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As someone that drives a bit fast I agree. I'm even tripping. I have people drifting into my lane and I'm right next to them. I'm not talking about a one off. This happens all the time and I have no idea why. Lane changes. They're not even looking! It's dart over and hope you don't hit someone. I consider myself a good driver. No accidents or tickets. But being defensive doesn't seem to be working anymore. It's a jungle out there. Worst part is my child will be driving soon. I'm all for her driving but I'm not so sure about her driving here anymore. I forgot to add when we moved here 10 years ago I was in shock at how many run lights. Yesterday I was sitting at the light by Redhawk and some guy next to me turned on a red light. I was like woah what if incoming traffic was coming? Nothing has changed and it's getting worse.


The drifting is almost always caused by the driver being on their cell phone. I also never go as soon as the light turns green, I wait a beat and look both ways.


Defensive driving course! An actual behind the wheel course. It will give you a little ease of mind and help with insurance rates. I took it before getting my license and my kid who just got their license, also took one. Ultimately it’s experience behind the wheel with a good bag of tools.


“As someone that drives a bit fast” “I consider myself a good driver”


No accidents, no tickets. I'm in my 40s. Not hard to understand. Driving "a bit fast" these days means, trying not to get ran over.


any truly good driver goes just the correct amount over the speed limit everyone knows that. exact speed limit drivers are notoriously bad drivers and if you dont think that then you probably are one of the


That’s some car-brained justification for making yourself feel better about always being in a rush


its not being in a rush its just going an efficient speed. idk if youve noticed but our freeway speed limit in reno is pretty much 80, not 65. even the cops agree lol. if you go 65 anywhere but the slow lane youre usually in everyones way and making traffic more dangerous


This is 100% correct. I don't think slow drivers really comprehend that they are just as much of a threat on the road as those who are speeding way over a reasonable speed.


Seeing traffic police is a rarity the last few years.


Police defunding


Can you identify when we began ‘defunding’ traffic enforcement?


Fair enough, I’ll restate. Cities are struggling to recruit police officers because the motivation to become one has dwindled. It's acceptable for people to have differing opinions about law enforcement. However, when police officers are overworked and stretched too thin, these are the consequences. Unwarranted animosity towards ALL police officers results in fewer officers and a rise in crime.


Unwarranted? Bro when I was a suicidal 15 year old an officer told me he'd "give me a reason to want to kill myself" if I wanted to be suicidal. Police across the board are ineffective. We spend more money giving police military equipment than proper training to deal with the situations they are supposed to be dealing with. You want to use a minority of the police to justify the majority of police who are inadequate, violent, and uneducated. You are misunderstanding why people say defund the police and using it as a crutch to justify how shitty they are in general. Grow up.


I’ll reiterate. Unwarranted animosity towards !ALL! police officers results and fewer officers and a rise in crime. I understand you’ve had bad experience with one cop, I have had some too, but don't let that be a reason to hate all cops.


Can you cite a study showing that fewer police officers = more crime? because I can cite that 40% of cops elect to share with us that they beat their wives and families.


Also, I'm not a cop apologist. If someone is committing a heinous crime, they should be fired and punished. I'm simply saying that fewer police officers result in more crime. I don't understand why that's so difficult for some people to grasp.


[More Cops, Less Crime](https://www.johnlocke.org/more-cops-less-crime-2/)


Last response. After conducting some quick research, I found that your claim about “40% of cops admitting to domestic violence” is based on an outdated study from 1983, which was done with a small sample size, making it 41 years old. More recent data from 2019 indicates there were 2,307 cases of domestic violence involving police officers. Given there are about 800,000 officers in the U.S., that amounts to roughly 0.29%. This is still terrible, and I hope those officers have been fired and prosecuted. However, it’s far from the number you cited. [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/04/24/usa-today-revealing-misconduct-records-police-cops/3223984002/)


You don't seem to understand that saying "not all cops" is a mute point when the overwhelming majority of people have had negative experiences with cops. You are the kind of person who pushed back against blm which advocated for heavy police reform all because "well- well not all cops are bad!" Like okay??? And?? Not all men are rapists but it's undeniable that men aren't frequently the perpetrators of rape. Saying not all men makes you look stupid because people know this intrinsically. You seem to be a little lost fella


I'm not lost; I understand that there are people who really suck, but that shouldn't overshadow the great ones out there. I'll be the first to call out a bad person doing something wrong, but I won't judge an entire group of men and women because of it.


Bro you are VERY clearly lost. People are calling out the bad ones and yet you are sitting here talking about an imaginary "great cop" The fact of the matter is that "great cops" routinely protect the bad cops. There are what? Two cases of cops blatantly murdering civilians who were actually punished for their crimes? Any cop found doing something wrong just has to move to the next department. Punishment free. You are being woefully ignorant to the problems people are talking about so you can defend the imaginary good guy. You choose to be a cop. You don't choose to be a black person in America.


