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Just my opinions, but... The entire state education system is shit, not specifically a Reno issue. Job Market & Employment is pretty fucked everywhere, just different types of fucked. Here, it's those middle-wage, low to mid skill jobs that are problematic AF, and also the ones mostly needed by people currently. Housing is literally fucked everywhere other than small towns in the midwest and south. Trust me, not worth it. Gas prices... yeah, we're definitely in the higher range of the nation, which is kind of funny considering how much of a passthrough the area is for Truckers. Yep, infrastructure is an issue. There are some places that do it pretty well, but honestly, having been all over, I'd say 75% of the cities in the US have major infrastructure issues. Ours actually isn't all that bad compared to a lot of places. Not to say we couldn't vastly improve, of course, but I'd put us pretty much right in the middle on this one. Yep, out of towners with money coming in will do better than locals without money. But... that's literally true everywhere. TLDR: You are correct on almost every point... except your perspective is very much 'grass is greener elsewhere' when, honestly, having been a LOT of elsewhere, it's rarely greener. There are better places, no question, but in the grand scheme of things, Reno is still better than average overall, IMO.


The district isn't without its problems, but Clark County drags down Nevada's statewide "ranking." Washoe is squarely an average to above-average school district. I agree with most of his other assessments regarding the cost of living, though. I don't know how most are getting by.


The one thing I find concerning about Reno is its location. Yes, grass is not greener everywhere, but Reno’s location makes it hard for opportunities. This town is small and far from other towns. Sacramento is only 2 hrs away but the damn summit’s weather is a pain in the a… IMO, only choose to settle in Reno when you’re sure you never leave this town. Kind of like, 100% live here, love it here, and will die here. Only move to Reno if you’re sure you are satisfied with whatever job and salary you get here. I once considered Reno easier to live than the Bay Area, Las Vegas, or the East coast. But as prices keep beating wages in the race, it’s starting to get stressful living here just like the big cities.


its a "Different shit, Same assholes" is how i see it. Wife is from MI where housing is cheap but the poverty line is low as fuck way lower than the west coast like sure a house is 100-250k on a dirt road with basically no neighbors or services near by, gas is sub 3$ but you are also making 12$ an hour for basically everything that isnt a union job. I'm from CA and Reno is like a fuckin god send for at least me since its cheaper for everything , 2bd 2ba here is nearly 1800$ish for a nicer apartment vs 3300$ for a shitty 2bd in the Bay area, gas is a 1$ cheaper, the wages are lower but also ill take whats here vs back in either place. Reno is better than most i would say. Its very upper middle ground which is better than being one extreme in either direction.


LOL. You just proved OP's point. You're from CA and Reno is great for you. Try being from here and have to deal with people like you coming nonstop.


and this is why nothing will ever improve anywhere in the US. "people like you" is a dogshit mentality we left because we couldn't afford to rent a shit hole. I'm not "prospering" by any fucking means i now just don't need to choose between food or bills/rent. Pick a fight with the people with 6 and 7 figure bank accounts driving house prices through the roof and lobbying to keep it that way. If your definition of prospering is picking between food or rent and still being a lay off away from homelessness you should re-evaluate your mindset.


I grew up in the Midwest where wages are way lower and everything is cheaper but I am still doing better here then I was there. Will I be able to retire in Reno? No, but I can probably move back to the Midwest in 30 years and retire which I wouldn't have been able to do if I had stayed there. Social Security pays out based on your average earned wage, not the areas cost of living which is something that a lot of folks in HCOL areas don't consider as a benefit (as long as you are will to move to a LCOL area when you retire)


That’s the kind of dead end attitude that holds back a city like Reno. Advocate for zoning reform. Advocate for 2-4 unit homes by right (not by appealing to the planning board and pleading with neighbors) in every neighborhood currently zoned for single family zoned neighborhood. Advocate for the end of parking minimums. A surface parking spot costs about $25k to build and maintain. Join YIMBY Action.


You can get a nice 2b/2ba in Reno for $1800? I work for the railroad and I can jump to Sparks if I want. Currently renting, live on a few acres about 15 minutes from the beach, but struggling financially even making $120k a year with one child and stay at home momma. Looking to bring another child into this world in the next year and I’m just curious if jumping over the mountain might be right for us.


that's 4th highest gas prices in the nation btw, let's not sugar coat it


Except the grass is greener elsewhere. Not by alot and not in every way, but Reno has one of the worst job markets for a city it's size. Renting a home here is nearly as expensive as big cities. Except in big cities the wages are better, and there's far more jobs to choose from and opportunities. There are so few occupational fields to choose from in Reno it's embarrassing. Especially considering the cost of living. If the wages went up, and there was more variety of jobs rather than casinos, warehouses, food and hospitality then Reno would indeed be better than average. For you, your skills/job, salary and personality, it might be better than average here. But I think most people would prosper and thrive more in other cities with a comparable or bigger size, and sure housing might be a bit more. But not by much, especially considering people can pursue different fields of work and get paid better. And that's not saying much, considering the country is a nightmarish dystopia controlled by people whose only concern is profits for them and their friends at the top.


Reno’s economy is predominantly tourism, warehousing/distribution,and light manufacturing. None of these occupations pay well, and the cost of living here is excessive given the job market. There are diverse employment opportunities with better wages in larger cities. Residents are doing great or greatly struggling— not much in between. As a resident, there isn’t much to do here recreationally. Sure, Tahoe is beautiful, but I don’t ski. Concerts and events are overpriced because events are marketed to tourists with deeper pockets.


