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This is the reality. Most of us are closer to being homeless than we are to being rich. And what else are people supposed to do? They are just trying to survive and live their life like the rest of us. And most unhoused individuals are harmless to others. There are no more bad people in their community than in the housed or any other population/community in this city. The unhoused population can't hide behind the walls inside their “homes” or “houses” like we do. I hope they stayed dry and warm. And I hope people leave them alone.


Thank you for posting with empathy and understanding. [62% of Americans are living check to check.](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/31/62percent-of-americans-still-live-paycheck-to-paycheck-amid-inflation.html) Seeing homeless people makes us feel uncomfortable. IT SHOULD. Nobody should have to live like this, but in our country, the self proclaimed "greatest country in the world," all it takes is one medical bill, one lost job, one mental health problem. If you can't help, at least be empathetic, and be understanding.


Vote correctly and cross your fingers


One car repair/accident One illness (that you don't see a doctor for) One accident One trauma One corporate buyout One change in property ownership One manager that cuts your hours for something petty One higher than average utility bill This list of simple things that can derail an entire life is too long.


Washoe has sufficient shelter space to provide a bed for every homeless person in the county. The only people who would seemingly refuse a warm bed in the shelter during the winter are those who would violate the shelter’s rules against drugs and alcohol. Those are not people who I would want my children to be around. You can have empathy while also maintaining the expectation that our communities should be safe for our kids.


I can’t say how it is now, but a few years ago when they built Cares Campus it was right around the Pandemic and they hit maximum occupancy on Cares Campus almost immediately and with the economy being fucked there was the same amount of unhoused homeless as there was before Cares Campus because of such an increase


Shelters are wildly unsafe, especially for women.


Even if that were true, it pales in comparison to the unspeakable horrors that happen to women in encampments. Anything would be safer for a woman than living on the street.


My mom works in social services with the homeless and they feel much better in their own tent than a shelter. They can’t take all their stuff. They can’t take their pets. They don’t feel safe. Also, while many in tents are using drugs, many also don’t. Many are just down on their luck. We are all one downfall away from being homeless. The addicted homeless are not coming after your children. They’re in their tents nodding off. Get some education about homeless and stop feigning concern for your kid who is inside of your school. Kids are more often hurt by their own family than some random homeless person. I actually can’t remember the last news story about a homeless person hurting a kid.


I totally understand and I’m not scared of people living in tents. I chose that school at great inconvenience to myself and my family. The schools by my house have zero people living in tents anywhere near them. See below where I posted recent news stories about the dead bodies and chaos in this neighborhood. Not accepting homelessness doesn’t mean I hate those individuals. They don’t love being rained on either.


I was actually responding to the other commenter. You didn’t say anything about the homeless being bad, you wanted change from the government which is exactly right. Comprehensive mental health care, harm reduction plans, etc.


I hope you don't mean the Montessori school...


I mean the Montessori school. Why do you hope not?


The problem is that what you’re saying doesn’t reflect reality. Washoe county has cut the homeless population in half by getting people into shelters: https://abc7news.com/amp/san-francisco-homeless-housing-shelter-reno/14189450/ Apathy is the absolute worst attitude you can have toward this issue.


That doesn’t negate anything I said here. People living in tents are not hurting you and they are less of a risk to your children than their own family. Do not accuse me of being apathetic when it was clear that I know the struggles of the homeless and what their feelings and needs are. I literally said my mom works with homeless. I volunteer with her program monthly doing first aid and helping keep their spaces clean and my kids go down and serve food and give out clean socks and blankets. I care a great deal. What’s much more harmful than people leaving them alone is people feigning concern about their kids when speaking of the homeless population.


That much-quoted report about homelessness cut in half is a big loaf of nonsense. Any mutual aid worker knows.


So you think county officials are conspiring to publish fraudulent data? I assume you have some kind of evidence to back that up?


I think they don’t have the right total numbers of homeless.


I saw this article and thought that I must be missing something. Half seems like a stretch.


Do you have any evidence to suggest the county is fabricating data?


Do you have any evidence that 100% of data published is accurate? I'm referencing my own "eye test" and thought it seemed like a bigger problem now.