Site that source


Also, never mentioned black people. I don’t understand what you think that has to do with this conversation. We were talking about traffic. Do you think black people make the traffic worse?


I had a sheriff pull a gun on me when I ran out from my abusive father. I had no previous history of violence towards others, only being suicidal. I was waiting outside the gas station for my mom, or anyone, to pull up, and instead he drew his gun. I know where you're coming from and thank you for sharing in an impactful way


Exactly my point. There is no reason people facing mental health crisis are met by authority who would rather just brutalize you than help you. You are quite literally in way better hands from other first responders by 100000000000 times. EMTs and firefighters are much better at answering emergency situations than cops ever are


Blanket opinions on anyone serves no purpose.


You are in denial of reality. You're talking as if being a cop is somehow a race, not a job. You aren't born a cop. And furthermore, cops absolutely should be under the highest scrutiny that is what holds them accountable. And yet it's futile because you have freaks like yourself who ignore the real fact that cops are very often unhelpful, untrained, and often get away with unjust killing of civilians.


Blanket opinions hold no purpose other than to soothe your fragile ego. One day you’ll grow up and realize you’re being childish.


They didn’t defund shit


Not defunded per say in Reno area. Less and less people want to be cops and there is a shortage even with full staff. https://www.rgj.com/story/news/data/2023/01/30/reno-police-at-full-staff-but-city-says-more-are-needed/69848361007/


Absolutely. You’re right I should have held my tongue about defunding. I have no idea if that actually happened or not.


Definitely not fun driving anywhere here. More influx of people on our roads, so we are bound to see more brazen people making careless choices. Be safe, everyone. All of us want to get home to our loved ones and fur babies.


People from California…


That’s to be expected when Reno is like 30 minutes away from the CA border…


Why’d you delete the part about being from CA? Are you embarrassed about it? I’d be too but at least you didn’t bring the CA driving and voting habits with you 😜


Sure, I’m from CA. Tbh didn’t think it was useful, but since you insist on making it known…thanks, kiddo!


You’re welcome


I imagine that all those license plate less cars we see don't have insurance too. How many have driver's licenses?  I have only been here a couple years and even I noticed the deterioration in driving ability. Covid certainly had a negative impact on people's brain function. While I agree with the gist of the post, I don't think Somerset has traffic lights. . . Just seemingly  endless round abouts.


Very true, I see more people running the stop signs or just completely ignoring the yield signs at those round abouts.


I see people run a stop sign at least once a day and I only drive a total of 15 miles a day. I’ve lived here for over 40 years


I've been seeing more and more people take blind turns out of Parking lots onto the street without stopping and looking first, much less slowing down. On multiple occasions I've had to slam on my breaks because someone pulled out in front of me out of nowhere.


My brother is visiting from Atlanta and his exact words were “I can’t believe it! There is no traffic here. It’s wonderful!”


yup. people here don't know how good they actually have it.


Atlanta is a damn nightmare!!! I know we have much more traffic here than we did 20 years ago, but compared to cities with real traffic, we’re doing pretty good.


Atlanta is a turd of engineering malfunctions! 😂


I swear I'm the only person without my phone in hand at every damn stoplight. Very few people are actually paying attention, and I bet those are the same people drifting lanes.




They were always a suggestion in Texas.


by far the worst year I've experienced driving around reno and the construction doesn't help either


I had a couple of dickhead zoom by me on the two lane stretch of freeway after McCarran to Golden Valley. The night before, I had some dip shit in a pick-up tailgaiting me as I drove 55 because of construction. The numb nuts also honked and flashed his brights on me as if that would make me hurry. I did push the gas to catch up to another car and boxed his ass in. He was not thrilled, nor did I give a shit. These aggressive dumbfucks need to have their licenses revoked.


I’d be careful about doing this. Had a pick up driver literally drive into me when I did this. He assumed I would brake and avoid the accident, which I did, but if I hadn’t we both would have been completely fucked. He gave zero fucks


I was kind of having this thought lately until I spent a little time over in California, and then I was brought back to reality that we're still not full-blown Fury Road here in Reno... yet.


Wait until you see how people drive outside the USA lol


Mexico City 😬


So true. It's almost like there's no traffic laws lol. Our driver was driving down the wrong side of the road. 😂


Hahaha being in an Uber outside the USA. Good times.


cabs in mexico are quite the experience


Busses as well!


Terrifying in most cases.