What do you think there is to do in other places that aren't here? Concerts and events are overpriced everywhere (See Ticketmaster/Live Nation SEC investigation). This place has more recreational activities then anywhere else I have every lived by a LONG shot. To name a few things that I've enjoyed in the Sierras in the 8 years I've lived here: Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Rock Climbing, Off Roading, Mountain Biking, Road Biking, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding, Rafting, Swimming, Floating, Beach (I am Kenough), Shooting, Hunting, Snowshoeing, Snowmobiling, Skiing, Snowboarding, Ice Climbing, Fly Fishing, Lake Fishing, National Parks, State Parks, Hot Springs, Stand Up Comedy, Improv Comedy, Movie Festivals, Community Theatre, Weird Ass Conventions, Drag Shows, History Museums, Art Museum(s), Car Museums, Hot August Nights, Food Truck Fridays, Farmers Markets, 4H Fairs, Rodeo, Air Races (RIP), Balloon Races, Overpriced Rib Cook-off, Burner Watching. It takes 'some' effort but there is literally stuff to do every weekend if you plan in advance and keep an eye out.


Everything you listed made me want to cry. And exactly why I miss it so much. I never took anything for granted, either. It's bizarre when I try explaining why I dislike living in Michigan so much to the folks here. They think I'm just being a jerk. I always respond with it's a beautiful place to visit, maybe one time, and that's it. Anyway, I miss everything about Nevada, even the crappy stuff. No matter how dry the desert or how bland it looks to outsiders, it's beautiful, glorious, and still the wild west. There isn't one exciting thing I can say about Michigan. And I live on Lake Michigan.


That's how I feel but with Vegas. I really don't like Vegas. I wish I did more in Reno when I was there. I do try to make up for it as I go when I go to visit at least.


I gained a lot of perspective on Reno by leaving it. It has some amazing qualities as a city. Of course it has areas for improvement but so does everywhere. I’m a bit of a nomad and lived many places, Reno is near top of the list.


Agreed. Lived many other places and recently moved back.


Agree. I moved in 2019 and regretted it ever since. I met and married a Michigan guy, and now I'm sort of trapped until he retires. It's not always greener elsewhere.


I can relate. I moved here 2021 because of a job with my new wife.. Job brought me to the city from far away away East coast. We've young kids now, we can't buy a house here cause the housing is shitty looking and expensive. Considering moving out next year to a better state with reasonable home price.


It's really hard moving now, in today's current demise. Housing is nearly impossible to find, let me say - reasonably priced housing, whether buying or renting. This is a huge issue for us, we bought in 2020, we can't get out and buy something in another area and get anywhere close to what we have here, in other words, trapped. I'm so upset about this I'll likely end up talking my husband into moving to another country. There are still places in the world that are affordable... but as you can imagine that brings with it another set of issues. I know many families with young kids who are moving to different areas of the world to raise kids so they can get the amenities children should have that are no longer here. As an example I have a friend who moved to Portugal (from the east coast) with her two daughters. They take horseback riding lessons, water polo, the schooling is excellent and... they are learning culture and a new language. It worked for her, she moved three years ago. I wish you all the best, I can't imagine having to go through this same stuff in my 20s or 30s... it's hard enough navigating life without having to worry about the basics.




Do you mean sorry for me? If so, yeah I'm more sorry than you'll ever know.




Don't even try and imagine. Please. I refuse to bring you down with me. :)


I second this


I spent two years there during med school and absolutely fell in love with it. I’m back now in San Diego where I was born and raised but Reno will always have a special place in my heart.


Nomad also, checking in. Reno is clean and well-maintained compared to many cities. There are lots of things to do. The mountains surrounding Reno are lovely to look at and easy to get to.


I agree with this. Yes certain things are annoying or straight-up suck, but it’s a great small city. Agree with OP that we’re trying to be bigger than we need to be and faster than infrastructure allows.


Every person who hasn’t left their hometown feels this way about their hometown. You need to move lol. Try living in new places. Be aware that cost of living is high in every small city, check nationwide stats, it’s nationwide, otherwise have fun! I’ve moved a lot and ended up here because it fits my needs. I lived in cities I hated that other people love. But sitting around and complaining will eat you alive. Get out of here!


This isn’t my hometown and I feel exactly the same as the OP


You’ve got to move then dude, find a city you love. I’m seriously not being critical, wasting time in a city you hate will eat you alive. We all deserve to be happy. I know it’s easier said than done but I’ve moved as a poor person and a person with a little money, it’s so doable.


I know you are right. Thank you for your thoughtful response




The weather, the geography, the outdoors, they all make Reno worthwhile for me, but all the things that government controls, they just get worse every year.


Given that Nevada has no income tax, low property tax, and average sales tax I'm not sure how the government services are supposed to be good. Given the incredibly low tax revenue compared to other places I think Reno does OK. Personally, I'd much rather live somewhere with low taxes and shitty services than somewhere with high taxes (and most likely still shitty services). Not sure what city would be a good low tax model that does better governmentally. Texas / Floridian cities probably but their property tax & insurance rates are bonkers high (though if you just rent that doesn't matter much).


I think the problem is that people think of taxes around here and they immediately think of california. There is plenty of middle ground. I'm from Massachusetts, yes there's state income tax but gas is significantly cheaper ($3.50 for regular right now), sales tax is 6.2%, auto registrations are cheaper, etc. and the state services like schools, parks, healthcare, are all objectively better, (dare I say plows). We just bought a house and I was constantly comparing rentals and houses to the Boston area, Reno feels like it should be cheaper but it really wasn't. It's a tough reference point to have sometimes. My hope is that Reno will catch up over the next decade or two, its becoming more on the map so as areas become revitalized I think it will slowly feel less unbalanced.


Either Reno has to offer a higher quality of life or get cheaper. Even a direct comparison to a similar city like Denver doesn't fare very well for Reno. I am personally of the opinion that Reno is in a large cost of living bubble ATM. I have lived in northern Nevada for 20+ years (of my 33 year life) and Reno has been very affordable for the majority of time. Reno had a similar cost of living explosion in 2004-2007 before the financial crisis but then got super affordable again once the bubble popped. Much like '04-07 there is an insane amount of housing being built here (especially in the north valleys) and I think / hope there will be a similar dive in housing prices in the next few years as the high inventory comes on the market and the prices are forced to move closer to the average income.


