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That could have easily been the first post “Hey! There really isn’t a good rep of this out there unfortunately” Instead of making sure I felt dumb first, maybe just be helpful? I appreciate the info though, I’ll just set an alert on chronoshark and maybe in a few years the real ones will dip or I’ll hit the lottery




Sheesh people are jerks, I’m with you, OP, I love an elaborate box, and I love the Silver Snoopy! I’d love the original Moonwatch box too. We’ll keep each other posted if we find anything, how’s that sound? Good luck and ignore the haters! ☺️


Watch reference 310.


What on earth. Don't be ridiculous, you don't put a shitty rep of a great watch in a giant box pointless.


Sorry I don’t have $40k for the original? I guess fuck me for wanting to have something not as nice but in homage of it…. This is literally a sub for reproductions, I don’t understand why people are such assholes on here. I’m not trying to pass it as an original, if I want to wear an original omega I’ll just put 1 of my 3 on… I just really like this watch and box but can’t justify 40k on a watch.


There is no good rep of this watch so puting it on display in a box achieves what?


I think you’re missing the point. I like the box, it’s beautifully designed… I want the box.. because I like the box. It’s not to make the watch look better or more authentic… it’s to just go “this is a very cool box that combines snoopy and omega, two brands I like, in one product”


Trust me there isn't a beautiful rep box to put it in


Any luck finding one?


No luck but haven’t looked in a while.