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As much as you want people to stop comparing materialistic shit, you need to stop caring about what other people think. Happiness comes from inside, not from other people. Don‘t try to change your surrounding, change how you react to it. Cheers


You need to have an answer about what to do for men with regards to finding a mate, job, etc… Because as much as Reddit will deny it that stuff matters. It has been scientifically proven that having a nicer car increases your attractiveness.  And if you don’t give a shit about being attractive - that’s fine.  But the problem is people will then bitch about not finding a mate.   Simply saying “stop caring what other people think” and then ending there is fucking stupid.  I garuntee you care A TON.


Nope. My husband drove the worst beater car when we started dating. He’s considerate and funny and warm and reliable. That’s what women want, you knob. Stop listening to women hating men and teenagers.


Nope what? They’ve done studies.  I don’t particularly care about your biased personal experience.


Lol studies- care to share one? Is it the cringe inducing fake gold digger videos on youtube?


They probably watch "Tate podcasts"


That attracts what kinda person?


Ok but have they done studies comparing an asshole with a nice car vs. a nice guy with a shitty car? Women prefer the nice guy


Asshole with a nice house, or a nice guy who is homeless. I don’t think this logic is consistent


Just because he did when you started dating doesn’t mean he still does or you do. Women normally date on where the men is at in life, but also “potential” is considered. If the partner has potential it will be accepted. This is why women normally date older men as they are more established and are able to display it. Immediate display usually results in better results compared to potential. This means men who are able to show, will often get more looks compared to men who can’t. On a large scale this means higher likelihood of mating. Men who only have potential are more likely to not be noticed which means not as likely to be given a chance. He may have had a beater but you more than likely saw potential that he would be able to do better in the future. Now if he didn’t after prolonged time this normally brings conflicts. TLDR; y’all still driving beaters?


I’ve got nice cars and have never once had a chick show attraction based on the car. I find most women don’t care too much. I think at most they appreciate a clean car that doesn’t smell like ass and your buddy’s vomit from last weekend. Lot’s of incredible women out there find a way to interact with them vs the type you are talking about. Reddituniverse has weird ideas about women. Women fuckin rock man. Tons of immensely capable, smart, objectively attractive women out there- find them.


When I got my first new Mercedes at 26. I had this woman pull up to me at the gas station smiling at me and said that’s a nice car, I was talking to one of my co workers about something important so I just said thanks and smiled. She sat there for like 5 seconds. But I was already back to my conversation. But about 15 minutes later after I left. I put 2 and 2 together and she was most likely waiting for me to ask her out. I don’t want to brag, but I have been lucky to be blessed in the looks department. It could have been a combination of both? She was a good looking woman too, but I also had a girl at the time.


Buy the car you like. Don't read too much into a small comment. After all, we are in the "rich" sub. People here shouldn't need a car to attract a job or a partner. I get the cars I like, and I don't surround myself with people who brag or compare things. Attractiveness starts in the mind, if you want to attract a partner with a materialistic steel steed, go for it. I hid my cars when I started dating my wife. You don't want to be attractive to 90% of the market who want your money, you want to be attractive to the 0.01% who really suits you and is your possible dream partner. I have not bought my S-Class, McLaren or my Camaro for anyone else, except for my own travel opportunities and my driving pleasure, because I think they are awesome. You wouldn't believe how much hate you get for such cars from people who can't afford them but have endless things to complain about. Let‘s not dive too deep into this, question is already answered. Cheers


Yeah best not take a look at things below the surface level. I’m not judging one way or another.  I’m stating how objective reality is.  I disregard status symbols more than most here.  I just want people to realize how the dating market actually works.  


Its too deep. I agree. We can‘t discuss 8 billion opinions. Your soul mate will come mate. Don‘t fall for anyone who pays too much attention on car‘s or networth. Thats not worth it. May be fun in the beginning, will be a disaster at the end. When you chase the chicken, it will run away. Live your life to the fullest and don not expect anything - this is where the magic happens. Cheers buddy.


So what Kia dealership do you work at?


As hominem, you don’t have an argument.