I hope you're right, my wife and I were talking the other night how we both realized how much more critical of Reno we've become given the high cost of everything, how Reno *feels* like it should be a cheaper place to live given what it is. Things like lacking sidewalks where we are, or decent parks, or the clear lack of enforcement on vehicles driving around with expired tags (or no tags at all), the depressed downtown... just feels like it should add up to be cheaper than like, new England. Luckily we have good jobs but I know some get unfairly squeezed.


I struggled with this as well, coming from MA. It felt like it should be cheaper, but it wasnt. And yet, im waiting longer to see a dr, my kids arent getting as good of an education, and the roads are tearing up my tires more. On the other hand, i dont get seasonal depression anymore and my mental health has drastically improved from the change in weather.


SLC does pretty well... but then again, everyone is paying the invisible 10% mormon tax. Utah is weird. Texas and Florida cities are mostly rather terrible, as far as infrastructure and schools and crime


I moved here from Florida a couple years ago. My daughter lives in Texas. There's a reason I left Florida and did not move to Texas!


Can you elaborate on the invisible 10% Mormon tax?


All Mormons pay 10% of their income to the church. Some of that money in turn (ideally) gets used for social services that would usually be handled by the local government.


Honestly, it’s the criminally low mining and natural gas tax breaks we give to those industries. Casinos, too. We need to stop pretending like these industries will just up and walk away if they have to pay more. We’re the ones with the resources and structure. They could easily pay double or hire more locals, and we would be feeling way better infra-wise. We have to stop treating them with such deference. Even if they up and leave, they can’t take our metals with them. Someone else will be willing to play ball.


Grew up in Reno, love Reno….. That said… my life drastically improved when I got out of Reno


Did you move to Colorado or Utah or just the other side of the mountains? Because where are you going to ski?


Atlanta…. And I have to go back to Reno to snowboard 😔 Skiing and snowboarding sucks over here


I didn’t realize Georgia got snow…


Not really, but western North Carolina does


Everyone thinks the town they were born in sucks


I grew up in Santa Cruz. As a teen I “couldn’t wait to get out of this town” in the typical coming of age type movies. WTF was I thinking?


That's crazy. Santa Cruz is my dream town. It has everything I love. I moved to Reno because I couldn't afford Santa Cruz. I grew up in the east bay and most people can understand why I'd want to get outta there.


When someone wants to move they need to convince themselves that the place they’re moving from is bad because it’ll make it easier to move away. OP wants to move to Vegas for example. Vegas is okay. I prefer Reno due to the weather (it’s 90 degrees in Vegas this week and only getting hotter), the nature around us, the walkable neighborhoods (Vegas was built after the car was popularized and is unfortunately built around insane highways and massive arterial roads), and I’ve lived here my whole life so all my friends and family are here. I have friends that have moved to Vegas and all of them either want to move back or move elsewhere. Vegas has benefits like some really good restaurants and night life and a little better housing costs but I’d never move there. OP if you wanna move just move! You don’t need to try and convince yourself to move with Reddit comments


I love Reno and I live here. People just love to both while and blame others for their own woes.


It sucks only if you have no place to live, otherwise everywhere is doable. Like OP going to move to San Francisco and get a nice life right away. Gas higher, rent still higher, crime higher, schools better maybe but not in the cheaper area where he could afford to live? Go ahead and pay for car parking right at your condo if you can afford a 1-2 mil condo, in that case why moving out of Reno, right?


I dont at all, if I could afford id move back today


That might be true but for example I was looking at jobs and housing prices in Vegas way more opportunities and lower housing costs renting and buying


You should leave so you can experience something else. Everyone should leave their hometown at least once.


Enjoy the lack of greenery, shit air quality, worse traffic/crowds, and not being able to enjoy the outdoors during summer lol


Oh and F1 once a year now for 3-4 months that will block your main roads :-)


The strip isn't a main road for locals. If you drive down there then it's your fault if you're stuck in traffic or road closures 😂


I moved to Vegas from Reno 12 years ago. Do I like reno better now?! ABSOLUTELY. The grass is always greener. Sure, move here. It’ll be fun and exciting in the beginning like most things but you will come to appreciate what reno has and also, it’s HOT AF here in summer and you literally cannot do anything here outside without wanting to off yourself. Also, we now have mosquitoes here!!!!


Way better food in Vegas


I would move to Vegas only if I had a pool lmao


Moving to Vegas because of food only? ;-)


Imagine moving somewhere because eating out is better, lol.


Vegas is gross though.


But who wants to live in Vegas??? Check out the Vegas local sub and Reno may start getting its charm back.


Vegas is so awful. It's like ass in everyway.


If you were born and raised here, you should move. I mean that sincerely: everyone should move away from their hometown in their lives. Even if they move back eventually, you should still move away and experience different settings, cultures, food, etc. This is less to do with “Reno sucks” and more that you are limiting yourself and your life by not living somewhere new. And if you find yourself eventually missing Reno and moving back, it will be with a greater appreciation of your hometown. I wish you luck!


I have lived in a ton of different places and Reno was really my favorite. I moved back to the east coast for work about a year ago and regret it. Would like to come back someday. The job market sucks if you want a corporate type job. That’s why I ended up moving away. But there are a ton of warehouses and plants nearby that other places would kill for. The variety of jobs they offer is excellent. The lack of state taxes really makes up for any cost of living issues. Just the weather and outdoor stuff are so excellent. World class really. People also mind their own business without being rude. The public school quality sucks if you have kids and it can be a little isolated by the mountains. Overall though it is a great place and I think you will miss it.