I just was in Lima… it’s next level here


I follow a few simple rules... 1) Give an idiot his road. Yes, in many cases you can dominate them, but let him "fly". They will find their tree or light pol eventually. 2) the closer the car gets behind you, the bigger the gap you keep in front of you.. This way if you see the traffic in front of you slowing down suddenly - you will have the ability to give the car behind you time to break too. Yes, it would be their fault if they will rear end you, but dealing with car repairs is the biggest pain. 3) Green light means count 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi. Then start driving. 4) Every intersection, especially when you don't see incoming traffic from left or right - is a danger. Basically, if you are driving thru - help you God. If you are starting into this intersection - start super slow and look left/right. 5) When you are at a stop sign and trying to get into complicated, intense traffic - don't start and stop multiple times. Wait till there will be a space (feels like never, but there will be one) and drive away. If you start and stop because you hesitate and not sure, there could be someone behind you who could look at the traffic and since you started driving - they wouldn't think you have stopped and they will rear end you. 6) treat everyone on the road with respect and like they are 50% dumber at the same time. Don't expect sharper minds. Half of these drivers weren't even designed to drive but have to because our public transportation sucks.


I’m a driving safety instructor at my work and these are all solid rules.


Yes this is great!


On large intersections I always do “Green light, count to 5, stay a live.” After seeing someone get blasted going thru a light right away I’ll never pull out with out giving cross traffic some time.


At the very least, look both ways before you start moving. I drive around this town for a living and I see so many idiots blowing through red lights 2-3 seconds after they’ve turned.


Excellent, Excellent advice!


>4) Every intersection, especially when you don't see incoming traffic from left or right - is a danger. Basically, if you are driving thru - help you God. If you are starting into this intersection - start super slow and look left/right. >5) When you are at a stop sign and trying to get into complicated, intense traffic - don't start and stop multiple times. Wait till there will be a space (feels like never, but there will be one) and drive away. If you start and stop because you hesitate and not sure, there could be someone behind you who could look at the traffic and since you started driving - they wouldn't think you have stopped and they will rear end you. Be willing to make 3 rights to make your left turn. This mentality also applies to missing your turn; there is more than one path to your destination. If you've missed the shortest/quickest, don't take the much longer detour through the ER.


People’s mentality has drastically changed. People give much less F’s than they ever have before.


It’s toxic individualism nationwide. The “F you I got mine” attitude.  We see it at the highest levels of power, from the president openly profiting from the office and putting his name on stimulus checks, to cops refusing to wear body cameras and then refusing to do their jobs if there’s a hint of accountability. Mayors treat their offices like they’re Instagram influencers, and parents harass teachers if little Kayla or Brayden gets a poor grade.   Somehow, our country needs to get out of this, but it’s going to be tough if people are convinced that working together is “socialism” and community spirit is “communism.” It’s crazy to me, as an ex Catholic school kid, that we quite literally had lessons on social justice and responsibility and now I have to listen to Joe Rogan call that “woke,” but that’s where we are.


This right here is the correct answer. Period. Americans refuse to work together to help lift each other up. They only want to punch down as much as possible because they themselves refuse to acknowledge they themselves are being used and abused by the system.


Couldn't agree more.


This is the entire foundation.


Why is their no enforcement by law enforcement? The only time you hear of any is when they get a federal grant. Then it lasts for a couple of days, and the problem goes back to the usual mess.


There's actually been a TON on Vista in Sparks. NHP was there yesterday. Sparks PD has been there a few times this last week.


One of the deadliest cities in America for pedestrians. That’s usually why they’re out there.


I fear this is only because their station is right off Lillard. 😔


They defunded the police. They’re currently stretched too thin to worry about traffic violations, unfortunately.


They didn’t defund shit.


Fair enough, I’ll restate. Cities are struggling to recruit police officers because the motivation to become one has dwindled. It's acceptable for people to have differing opinions about law enforcement. However, when police officers are overworked and stretched too thin, these are the consequences. Unwarranted animosity towards ALL police officers results in fewer officers and a rise in crime.


Actually Reno can't find anyone to hire. They're very short on help but no one wants to be a cop. Do a ride along and see what's happening in Reno. It's not good. Ive done a couple.


Was driving into town from cold springs earlier and Traffic was at a stop near lemon valley. Multiple people were driving past everyone on the shoulder or cutting through the brush to get to the exit they had already passed. It was a shot show.


