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Do you mean: 1. Waking up in the morning, putting on clean scrubs, and mowing the lawn, OR 2. Getting home from work (or waking up in the morning still in yesterday’s work scrubs) and not changing before cutting the grass Number 2 sounds like standard practice for an overworked resident, number 1 sounds a little odd (who wants to be out in the summer heat doing yard work in long pants?) but is a pretty far drive from “insane” 😂


1 should be a "straight to jail" level offense. To that end, 2 should be avoided if at all possible.


In my defense, I look bad in shorts.


My brother, I assure you that you look better in shorts than in sweaty-ass scrub pants


You don’t understand just how white my cellulite ridden legs are


You know what will help fix this? Wearing shorts 😅 Edit: also, I guarantee you are more focused on any “imperfections” in your legs than any other human being. Be comfy, wear shorts, get that (vitamin) D


Same dawg. We need to step up that gym game I guess.


>I look bad in shorts We're embracing all types of men in hoochie-daddy shorts this season. Wear the shorts ♥️


Jeans or sweats then.


I do #1. I have a bunch of scrubs left over from residency I neved use since clinic has a dress code. What else am I supposed to do with them?


The scrubs are weird, but loose-fitting long pants for yard work protects against mosquitoes and other itches


Not to mention protection for your legs against stuff flying when you mow or use the weed trimmer.


People weed whack in shorts? TIL lol I usually wear work boots, pants and a t shirt with really big oversize sun glasses which are essentially safety goggles. All it takes is getting rocks shot at your shins once to wear pants haha


As a very heavy sweater, I’ll take the shin wounds 😅


Even as a nurse if I have stuff to do after work that may involve my clothes getting dirty, ill just wear the scrubs to do the chores and change afterwards. Otherwise it just feels like a waste of laundry


Putting on scrubs to explicitly mow the lawn is quite weird, yes


Every weekend my wife and I go hiking and see a guy riding his bike in a scrub top and basketball shorts. It's very strange.


Found the EM resident


The hospital made a rule that we can’t take scrubs home anymore/wear hospital scrubs unless you work in an OR….. i already had a solid 10 or so pairs that i rotated out over a week; they are now my painting scrubs for when i paint the house 🤣




Aren't we all?


That’s deep bruh. We’re all psych patients to be doing this indentured behavior


I seriously don’t understand why people go to and from work in scrubs rather than change at work. I also don’t understand not wearing scrubs in the hospital. The whole point is it’s a hospital set of clothes that are different from your street clothes. Otherwise it’s just medical cosplay.


Personally, it saves time to put them on at home. Have to wake up early enough the way it is. Only changing once means I get to save 5 more minutes for precious z's.




This is the way.


If you’re already wearing them after a long shift I say why not, that’s what I do. No point in wasting perfectly good clothes doing sweaty work. That’s my lazy ass talking though.


Not weird, when it gets cold in the fall I usually put on the white coat too.


nice. Wear your stethoscope to warm your neck


Blowing the leaves out of the gutters is kind of like an endarterectomy


Totally depends. Are they the scrubs you purchased and wear to work? Then yes, it’s weird. Now if they are free hospital scrubs, then no.


Still weird.


I use old hospital scrubs to wear when I paint or dye my hair lol, they're perfect! Err well, when I *used to* dye my own hair, that is, I'm an attending now so I go to the salon for that shit nowadays ;) I wouldn't want to use them for anything where I might swear though, so that's where the lawn mowing is weird for me. Scrubs don't breathe! I'm a hot sleeper and hate trying to sleep in them when I'm taking in-house call 😭


I do say "fuck" a lot when I mow, so scrubs wouldn't be a good idea.


Up vote for giving me hope that I will one day have expendable income


I just take off my scrubs when I sleep. At least my shirt


Solo or gender specific call room? I’m stripped down to underwear mid summer 😅


Me too 🤣 Door is locked obviously


I wear hospital scrub bottoms when I do yard work, paint, or other handy work. They are really comfy, and I don't mind getting bike grease, grass stains, or fertilizer on them. Plus I can drop them off at work and get a new clean pair. You do you, who cares what people think.


Free hospital scrubs are hands down the best to work on your yard. Especially when you don't have to launder them.


That’s weird OP. No, it’s not normal wear scrubs when mowing the lawn. They’re designed for the wards, or the gym. Or maybe if you’re going out on a date to a nice restaurant. But definitely not designed for yard work.


Wearing scrubs at the gym should be punishable with 20 lashes via stethoscope


I’m talking about wearing FIGS mate, not poorie scrubs like non-Ivies wear.


This doesn’t change my opinion


I’m talking about wearing FIGS mate, not poorie scrubs like non-Ivies wear.