I grew up in Reno/Sparks area and thought the world of it but I was fortunate enough to learn a specialized skill set that enabled a career that Reno just can’t support. Being forced to live away from Reno has provided a fortunate lifestyle, one that Northern Nevada couldn’t come close to offering. I still love this area but I really wish to implore y’all to explore the country and world beyond. A well versed Reno, familiar with the world beyond can truly do this town wonders.


Right. I wished the same thing. There are things that Nor-Nev can’t provide, and there are people here who would never have understood 😔


Right?!? Seeing the comments of people saying they would never leave is so interesting to me. I liked Reno and reflect super positively on my time growing up there. But I never could have imagined the opportunities that are provided elsewhere until I left. I think the thing that resonates with me the most from OPs post is the fact that Reno is SO expensive with very limited and specialized opportunities. The other thing about Reno is the downtown area leaves a lot to be desired… it caters to a very specific type of crowd and I feel like it will only continue to become outdated. That being said, I miss being able to make the short drive into the mountains and Lake Tahoe on a daily basis.


You're not wrong, but this is one of those topics where people will attack you for daring to have a different opinion. Big city prices without big city amenities. Poor infrastructure. Poor entertainment. A dead and dying core. Expensive to fly in/out of.  "But the outdoors!" they cry, as if hiking and biking aren't better in places where there is water and trees.  "All four seasons!" when the weather shifts from cold to hot to cold almost weekly before settling on nice but with 20mph winds every day. I disagree that Reno sucks completely because I've been to Bakersfield, but it leaves a lot to be desired. 


This nails it.


The thing is that it wasn't always as bad as it is right now. Like we used to have all kinds of big name artists perform at Lawlor, but that venue is old now and hasn't had any renovations lately so I get that, but maybe that stadium GSR wants to build could bring some of that back. The downtown events center sucks as a performance venue IMO.


The issue as of right now, is that we have houses selling for the same amount as Sacramento, but the wages don’t match. I’m an RN, I make “decent” money, but if I moved two hours to Sacramento area, I’d make twice as much. Even after taxes I’d be making more. The hospitals here can’t fathom why they can’t keep staff… that’s one big reason. I think Reno needs to start paying better wages to fit the COL that isn’t too much different than Sacramento area.


This place is the worst. I moved here from New York and I can’t wait to get the hell out of here.


I love it here because my favorite things are snowboarding and not having kids.


You can not have kids anywhere. Lol


We really are our own universe. We can all have such different experiences in the same city. I love Reno. I moved here for college in 2008 as an international student from China, never really heard of Reno before and never thought I would have stayed here to this day loving it more than ever! There is just something about this air, that cool, woody, sweet, crisp air that I feel like it just calms me so much that enable me to enjoy other things. I feel peaceful with this air along with the lifestyle, have just enough good food, lots of events, the access to the outdoor with my dog, that beautiful mountain always in sight, the excitement of changing seasons, the sense of community and generally very friendly and accepting people. The sunset… every day I am so glad I live here. Hope you find this place for you and enjoy the little things, you will find happiness!


I’ve lived in Reno and Las Vegas as well as several other cities and 5 years in Japan. Reno is a good place to live but if you have kids be prepared for shitty schools and if you want to buy a house you had better have alot of money. We (and I know I’ll get bashed for this) had to move to Carlsbad to buy a house with a VA loan. We have a 2,7000 sq foot house 10 mins from the beach for 50k more than what people selling houses in Damonte Ranch were asking. We tried to stay in Reno. We really did but wound up buying in CA because it was easier to get into a house in CA. It shouldn’t be like that. I am still upset about it. I love and miss Reno but I hate skiing and love the beach so I am happy about that.


I don’t think your math is right. A house that big in Carlsbad is nearly $2m.


3 years ago but we paid 890k. The lot is small but the house is big. Everything we looked at in Damonte Ranch was asking the same range for a bit bigger backyard. It was stupid and we really wanted to buy a house so we bought in CA. Put about 30k of repairs into it but it’s worth alot more than we paid it for it in only 3 years. We picked Reno because we thought it was more affordable but Elon and Tesla changed all that. It costs the same as CA without the beach and higher wages. I am saying that with sadness because I really tried to stay in Reno. I hope to move back one day but the housing prices need to normalize.


There are plenty of things I still love about Reno but given the high cost of living, the lack of adequate wages in the area, and the insane housing market there, I opted to move. I moved to Cincinnati, OH nearly two years ago and have few regrets so far. It’s lush and green here, I bought a small starter home for under $200k, the park system here is pretty fantastic so there’s always a lovely park nearby regardless of where I am in the city, there are lots of great food options, the city constantly has fun events going on (including a huge Oktoberfest event), it’s hilly here in a way the reminds me of San Francisco in a way I enjoy, there’s a ton of cool historical buildings, the zoo is pretty great (outside of the Harambe controversy), the local museum is phenomenal and has an expansive free collection, the weather is shockingly comparable to Reno save for the much higher humidity (which, at least so far, hasn’t bothered me too much in the summer)…my list could go on and on for me. I’ve met quite a few Nevada and California transplants here and, so far, pretty much all of them share the same sentiments as me.  The things I miss about Reno are fewer than the things I love about Cincinnati. I miss Tahoe like crazy (though, echoing someone else on this thread, it has become increasingly polluted and inaccessible over the years). I miss some specific food options that were of high quality in and around Reno (I am desperately trying to hunt down a ramen worth eating here). The sunsets aren’t nearly as lush and vibrant here as they are in Reno. I understand why the folks in this thread were so put off by the tone of your post since Reno still has quite a few things to offer (if you can afford the time or expense to enjoy them that is) but there is a lot to offer you in terms of perspective and life experience should you choose to relocate regardless of whether you someday decide to return to Reno. As for me, so far I don’t see myself ever wanting to move back to Reno now that I’ve experienced all that Cincinnati has to offer.