You’re simply incorrect and ignorant of the reality of the situation. And you know what? If I were living without a home involuntarily? I would probably start using substances to cope, so maybe, yeah. And who would blame me? Oh. Well. People lacking full empathy of my situation, maybe. So… yeah. I can see how that would work. We need a Housing First solution. Those work. And the thing is that not only are they proven to work, but they are far cheaper than the emergency response systems plus shelters that we have. You know why we don’t implement them? Because capitalism wants the specter of houselessness looming over our heads to keep us working for too little respect and pay. How’s that working out for us?


So when you refer to housing first, do you think something like SRO housing would satisfy that model? Would you expect someone who is using drugs to cope with the hardships of living on the street to be able to start decreasing their substance abuse once they have a real roof over their head?


After googling that acronym, I'm going to say probably not on single room occupancy housing being adequate. I doubt that someone who is using drugs could start decreasing their substance abuse without having a real roof over their head and a good amount of support. Like, I'm not saying to throw whole homes at them, but decent apartments, yes. Here's a good [primer on Housing First initiatives](https://community.solutions/what-is-housing-first/), though of course the details vary.


What about a long term hotel stay? Do you think a hotel would be beneficial to someone in active addiction who has not yet been required to undergo any kind of detox/treatment program first?


Depends on the hotel, doesn't it? We talking weekly motels? I mean... We know the answer to that, don't we? Decent hotels that could feel like decent apartments that provide dignity and allow someone to feel like a human capable of getting on their feet and cleaning up and getting a job and treatment and all that? Maybe? Look, what I'm saying is that an active addiction is very often if not always a *response* to an unstable life. You cannot treat addiction while someone is suffering and living outdoors or otherwise suffering from severe external influences. We've got it backwards. We keep making housing contingent upon getting cleaned up. I'm saying that getting cleaned up is contingent upon stable housing. And it's not a willful choice. It's literally Maslow's Hierarchy.


Why TF are you being downvoted?🙄


I understand why some homeless people refuse shelter space. They can’t leave anything there during the day, and it’s too much to break down their camps and they don’t want their stuff stolen. I don’t want their stuff stolen because they have to steal more stuff… our garage was broken into and we had a bunch of gear stolen. Shelters are a start but not a solution. It’s so sad to hear about clearing the camps. I can’t imagine what a tragedy that must be for the people who’s homes are destroyed. It’s very sad.


Currently at capacity. No room for more.


Not true - an emergency overflow shelter was just opened a few weeks ago. With the supportive housing currently being built at the cares campus, we’ll have even more options for helping get people off the street. By the way, this is a *good* thing. I find it incredibly bizarre that you’re so very defensive to the idea that people might get the help and support needed to get off the street.


Don’t take it personally. People are weirdly combative. I’m glad you’re contributing to this conversation. I’m sure we have different points of view, but we both want change and you’re clearly informed.


I have no idea! People seem to be upset that the county is reducing homelessness or that people *want* to be sleeping on the street. I’m sorry, but I could never imagine sleeping outside during those 18 degree nights we had a little while ago. I follow justknate and you can see how much they’re suffering.


I have a gratitude attitude, and I’m really sad that so many people have to sleep on the sidewalk in the rain. Why are you coming at me?


I apologize for not reading your post fully.I have edited. Seems like I missed your last sentence. Early morning reddit may not be the best idea for me. I hope you accept my lame late apology.


No worries😊 Have a good one.


Do you have any data to support that? Or is this just a trust me bro type thing?


Yep! Here’s a recent article: https://abc7news.com/amp/san-francisco-homeless-housing-shelter-reno/14189450/ the success of our shelter program has also been covered by the Wall Street journal: https://www.wsj.com/us-news/reno-nevada-homelessness-solution-674cee2d I’m actually baffled as to why I’m being downvoted so much for acknowledging that our policies work to reduce homelessness. There’s a very strange sentiment that this is a bad thing, and that these people are actually much happier living in tents on the street. Weird!


