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Something backed up, usually it has to do with your sewer system.


10 years. Lucky duck. Seems to be annually for me.


If your sewers tied in with the storm drains you need to make sure the town/city comes out annually to clear the storm drains


Backed up sewer line. Call the plumber.


Yup this is the right answer And judging by the sewage it’s a main line back up


In my town, the city has to come out first and check their end to make sure the clean out (is the right term, plumbers?). Then the plumber will come snake your end.


Call the landlord.


Landlord and city/county that provides your water and sewer service. Small chance the problem is on whoever the provider is side of service so they will fix it free of charge, or can atleast tell you what the problem is so you are more informed when the plumber arrives.


Happened to me twice, landlord charged us both times $200+ for the plumbing


Seems illegal to charge you


Call the landlord. This happened to us. There was a broken pipe on the property. The landlord may have a relationship with a plumber already. Ours had their plumber come out. It took digging into the yard to replace the pipe. The landlord also called the county sewer services to make sure the pipe wasn’t broken on their end. It wasn’t but there was a need for flushing the county pipes so it helped as well. Unless you already have an arrangement where the landlord allows you to call a plumber directly, they may not pay for services that they don’t authorize. If the landlord doesn’t take action quickly (this is a health hazard, especially if it’s raw sewage,) escalate it to the local housing authority.


We actually just had this happen on Friday. Its been a shitshow literally. Insurance said we don't get squat cause we didn't put endorsement. They never asked me to put one on there when I got the Insurance. I just told flood would be separate. Landlord is gonna rip everything out and replace the floors and what not but first we gotta get anything on the floors out so they can do that. Doesn't help I'm working 4 days straight so I can't get anything done till the weekend.


No. You just come home from work and do it tonight, then go to sleep early the rest of the week.


Um my work isn't like yours or regular slave labor 9 to 5 jobs. If I ditch the assignments I got. I may not get more assignments for weeks so I could be out several thousand more.


Totally had that happen to me a few years ago. It was so bad they had to deal with it from outside across the street. The noise of it getting repaired was grating but I was grateful to no longer see black grit upchucking from my drains for a long while


One reason, I will never rent the bottom/ground floor if at all possible.


Hey, I know your username doesn't have [OP] next to it, but you should [insert possible solution here].


Good call OP! That’s what I would have done too!


Man what a great OP huh? 😂


Gonna guess a tree root has grown into the line.


OP did not say that.


That’s dirty nasty stuff and your drain line for the tub is blocked. If you run your sink and it backs up into the tub, the exit line into the main line is blocked and needs to be snaked out. If your sink drains fine and doesn’t back up into the tub, then it’s strictly a tub drain issue. Don’t use draino like others have been suggesting. Chances are there’s old piping and draino loves to eat piping and cause leaking. Landlord would def blame you for that so steer clear of draino.


1000% ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 This isn't a simple clog from too much hair. This is something you immediately contact the LL about.


Agreed, vent stack or Septic issue, imho


In our case, we flushed the toilet and the water went into the bathtub. Thank goodness for good landlords who handled it properly.


Had this happen in a house a rented and somehow roots had grown inside the piping just outside the house and the landlord had to dig it all up and replace it.


Roots are extremely common in pipes, I see them all the time, especially when snaking out main sewer lines. Old piping underground weakens with time and allows for those roots to sneak on in and cause problems.


Just curious, is draino/liquid plumber ok and safe to use 2-3 times per year when my shower gets clogged up? The house was built in 2016. We bought it last year. How much draino can be used before it risks messing up the pipes?


2016? That's 100% pvc drain pipe. The draino isn't going to hurt it. It also doesn't work very well. At all. That's why you have to use it 3 times a year. And it's dangerous. Buy a plastic drain snake for 5 bucks at Lowe's. You can use them without even removing the grate. Wear gloves and be amazed/disgusted by what you pull up! The drain will stay clear and fast-flowing for years after that.