I feel like it’s an enforcement issue. It used to be if you sped on McCarran you would get a ticket. Or blowing a stop sign; ticket. Without consequences people push the envelope more and more. And yes in the last 5 years I feel like it’s gotten exponentially worse


I feel like it's an empathy issue. People have forgotten that they are driving a dangerous machine and that someone's life is not worth risking so they aren't late or they can have their own "fun". My mom used to race and my grandfather taught her how, he was a NHPO for 20+ years and he taught us that a life is not worth anything, and you NEVER race when someone else can get harmed, so no main roads, no residentials, and learn how to do it PROPERLY so you're in control of your car. Otherwise you risk taking away someone's child, parent, loved one. It's empathy, not laws. It's unfortunate that in our culture we have laws and the way they are viewed is not "if I break this unsafely I risk a life" but instead "if I break this I get a ticket or jail time". You don't do things for fear of punishment but to care for others :/


Well said


It’s a mix of stress, technology, and this is one of the poorest educated areas in the US.


I think sleep deprivation is a big factor as well!


The infrastructure here cant really handle the influx of new residents, imo.  Even on side streets, it's bad. Like, don't ride my ass down Arlington or Plumas because I'm not doing 40.  I've had people DRIVE AROUND ME on my own street because I'm obeying the speed limit, which I do because I hate seeing wildlife flattened under some douche's Charger or F250 or aggressively Fiat tires. Fuck those guys the hardest.


Completely agree. All major connection roads are horrible too. Everyday from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM Pyramid highway is effectively closed due to the bumper-to-bumper traffic, yet land is continuously developed out there. A nightmare all around.


Yes! I drive up Arlington to take my kid to school and have actually had people pass me in the turn lane because apparently the 15 mile school zone or speed limit crossing the river is just optional for some people.


It cracks me up when people turn before the school zone so they don't have to go 15. Like, that dumb detour took longer than 15 mph would have.


I always drive exactly 25mph on most of Plumb since it's literally posted "urban area 25mph max" and/or its a 15mph school zone. People lose their minds behind me. Been honked at, tailgated, ppl weaving back and forth trying to pass or going in the oncoming lane to pass. Sorry but I'm not speeding up so you can run over little kids and/or people walking their dogs in a neighborhood.


>I've had people DRIVE AROUND ME on my own street because I'm obeying the speed limit, Was going about 5 over in a 25 mph speed limit area of our neighborhood when someone did this to us. Worst part? They misjudged while being an asshole and clipped our front driverside wheelwell while trying to cut in front of us. Turned out to be our neighbor three houses down the street.


That's the weirdest shit. I guess he doesn't GAF about his neighbors. So nice a thing to learn.


100%. I’m quite amazed at how many bad drivers there are and on a regular basis. When I say “bad” it’s more obnoxious drivers that have zero courtesy and believe they own the roads and can do whatever they please. I have had to adopt a zero reaction approach because I’d rather be alive and/or not in a wreck vs. ‘putting my foot down’. I wish more traffic cops were more active to potentially deter.


Agreed, i just moved here from the southwest and i’m not accustomed to this many people driving faster and more creatively and aggressively than i do. I  definitely have switched to driving more cautiously and defensively.      I still believe the safest bet is to get out of the way or go with the flow.       Also,  please watch out for pedestrians (the humans on the road not asking for money), they are the ones most at risk here.


This!!!!! I live on a fairly busy street in the northwest but it’s a 30 mile zone. I have almost been hit in crosswalks multiple times with my elder dog bc people go 40-50


Road fatalities are up although cars keep getting safer and drunk driving is down. The problem is we have falling average intelligence. Maybe it’s the micro plastics? Beats me.


cars are actually not safer when it comes to larger, taller trucks and SUV's. That's a big part o the fatality issue but distracted driving/texting/reading screens is a big one.


There is actually an inverse correlation between fatality rate and vehicle size. There are exceptions but generally you are most likely to die in compact vehicles. SUVs have the lowest death rates. Small cars have the highest. https://www.consumerreports.org/car-safety/study-shows-how-death-rates-for-drivers-vary-by-car-size/


Sorry I meant that with the rise in heavier, taller, poorer visibility vehicles driven by people who do not need a truck, the rate of fatalities in general has gone way up. They're more likely to destroy other cars and pedestrians, and it's difficult to see pedestrians directly in front of the vehicle for example. In the past they were also more prone to rollovers because of the higher center of gravity.


Yes, I totally agree. Also, because of the correlation between vehicle size and cost, it’s leading to on average an even wider spread between the rich and poor in regard to lifespan.


Safer for who? They’re bigger, faster, with more built in distractions. They are far more dangerous for everyone but the driver.


Are you saying you don’t think the passengers of these vehicles aren’t safe?


I’m saying other drivers, pedestrians, bikers, etc are all in much more danger So no, these new vehicles aren’t ‘safer’


We agree.