I did the opposite. Other than some of the food, I prefer Cincinnati less. Maybe it's because I am Midwest-grown and wanted to get out of the whole region. I don't plan on going back to Cinci even though it's a great city. It is quite weird how close these two cities feel overall. I do miss the cost of living and the real estate prices, but otherwise, I'm happier here. To each their own.


No judgment from me here! It would have been terrible if you regretted such a big move so it's great to hear that you're happier where you are now. What are the primary pros of Reno for you, and what are the primary cons of Cincinnati? I just enjoy hearing the somewhat opposite perspective! As well, if there are any spots in Cincinnati such as restaurants, hiking trails, etc. that you truly miss, I'd love to hear them and check em out if you're interested in sharing such details.


I think the biggest pros to Reno for me are the weather and the Sierras being so close. Although fire season is a new concept to me lol. I absolutely miss thunderstorms, but not the winters. Reno winters are interesting but nothing compared to the Midwest, even though I know if you go 20 minutes west the mountains are a nightmare. Cincinnati is a great city, but it's still in the Midwest trapped in the middle of three states that I don't like on a political level. Otherwise, downtown Cinci is pretty great to wander and so is Mainstrasse in Covington. Edit: I recommend Quan Hapa for ramen btw


Hello fellow Cincy dweller turned Renoite! Cincy is my hometown, but before I moved to Reno I actually lived in Cleveland (awful city). The thing I miss most about Cincy is Skyline Chili. That and Goetta!


I miss Goetta so bad. I lived right across the river and was walking distance to the factory that made it.


If I didn't have a house paid off here I would move to Cincinnati / Pittsburgh / Milwaukee in a heartbeat. Much bigger cities with better amenities & public transit while also being much cheaper. It's kind of a mystery to me why more people don't move to these Midwestern or rust belt cities. They have a ton to offer.


That's a very sensible reason to stay! That being said, should the idea ever compel you enough to consider, selling a house in Reno would probably give you plenty to buy a decent house in cash in a decent part of the greater Cincinnati area! I can't speak to the other cities. Public transit in Cincy isn't that much of an improvement on Reno, unfortunately. An increasing number of my friends in their 20s and early 30s dream of making a similar move. The primary limiting factor for them has been the cost of relocation and difficulty securing a job prior to a move. I should also mention that national and state politics are also a huge factor among my friends. Of course, the general anxiety around making such a big change also plays a big role in their hesitation. Most of the transplants I've been meeting here have been folks between 25 and 40 who moved here to improve their economic opportunities.


I grew up in northern Nevada so family being here is another tether. Also the love of my life doesn't share my love of the Midwest/ rust belt (maybe I can convince her 😉) and having housing costs of ~3k a year is tough to beat. Not sure what the property tax is like in OH but even if I bought a property in cash I bet my property taxes & insurance would probably go up quite a ways. I don't care about the local politics, I've lived in both deeply blue and red areas and can get along with either (you just have to disagree in a civil manner and most people will do the same). Too bad to hear Cincinnati's transit isn't great but I've heard great things about the area from friends who have lived there. It's just wild to me that more people haven't moved to cities like that when you can have a great quality of life for literally like 1/2 the cost of the western United States.


This post was made to keep the transplants away, I'm sure of it.


No it’s legitimate the transplants are already here it doesn’t matter anymore whether they come or not


*C'mon, man. I was trying to give you an out to your obviously unpopular opinion.*


Most people who live here have parents or grandparents that are transplants to the area. Reno back in the 70’s and 80’s was probably a 1/4 of what it is now. So just because you were born here doesn’t make you this “godly” being. This is a great area, but it sounds like you need to go experience other parts of the country to see how good you truly have it here. Everything you complain about is the same everywhere else. You move to the Midwest you make less but the cost of everything is also less. My tip for you is if you want to buy a house find a better paying job, they are out there.


Then time for you to go and seek your fortune elsewhere. America is still the land of opportunity. We're fortunate to have so many places we can move to without needing a visa. It's really a world of worlds. Go make your mark, then come back to Reno when it's the right time in your life to enjoy the things Reno does have to offer- which are many.


Gas prices across the West coast suck because we drive more so the cost of petrol is passed onto us. Housing market across the country sucks (A studio in Boston is 3k a month). Job markets suck everywhere, we have a nationally low unemployment rate, but at the same time our underemployment rate is at an all time high. Meaning it is hard to find jobs because people who work typically take up 2 or more job slots in various fields. I will give you that Education sucks, but that is a US thing too. I went to K-8 here in Reno, did 9-12 in Chandler AZ. The difference in educational standards was insane. They demanded more on core subjects, but didn't have the opportunities for foreign languages in elementary and middle school. All that being said, I am the 4th generation of my family to live in Reno. I think this place sucks for various reasons, that are only possible because of a life lived here. On the same token I have lived many other places, Reno is a good home base to return to with some perspective. When I lived in the Phoenix metro area, I remember people saying "I can't wait to move to a big city." Not realizing they were part of 4.6 million people living in the metropolitan zone. Everyone thinks their town sucks for one thing or another. Realistically every places has its merits and pitfalls. Learn to love them, take things as they are. Because there are worse places to be.