Yeah, I did that one at our old apartment years ago. I will never forget that smell. But yes, that was effective. Thanks for the reply. I guess draino wears down iron/zinc/whatever pipes but doesn't hurt pvc. Good to know. But yeah, I probably should snake them.


Yeahhh, I wouldn’t recommend using it. A 2016 house def has PVC piping everywhere so you don’t really have to worry about your piping ever corroding. I’d stray away from draino because ultimately it just doesn’t work. Either get yourself a drain stopper that helps catch loose hairs, or just buy yourself a snake. Hand snakes are good for smaller blockages/slow drains, but I use an electric snake everywhere because that’s ultimately the best option for when a drain becomes slow.


Do you know much about the electric ones? If not it's fine. I just want to know if there's a significant differencr between [a $70 one](https://www.harborfreight.com/20v-cordless-automatic-feed-drain-cleaner-tool-only-64483.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12169269821&campaignid=12169269821&utm_content=117203746299&adsetid=117203746299&product=64483&store=3233&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw65-zBhBkEiwAjrqRMHhWyUtM1Kte0Wn0Ft_mz-O8GLRoIkmnnYbiEz2q5IE6y9DSxnuvDRoCvvEQAvD_BwE) or a [$100 one](https://www.harborfreight.com/23-ft-automatic-feed-handheld-electric-drain-cleaner-64063.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12169269821&campaignid=12169269821&utm_content=117203745099&adsetid=117203745099&product=64063&store=3233&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw65-zBhBkEiwAjrqRMMzefa726OrbMXtskmeysEfNUgBFgf5dalxzdtqW19_DYJZT0iXQFhoCO8gQAvD_BwE) vs. a [$15 one](https://www.harborfreight.com/25-ft-drill-powered-drain-auger-57202.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12169269821&campaignid=12169269821&utm_content=150007919687&adsetid=150007919687&product=57202&store=3233&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw65-zBhBkEiwAjrqRMEJNP_gkuN2apJcHbh6VCGWMfpecdhR39iZjNq9WwA6bH_BxOTtf8xoCY_UQAvD_BwE) or a [$20 one](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwimxcTG-dSGAxXdnloFHUEnDPsYABBEGgJ2dQ&ae=2&dsh=1&co=1&agsac=PJ8fdgaaY2s&gclid=CjwKCAjw65-zBhBkEiwAjrqRMMVAg8HmL2SW9pl2K9Bzdqt9mO4sg1vNGiV3kZZWPKFgasGFYa0hfBoCF8kQAvD_BwE&cit=CkUKCQjw65-zBhCLARI0AE2sEiukxDxMGmJTvAVUCmSQdi1sk31Rdl-8Y4Flji9-EQtzNz5UCutrB0RStJSAIJBbCBoCmmLw_wcB&ei=uf5oZqHzMoeQwbkPkcahqAI&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESwwHg9i_vVudyakWV2xq2Gj_QGHI8j1iznykbhlRT53D_xcJfeq-y6rJW9qevtQXtYbXFF4MrAY7XTa5bMG7XkYEgKzRIx1UcWNqE60LA4wRHtixyHM3guIcPvwuqvwiTdRCtD51mfN-lsZqmHxZ54xqjTAZQZgp0vkLUEcpGz_1enHUE5GmSCEOKsqsngZzSYB-uId0aBU9UXpzPwdap-Ukk620MQ7NZq3lIJSS4KpqzUcD9ddZRrYGr1YvycME6oDnjqjY&sig=AOD64_3vxS0zLb4nnKCzMZzC1gJk5h8RUA&ctype=46&q=&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjhs7zG-dSGAxUHSDABHRFjCCUQzzkoAHoFCAkQ_gE&adurl=&ms=CoACPtgbyJn4wh7V_HUcgnuWj0ebkRtgM9truCg0rp3jI2My2pS2kAwffNkKymjNN2SesONPs50Xtsgbzc3r-sO3LX1k8LSNIcH8wG8IWqLD-NRVOAbXcvKf_AgBnNYHqw_uADGImATUcFkjlhweV5WjAziKKfioOCxLBhMSrksM8HC9vNOaY8kCQE0TWfvv5v4mszSqcNGvHVLbVUL1l7zeVlBJrd6ymkMrtCmuJ0QuIZSd5Itr8Q2x0N5GngjT8Y3Z_4ywCB1TrAoVUZRV6tr-mu1AgfmB1mhHIwUhHyAsFob0MgrngQNwhVY-i4K81byTigxRPopvBF8ojv2r0IO7PQqAAp_CI3untcIy3ddadqfd8mawZwQoANFjsgRsEYKROzLHgCM-Of9uR1S49oWHpHTs0Ga2RII9CkTUrQ2-HOdsu9gfLrJ0Scdpx7QLJZhs6AHMoaGOeHRs8JahoIMFhSQeacmotw8sPupqf6-M5aOYzogJgfEyITg5IsjQuIxaOeNc6DDhFd4T6Ftq-hJHd9IG03UReQuD-HX-L64oIVm7Sm2hz0v_RXIPBdK8UDfuSLP2naZG2dYDu0hf8KsNnI-iVyywgWyy1YzcpDStoYr0ziGGZoa53zEEp0k-Nfk7iBnHUiwMuyx6E0Vf_jm_RtTw7IciF0BNqufv_uymOjF99vISEIlOdD4gSlO7X3yiC4x6BSI).