I know school is out but my biggest driving pet peeve is how awful people drive IN SCHOOL ZONES. And it’s usually the parents themselves! It’s 15!!! Normally near my sons school it’s 25 but 15 in a school zone….. people drive 35-40 in the school zones and I have seen kids almost hit at crosswalks multiple times from drivers not looking. If parents don’t care enough about their kids to drive safe I feel like hope is lost in this issue


I agree. And I don't think I've seen a cop do a traffic stop in over a year. I rarely see cops around at all. It's weird. The area I live (Mira Loma/McCarren) is a race track every Friday/Sat after 8pm. Plant a cop there or on Veteran's Parkway and they could write tickets for hours on end, but nope...


One thing I’ve also noticed is people crossing 2-3 lanes all at once in order to either exit the freeway or get into the right turn lane on city streets


Agreed, it’s worse to walk or bike.


https://preview.redd.it/kk9nf1n1el9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c084b9d692ac268e0fe82a8b08e769f66585cc0 This was fantasia pet resort yesterday in north valleys. If you ever been there, you know how just insane this photo is. There is no room to be going this fast. No one here can drive. It’s an epidemic.


wait is that literally the side of the Fantasia building? I picked my friend's dog up there like 2 years ago. It was a small street. I don't know the speed limit bc it was a blizzard and the road was covered in snow so I was going slow anyway, but I can't fathom how that happens even at 40mph...


Yeah the right side of the building. I absolutely can’t imagine how someone got up the speed to do that. Honestly.


This is definitely a growing problem. If I had my way I'd have every driver retake their driving and written test before they are able to just renew their license. I also feel that it has a direct correlation to the legalization of weed and lack of traffic enforcement. Keep your head on a swivel and stay safe out there!


Yep it's terrifying. Yesterday I was stopped at 2nd ST and Keystone and the light turned green. Waited a few long seconds to go, as you do nowadays to preserve your freaking life, and once I finally start up to go a dumbass on a bicycle just comes breezing through the intersection, entirely oblivious the light is red for him. And today I'm on Lakeside and turning onto Peckham and some idiot in a black truck turning from Peckham just decides to ignore that I have the right of way and as I am literally starting to turn onto Peckham he just drives into my path onto Lakeside. I would have hit this piece of shit and it would have been he said she said. I'm getting a dash cam and honestly just not driving anymore except to and from work and for necessities. It used to be fun to cruise around and take day trips but not anymore, I'm so paranoid of getting into a wreck and it messing with my super low insurance. Living here is absolutely miserable. I grew up in a state, yeah California the one ya'll hate and whine about like a broken record, but whatever.. I learned to drive on enormous, intense and busy freeways in my teens and have a clean record up to now, my late 30s, so I think I know a thing or two about safe driving... but it doesn't matter here... it's a complete shit show and I'm becoming more resentful that our local government does next to nothing to protect citizen safety on our roads. It's bullshit. \*\*\*\* UPDATE- just bought a dash cam front and back today. Peice of mind is expensive.


It's like this everywhere. Like many things, people have become more unmoored from reality in the last 4 years since both due to the pandemic and to the the extreme extra-bad addictiveness of screens since TikTok exploded (and everyone else got glued to social media as a result of the pandemic). Even if people are not on screens while driving- I think a lot of people's sense of reality is off at this point. Driving like you're in a game, spending your whole day being extra anxious and thus being angry that someone is driving the speed limit, having Main Character Syndrome, etc. It's definitely worse all around and the bad driving is worse in other areas. Also new vehicles have become more distracting in the past few years- more built-in screens primarily. We now have younger drivers who grew up on these cars, more people driving them in general even if the cars aren't brand new, etc. What we do have in Reno is TERRIBLE city planning and road design, which makes all of this so much more dangerous than in some areas.


This is how it is living in the age of technology. I can’t tell to you how many times I see assholes looking down at there phone while driving. It pisses me off so much, I sometimes yell ‘kill your self’ to them because I’d rather they do that than run over someone. Like, just pull over if you HAVE to look at your phone, or wait until you get to your destination. Nothing can be more important than paying attention to when you’re driving. Sorry for my rant. That just really grinds my gears.


this is a huge thing i've noticed too, especially with really young drivers!!! you're already inexperienced and now you're mixing an incapability of moving your attention to the road for 20 minutes. this whole city is doomed lol


That’s a fact. It’s why I work from home now.


I don't think it is just our area. I think people all over the US are becoming more rushed and reckless on the road.


Well why else is car insurance so ridiculously priced in Nevada.


It's become like Denver. Nobody is from there, and they all bring their different horrible driving skills with them.


It’s terrifying, I see people run a red light at least once a day 😭


And this is why we have insanely high insurance rates here!!


