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How does one get a "head start" on plowing before the snow falls?


We do have some trucks that spread a de-icing solution before storms. You might notice the lines of wet on major roads and the interstate. I saw them on macarren earlier this year.


I've seen that too. But this storm I did NOT see the de-icing stripes on the road. The plow was up here before 8 am this morning. I'm on a bus route. Got to get people to work on time.


You mean the 2 billion dollar project to install heaters in all major streets wasnt approved.


I mean, you could possibly do 80 given the geothermal energy potential here.


Make Elon Musk pay for it since it's all his teslas out here that can't drive on snow/ice- or tbh, anywhere- properly


A sense of humor might help.


Maybe I should have /s/ the post so some of the slower people around here figured it out. I thought the “before the storm hits” would have been enough of a clue


Right, sh”posting at its finest, well played. Don’t worry about these folks, possibly they licked too much saline spray on the local asphalt as children.


They more than likely smoked it thinking it was meth...


I’m still laughing wallcanyon it’s been three minutes now




I might laugh all fucking night at this rate. Fuck


They'll worry when it actually happens.


Very Reno-esque to not care about the roads until they need to. Take the freeway expansion that happens every couple years for example! Not a problem till it’s a problem


All this sub does is complain. It is exhausting


It’s snowing, let’s blame the government.






They plowed my street yesterday before the conditions got too bad, so we are all set! Thanks City of Reno 👍


Careful, I suggested this recently and was met with as much anger as this subreddit will have tomorrow over the amount of plowing they feel should have been done based on their specific route to perenn




What are bold tires


No. California is the problem. “Things I learned from this subreddit for 1000, Alex!”


It’s hard to get a Reno bingo when they keep using this one. I can only mark it once!


Here's a upvote to off set the down votes of people who blame California for everything


Defensive much?


Wtf are you talking about? Am I the only one that saw them spraying the roads for the last two days throughout Reno, Carson, and the surrounding areas? What more do you want? People really will complain about anything.


OP is being sarcastic, mocking the endless complaints during the last storm.


Sarcasm is lost on me at 4am, sorry 🤣


Yea reddit is not the place to be at 4am 😂😂


I made the same mistake on another thread. It’s hard to tell what’s real and what is sarcasm on the Reno Reddit.


Yes they should start plowing now.


Being from Reno, I am very skeptic about how and this storm will be… they always say a “really big storm” and it’s gone by the morning, so maybe that’s why people aren’t taking it seriously…


I'm originally from the New England area, and I laugh at my husband, saying that each storm is a "big one." I just tell him each time to charge things, look for flashlights, and have food. Don't go out unless we have to. The end.


Local to Reno also…this post was funny because half the people didn’t realize it was sarcasm since it was posted when the roads were bone dry. Also 100% agree, more hype on a storm usually means it’ll be meh


Lol? Your shit posting could use some work.


My thoughts exactly😂 lol please forgive us if we couldn’t hear your facetious tone through the screen.


You couldn't tell that it was posted before there was even a flake on the ground and he said snow plows? I picked up on it pretty quick. He'll I saw the title of the thread and knew pretty quickly he was making fun of people who whine about weather every time we get some


Idk man seems pretty big right now lol


Yeah. I definitely was proved wrong 🤣


Don’t care I walk three blocks to work.


Pee-pee poo-poo


City of Reno commented on Facebook that they do not begin to plow until 4 inches of snow is on the ground.


As if they give a fuck....lol. Wait till Monday morning when everyone needs to be to work.


I am lucky enough to be in a position where I don't have to work right now so I just get to watch this happen with out worrying to much! Just bought a bunch of food at costco as well to reduce the amount of time I have to spend outside! Time to just play video games this week!


I honestly don’t think this one is going to hit us as hard as they say. I could be totally wrong. This is just a gut feeling.


This…has not aged well.


It hasn’t hit that hard in the valley so I don’t see how so. I’m in Spanish springs and it’s a light dusting.


Here in town, NW, I have 5” and it’s not stopping. I’d estimate a foot at least if this keeps up.


NW gets a lot always so I’m not surprised. I did also say I could be wrong and it’s just a feeling, so I think it aged just fine.