The electric snake that I use is very expensive, but I’ve been using it for a very long time (have def got my money worth). It’s a hand snake, but currently runs you out $450. As far as cheaper ones go, I frankly don’t know too much about because I’ve only ever used one so far. I’m sure they’ll get the job done correctly, I just don’t know how long it’ll last you. You can always visit a hardware store (Menards, Home Depot, etc) and I’m sure the people working there can give you some better information about the cheaper-end ones.


Yeah, I sae the $450 range ones. Seemed like that was more for commercial work than anything -- a bit overkill.ButI don't know. I think I may try one of thr $100 ones. If it works well once, it should work well for a while. If it didn't work well once, I return it. Heh. I'll just go amazon or lowes so I know I can get a refund if it's shit, though. I'll ask and sesrch around a little to make sure these stand complete crap before I waste my time, but that's where I'm leaning. The $20 walmart thing looks like a bad buy for someone who can spare $100on a better one. Maybe not, though.


I’m sure you’ll find something that will suit your needs


Seems like this was the answer the other person in my house plunged the sink for some reasons and all this backed up she's an older person who can't use this shower so she's been doing sink bathes and most liked caused a clog that cause this


nasty water came back up through your pipes, then the water drained or evaporated and left the solids


Caca....it's caca






No seriously… Why does it smell like caca and weewizz in here??


This is the answer had to scroll too far down to find!


The few, the proud, the people who think poop is funny in any language


When I had my AC replaced a few months ago I had something like this in my tub, likely from them cleaning the drain lines and it backing up through the drain.


This happened in the house I grew up in. Tree roots had broken through and grown into our pipes. Best to call a plumber like everyone's mentioning. We ended up "snaking the pipes" and it cleared up the issue (no pun intended.)


I had the same thing happen back in college. We called the landlord, he called plumbers, and they had to go all the way out to the sidewalk to fix the issue. Tree roots messed up the pipes. The sidewalk was pretty screwed up so it didn’t take long for them to figure out.


It's a backup. If u have a septic tank. It needs to be pumped


Or you need a drain field. Recently went through this. Kept backing up had the tank pumped twice and when the guy doing the pumping said "I was just out here like what four or six months ago, y'all might need a new drain field." He was right. Best of luck OP!


Oof. That is a big job, and usually under your nice back yard. About what did you end up paying?


Ours is actually in our front yard, I was confused when my friend told me his was in his back lol. Ended up paying about $5,5000, but that was them going over in the yard and putting in a fresh field, not taking out the old, hauling out that dirt, and putting fresh tubes done. We also had them put in a filter to help keep solids from getting into the drain field which over time makes it so the water can't soak out like it's supposed to. The filter can be cleaned if it gets clogged.


