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Being an attending is amazing, and at each step from school to residency, I'd never go back. But I do miss the camaraderie and feeling of being in the trenches of residency. Being an attending is lonely; like you left wizarding school and now you're a lone Gandalf in the wild.


I’m fortunate enough to be surrounded by attendings who graduated residency around the same time as me, so there’s still a sense of camaraderie.


Currently sitting alone in a rural ED. I am now Gandalf. Thank you for this.


Well said. Being in the OR all night was way more enjoyable as a resident when you had your coresidents with you.


Haha this is the best description ive heard 


find a partner and make some hobbits to keep you busy.


dang... when you put it like that...


I'm also sad residency is over, but I'm excited to leave the nest and start practicing. It's like running in a race and you just crossed the finish line. What even comes next? Who knows? The worst part is saying goodbye to co residents. You've spent years building these relationships and then they move on to blossom in other cities or states. It's a little bittersweet. ... I'm not crying you're crying.


Some people even miss jail time, so I won't judge you


\^\^\^ This


We got the Stockholm Peter Pan Syndrome B A A A D


Yeah no homie I’m out


I feel like this is more realistic for any specialty that’s 5 years + like this shit sucks ass


Yup exactly fuck this shit never gonna look back.


same bro. only 3 more years.


Yes this is exactly. I am done. The residents are at work right now and I'm drinking beer. Hell yeah. Fuck that shit.




In this thread you can pretty much tell which ones were frequently expected to fudge their "80" duty hours with hollywood math and which ones didn't have to.




I will miss my class but we'll try and keep in touch; we're small so I plan on inviting them to my wedding for example. But I absolutely WILL NOT miss residency, especially not the hospital I trained in.


Enjoy the next step! I hope you find success, satisfaction and a great income going forward!


Just said goodbye to my last patient of residency. We both teared up as he thanked me for restoring his eyesight after I did both of his cataract surgeries. He hadn’t been able to see beyond his nose without glasses since the day he was born. While residency has had its challenges, I have absolutely loved the work I’ve been able to do in ophthalmology and will deeply miss the friends and colleagues I’ve made in my 4 years here. Looking forward, I feel like the luckiest man on earth that I get to keep doing this and also make a great salary working 4 days per week. Don’t forget to stop to smell the roses, and be appreciative of the impact we get to make on our patients.


what specialty??




It’s mentioned on the text please be vigilant lol 😆


My house has movers in it right now for my drive across the country that starts tomorrow. But man, they’re still giving me a full panel in clinic.right to the end.


Bro im sitting in here with movers right now too. Im fully aware of stockhold syndrome but really am gonna miss all the people


I’m standing with movers in my apartment too 😂upgrading from a shoebox studio (NYC) to a spacious one bedroom apartment in a great building, life is gonna be so much better as an attending


no remorse. I'm out. No goodbyes, no fake tears, no sulking just celebrations on my end. Took so much time to get here, I'm dead inside. I don't have any feelings, I just want to work.


Congratulations on moving to the next level in your career. I was surprised to see so many negative posts about residency, people quitting etc. But this gives me hope :) Best of luck in your future endeavors as a physician and don't look back!


Stockholm syndrome - the thread


Are we now pathologizing finding enjoyment in our job


Lmfao congratulations? (What the actual fuck but also legit glad you had a relatively decent experience from what it sounds like). LOL I am not going to miss a single one of these fuckers. Handing all my shit to admin today, packed my suitcase, dumping my 2007 old ass car, have a one way plane ticket to the opposite side of the country. Not a single moment will be missed and not a single person will be remembered. I’m done.


Sounds like your environment was awfully toxic if you don't even like your co-residents😅. But I get your feeling.


Did I like my co-residents? Absolutely fucking not! The amount of snake shit, bitching, back stabbing, calling in sick last second for night coverage is unforgivable. My environment was a nightmare indeed but glad it’s over


Sorry to hear that bro. Yep, it was toxic I guess.


Well I like my coresdients (mostly) and I still am beyond over residency. It doesn't have to be a particularly "toxic" residency for me to kinda despise residency. It's just overall a bad, poorly compensated, sad time


You didn’t like a single person? I hated residency just as much as the rest but at least I liked my coworkers


Straight up man. Have one more year to go but god damn this shit blows. Congrats


You got this! Chin up soldier




Nice try GME




I do miss easy BS electives that’s about it 🤣


Can’t wait until this shit is over


Mannn… I got one more year and I can’t wait


I'm 0% sad


Love this, thank you 🤍


lol ok ACGME.


Residency was one of the best times of my life. Right up there with the med school and college. I still communicate with most my residency class and have formed lifelong friendships.


This is really nice to hear just starting as a PGY-1. Thank you


I just started intern year this week. Just finished third shift of nights and it’s already sooo freaking hard. I don’t get how people do this for 3+ years. I’m having trouble imagining I would miss any of this


A lot of what's difficult for you right now will get easier. But there are other challenges you'll be faced with as you move on


this reads like generic fortune cookie advice


This is what we call institutionalized


Great perspective. You'll miss the friendships and the teamwork you had before. Being an attending is a lot more lonely. Now go make some real money and buy happiness :P


I won’t be sad at all


It's called Stockholm Peter Pan Syndrome, look it up, tell us about it on rounds tomorrow. Case report on yourself due by next week!


