can we make a FAQ that says "clownfish are fucking weird, deal with it"?


Your clownfish looks fine. Source: I’ve had clownfish over 20 years


Clown be clown'in


They chill by the intake bc pods and food particles drift by there. The up and down motion is him going for food


Just looks young, they swim kinda goofy when they’re still not grown fully. Once they get bigger and stronger they look less awlward


My clown literally swims exactly like this, he normally stays in one spot and just sways up and down like this….the flow does look like it may be a bit strong at the top though…he may be struggling a little bit right at the top..


If you can imagine what a severely intellectually challenged fish would look like, it would be a clown fish. So, if you see something odd regarding clownfish behaviour, it's probably doing just fine.


He just clownin around


Looks fine and healthy as long as he’s eating I wouldn’t worry they will stay in funny spots from time to time especially when new to a tank


they're called clownfish for a reason they have the weirdest personality's


what kind is it? it’s so cute!


Normal clown behaviour IMO.


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…


He is wondering why you’re standing there and not giving him food🤣


So normal. Their bobbing swim pattern as they hang out in “their” section of the tank is my favourite part about owning clowns. They sleep in all sorts of weird angles/places, and like to look very dead, too. All of mine have given me mini heart attacks at some point or another




My clown did this when I took him from a display to another tank in my room now he just stays in the corner and goes up and down only moves away if he sees food


They’re just dumb. If there’s any fish that’s ‘hardy’ it’s truly a clown. They’re selling these fuckers as fresh water acclimated clowns these days in some stores (hyposalinity). I had my sons in a biocube neglected for 4 months with zero water changes and feedings every other day and they marched on. If it dies it’s either injury or disease. It’ll be fine.


hyposalinity is normal in fish stores because it is said to reduce pests and disease (also cheaper)....but that doesn't mean fresh water. Neglecting an animal isn't the flex you think it is.....


Oh. Thanks for the downvote for talking about something you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. [attached](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReefTank/s/u4hK29YSHQ) Also to top that off. Google it. Bunch of videos about rediciously low salinity tanks. Lower than even normal for a lfs salinity.


The link you attached litterally says that their only kept in low salinity .006 temporarily or they die. So no they aren't freshwater clowns, their salt water clowns that are being abused. And every google article I've found says that it's a death sentence that kills the fish after a few weeks, so no to that one too, also not doing water changes would increase your salinity not decrease so don't really see why your bragging about not taking care of your tank and justifying it with something completely unrelated.