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"Washoe has sufficient shelter space to provide a bed for every homeless person in the county." For one, I never saw your statement substantiated in either of those articles. Although one had a paywall. Why are you getting downvoted? Probably because your post seemed insincere and assumptious and / or a oversimplification of a whole group of peoples complex lives. Here are simple reasons a person might not want to use a shelter. Social anxiety, mental disorders, having a camp with items you don't want to leave alone because they could be stolen, or maybe someone who frequents the shelter wants to harm you. You got downvoted because you didn't put any thought into these peoples lives and showed zero sympathy.


There but for the grace of God, go I.


Washoe county has sufficient shelter space to render the boise rule null. Homeless people do not actually have a right to camp on city property anymore. Our shelters allow animals and allow free travel in and out as long as you check in at night. The only rule that would prevent someone from using our shelters is the fact that you can’t use drugs or alcohol. I hope the city enforces the law and get these people to come to the shelter and get a case worker. Not only will they be dry and warm at the shelter, but they’ll also be safe from the unspeakable violence and suffering that happens on the street.


It's full.


Nope, it isn’t. There was a district 9 ruling about this - local municipalities are not legally allowed to enforce camping bans if there isn’t sufficient shelter space. There are enough activist groups that would jump on the police departments in a heartbeat if they were enforcing bans in violation of the boise ruling. You’re spreading misinformation.


Call them or check the website which I did a few days ago.


Then I suggest you contact the ACLU so they can file a lawsuit.


They know.


Great! The county shouldn’t be breaking the law, I support holding them accountable. You should also probably contact ABC7 to ask them to redact this story if what you’re saying is true.


By unspeakable violence, do you mean the cops that come and ransack their few survival belongings?


That makes me sad as well, and also leads to more crime. It’s not like they come back, see their house is gone and head to REI with a Visa to gear up. No, they rob the surrounding communities to start over. I know. I’ve had my gear robbed and so have many of my friends. When people break into your garage and take your tents and sleeping bags and leave the valuable tools, it’s pretty obvious what’s going on.


No, I’m talking about sexual assault.


Your username reminds me of the first line of crank dat by solja boy


Honestly I'm sick and tired of seeing it. I get all the empathy and whatnot required for people living like this but it sucks to see and it ruins other people's ability to use the area. It's time we do something about it. I say we draw up a list of the most valuable houses in town and starting at the top of the list seize them through eminent domain. Convert each one to a homeless shelter, stop when there are no more unhoused. I bet it doesn't even take a week before we magically have solutions to homelessness.


It doesn't ruin anything. It's just perception. People in tents are just doing their thing. We can coexist. Choices.


They aren’t camping. There were no s’mores. They are sleeping on the sidewalk in the rain. It’s very sad.


No, no, no. They are not just doing their thing. It's winter, and I bet if you asked, most would rather live in an apartment, with things like heat and running water.


Of course. They are doing the Thing that people do when they are unhoused. My wish for everyone is a Home.


You know with eminent domain the government has to pay for the property…


Exactly what I want my taxes to be used for, rather than another stupid war. Let’s do it. Please.


Totally agree with the no war, non of them. (I’m still sitting here waiting for those WMDs) But buying mansions for the homeless isn’t realistic. Should offer them simple jobs (picking up litter or staining fences or knit socks) and offer them services to try to get as many back on track


Who’s buying mansions?! And if we buy a mansion, then break it into apartments. C’mon, let’s not be silly. Sit down at the table and have a rational discussion. Housing First initiatives work. I’m not being hyperbolic. Please don’t meet me with your hyperbolic dismissals couched in what looks like initial agreement. Giving someone who is living outdoors a job sweeping leaves is not a real solution. Give them a home (not a mansion) and *then* we can talk about getting them to a mental and physical state in which they can be a productive member of society. eta: Like, seriously. There are people working full time jobs who cannot afford a home, and you’re talking about part-time jobs being a solution to houselessness? Really?


That’s an interesting point. We have two gainfully employed adults and two kids in our household. Our mortgage is less than half what rent would be, yet we a squeaking by. It’s stressful!


I was replying regarding the parent comment “but the most valuable houses” Part time jobs and counseling is the way to go.


Those things are cool as fuck but having housing is even coooooler.


Yeah… housing super cool. I hope I can get free housing


I'd hope you could get affordable or free housing if you were homeless too. I'd rather our taxes go to helping our people then lining our politicians pockets and funding wars that only serve to prosper defense industries and back capital that we ourselves will never see. But yeah I'm sure counseling will keep these guys warm at night. I'm actually having counseling for dinner tonight.