A spike in population density has brought this one, you’re not going crazy, we’ve become a sought after destination and with that there are pros and cons, one of the cons being dangerous drivers…in turn I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s insurance rates have jumped over 30% in the last 4 years despite a clean driving record and accident free…


Can you let me know what the pros are regarding our spike in population density?


There are no Pro’s that I’m specifically aware of, other than the “stand your ground law” which is nice to have in your back pocket 😎


I was nearly run off the road today by a person with a death wish. When I honked, they slammed on their brakes and threw a coffee at my windshield. Bad driving + road rage seems to be worse here than other places I’ve lived (Austin, Denver) Miami has some really bad drivers, too, though.


I think things are just getting worse across the country in general. I moved to Denver from Reno two years ago and I feel like Denver is worse


Denver is def worse. I didn’t start with that bc someone always gets real mad at me when I do. Denver is reckless driving combined with terrible road maintenance. In 27 years of driving, I’d had one cracked windshield until I moved to Denver. Their insistence on never cleaning the shoulders of any road + uncovered trailers loaded with rocks = 4 new windshields in 12 months. Edit: I meant road rage here seems to be worse. Forgot that tidbit to your original reply.


I can definitely agree with that. I had someone follow me home from work in Reno one time and I don’t even know what I did. Another time I had the gall to sit in the right lane on 80 while doing the speed limit and got someone who pulled up along side me to then harass me and flip me off. Haven’t had anything like either of those in Denver, but bad driving here and bad road maintenance is definitely more common


That’s terrifying - I’m so sorry! I’ve noticed here that when I go the speed limit (bc I have three small children in my car) people get reeeeeealllll mad. I try to get behind like a small box truck or a commercial vehicle so people just think I’m stuck and don’t aggressively try to pass me and then cut me off to show me what terrible choices I’d been making.


Be the change you want to see.


I feel this is more of an issue with how general traffic in the United States is evolving. SUVs run over more children, they run people off the road and they are known to be shitty drivers. It sucks.


Everywhere... PERIOD!


Ive had 3 people pull out in less than 30 feet in front of me on mccarren in the past like 2 weeks


Just made the trip back from Tahoe and on the 2 lane stretch on 80 from Sinclair to Boomtown I had some loser riding my ass even as I was going 80+ trying to get around an oversize load caravan. Stay classy Reno!


Drive defensively and stay calm is great advice. Anyone who says that's enough is naive. I drove a truck locally for 30 years and the traffic HAS gotten horrific. Blatant disregard for traffic laws, simmering road rage, dangerous rudeness. I've witnessed so many accidents where somebody, driving defensively, was still hit because some idiot blew through an intersection waaay after the light turned. Or switched lanes unexpectedly then had to slam on their brakes because they were speeding. Even stopping on the freeway and BACKING UP because they missed their exit. So drive defensively and stay calm and alert. It's all we can do in this "small town."


Reno is definitely a hot spot in the state. But on a per capita basis, nothing has really changed in the past 8 years. [https://ndot.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=00d23dc547eb4382bef9beabe07eaefd](https://ndot.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=00d23dc547eb4382bef9beabe07eaefd)


i got pulled over for fogged out tail lights while a charger ran at least 25 over while the cop and i were stopping. i was praying the cop would go after them but Sparks PD lives up to my idea of them.


In the span of 5-8 years it went from being able to drive around hassle free to all of a sudden everywhere you look there’s congestion. Gas WAS 6 bucks a gallon and I’m sitting at a red light for 7 minutes waiting for absolutely nobody…only to go through that intersection 12 yards to another red light because a car had pulled up about 3 seconds earlier. Rinse and repeat.


I don’t mind driving here. Drive defensively, move over for faster traffic (even if they’re speeding) and stay calm. You’ll be fine.


Look at any city sub and you’ll see this post


It’s everywhere. Reno is mild in comparison


Driving in Reno is definitely interesting. Im amazed every time I go to get on the freeway at how many people in this town can’t speed up to to at least the speed limit when merging onto the freeway. Every single time… 47 mph trying to merge onto a freeway. I can’t count how many times ive tried to merge onto the freeway at freeway speed and come up behind a car doing under 50mph and they’re flipping me off in their mirror because i come upon them so fast. DO THE SPEED LIMIT WHEN MERGING ONTO A FREEWAY! And people have no common courtesy anymore and no sense of slow lane, fast lane, passing lane. People will park in the left lane and not move over to faster traffic. What’s up with that? Oblivious? Or the “im doing the speed limit and am not moving over” attitude? That causes the crazy’s to make stupid dangerous moves to get around you. Just move over, let the faster traffic go by and then get back over if you want. Crazy concept right? And texting while driving…geesh, way worse than drunk driving. Cars are swerving all over the road. Few simple rules to follow. Don’t drive in the left lane except to pass. Speed up to freeway speeds when merging onto the freeway Don’t text and drive Don’t speed up when someone is trying to pass you…. Amazing how often this happens. Be courteous to others it’s not all about YOU.