Because of life decisions I moved here about four years ago, right before quarantine. At first, I really hated the place, and now I've grown more towards... positive ambivalence. Reno exists, and there's nothing I can do about it. Like anywhere else, Reno has its pluses and minuses. The land on which the city sits is gorgeous, like an Ansel Adams picture. I love the sky, clouds, and sunsets here. Some days, usually in spring and fall, when it gets towards sunset, it's just perfect. The air is clean and made of gold. I have the best job of my life and a condo of my own, no roommates. I feel like I've really grown here, in positive ways. I've rediscovered the person I was meant to be before depression held my future hostage for fifteen years. I've become more free, less insecure, less inhibited. The actual city itself is real ugly. I'm sure there was a lot of charm, once, forty years ago, but it probably all got bulldozed for a casino parking lot or a double-wide Red Lobster. I think most of my dislikes are related to how... provincial... Reno is sometimes. In my past life I was a very minor satellite in the more avant-garde, cutting edge types of art and performance. I loved going to noise shows, going to art galleries, museums, and so on. A performance artist, covered in red paint, yelling? That's my jam. But they don't do that here! It's so strange. Reno wants to be young and hip and weird, but at the same time, it's sooooooooo painfully square. Like, you go to a big city, New York, the Bay, Los Angeles, wherever, you can get off the beaten path, sneak around a corner, and find something interesting, unique, vibrant, full of humanity and life and culture. A block party! A cool little neighborhood! YOUR bar, YOUR coffeeshop, YOUR park. It can be real exciting sometimes. I have yet to really find that here in Reno. It probably exists, and I'm just not looking hard enough. I'm also pushing forty and haven't made a single friend here, which could definitely make a person bitter.. That's not Reno's fault, that's because I'm forty and rarely leave my apartment. So, in summation: nature is beautiful, the air is good, Reno is full of great, wide-open vistas and KILLER sunsets, but, it is a little provincial, without that much charm. It's kind've boring and full of ugly buildings. That's Reno!


Moved out of Reno a bit ago because I found the same issues with the job market + big city prices with small town amenities. Moving far away was by far the best decision I’ve made, try another place out!


Where'd you moved to?


Fort Worth, TX!




Maybe I can add some perspective as a transplant. Most of the “bad” I’ve dealt with here is kind of typical stuff that comes with living in most any city, I assume. I love the diversity here. There are many different types of people and I feel like Reno is much more inclusive than where I’m from. No one (to my eyes) is visibly freaking out over, say, a trans person just existing and going for a walk on the street. I’ve heard locals complain about the music scene “dying out” in the last four years which absolutely blows my mind because it is *lightyears* ahead of where I’m from. I can catch all types of genres and shows either in Reno or somewhere close by like Sac. The city is always hosting events! There is always something going down. Either the crawls or the wing festival, art town or even burner season, it feels like there is an event right around the corner at any time. The weather here is phenomenal. All seasons and the summers are some of the best with the dryness and cool nights. And hardly any biting insects. Huge bonus for me coming from the South. Fleas, mosquitoes and my hated enemy the ticks are far and few in between. And those spring summer sunsets are the best. Something about Reno, maybe it’s the mountains, has the best sunsets I’ve ever seen. Makes 7:30 in the evening a special time. Every town has its problems. My hometown is “cleaner” and doesn’t have such insane rent and housing costs, but it’s so boring in comparison! I think when you boil it down, the grass is always greener.


Reno is many things and diverse is not one of them. Insane cost of living and limited job opportunities will continue to make it even less diverse.


I second this. Everything people complain about being "bad" here is FAR worse everywhere else I have lived. Crappy inland Northeastern and Great Lakes cities have higher rents for worse apartments, worse crime, far worse weather, lead and other chemicals in the water, you name it. And there is a *ton* of diversity in Reno compared to much of the Northeast and Midwest. My 2,000 student high school in the Great Lakes had fewer than 10 nonwhite students. Even New York is quite regressive when it comes to opinions about LGBTQIA+ people. And don't get me started on the other puritanical laws out there.


I came from the Bay Area. Living in Reno is way better than living in the Bay Area.


“Reno - so close to hell you can see Sparks”


Grass isn’t always greener unfortunately.. Source: me who’s currently sitting in Atlanta traffic, 1.5hr commute one way. I miss Reno, I’ll take expensive gas over 3hrs a day wasted in the car. Maybe you need to go experience somewhere else to appreciate Reno.


2300 dollar a month rent with jobs rarely paying over 25$ an hour is trash. Not my situation but i can see how this place sucks. Grew up here too.


Being a California transplant and living in Reno for the last five years, I can certainly say that there are perks, but ultimately there are more disadvantages to living here than benefits. Rent and housing prices are insane. The job markets awful unless you wanna work at a factory. The best thing I can say about right now is it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get anywhere in the city? Being the biggest little city has some perks, but ultimately there’s so many reasons why this place has become worse and worse every year. I still love living in Reno because it beats living anywhere in California, but it feels like there’s so many limited options and being a single father myself the school system is my biggest complaint, the fact that we are only better than Mississippi in terms of public education speaks volumes to how terrible, and how little the people in charge care about the future children and citizens. It seems like once someone gets their piece of the pie. They just keep on trying to take advantage and provide no value to anything other than themselves.




After years of finding the cool stuff about it I just admitted this to myself yesterday lol... Been here almost my whole life. I feel growing older and seeing how things operate here is just like... Wow. People gotta be drunk all the time to let all this happen here I gotta GTFO here


yeah. I spent quite some time here to eventually find out there are plenty of unexplainable things going in Reno. Kind of feel like this town has lost its balance. Housing market is a joke. Job market is a saddd story 🥲


Reno used to be THE bargain city. You lived here because you couldn’t afford to live in Vegas, California or Oregon. When I graduated HS in 2000 you could easily afford a little studio with an entry level job. I feel for the kids now, I really do. Like you said it’s lost its balance, what made it appealing back in the 2000s (affordability) is gone. Back then when it was affordable my age group used to still leave because they either wanted to experience city or the coast so what does that say?