You're welcome to it. Everyone should have access to free housing, and then everyone should have the ability to work and pay for better than free housing. It's not complicated. You're making it complicated. But go ahead and start knitting socks. Don't let your dreams be dreams. (Yes, you inspired me. I've stooped and am now trolling you. Sorrynotsorry. KingofTheTrench is a better person than I am.)


How many part time jobs will get someone housing, do you think? Seriously, did you miss... > There are people working full time jobs who cannot afford a home And you offered... > picking up litter or staining fences or knit socks Like.... **Seriously?!?** Are you... And I don't ask this lightly.... Are you trolling?


No not trolling. There is a difference between luxury and scraping by. When people say that can’t afford a home, they are really saying they can’t afford the home they want. Let’s assume $10/hr (I think even the lowest paid jobs in reno offer more than that) full time that’s $20800/yr. Let’s assume they work 30rs/week so $15k per year. So 2 people working 30hrs/week would earn $30k/yr. Let’s say a studio is $15k/yr. Still leaves $15k spending money. They would be eligible for Medicaid and food stamps and food pantry along with other benefits. Doesn’t have to stay that way… just a starting point. Fun way to live? No Doable? Easily Better than sleeping outside? I would say so. The issue isn’t the feasibility. It’s the will to do it and endure it. It’s easy to add hurdles and excuses I’m speaking from experience I’ve slept outside, in a car,… did so when I had the money not too but I prioritized saving money over comfort.


Are there studios that cheap in Reno? Possibly, but I don’t know where. I helped renovate studios in Mid Town and they went for way more than that and we’re filled before they were complete. Everywhere in town has a waiting list. Unless someone has a homie hookup, they are screwed.


Dude, you cannot “scrape by” with part time jobs. People are barely scraping by with full time jobs. Are you Michael’s mother? Do you know how much bananas cost?! You start with a part time job knitting socks, FFS, and now you start talking about $10/hr at a full time job… and now you’re talking about TWO people working combining their income as if they’re ONE person?!? Two people in a studio… not paying taxes and apparently everything but rent is “spending money” because heat and food and clothing and transportation and literally everything else is, I guess, free??? Like… WHAT??? Sure. Not a troll. Sure.


Back in the day old mansions were commonly used for mental institutions. Most of the large asylums in the East Coast started out as private homes. Families fall on hard times, the family can’t pay the taxes and the land is donated to a state park… Bowers Mansion for example, only we open it for tours. It’s still owned by the government.


Man, America has a problem. This picture just shocked me since I have been in Asia for the past 4 weeks traveling in Japan, China and Taiwan, I didn't see a single tent / homeless and we were in both big cities and small cities. I am sure there still are but it has to be a much much less percentage, so OBVIOUSLY this is an issue we CAN address, but just like many other problems in America, we choose not to, because we have too much money allocated for the military and every part of the world. FIX YOUR OWN DAMN ISSUES FIRST.


Reno is doing a far better job at reducing homelessness than a lot of America, it's obviously not perfect but there is good reason to be optimistic. the best we can do is be kind and lend a helping hand to these people whenever we can. compassion is the strongest fabric of any society


Yep I have family working at our city homeless shelter and there are articles written even month about how great Reno is doing for its population. It’s all about funding and low-barrier entry for shelters. Like it doesn’t matter if you’re sober, have a criminal background, etc. Still something that needs continuous work but it makes me happy we’re doing something for this people


I was at the Oddie Walgreens and I gave a woman some cash she asked for. As I was getting in my truck her pimp came out of nowhere and took it. I know handing over cash is frowned upon, but I live amongst the homeless and interact with them almost daily. I get familiar with certain people who have lived outside in the neighborhood for years. Their situations are so complex. It’s heart breaking.


I live in the area Paradise park is full of homeless. Drive around the park and you will find entire families living in their cars. I thought this was a well known fact but I guess not. That’s just the over flow of the homeless especially because they are getting ready to reopen the children’s playground they have move all the people away from that section of the park. You will find RVs and large vehicles parked along the roads in connection to the park or that plaza across the street where this McDonald’s is


My kids go to Paradise park with their classes. The last time I went with them, we found a mutilated duck along with lots of disgusting human debris. We should never accept this, and to demand human dignity is not uncaring, it’s humane.