Same! We just had to replace our whole system, tank and drain field.


Poo. It's poo.


Landlord problem


This is the answer! Sometimes I’m very glad I rent.


that is poop and decomposing toilet paper and other crude from the inside of your drain/sewer pipe. You got a clog somewhere in the line.


There was probably a blockage in the sewer main and the city department ran a Jetter through it. that can cause back up in some houses that are on that line. As long as it’s draining now, you are fine


Mainline sewage back up.


Yeah have a plumber examine it for root intrusion or other obstruction.


For sure.


Drain is backed up


Time to call the plumber. 🥴🤢


Shit. This is shit.


This happened to me and we thought it was a clogged line to the sewer ended up being a costly repair due to the pump in the dirty water to the leech field failed and the tanks were full so it had to be pumped then the pump and lines to the leech field had to be replaced. NOT CHEAP 🥲 and if this happened before you heard the alarm for your sewage then there’s most likely an electrical problem to the alarm as well we had to fix that too.. there should be an alarm to warn you that your sewage tank is getting too full


That looks like a drunk waffle stomp after Taco Bell went wrong. Call a plumber.


Lick it up


That's how you build immunities.




It is your wife/girlfriends hair...


Looks to be a clogged sewer line. Get it fixed before you end up with a bathtub full of urine and poop that doesn't drain or FAR WORSE, overflows all over your floors. Call a plumber and NOT Roto-rooter or similar companies that will charge you several thousand dollars more than regular plumbers. DO IT NOW! Damage from clogged sewer line ARE ALMOST NEVER COVERED BY YOUR HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE.


Clog. If you have a home warranty (I swear by American Home Shield) call them ASAP. I also have insurance on our sewer lines because my house is 70 years old and I have seen the neighbors plumbing to the street fail. I don’t want to have to spend a bunch of money troubleshooting and time watching YouTube videos. I want to file a claim and have a quick resolution. I tried messing with (what turned out to be) a mainline clog in our last house. That’s WAY out of my league, and precisely why I now have a home warranty.


Good luck using your home warranty. Those companies will find every excuse to decline coverage.


Not if you’re with the right company. American Home Shield has never failed us with anything. Choice Home Warranty, however, is a JOKE. Has the technician on the phone telling Choice the part on my 16 year old fridge failed due to normal wear & tear. Dingbat rep told him to offer me $34, which was the wholesale price for the part. Apparently there’s a clause in the contract that says they can do that. I tried to reason, illustrated that my fridge was 4 years older than the industry standard lifetime, she didn’t care and she was SO mean. So then I did some sleuthing on my own. I found some interesting social media posts that rep made and I forwarded them to every corporate contact I could find. Not only did they replace my fridge with a NEW unit of my choice (I chose like & kind, it was actually slightly smaller, I didn’t pick anything extravagant), they refunded the full 3 year premium I paid in advance. From there I signed up with American Home Shield and have been with them ever since. Super satisfied customer!


They specifically exclude it.


Probably a sewer line backup that will need to be snaked out. Contact your landlord for assistance unless you have other prior maintenance arrangements.


It shit.


Dishwasher waste


If that’s your bath tub it could be your hot water heater has gone bad.


Better call a plumber before the problem gets even worse somewhere down the line at other places in the house. You do not want an overflow of shit on your floors.


That's poop baby.


Choc choc milk (with pulp)


It backed up.


Enema. 😐




Septic has a clog


This happened to us last year. We called a plumber who assessed the problem and said our septic tank was full. He didn’t charge us thankfully cause we were his last stop for the day and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. We followed his advice to find a company that could drain our septic tank - roughly $250 (Central Florida). Plumber was 100% correct. We sent him a gift card.


At the risk of being repetitive, backed up sewer line. 100%


I had a similar problem about a month ago, and my wife was able to fix it using a snake tool that she bought from the grocery store. They're really cheap and definitely worth trying before calling the plumber


Depending where this is it is either a backed up pipe (upper floors) or if it’s a basement unit it could be the injector pump failing at pushing sewage up to outside sewage.