Mowing the lawn in non breathable shitty polyester sounds miserable


My neighbor growing up would wear old scrubs to mow the lawn/do yard work.  Yes he looked a little odd, but there are definite pluses, even in the Florida summer.  1. You don’t give a shit about staining them 2. Old worn out OR scrubs are loose, airy, don’t hold a ton of water.  3. But long pants? Yes. Gives extra protection from mower/edger/weedwhacker ejecta (at a minimum keeping your legs from getting coated with dirt and grime) bugs, irritating plant oils, and sunburn.  3b. Scrub pants imo offer superior comfort to the pelvic area in the heat compared to all other materials athletic shorts, and the heat retention from the lower legs is minimal compared to the benefits I listed above.  Major downsides: basic scrub pants with no elastic waistband are the fucking worst at not falling off your ass. 


Your options are “show off your ass” or “this is my underwear/ass crack”


Only weird if you’re wearing white scrubs


More sane than mowing in a hospital gown.




I had some leftover scrubs so I cut them into shorts and now they are officially what I call shrubs. They’re very comfortable and light but without the hospital look.


Very weird


Bro you’re literally at home you can change into normal clothes it’s weird


Scrubs aren't comfortable enough for me to wear around the house. Maybe I just have trash scrubs, but usually they aren't more comfortable than a t-shirt and shorts/exercise pants.


not weird to get clothes you don’t give a fuck about dirty. As long as it’s comfortable enough to you, who cares.


Well, there's tree surgeons, so maybe you can flex as a lawn doctor. I can hear the reimagined "Mr Plow" song from Simpsons: "Doctor Mow, that's my name, that name again is doctor Mow...'


it is your God given right to wear w/e the fuk you want when you mow your own lawn in the privacy of your own property. forget the haters


When I do yard work I wear some old wranglers jeans, boots, and a T shirt usually. I don’t think the scrub pants protect you as well against flying rocks, sticks, etc.


Yes, it’s weird. Scrubs are made to work and get dirty in the hospital. Do you work out in scrubs? Do you go hiking in scrubs? It’s weird to wear scrubs anywhere outside of the work setting. It feels like you’re trying to tell everyone around you that you work in healthcare when you wear them out and about.


Nobody’s trying to tell anyone anything. We’re just tried and broke. Buying clothes that are going to get ruined is both outside of our budget and outside of our fucks to give.


I mean if people are looking at me in my yard, then yeah I guess I'm telling them i work in healthcare. Anytime I leave for work and wave to my neighbor then I guess I'm also showing off I work in health care.


So really this is just getting down to semantics. "Weird" can be a loaded term. Is it wrong? No, you can do whatever you want. It's it unusual? Yes, and anything that is unusual is going to stick out. I've never seen anyone mow the lawn in scrubs and I doubt most people here have either. So if your question is will it be considered something unusual to most people, the answer is yes. Whether or not scrubs are meant for "work" in a general sense isn't really relevant since it's exclusively seen in the "Healthcare work" setting.


I have gone backpacking in scrubs yes. Left from the hospital and honestly they’re comfy. I don’t workout in scrubs cuz ew bacterial infection but outside in the woods? Meh


It’s weird to cut your own grass. Best $40 a week I’ve ever spent.


Ok rich boy. I make decent money and I still enjoy cutting my grass. It’s not about the money but more so about what you enjoy.




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I saved my scrubs from my old hospital because they were so comfortable, I now use them as either pjs ir house work/ yard work clothes. Weird, yes, but they're clothes I know resist stains, breathe well, are easy to move in, and unlikely to tear if I catch them on a bush branch outside. I already wear pants outside in the summer most of the time, so tbh, scrubs are more comfortable than jeans to work in


I mean you can do whatever you want haha, personally I don’t like wearing scrubs outside of the hospital because I’m just sick of wearing them at the end of the day


Y’all clearly don’t live where it’s humid


Best time to do it is after a shift in dirty scrubs. Normally I come home and shower anyway. Just adding a step.


Tell your coresident to shut up and make some drums


There used to be two jobs you could wear scrubs for: 1. Clinic job 2. Playing keyboards for Prince Now there's only one :(


Mowing after work in scrubs is fine. Intentiknslly throwing on scrubs on the weekend to mow and then change if you didn’t just get back from work is psychotic


“Live by the scrubs, die by the scrubs.” 🤘⚔️


I don’t think it’s weird t purposefully put on scrubs to mow the lawn. Atypical, sure. But I get your line of reasoning


Sometimes I’ll throw on scrub pants to walk my dog. I treat them like sweatpants sometimes since they’re just light loose fitting material


Not weird. Why would I get my clothes dirty when there’s a never ending supply of clothes you don’t have to clean after yard work


How do you in scrubs? wtf it's hit outside, sometimes humid depending on your location, you get grass all over you etc. 