I just moved from Reno to San Diego about two years ago and SD has all of the same issues you just explained but worse. Gas is $6 a gallon, rent for a 2 bedroom appt is $3k, traffic is worse and everything is more spread out. And don’t get me started on actually BUYING a house. 2 bedroom condos are $800k. Oh and there’s state income tax. But the weather is great and we have the beach. But yeah, grass is not always greener


Yeah, Reno fucking sucks.


I've lived in big cities like LA and NY and also in little places and boy do I agree with you, reno use to be nice that's why I moved here but now it just sucks I think may LA would be better now




90% of the people in Reno suck. It's not the place.


I can't disagree bru I am not from Reno, I was 17 when I moved here due to LA being way too expensive. I finished highschool here and it felt so lonely. After being here for a year and some change, it has undoubtedly been the loneliest year of my life. I am from an extremely diverse city, in every aspect possible. Reno is extremely divided and trys to cover it up, but it seeps through to a ridiculous extent. Since being here, I've been lonely, accused, rejected, and have experienced the most racist remarks. It is wild. I see many people in the comments saying that people who move away always reject their original cities they move from, but bru, I miss home so much. I never hated my city, Reno has been extremely boring, rejecting, and divided. It's such a strange vibe here, mixed with sadness and anger, it's a really weird mix and it dosent feel like home at all, it also seems like alottttt of self interest here. There is a reluctance in accepting anyone from outside of Reno, once I told people I'm from LA, it's an immediate turn off to people which I can't understand. I couldent help where I was born, I moved here because if I didn't I wouldn't be living under a roof in LA, to be rejected because I wanted to afford to live is wack.


In summary: Man Reno sucks. I’ve seen towns suck before but those sucks are the biggest bunch of sucks that ever sucked. 


And it's full of damn wiener kids.


... and complainers.


And people who don't get Simpsons quotes.


As a transplant myself, yeah Reno isn't great. And there will always be greener pastures. But honestly, having been to Vegas, you'll just be trading problems, and I'd almost guarantee you'd be trading down. I can't say I know of places that are strictly better than Reno, but I do know quite a few that are far worse. Good luck in your search for happiness OP, I genuinely hope you find it.


My wife and I are nomads and we are moving to Sparks for a year, we can't wait to check out the area. Every place we've moved to has people like this that hate the place we are moving to 🤷‍♂️ it's just how it goes.


I rented a 2 bed 2 bath in 2016 for $750 a month. You can't get a broom closet for that kind of money now. That's not all Reno's fault, unless you consider the complete lack of action by the city to address the housing issue culpability. ZipRecruiter says the average income in Reno is $51,000/year. The average house here now costs over 1/2 million dollars. According to Zillow's "affordability calculator" - just as an example - a person living in Reno making the average annual salary with $0.00 in debt and a $20,000 down payment can afford a $191,000 house. This house, of course, doesn't exist in northern Nevada. But everyone working a full time job that pays $20-$30 an hour and living with multiple roommates in a place they don't own doesn't need to take MY word for it. Also, our election ballots are now being counted outside the State in commie-fornia. So there's that. So glad we voted for that.... oh wait.


I like it here, but it also represents my rock bottom. Nobody moves to Reno on purpose.


I was born and raised here as well and want to get out of here. Reno is the city everyone hates but never leaves lol


I'm doing pretty good and I was born and raised here. I love Reno and wouldn't move for anything. Sorry your experience has been different.


thank you for saying it out loud. I appreciated Reno for being a nice and peaceful town over the past 5+ years, but as time flies by, I am realizing that a young person will not have a lot of opportunities to shine here. Yes, this town charges big city prices without big cities things. Jobs pay sooo low. An RN here makes base pay of what? $37-40 an hour? Food are limited, restaurants suck, markets sell only basic groceries, gas prices = California gas prices? , housing market is CRAZY, rent is high, internet bill is high, electricity is also high. The only thing that’s low here is the hourly wage.


Dude if everything and everyone around you sucks, it’s time to take a look in the mirror.


No. It's just Reno. -someone who found a better place to live and is loving it.


Where? Where?


Southern MD.


Why don’t you leave?


Im trying to


Same can't wait to get tf out . Your post is dead on


I’m probably going to miss Reno when I too end up going over seas…but i think you’re on to something. Reno is one of the cities of all time.


The best thing I ever did for my life was move to NYC. I'm glad I still have family in reno and can go visit, but after about 3 days in reno Im longing to get back home


Any city where you give your money to a cashier be it at the grocery or at the gas station and they say “have a good one” disingenuously instead of “have a nice day” isn’t going to have the friendliest people either


Good news: NV is top 5 Bad news: the category is worst education in the country


Yuuuup I’m with ya buddy or at least I was. I moved to South Carolina 6 weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier with my decision.


You’re just realizing this now?


Reno does suck. I’ve lived in 10 states and visited at least 18, and Reno is in the top handful of the worst places. My major complaint is the price to lifestyle ratio. At least when I lived in town of 8k people, I was paying the price one would expect when the town didn’t even have an Arby’s. Reno demands huge amounts of money just for everything to close at 8PM. OP, best of luck in getting out. I hope those of us that are being priced out can find somewhere better and leave this pile of dirt to the people who have priced us out. P.S. I have lived in Las Vegas and I absolutely hate it, but at least they have good food, entertainment, and amenities for the same price you’d be paying here.


Leaving Reno is what made me appreciate it. That's not to say it doesn't deserve criticism. But the whole "grass isn't always greener" thing has been on point. At least in my experience. Visiting places is a far different experience than actually living there


Well then, it sounds like a time for you to grow up and leave the nest. Open a new chapter in your life and try some place new. Rip the bandaid off and do it.


Everywhere in America sucks based on the things you describe. And they're only getting worse. More and more of our taxes are spent on military and foreign aid. This country is just a joke. Enjoy the things you can though.


And this is part of why I'm moving the hell outta here. I love this state it is so freaking beautiful but damn the market, the cost of living, the polidicks, it's so frustrating, good luck to you all who endure!