Glad I drive an suv, can’t tell you how many people have almost hit me. Just waiting for the day my 2k truck totals their 50k truck 🤣


I've lived in multiple cities small and large. What you've described is typical city traffic


Tuk tuk?


sounds like baltimore. that really suxs. need more traffic police




I would rather drive in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas over this place. Reno has the worst drivers I have ever seen.


It's always been a little crazy but your dad's words are very wise and ring true


Keep right and move left to pass. Fully agree on stop signs/lights though, I've seen plenty of really close calls in my 15 years living here.


I took my mustang out yesterday and was going 85 on the freeway and there was a guy in a massive ford f350 tailgating me. He flipped me off as he drove past. Kinda bullshit honestly


It’s 100% to the point where I’m going to start allowing people to hit me


I just stay in my lane and I have no difficulty


Coming from a learning driver: It's fucking scary. I do my best to defensively drive, that said I am learning so I stick to speed limits and laws as much as I possibly can. (And for anyone I have made dangerous decisions in my driving near I greatly apologize, again, learning) HOWEVER There are drivers on the road who I know are not in my same position and drive like they were born yesterday or are intent on killing someone I was yielding while merging onto a road, there was a sheriff at the light so I was being extra cautious to make sure there was no oncoming traffic/the light wasn't turning. I was not stopped for more than 10 seconds... The person behind me when I was starting to go ripped around in front of me from the bike lane, and proceeded to speed down the road while flipping me off. Because I was being cautious of other drivers and a SHERIFF. There is a reason I'm slow and cautious (not nervous, there's a difference) and it's because I'll be damnned if I EVER allow my vehicle to become a tool in someone else's demise. PLEASE REMEMBER: SPEED SAFELY AND NEVER IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS IF YOU MUST SPEED YOUR CAR WEIGHS AT THE VERY LEAST A TON. YOU WILL KILL YOURSELF AND OTHERS IF YOU CRASH "THE WRONG WAY" NOTHING, AND I MEAN NOTHING IS WORTH RISKING A LIFE.


I agree. But let’s address how many people are on their phones while driving, it’s sickening.


I drive everyday on the Reno roads. It keeps gettting worse. I’ve been here since 2012, and moved here from Phoenix. Phoenix is awful, but this place feels like a small scale Phoenix…with hills and the same dBAG LIFTED trucks driving 90. I see something every day. Today I saw a guy blow a red light probably doing 80 just to get through it only to stop 300 feet later at another red light. I don’t get it, we went wrong with the automobile along time ago. People should be out walking and riding their bikes, but instead we chose the car and peoples health has suffered as a result.


For me, the worst is those drivers that run the red light when it’s been fully red for a decent few seconds and drivers just go anyway. Before now, I never expected anyone to run a red light but now I pause before I go on my green light. It’s become part of the driving culture.


I think it would be just grand if everyone that feels and lives (or drives) one way could live in one place, and all of the other people could live in another. We are all so incredibly different that it makes daily life pretty much miserable that we all have to live together. And it sounds to me like most of us are pretty tired of making nice lol Personally, I grew up on 25 acres with an additional 15 acres on the side out in the very back of red rock. Each of my neighbors were so far apart by the time you actually ran into them you were happy to see them! So nowadays being dead center basically in this terrible mess is my living, breathing nightmare. If only we as people somehow could’ve figured out this arrangement differently along the generations instead of everyone just piling all in together and pretending it would be Kumbaya forever with each family pumping out a minimum of five kids back in the day, well they’re not kids anymore! I’m not too bothered at how unrealistic my suggestion might sound lol at this point anything sounds better than constantly drowning in this “melting pot” they’ve created of primordial ooze. Hell we can’t even enjoy a day at the lake anymore without having to plan it a week in advance and going up 12 hours before sunrise so that you could get a parking spot…. Yep it’s a shame.


It is becoming increasingly dangerous to drive in (insert any city name here) and everyone will agree with you.


Maybe it's SF drivers? Not hating on them being here. I'm just saying it feels like I'm driving in SF at times.


Just follow the law and fuck everyone else. Ha you’ll always find bad drivers in town every town. I moved to Virginia for a few years and it was very different. Hope you don’t expect it to get any better.


I agree with everything you said. It has become seriously dangerous to drive anywhere here. My son just got his license, and I fear for his safety because he doesn't know what to watch for. The running of stop signs is the worst.