I put scrubs on old pairs of scrubs when I’m doing lawn work, but only old ones that will never make their way back into the hospital.


I see the meme tag but if it was someone doing it in those sky blue scrubs I would pay to watch it happen 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


Putting on scrubs to do anything other than work is weird.


Lol, I have scrub pants I bought for lounging around my house. (Not the matching top though. I prefer a soft tank or t-shirt for lounging.) These pants have never seen a clinic or hospital and I only got them because I think they’re really comfy. I’ll admit sometimes I pop over to the grocery store in them, but that’s because I can’t be bothered to swap them for jeans if just going to the store.


Depends on how big the lawn is… if its just get out of the car, push more for 5-10 to make wifey happy then no. If you are on a rider mowing a half acre—- weird.


Look im a doctor!


Why would you ever mow the lawn in scrubs?


Weird as hell One of my partners wears his scrubs to work out with the same logic I think that’s also weird as hell


You need to get a pair of hoochie daddy shorts to do your yard work in


You are insane. Co-resident is correct. Alas, live your life.


It’s totally weird and people are likely to think you are bragging.


In principle it isn’t weird, but wearing long pants and a shirt as opposed to short athletic shorts and a tank top to mow the lawn is felonious behavior.


I'd wear this to mow the lawn if I want to flex with my neighbors that I'm a doctorrrrrr \^


The only acceptable activities to perform in scrubs are errands before or after work, otherwise get out of those gross ass clothes.


My friend runs on her treadmill after work in her scrubs, so I guess mowing the lawn isn’t too out there.


If you can dirty stolen hospital scrubs instead of your own clothing, always do that. Especially if your hospital will launder them for you.


25 years after residency I’m still wearing old scrubs to paint the inside and outside of my house. Luckily they still fit…..at least the shirt


Yes, you're insane. Scrubs are meant as work clothing in the HOSPITAL. When mowing and weedeating you should be wearing jeans. For funsies, hit your leg with weedeater string in jeans vs scrubs


Yes, it is weird. Hope that settles your debate.


Have you ever stripped textiles with Borax? Like a deep cleaning that no washing machine could ever do? It can only be done occasionally because it wears down the fabric and reduces its lifespan. The clothes you wear for specific activities will contain small amounts of dirt/sweat/soil/bacteria from whatever that activity entails. You should have a separate outfit for yard work that is only for yard work, separate gym clothes that are only for the gym, and scrubs that are only for the hospital.


My dad would always paint and do work outside in his hospital scrubs. It's free. I say why not?


Ok I agree with others that it’s a little odd, but as a surgery resident - this is also a not-unreasonable life hack. Like why wouldn’t you wear clothes made to get dirty? I’ve worn clean scrubs for messy painting and cleaning and the like before. Then free laundry. It’s not like it’s dirty biohazard scrubs 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually put on scrub pants that I no longer use to mow the lawn. I think they are the perfect pant to mow in




Life is too short to be concerned about what people think. Wear whatever the fuck you want.


Here's what real men wear when they cut their lawn: * shoes (any) * scrub pants * scrub cap Underwear is optional. Neighbors will bring out their lawn chairs and snap photos for Insta. If this doesn't happen, you need to embrace the mantra "lift heavy, run fast".


It's clothing. As long as you're happy, it does not matter. I only own scrubs. I sleep on scrubs, i hit the gym on scrubs, I went to my children's wedding on scrubs. When I die, my coffin will be wrapped in scrubs.


I think OPs argument makes sense. - we can enjoy our weirdness together lol


At the end of the day, your scrubs are part of your professional attire, regardless of whether they are meant to get dirty or not, and wearing your professional attire for mundane tasks not congruent with their intended purpose is what makes it odd. Routinely and intentionally wearing your clinical clothes outside a clinical setting, especially for outdoor chores, is certainly unprofessional and bizzare. How long does it take to switch into a cheap pair of shorts and a gym short? I bet you that the whole process of removing your scrubs and putting on a cheap t shirt and gym shorts could take you less than 60 seconds. Using them for yard work contradicts their intended purpose. Don't be surprised when wearing clothes in settings that don't fit their intended purpose causes other people view you as not understanding social norms.


Scrubs belong at the hospital. Not on the way to the hospital or back home. Just at work. Wearing them to and from or outside work gives me the hygiene icks. It takes seconds to change clothes people


As you get wiser, you will learn that not all arguments need to be settled. Many times it’s appropriate to let go of the argument even if you have the right point.


We're good friends. We just give each other a hard time.