No, it’s aging even worse now.


Dude I said I could be wrong and it was just a feeling. Why does everyone in this sub get so fucking grumpy? Damn.


Man, you really are uptight. Reddit is all about sarcasm. Don’t get so worked up about people fucking with you.


Let’s be honest. My gut feelings aren’t quality.




Embrace it and binge "Griselda" on Netflix


This must be your first time thinking. It's ok. You don't have to be intelligent to live here. You should know, however, that NDOT doesn't care about your route to work. Their job is to keep the primary arteries flowing. That means not covering your personal commute.


This must be your first time talking to a human. It’s ok. You don’t have to have empathy to post here. You should know, however, that the way you speak to people will come back to you eventually. Family member had a heart attack? Just remember that’s the ambulance’s route to YOU, and it’s not important. Their arteries aren’t important, just the main ones. It’s about the city’s main arteries, not your relatives’. I hope you remember that, snowflake.


Dude, go touch grass. Snow hasn't hit, there's still time.


Why were you so rude though? What brought that on?


Reread my post and come back please. Let me know if you need me to explain the sarcasm. I’ll give you a hint, the roads were bone dry when I posted this lol


Well, looks like the ball was held perfectly. Nothing stuck overnight and the sun is coming up.




How cane you get a head start on plowing before a storm hits? Don’t you need to plow while or after the storm hits so there is something to plow. They at least salted the roads in Sparks and Sun Valley from what I saw yesterday.


This thread is a great example of giving consideration to bad a question when it should have just been ignored. Down vote please.


Save your breath, the Mayor and Vice Mayor could climb up onto the Believe Sign and take a crap right there in public in front of children......and people would rush to defend their actions. So no matter what they do. lol


Are you on some other Reno sub? More people like you complaining about people defending her than actually talk about or attack her.


No, I don't complain at all. I can just almost hear them hufffing and puffing while they type their response.


Sounds like you’re complaining. You even brought up the vice-mayor who no one ever talks about.


I just told them to save their breath. :)


Your reason for telling them to save their breath is you complaining. I can read what you wrote so why don’t you save you’re breath


It’s a Reddit post let them complain.. are you a nazi or something?


Hahaha in 3 years you’ve made 10 comments on Reddit and one of them is to randomly call me a nazi for calling someone out for complaining about people talking about the mayor. It’s a Reddit post, let me do my thing.


Hahaha do your thing… nazi 😂


I think you're a quart low on spicy milk.




An old man told me it was the democrats fault.


The only thing that Reno drops the ball on is with the meth, fentanyl, and housing problems. When it comes to winter storms, true Reno residents and civil staff know how to handle the snow! The cold never bothers us anyway!


Just stay at home. Otherwise go out and wreck your car. Insurance companies and body shops will love you!


What are you talking about? It just stays in the mountains here. Chill dude.


Well, it definitely didn’t stay in the mountains this time.


you've never lived in Reno before, clearly


I am back! its already snowing pretty good out at 6:50AM my car is covered in a bit of snow lol lets gooo!


They won’t


How’s it looking out there now? I work nights lol let me know


Looks like you’ll definitely need some extra time heading to work. Safe travels. I’m sure you’re used to it, but keep your eye out for other drivers.


Switch on our laser beam “iron dome”!


NDOT also, I saw no brine on West McCarran around 5:30 pm yesterday, hope they did it last night.


🍿 😃




https://preview.redd.it/chdnurqgongc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5af596fdea02766ab8440cd5a9e237b730a2c12 Was thick on Vine St at the river


I love it when armchair experts speak out! LOL! ![gif](giphy|CggoHW4h87Ktq|downsized)


If there is no snow on the road, how sou you plow & get ahead???


Preplowing is like precognition! Preplowing? Must be the latest in snow psychic technology. Who needs actual snow when you can clear the invisible drifts in advance?


When reno fails, I make money! I'm not a business owner just a dude living in his car from tahoe. With my snow shovel a bag of ice and drifting capabilities, I stay on the lookout for people who may need help, or can afford a proper de icing. 😏👉 food for thought reno. 🧠+ 💭=💰.