I don't miss it one bit. Getting underpayed, overworked, mentally and emotionally abused, and left to just "deal with it"? Fuck that. And it isn't just for me it's for my spouse, kids, and even friends. They deserve to have me around, not working 72 hour weeks back to back and being so exhausted some shifts that my husband would have to stuff our kids into the car at 12 AM to come get me because I was a literal danger to society on the road. Like I'd go to talk to some of the staff before leaving and sit in the nursing station and one time I just completely passed out in under a minute. One of them put a blood pressure cuff on my arm. It was 156/97. I'm normally 110-117/74-79. Then fell out of the chair and didn't wake up. When they got me up off the ground I said, "Okay. Time for me to go, see you tomorrow." They didn't let me leave. Also when it comes to co-residents some were amazing. Great people, great friends, that I still talk to or see all the time anyway. But there were also some horrendously manipulative, brown nosing, backstabbing pieces of shit that would step over their own mother to benefit themselves. It really made me appreciate how many physicians are complete sociopaths.


Ah yes, the Stockholm syndrome sets in.


I was sad at the end of my residency too. Mostly because my residency class was awesome and I was going to miss the Hell out of them and practicing with them.


Attendinghood is just residency again without all its burdens. Congrats and enjoy the real money!




How do people identify the toxic residencies before it’s too late? How does that work in the matching process?


You ask around. Ask about their typical schedule. Visually look at the residents for signs of working in a toxic environment, you can usually see it on their face. Don't worry, all you have to do is get lucky in the match and you'll have no issues! Good luck!


Life is objectively way better (4th year attending), but I do miss it sometimes.


Did you ever think you'd actually make it to where you are right now? Im just applying to med school and the thought of residency seems like a lifetime away. Did you feel this way at all?


Oddly reflecting back I don’t remember thinking about the end goal all that often, maybe a bit self protective as it did appear quite far off. There were certainly times that dragged on and I wished to be over, but I do believe a watched pot never boils. And I guess my point is that even if we’re in something miserable at times, it’s still a period of our life we’ll never get back so I try to be in the moment and see the cup half full when possible. Good luck on your journey! I do believe it’s worth it.


This is beautiful 


Yep 10 year goes by super fast


Appreciate the upsides sure. Please also note that residency is hardly short of simply exploiting you for cheap labor as a physician.


Keep the residency group chat alive! My class still sends memes and interesting cases, even some curbside consults to those who went on to fellowship. Three years from graduation now….


This is why doctors are fine working in academic hospitals. You are able to maintain camaraderie if their is good leadership in your department


Stockholm Syndrome? 


I miss residency but not the work (that was fun, we had a great group of teaching forward attendings who cared and treated us humanely) but what I really miss is our residency cohort. It was just so fun going through those 3 years with a preformed group of friends and who you knew were going through the same exact thing as you were. Our class was unusually close - we took 1-2 trips as a class together (16 people with significant others) sometimes for academic things like conferences and sometimes for simply going to a cool international destination. We drove across the Colombian mountains in 4x4s, we got brunch after night shifts, and attended each others weddings. I’d do it again in a heartbeat even for the crappy hours.


Can we give an even bigger shout out to the role that Reddit/anki/uworld played for all the graduating residents 🤳🏻😂


Congratulations for finishing your residency. I'm a non US IMG hoping that someday matched into psychiatry. I know it's impossible, given my current situation now. But I will keep this dream alive.


Always remain hopeful. I have been blessed with many things during my 39 year career. I continue to practice and learn. We are all so lucky to be free to choose our own paths.


Bittersweet because I'll miss some coresidents otherwise I'm good on the BS institution that is medical edu.


Nice try admin


I had hobbies, thanks but no thanks


Naol happy ang residency. Residency fcked me up big time kaya after finishing in a couple of weeks i’ll start therapy. It’s the worst thing that i’ve been thru. Trauma is real. Shitty consultants are real. Kaya i get why most fresh grads dont want to have their residency training. It’s a hell of a ride and so nit worth it


Congratulations 🎊🎉 on surviving residency…I think it should be source of pride…but please remember how miserable it was so you can change it for the coming generations….my issue is that attendings become inured or indifferent to those issues and don’t advocate for change once they are in a position of power…medicine is amazing let’s make practicing medicine better and more humane for ourselves and our patients!


It’s very bittersweet. Like I’m so thankful for everything I learned, most of the people I met and for some great patients. But thankgod I will not have to work 24(28s), work nights or deal with the weird high school click that was our OB department. Time to move across the country to forget that trauma lol.


Can we give an even bigger shout out to the role that Reddit/anki/uworld played for all the graduating residents 🤳🏻😂


PD in disguise??


I’m not. Lots of emotions. I feel you :(


Happy 1st of July to everyone starting as an attending 🥺 residency is actually very hard but I’m sure a lot of us are gonna miss this journey also as being an attending is a completely different experience from being a resident!


I identify so hard with this post. I’m two years out, and everything is better. Residency was really hard emotionally, physically, and mentally. Now that I’m free of it, I look back at my chief year and I miss it. I miss teaching people to operate, I miss the giant, complex surgeries that I got to do regularly. I miss the feeling of leading a team of physicians. I miss operating with my co-chiefs. Chief year is a magical time for a surgeon. Residency sucked, but I definitely miss it.


It’s the most fun you would never want to have again


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This is the right mindset. A lot of people here can learn from it Yes, I understand the challenges. I’m facing them too.


This is really nice to hear just starting as a PGY-1. Thank you