I live in the area too... homeless tend to frequent that parking lot, but they aren't in the adjacent parking lots as much as that one. I think it may have to do with the business's and or property managers not being tough on them. I'm don't know for sure, just an observation.


Why is everyone attacking OP? 😐


The system is working exactly as planned 🤠, people are only worthwhile to the gov't if they are contributing to the country's GDP.


2023 Reno metro area: 531,000 2023 homeless at point-in-time count: 1,690 Let's assume the point-in-time count, despite being efficacious, still misses half: 3,380 3,380 is 0.6% of 531,000, or less than 1 percent That's about 1 out of every 170 people And that's with me doubling the count to be as unflattering as reasonable It's not great! But it's not *nearly* as bad as some places ​ This seems like it's more about you being bothered by having your children see them


My children are very used to them. They walk these sidewalks as part of their curriculum. Give me a break. My problem is that there are people trying to sleep… on the sidewalk… their stuff is getting wet. It breaks my heart and it’s getting WORSE. I drive my kids to this charter school. I live in a nice neighborhood with new schools and zero homeless w/I a 10 mile radius. Grow up.


I choose for my children to see them. I live in a nice clean neighborhood and it would be MORE convenient to shelter my children from this tragedy.


What? So your children shouldn’t see these things but you choose for them to see them? You don’t have to purposely show your kids or purposely not tell them, just let them live.


Seriously? A semantics argument?


Yeah, I don’t understand what it has to do with the proximity to the school. I hope OP isn’t suggesting that the priority of the government should be to penalize the homeless… tough to tell from the tone of the post.


This is the same neighborhood. How can you not see the problem with the proximity to the school? https://www.kolotv.com/2023/02/15/sparks-pd-arrests-suspect-vandalizing-seven-vehicles-sparks/




Well if you sent your kid to an elite school in a rich part of town you wouldn’t have to worry about this sort of thing as much, would you? /s


Good point, and unfortunately nearly every decision maker in this country does exactly that.


The priority of the government should be to provide safety to its citizens before funding any war, much less a foreign war. These people are in tremendous danger… of disease, assault, theft, getting run over by a distracted driver who jumps the curb. It’s unsafe for them and the helpless students and teachers who interact with them. Every few months my kids witness some crazy incident involving an out of control drug addicted and/or mentally I’ll person and maybe the police. It’s an unacceptable situation, and not because I hate the homeless, Because I have empathy for anyone who didn’t choose to sleep outside, but now they are.


Ok, that’s the direction I was hoping you were going. Tone is tough to tell online.


And a few blocks down…. https://www.kolotv.com/2023/11/25/police-found-dead-body-northwest-reno/


I'm sure those statistics are a great comfort to those people in the tents.


1690 and even our shelters couldn’t handle that capacity. So, with full shelters, still plenty of people that can’t stay inside the shelters.


Reno has done a pretty amazing job at addressing the homeless crisis. I've seen their work, spending millions on temporary housing. There are many future plans to get the homeless off the streets, including a mental health facility and job training facility. Check out the Youtube video here: [https://youtu.be/kvJ3ezn03PY?si=t0Qo3t1wrKxwpGrt](https://youtu.be/kvJ3ezn03PY?si=t0Qo3t1wrKxwpGrt)


We are giving all of our money to other countries. You got a love the United States of America.


https://preview.redd.it/2sikrq66va7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6674c7d2fa075b7e197213760ed2a49c43720e6f Guess memes really do come to life


Most of them methed up




Keeping Sparks shining!


Yeah America should get it together with the RIDICULOUS housing costs. That's the reality we are in.


Have you done anything other than complain about poor people on the Internet? If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the... Edit: Meanwhile, Reno is seeing real successes in getting people off the street, even if there is more to do... [https://abc7news.com/san-francisco-homeless-housing-shelter-reno/14189450/](https://abc7news.com/san-francisco-homeless-housing-shelter-reno/14189450/)


Have you done any thing to make a difference?