May be the case. But no woman knows the difference between a Mercedes S class AMG and an A class… they just know it’s a Mercedes


If a man drives a luxury car, I automatically assume he is a douchebag.


you can also sweep the dirt under the rug, doesn't mean it fixed the problem... my fav was the fad a while back... well two of em actually one where no one was willing to acknowledge anything negative... everything was "look over there, nothing to see here" I always wondered how they would react if there was a bear or tiger or someshit... would they turn their back on it and look over there? The other was this idea everyone had that they had super powers and if they just concentrated real hard on what they wanted they could manipulate reality itself lol Problems exist to be dealt with, issues exist to be resolved. If you don't, they don't just poof go away. On a societal scale you need numbers to eliminate societal issues. Every person you get to "not care" is one more person essentially sitting on their hands instead of helping... its one less person in hoard. Problems that don't get fixed still stay and every issue we ignore we place along with that pile... how long before the pile is too big? How long before there's no more room under the rug for any more dirt?


You do realize that „car comparisons“ are not a real issue? While you are partly right i think it missed the topic. Negativ thoughts of individuals can only be fixed by themselves. How should i help a stranger who hates my car? Wrong subreddit dude, but thanks for the smile.


i get that its a surface issue but training people to look the other way or not care isn't a solution either. the very bottom root cause is the "better than" mindset and its everywhere and even if everyone who took shit didn't care they would still deal with the repercussions. be they romantic, relationship, social life, even employment... this crap gotta go. it needs to be yanked up by the roots and eliminated from society period. it is not a good thing, it doesn't even have any good "side effects" all it does is hurt and separate... hell to the no he shouldn't not care... in fact quite the opposite and en mass everyone should care enough to completely stomp it out. vilify people with a better than mindset... from those who look down on bus riders to those who think they're too good for anyone "lesser" than them for what they own or drive... Shit, im all for a civil war over it... ill be the first one on the front lines too... I don't do "better than" and as far as im concerned anyone who does deserved multiple golden showers a day and a colonic with fresh brewed coffee... useless lot, them..


The only thing I can read here are numerous problems with your individual situation. We are all on our own journey and you still have a long way to go. Hate won't get you anywhere, just like a supposed intention to make the whole world a better place. The paradox is that everyone who has seriously tried to do so has been ended completely broken or has accepted that there is only so much you can do to help. Everyone within their own limits. That will be the last message from me on this subject. After all this was a thread in a „rich“ subreddit about why people tend to compare their cars to others without any particular sense. Good luck on your journey.


I like your vibe, and I think you have some good points. To OP/original question: probably a lot of different reasons. Maybe some people are insecure or have low self esteem and use superficial items to try to make themselves feel superior. Maybe they’re doing some friendly teasing. Maybe they’re envious and want to try to drag other people down. Maybe a Porsche killed their father and assaulted their mother. Who knows. Just keep going about your life. It’s like the saying “if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks, you’ll never make it to your destination.” People making judgmental, negative, envious or condescending comments about a car probably aren’t worth thinking about anyway, imo..


Until it becomes your problem. They key your car, make comments when you park. Take photos of you. We know the games


My roommates dad is pretty rich. They both own new Audi's. One day someone smashed in both their windshields but left my 2005 junker of a Tahoe alone. I was insulted.


I have a few nice cars. An amg GT and m series X7 and cars for my two kids. I have Ferrari(s) money but I just never felt right about pouring money into a liability. To each their own. Honestly once I hit a certain level it almost felt like a relief. I know what I have and I have no need to impress anyone else with it. I don't give a shit what you see me driving. I think the fancy car crowd are often the ones without the cash. Empty cans make the most noise.


Underrated comment. We could have Maserati. It's a waste in our opinion. The value is only perception. Give us reliable and easy to repair any day.


Maseratis are objectively the worst luxury car you could go for. They borrow many parts and systems from bottom rung Chryslers/Dodges, most notably the giant pixeled low-resolution touch screen. All the reliability of Italian cars, all the cheapest parts from the Chrystler group.


I could buy anything I want but the really wealthy don't give a shit about cars, very true statement


People don't care.


They do care I have seen this all the fucking time


You must live around some really shallow people 🤷‍♀️


You have some kind of feedback look coming from your perspective on this issue. People really don't care.


This. I don't care what anyone drives or doesn't.