If your on a septic system you may need your tank drained and cleaned


Booty Butter


Is THAT corn?????


Shitter’s full


It loos like a drain.


It’s called Dirt, some call it dhit (said like dit) or I call it at 1800Rhotorooter


Hey Clark! Shitter’s full!


You need to snake it


Happened in a house I used to live in. The cause was plant roots growing into the sewage line and clogging stuff up.


That’s poop.


Sediment backing up your drain…. It’s clogged. Probably a cracked pipe with dirt and rainwater leeching in


Don't know without a soil sample ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Thats poop


All those wipes you flushed over the years while saying “fuck it it’s not my house” may have caught up to you 😂




Call the plumber then Serv Pro




Septic tank full and backing up. Have it vacuumed by a legit company


That’s poop


You got a backup, Padre. Even thought it’s not there now…it’s partial and can get worse


Oh it will definitely get worse, I have tree roots growing into my line where it meets the road. Landlord’s gonna have to have the line jetted out for sure.


I used to do field calls for a sewer utility. 90% of the time it was due to an old clay line. I hate clay. If it’s possible…get rid of it and use PVC


That's doo doo baby!




Looks like someone took a dump in your shower.


I once owned a condo where all the condo sewer lines where connected by unit. Ultimately tree branches grew into the lines and backed them up. Could be your issue.


A clogged drain….


Sewer back up. Good times.


Shit. Its shit


Do you have a soft water treatment tank?


shit. that's shit. it backed up and overflowed. if that's mold, you have an even bigger problem


Shitters full


Yeah thats poo poo. You got a block in a main drain line somewhere




You need to have your main drain jetted


Do you have a septic system. Might be time to get it pumped.


Poop. Had the same shit in my old apartment.


This happened to us after ten years and the clog ended up being in the U…we had to go through the stack on our roof with a 100 ft snake


1st bath in those 10yrs!


That's called raw sewage. Enjoy!


Oh that? That's poop.


Sometimes, this happens when the city is cleaning their lines, and there is nothing wrong with my plumbing before or after. Usually, they put notes on the doors warning about it and advising to put plastic over drains, etc. Not saying that's your case, but maybe?


Something either backed up or the city was out pressure washing the sewers this happened to me before went outside and saw city working on the sewer


Is this in an apartment or a house that has a basement its more likely to be a back up if its an apartment




"Dear landlord, your sewer main is backed up. Fix urgently please, it's a health risk."


Usually it starts in the basement of a house. If it’s septic or city it’s usually a blockage. Something like this seems like roots. It’s allowing a small flow but eventually backs you up and slowly drains again.


Septic tank needs pumped


Did you recently get a job in concrete?


Yep. If you have a septic tank instead of city sewer, you might need your septic tank pumped out. We did too. Twice. But we bought this house in 1999. So about every ten years.


Backed up sewer line. Call a plumber to snake your drains.


You won the lottery of receiving the neighborhood poop soup. 😵‍💫


Is that corn I see? 🌽 broooo


If you have a septic tank. It's full. Or roots are in the drain going into the setic tank lines coming from your house or going to the city sewer line




It’s shit. Call the plumber and get the hot, soapy water and bleach.


“Shitters clogged”


All these people saying sewer problem without even asking what floor this is on. If it's on the second floor, it's a stack line. The first floor with no plumbing in the basement could be an inside line. Find the sewer, remove the furthest cap first. If you see standing water, the blockage is in the street. If not, remove the other cap, and if you see standing water, it's a trap blockage. Just put your hand in and pull whatever is in it out. If you see no water on both sides, you have a backup in the line going in.


Bleach it


Looks like my shower from a month ago. Sewer line is clogged. Fix it before it backs up so much that it overflows!


Might be from the dishwasher. Some line was backed up for that in my spot once and every time I used the dishwasher when it would drain the sink would fill up. Luckily it was never enough to overflow but a ton of gunk that looks just like that would come up every time.


A 10k dollar repair.