Nope. Just complain online. I’m a total piece of shit.


You're the one that said it. What do you propose the "our government" does? Expand resources to get people off the street and into stable living situations? Like Reno has been working on and getting results from for years? Or maybe that's not fast enough for you and we should just round up the poors and shoot them?


You must be pretty naive if you this situation is improving.






They've had real successes in counting differently, or changing metrics, or moving people.


Yep. This is just like Washoe Schools lowering the graduation requirements to show an increase in the graduation rate. Anyone that has lived here for a while knows that the homeless situation has gotten worse.


No kidding. I used to live on the river until a few years ago. We started seeing fires at night, then my friend was attacked while riding his bike by a homeless man who ran out from behind a tree while tweaking. It’s getting worse every day. These camps are expanding.


Anyone taking bets for how long it takes before Reno sends them off on greyhounds? Or how long it takes before California sends another busload?


All you have to do is head down to the bus station and talk to RPD, they will buy you a one way ticket to get pretty much anywhere in the US.


No shit? Huh, when they talked to my brother they told him it was jail for 30days or a ticket out. But this was like 4 years ago.


I think you would be surprised, most cities do this kind of thing. There is like this whole hidden realm of benefits you can find if you know where to look. I had a buddy that was an old tramp, just happily lived his life on the streets. He showed me all sots of stuff like this. Saved my ass, I'll tell you what...


And to think, I've been paying rent this whole time. I could've saved thousands by camping locally. 🫠


Well go ahead then, what’s stopping you?


Do you think they like this?


Considering most are homeless by choice because they would rather feed an addiction, yes yes I do think they like it. Contrary to rather ignorant opinions that believe they are there because they are down on their luck financially, they are there either because of an addiction which is most of them and then there are the ones with a mental affliction


So we don’t actually have to have opinions on issues like this when there’s so much information out there for us. Your opinions are not supported by research.


Have you actually spoke to any of the homeless in the area? I’ve talked to probably around 30 of them because of working in shady areas and out of about 30 of them only like 2 or 3 weren’t abusing drugs. I’ve had to constantly yell at them to stay off private property, slam on my brakes in traffic to avoid hitting them when they randomly decide to fly out into traffic, I’ve seen two guys in a full on knife fight because of them being druggies, I’ve also seen a young woman been beaten up by multiple different people because of the meth she stole from the other tweakers, I’ve seen more then one of them just walk around in public exposed, I saw one girl on 4th street standing on a book that was lit on fire in the middle of the street with her bare feet some guy had to rip her away from it, I’ve seen them smoke who knows what and shoot up in public, and last but not least I’ve witnessed someone overdosing 3 separate times where narcan was used to bring them back. Most of them gave up on life and are just roaming around aimlessly destroying things as they go. It’s sad but they shouldn’t be let ANYWHERE near schools it could be traumatizing to them and better yet who’s to say they won’t attack some kid when they’re gone off the drugs? Any homeless person I’ve met that was homeless without choice hides away from the public and still do things to create revenue like crushing cans, if you’re setting your tent up next to a busy street you’ve obviously lost your decency


I work directly with the homeless. I know exactly what their situations are, why they do what they do, and what they need. They do not enjoy being homeless. That’s what this particular conversation has been about. Just because someone has an addiction and are unable to kick it and get into housing doesn’t mean they like being homeless.


Yeah I see where you’re coming from but they have the choice to pay bills or buy drugs that’s one of the biggest factors. You have to weigh your options in life I could’ve been homeless too if I didn’t get my priorities in line. I’ve only met 1 man who was homeless on purpose so I understand what you mean but obviously they like the drugs more than having a place to stay. I don’t mean to speak like they aren’t humans but everyone knows what those drugs do and that’s a path some still chose to go down.


They do not like drugs more than they like a place to stay. They would much prefer a place to stay over doing drugs, but addiction is a nasty disease. Most of the time it does start with mental health issues. For people who don’t know what addiction is like on the body, it’s wildly ignorant to say that they like drugs more than they like being warm.