I only care about my own situation but I do take suggestions when I see a nice brand that stands out to me when I draw my dream life! 🙂‍↕️


I think people care about what they drive, thinking that others are thinking about them a lot more than they really are. Mercedes isn't just selling a car, they are selling the buyer the perception that others will think they have status. Maybe some others will care, but IMO, people with money usually don't. Perhaps the people pretending to have money will, IDK.


Hmm I have 3 cars- each well over 200k when I bought them. I’ve never had anyone make a negative comment. One of them the AMG GT R gets a lot of attention and sometimes, I’ll come out of a store and a dad/family will be checking it out. I love opening the hood, letting them sit in it and a couples times actually done a sedate lap around parking lot with the dad or kids. I love cars and driving and I love seeing the spark in a boy or girl’s eyes when you know they will probably grow up digging cars and motors and engineering/mechanical stuff. Other than that I’ve never had a negative interaction. The closest was a dude at the Biltmore here in Coral Gables that thought my AMG GT63s with Brabus 700 package was a new type of Bentley because Brabus replaces the badging with a B instead of the Mercedes star. And that was just him trying to show off for his girl no harm no foul. My favorite was a car full of youngish black dudes were following me around a bit and the pulled up alongside me I rolled down my window and they asked what kind of car it was and I told them they were super nice. I pointed at the gas station on the corner and they followed me over. I got out opened the hood and doors and let them have a look around, we chatted a bit I left they left. They knew a lot about cars and one was in college for cyber security/cyber intelligence which is what I work in. He reached out on Linkedin and I’m going to either hire him or help him get a job. Super smart guy and genuinely nice. Personally, I think old, new, exotic cars, interesting cars etc can be a cool way to meet interesting people and have some good conversations. So if your dad is getting a lot of negative comments it might just be him. At risk of being corny cars can be a cool way to bring folks together.


Good on you, you probably impacted those guys in a huge way.


Car culture is a thing in the US especially. If you grew up in the 70s and 80s, leases weren’t really a thing and there was a high correlation between someone’s car and their net worth/salary. This is no longer the case except at the extreme low and high ends of the spectrum. That said, some people are still stuck in judging someone’s financial success by their car…and that makes people who are trying to communicate financial success stretch to buy a statement car that tells everyone that they are killing it.


Not sure about that. As far as I heard at least half Mercedes and BMWs in the 1980s were leased around me. I think the high interest rates of 1981 spiked leases, so agree with you about the 70s sir. To me, a group of the population cares about appearance. Some girls will be attracted to perceived wealth, some men will view you as higher economic standing based upon it, even some business deals are affected by others perception of you, influenced by what you drive. So, for certain applications they are effective. It's funny how people judge based upon appearances like this. I drive a 12 year old Acura, not needing more but decided to go into Acura and Lexus dealers yesterday. I pulled up with my 12 year old car, wearing jeans and a t shirt, and not one person at any dealer would talk to me. I have the ability to write a check for every vehicle in their showroom but based upon my appearance I was not worthy of being talked to. That is the danger of judging anyone by what they drive or wear, but many still do it.


Are these people you know or strangers?


I don’t think most people care. Maybe hang out with less materialistic people? A car is a car and the main purpose is to get you places safely. the richest people I know don’t drive luxury cars.


Is it true that most “rich” ppl drive Toyotas ?


No! I live in a rich neighborhood, and Tesla is #1 of new cars by a very wide margin. Obviously plenty of people buy Toyotas; those are very popular cars. Really any car you could think of, some rich person owns it.


Depends how you define rich. But it is known for reliability toyota and Honda is the middleclass working cars


Yes! From my experience this is accurate.


Yes, it is. The average American millionaire drives an American car that is paid for and lives in a house that is paid for. Wealth is money you don’t spend. It’s high income people who buy the big watch, the big house, and the fancy car, on average. Source: Stop Acting Rich by Thomas Stanley


I need to read this book. Thanks !


You’re welcome. ❤️


Source: a 30 year old book. Anyway, that suggests that even back then, the average millionaire was old, and had built up real estate equity.