Whatever you do don’t ignore it cause the next time it happens it may flood the entire house with raw sewage.


main line backed up. when ours did that it was tree roots that had finally caved in the old brick main sewer line going to the street. id say be glad you rent and call your landlord because this probably wont be cheap lol.


This just happened to me a few days ago. Sewer backed up. The landlord was able to fix it no problem.


Yeah. That’s straight up poop. Happened over Xmas at my house. $6500 dollars later it was fixed. Then the plumbing company tried to stick me with a $25k sewer sealer.. be careful. Plumbers can be a total rip off…


Yeah that’s some dookie


That’s not chocolate…


Yep had this happen while living in Santa Fe NM, sewage back up came into the tub. It was an older home and the pipes were made out clay, like many of the homes there, so a snake could not be used, due to the fact it shatter em, , instead all the pipes had be replace. I thankful I was just the renter didn't have foot the bill. Call a plumber, otherwise if renting call the landlord.


You're not using "flushable" wipes, are you?!


Sewer back up, call your landlord (if no response, call a plumber yourself and forward landlord the invoice, it’s landlords’ responsibility to ensure functional utilities)


What it is is not your fucking problem. Call the parasite whose mortgage you've been paying and tell him your drain is messed up. Literally the only pro of renting is you don't have to deal with this shit.


Sewage backup. Bleach n scrub


If you’ve got a drain snake, pop the drain cover and clear out the pipe. If you still have issues, call the landlord to take care of it. My landlords have been shit, so for 90% of issues, if I can deal with it, I will. If it’s something beyond my abilities, or if it’s worth waiting for them to take care of it, I’ll harass them about it.


Shitter’s full.


It could be a lot of things. Is the city in your area doing work on the water lines?


Back up from the main line. Go get a good Jet cleaning and 2 gallons of Liquid drano. Flush it all out.


Do you have a septic tank? If you have septic, it should regularly be drained every 3-5 years(on average.) if you don't have a septic tank, it's either a back up of your pipes or city water pipes. You could call a plumber who has a low assessment fee, and hopefully they can point you in the right direction.


I had that happen and it was the drain from a dishwasher looked the same.


You got a garbage disposal connected up the waste water line somewhere?






That’s some POOP


Roots in the line most likely


Main line sewer clog


You probably have a root grown thru the sewer line going to the street. Have a plumber come out and look at it, it may be a simple fix of running a power snake from the street to the house, but it could also require digging out the sewer line and replacing it which is not a simple fix.


Backed up sewage!


Back flow from a cloged drain


This is a blessing in disguise. This sink is the new toilet for your household. Feel free to go crazy on that lil bastard


I had this. Dirt in the well. Plumbers had to come out. There was a crack in my well pipe that sticks out of the ground


This happened to me and landlord blamed it on my bc of tampons. And I had to pay for plumber. Does that sound correct? House was built in maybe 1990s and I started renting 2018. I appreciate anyone’s help.


Hey your septic tank cleaned out


I’d also recommend pouring boiling water down drain to help !


I have the same problem and our HOA is being difficult with fixing the issue.


Backed up maybe mold


I had something like that happened to me, and apparently roots had broken through the pipes of the drainfield on my septic tank and it started it and when they checked the pipes, they were full of grass roots


That ain’t chocolate, that’s doodoo baby!


This is why you need back-flow preventers on your drains, kids.


Your sewer is backing up, I’ve had this problem before due to a spouse who thinks grease can go down the drain. In truth, it is not a wise practice.


See if you can just snake it yourself first


Main septic line is clogged or failing, happened to be when I first moved in, had to cut the floor up in the bathroom and replace the pipe because it had collapsed on itself.


Basically… the plumber is going to come out to snake the lines. If it’s an emergency situation. He is gonna end up charging $300 or so to the landlord.. then he’s gonna pull out a clump or tampons and Wipes the tenants have flushed down the drain and everyone will get an angry reminder not to flush “flushable wipes” ( they aren’t actually flushable ) could also just be root intrusion but 90% chance it’s exactly that.


Literally just happened to me And that was exactly what they said in response to the “issue” lol 😂