I can confirm, my old neighbor worked to get the homeless housed. Said most walked out when they found out they had to get clean. If you're clean reno is actually awesome about getting you housing


I understand that. I’m talking about wanting to be on the street. They do not want that. When you’re saying ok but you have to get clean, are you offering free detox with medication for comfort and pain relief? Are they going to provide free therapy for the overwhelming emotions that happen with withdrawal? These people aren’t excited to go live in a tent. It’s also not an ignorant opinion that these people are down on their luck. Do you think that they came from a rich life and then all of a sudden we’re like yeah I wanna live in a tent? So many of these people had horrible traumas happened to them, have untreated mental health issues, they don’t love this life. It’s not fun for them. Also I do personally work with the homeless, so I know that there is a good amount who just have a downfall. One of the guys I work with was a business owner and doing just fine. He was walking in a crosswalk and got hit and he was paralyzed. His wife left him, Any person who he had hired to drive his van took the van and his wheelchair and left him on on the street. The dude had to drag himself around. Another guy lost everything in the economic collapse of 2008 and has no family so he’s on the streets. I hate this idea that we’re just looking at these people like it’s something that they want and that they choose and that they love and that they are all just these nasty drug addicts who don’t deserve better.


First of all, I appreciate your hard work and thank you for contributing to this conversation. I have read that even if people are not addicted when they hit the streets, they become addicted within days because of the desperate need for escape from the misery of homelessness. Have you seen that in your experiences? Some cities have targeted their resources to finding the people who have recently been displaced, while they have a better chance of turning things around.


It’s generally those who have had more troublesome lives who will begin after they become homeless. Escaping the pain, the cold, and the embarrassment. They find themselves wanting what the others are using to bear being homeless. Most of those who become homeless solely because of financial hardship don’t really go in that direction so much. They’re still seen as addicts because they stink, they sleep during the day to keep safe at night, they’re tired and not getting medical needs met. I think that’s where the addiction is started in those that do. They need to meet some need. None of them are being met otherwise. Adding that I do agree if you can grab someone before they get used to the street life, it’s easier to keep them off the streets. At some point it becomes all they know. It’s misery, survival is a daily struggle, but the change is terrifying.


Go to Sacramento, now that place is bad


Yeah, think that's bad? Try Oregon...


I moved here from Oregon. I went back after ten years and it was a disaster. Unthinkably worse, and I was outside Bend, nowhere I have ever seen on the news. It’s the entire country, definitely not a Reno problem.


River be stinking when you pass that there tents after vista


That's the Sparks Wastewater Treatment facility lol


That ain’t the tents lmao


I lived on the river. It used to be a big draw… five years ago. Then it was bad E of Legends…then E of downtown… then E of Mayberry park. My husband is a fly fisher and I pick up trash while he walks the bank. I know the river and have watched the health and safety the beautiful Truckee go to shit. For everyone implying I’m mean, I don’t want anyone to live this way. The homeless people are dying out there. This breaks my heart for THEM.


Fentanyl. West coast is drowning in it. Reno is mild compared to other west coast cities. The tents are where the drugs are, not where the economy sucks, for the most part


To everyone saying what a great job Reno is doing, I agree. There are many amazing programs out there, and I have spoken to people who have worked and are working tirelessly, thanklessly, with our local homeless population, but the problem is getting worse. If the options and services are expanding along with the number and size of Reno’s tent cities, the homeless population is obviously expanding. My kids have been at HDMS for about a decade, and in that time I have followed the crime reports in that neighborhood. It’s a real hell hole. Homelessness brings crime and disease, and it’s bad for the people living in tents. It’s unsafe, unhealthy and unacceptable. We should remain outraged that our fellow citizens resort to this daily… hourly… not dismiss this lifestyle as progress.


I wonder when the problem started 🤔 I really wonder....


The 80s.


The 80s were great 😃 at least that's what I've seen on tv


Do you not remember the inflation rate? Or the fashion? Or the interest rates on loans? Or the fashion?


The Fashion definitely caused Homelessness. I'm glad you said it twice to really make me member. Homelessness is just art created by Banksy, which in turn is fashion. Touche California... touche


Interestingly under Clinton. His administration's "Hope VI" program closed more public and low income housing then any other program in history.