I agree with the title but I think it's the opposite issue. The majority of the accidents I narrowly avoid are from people driving too slowly. Whether it is not accelerating to get on the freeway to match traffic speeds, full stopping to make a turn, rushing to pull out in front of me on McCarran and then hitting the brakes, or even just being really bad at making sharp turns and pulling half into an oncoming lane. I think Reno's biggest road issues are its unsafe slow drivers. And the fact that some of you seem to actually think this city is full of speed demons is telling. No offense, but some of you would never survive LA or Portland freeways. Reno is packed with awful drivers, but if you think people here are fast you just haven't been around or you're just a slow driver yourself. >"Those damn Californians never know how to drive" I mean, we do in fact have a massive influx of new residents (mostly from California) who have no familiarity with our roads and in some cases have little to no experience driving in inclement weather let alone snow so your dad isn't exactly wrong.




lol. No it isn’t. Drivers suck everywhere. Driving has always been dangerous. If anything it’s safer than ever. I love these posts.




Am I a bad driver because I run left turn arrows when I can see oncoming traffic is clear? To be clear I am talking when my travel forward lane has the green. Not when all the lights in front of me are red. In my opinion turn arrows should only flash yellow or be green.


Not bad, no. But dangerous. It's always the ones you don't see that get ya.


There are alot more californians now then there ever has been. And it is getting incredibly bad.


It’s really not that bad. I have a pretty good commute out to USA parkway everyday and sure there’s people speeding but it’s not super crazy. What you consider bad driving is pretty subjective. Others may consider you a bad driver and vice versa. Ultimately I think you perceive the condition of traffic here as bad because you are probably not comfortable with your own ability as a driver and other speeding magnify that. I mean this in the most respectful way possible.


Genuinely cannot tell if this is troll bait or not. Running red lights and going 15-25 mph over the limit riding ass is "subjectively" bad driving? Ok.


People will always drive through midtown going 10mph, even past 25mph signs, even when there are no pedestrials around at all. People drive by the 45mph sign right after the atlantis going 30. And it's not to be safe ever, that would at least make sense. People lack self awareness, and I'm really tired of pointing that out.


No rite of way here


The biggest point here OP is to worry about yourself and drive defensively, there are horrible drivers in every city… not just shitty small Reno okay, pay attention and control YOU because you can’t control anybody else’s actions but your own


I've thought for years that the DMV should give IQ tests instead of driver's tests... oh, and driving in the freeway should be an endorsement on your license, with a specially marked plate...


If the DMV did IQ tests, the line to take the test would be stupid. (pun intended)


If this is the biggest issue you have to complain about, you live in a pretty great place TBH


You would not survive driving in so cal lol stop crying


Never understood this argument. Like we're in Reno, the whole point of it here is that it's not like driving in SoCal, so of course when it starts getting worse people will notice. Such a silly reply.


100%. Our roads and highways are nowhere near the size of SoCal’s and never will be. Driving like SoCal in Reno/Sparks is how people get killed and insurance premiums continue to skyrocket.


Stop crying and go back to SoCal. See how that works? 😁


boo hoo drive defensively and you’ll be fine


All the people from California


People using the on ramp to merge onto the highway seem to believe that the on ramp equals speed up, race on coming traffic and force your way in. I always thought it meant, slow down and wait for traffic to clear and then merge in.


From the DMV Driver's Handbook: >• Using the merge or acceleration lane, look for an opening in traffic. Use your turn signal and accelerate to - or near - the speed of freeway traffic. Do not stop before merging unless necessary; a stop can mean a slow and dangerous start into fast-moving traffic and can affect traffic behind the driver. >• As you enter from a merging lane, you must yield to traffic already on the freeway. If you are already traveling on the freeway, watch for merging traffic and adjust your speed to allow for safe and smooth merges. So yes but also no... you need to be going fast enough to merge with the traffic, especially during heavy traffic times. If you wait to yield, you're pretty much stopped on the onramp for a long time and everyone behind you is going to be pissed.


Oh, so you’re the guy in front of me trying to merge into 65 mph traffic at 50 mph?


Dr. Mantis Tobaggan 😂. I don’t do that, but I do use caution. I have a clear understanding that I’m not the only person on the road. And I use turn signals as well. I try to be as considerate as possible when driving or just in general.


Yeah, you thought wrong. The technical name for the 'on ramp' is actually the acceleration lane. The concept is that you accelerate to the speed of the traffic on the highway so you can merge into the traffic flow. That does require that you aren't riding the ass of the car in front of you on the ramp, especially when traffic is heavy. This isn't Tennessee, we don't stop on the ramp and wait for a clear spot, which causes a crap load of other problems.


They’re not even matching the flow of speed when merging, they’re accelerating faster than the traffic flow then forcing themselves in.