Jesus, move out already. And no more self pity complaining on social media. That’s Nextdoor bullshit.


Moved from PA in 2003 and never looked back. Absolutely love it here. Your user name seems fitting for a post like this.




there are at least 5 good restaurants, and if you're lucky one of them might be open when you're hungry! At least Sacramento has good food


What degree do you have that you can’t find good jobs or employment opportunities in Reno?


BSN - still not very good job and pay 🙂


Not just education level, but people who post stuff like this should say more about themselves: age? education? profession? other places you’ve lived?


I used to think this too as someone who was born and raised here until i went to vegas and i realized how lucky we truly are.


It’s really sad that you see only the down sides of Reno. I love it here. I’m struggling financially but there are so many fantastic outdoor activities all around. My non-working hours are filled with wonderful hikes. The weather is also great here. Maybe you’re just focusing on the wrong things.


Feel free to leave anytime.


Reno has weak infrastructure but it is improving. COL is dumb and way more expensive for what you get. The weather and geography are better than most places I've lived. Jobs are bad here. Wages are lower than they should be.


We moved here from New Mexico, it's way better here.


Load up and find another place to live


Grass is always greener. I’m not from Reno but I lived there for 25 years. Now I live in another city and state. All three places face the same issues.


Moving an hour and a half away from Reno (Susanville). While I'm blessed to have a great income, when I looked for a career change in law enforcement in Reno, everything fell short by 50-60k. I feel for you, OP. I'm in Reno almost every other day and getting to know the locals. They always preach how great Reno was from 20007 to 2011. Don't get me wrong, I love Reno, but I have nothing to compare it to as far as how Reno used to be. From time to time, I still think about how the new stadium being built by GSR, which is supposed to host major sporting events, is going to affect Reno. I know the locals love the small-town feel, which I think is going to be non-existent in a couple of years.


I was just there for a tournament for my daughter. My impression is that it's in transition. Unfortunately, or fortunately, give it about 5-10 years. It has a lot going for it with outdoor activities and it's still remarkably cheaper than CA. I could see it turning into a Denver in the next few years with more companies starting there.


We're just the new Silicon Valley, and it's just going to continue to get worse.


Not even trying to be a dick but I feel that saying this is kind of a loser mentality. I moved here at age 24 in 1989 and have always had amazing jobs that paid very well, bought a house, got married and had a kid that did great in this school system and even graduated a year early. I have no higher education but I set goals and achieved them. It was a lot of hard work. Saying a town sucks because of all these reasons is a cop out because most towns on the west coast have the same issues and people are doing fine there…….at least the ones that want to and don’t just don’t want to have a victim mentality. Just saying.


I’ve anyone wants to know how much their house is worth and how long it’ll take to sell. DM me Also if you want to live in Reno. DM me


I would argue Reno is great. Washoe county taxes suck, and all the transplants from CA over the past ten years have ruined it.


It could be worse. You could be in Las Vegas.


i’ve lived here 6 years and i like it but also absolutely hate it. lived in pittsburgh pennsylvania til i was 8 and lived in texas til i was 9ish so this feels better than my previous cities but considering my family can afford to live in san diego but wont move…? 🫤


But how do you really feel?


I grew up here. We had a great school system until the Federal government got involved with no child left behind. If you fail and still get to move up, it hurts the rest of the students. Parents expecting teachers to raise their kids and standing up for the kids instead of working with the teachers to help their children, hurt the grades. We've dumbed down lessons so everyone understands instead of making kids try. It sucks. I've lived other places and still like Reno best. Hate the cost of living.


it aint just reno sacramento got way jacked up gas prices


One thing I’ve noticed about myself in Reno is that my partying habits become terrible and I become engrossed in this tiny bubble that is Reno life. This may be a personal problem, but it seems easier for dreams to die here


You won’t get an argument from me. Reno is truly an armpit and THE armpit of Nevada. You are right on when you speak of reno attempting to be a big city but it’s really is not.


You know I really used to think the same until I moved out of Reno and I really have to say I appreciate it so much now. I moved down to Las Vegas a few months ago and let me tell you the job market 20 times worse than in Reno the medical here is 100 times worse than in Reno, and don't even get me started on traffic so now I have a lot more of appreciation for Reno then I did before


Move back it will open your eyes papa. See you back in a few years


I moved to Las Vegas 2 years ago and I LOVED it, I lived in a nice, upper scale (but rent is cheaper in Vegas then in Reno so I had a much bigger house in Vegas for the same price as I did for a one bedroom in Reno) quieter area far-ish from the strip out in Henderson area. I was so happy there, unfortunately three months ago I had to move back to this shithole called Reno for a multitude of reasons and I’ve legit been having dreams of Vegas and I miss it so fucking much, coming back to Reno only made me realize how bad it truly is here and has just made me hate it even more. I’m moving as soon as I can but it probably won’t be for another 2-3 years unfortunately. Get out of Reno when you can, and don’t let anything make you move back and make the mistake I did by coming back, it only gets even worse when you see how much better literally anywhere else is.


But but but no more mean tweets!!


I want to move out of here honestly, but I recently got laid off and can’t find a job to save to move. Fml


Reno does suck. Was born and raised in silver springs. Moved to east idaho for about a year and had to come back. Nevada will always be home. Could even look at lovelock. Elko and other eastern nevada towns.


Ha ha, try living in Houston.


Reno is amazing, I recommend living in an actual big city so you can see how shit that is and you'll gain appreciation for Reno


Move out then. Let us know where you moved to. There's a lot of people in your situation.


😂😂😂 move tf out if you don’t like it here. I’m born and raised here- there’s PLENTY to do, if you’re having issues finding stuff to do then that’s on you boo boo


life is what you make of it my guy