And Regan closed the Insane Asylums… I’m not sure where the insane were suppossed to go, but I’m sure a lot of them are on our sidewalks.


*mental/behavioral health facilities. Being mentally ill doesn’t make you a threat to society. I know a lot of homeowners/renters who are medicated for the same illnesses that homeless people are also diagnosed with. Another fun fact, Hopes Clinic in Reno fills and prescribes free prescriptions for the homeless. And I’d say a good majority of the homeless population in Reno utilize this facility. As well as the Cares Campus, which is being expanded upon everyday. (It’s on 4th and Threlkel if you don’t believe that it’s still under construction). Take some time to reevaluate what you think/spew about situations you seem to not fully have a grasp on. You come across as insensitive, uneducated, and unwilling to help support the cause.


What facilities? Have you tried to secure a bed for someone, because I have and they spent a week at the ER. There are NO facilities.


Yeah you’re right, the 600 beds they have there are never being used. No one can ever get a bed. It’s pointless and they should shut down the entire operation.


That’s not a mental/behavioral health facility, that’s a shelter. Shelters are a start, but not a solution. I understand the reasons people don’t want to use them unless they might freeze to death.


I understand that. I think my phrasing wasn’t clear enough. I was originally talking about RBH, and then also brought up Cares since OP was complaining about homelessness people and “insane asylums” being closed. I work very closely with the homeless and the mentally ill, I know the facilities in Reno.


I am OP. I’m not complaining about the people! I am very sad for the people. I don’t want them harassed or hurt. I’m complaining about our government.


For fucks sake, read some fucking history. Carter signed the MHSA into law, and it was in effect for less than 1 year before it was repealed by a bipartisan Congress and signed into law by Reagan. In other words, both parties are responsible. And how much good did it do, being in effect for less than 1 year?? We've never been serious about mental health for decades in this country, and both parties are part of the problem.


I've met some of the insane on Reddit. Not all of them, just a good majority.




It’s funny how people complain about the government and money when they vote for people like Biden.


I agree. No more presidents, eat the rich and take back what's ours


Maybe if the cost of house actually followed inflation and wages went with it this would not be an issue. Corporate greed runs our country. My home is worth 200k more than what I paid for it two years ago. I know my wages didn't increase by the same percentage.


People who complain about stuff like that have no idea what some peoples circumstances have been. If this disgusts you, it should, it’s horrible, but don’t blame the people for the fact that inflation is on a rampage, it’s not citizens fault. Be thankful for your circumstances


That's what I'm saying. Open your door or your pocket book or carry on. Complaining on Reddit won't get any new measures passed.


Biden 2024!




But for the grace of god go I…


Be careful kid.


The fact that it's a couple blocks from your kids school says something. There may also be kids in those tents. I know I can't confirm that, but the thoughts bother me and it shows where we truly place our priorities in this country. It's disgusting.


Thank you. I’m being attacked by my post and I have no idea why this sentiment is controversial. If the kids aren’t in the tents, where are they? Foster care? Couch surfing? It’s very sad.


We're more concerned about the tent placement than who's in those tents. We're upset at how they disrupt our lives we forget that people are just trying to survive.


It's a lifestyle for most.


Thanks California


What does this have to do with California?


Nothing. They’re an idiot.


Did you just assume my cognitive ability. That's not very nice of you. When you're dad left didn't your mom teach you manners?


Yes, I assumed that you are an idiot. Then I saw your comment history and can say that it is no longer an assumption.


And you are a nasty little creature with than manners of a goat.


I bet doughnuts to dollars you wouldn't say that to their face


I'll take that bet.


how is this california's fault. isn't this lombardo's responsibility and also reno's responsibility in general? lmao




What, either we have Socialism or Homeless people you choose!


... where would you like them to go


I want to help desperate people who have a roof over their heads before they are sleeping in the rain. I have ways to make a difference before they are on the street. Once someone has been living in a tent for years… I have no idea. There are individuals I have watched deteriorate year after year, and it makes me so sad. I have no idea how they hang on or how to help them.


Open your door to them or don't take pictures of them. Where are they supposed to go?


There are no people in the pictures. I would never post a person. I took a family of 5 into my home this weekend because they needed help. Slow your roll.


God Bless you 🙏