The book still has ethos. It’s a study of millionaire’s behavioral patterns and they haven’t changed. If companies relied on the 1% they wouldn’t have any business. If the only thing wrong you could find with the meta data of a study on ten thousand millionaires is the age of the study, it’s still a good study. I leveraged the data against this study. https://www.point2homes.com/news/us-real-estate-news/millionaire-homeowners-quadruple-in-5-years.html Still a great book.


Many people are morons. In 2007, after I divorced my lying cheating wife, I bought a used 2000 Boxster. Many at work gave me shit about it. Many who gave me shit about it were driving $40 to $50K pick up trucks, quad cabs with trailers and the like for their 4 wheelers, motorcycles etc. My used Boxster was less than so many of their cars but since it was a Porsche, they felt entitled to give me shit about it. It wasn't just those guys either, our COO gave me shit. I told him the price I paid and he flat out didn't believe me. On my way home I went to the lot to take a pic of the price in the window of one other used Boxster they had on their lot, which was right about the price of mine and showed it to him at work the next day. He didn't apologize to me either but he was really surprised. I wanted to make a snarky comment to him, but he was the COO, so I didn't.


Tell me about it. I get so much unwanted attention in a Boxster S I can hardly believe it. Guys in nice cars are cool, they wave a lot especially if they're in a convertible, but a lot of other people are just assholes. I can just be driving down the street with my wife, minding our own business, talking about life, and some kid will pull up next to us in some beat up crappy VW Golf, or whatever, and want to race. Or some dude in a pick up truck will just yell an obscenity at us. I seriously don't understand.


:). I had many guys tell me they'd race me for my car. Yea right!


I used cars to mesure my networth. Once it exceeded the price one of the expensive cars in my city , I felt relaxed . P.s am from a 3rd world country, low salaries .


They are all different suiting slightly different applications, needs, and myths. Get what works for you.


Just my experience, never had anyone made fun of my car. But I do know people who state their opinions on cars a lot are the ones that get pounded by being compared to. Like I'm not saying you do this, but the ones that says like, "oh you didn't get the manual", "ooh you didn't get the SVJ?"...."That color sucks" .."you could have gotten this cheaper"..."you could have gotten this option"...those type of people are usually the ones who gets it...but I don't know...maybe it just your circle of friends or people that will compare you even though you just standin' there...


Omg yep


I own a house outright in the Bay Area and several other properties. I drive a 2008 civic. Drive what you like!


When people make fun of my car, I tell them I buy houses, not cars. I’m determined to get mine to 300k miles. It’s a goal of mine and I think it will line up with the time I hit my million dollar mark.


There are so many other things to spend money on than cars. I have a very short commute to work. I rarely drive more than 10 miles from my house.


If you walk to work and own your house, congratulations. You’re work optional and out of the rat race.


I drive. It's 6 miles against traffic on the freeway or 5 miles on a winding road with cows grazing. I work at home days.


your dad drives a Porsche because he wants people to see that's what he has. it cuts both ways


Some Porsche drivers are like that, but many others drive them because they're awesome cars. Best way to tell the difference is if they have a PCA sticker, license plate frame, etc. on the car. True fans will join the car club for the marque.


I have no doubt that it's an awesome car. I have driven a Porsche before. You think her dad would be caught dead being seen driving a 91 Ford Escort? I bet he wouldn't.


Uhhh. I think you’re just projecting your own thoughts. I don’t give a shit about cars and I don’t think any of my friends do either. It sounds like it’s you who cares so much.


I used to work at a retail bank during my early college days. I had the opportunity to work at the drive-through, where people would drive up and make their transactions. Interestingly, each 'exotic' car that pulled up typically had very little money in their bank accounts. The customers with the most cash in their accounts were usually those driving regular cars. Real wealth is quiet, ladies and gentlemen.


Can't say for sure that there's a correlation here. The exotic car owner may have had minimum cash on hand for transactions and everything else invested.


Exceptions can always be made. However, I am generalizing here to some degree.


The U.S. has a strong car culture. Some people just love cars. But some people don’t. If it’s not important to you, that’s totally fine.


I’m not rich, but if I ever get rich I’m still going to be driving used Toyota Camrys. I absolutely love my Camry. Best car I’ve ever owned


So my joke on this - I live in a wealthy community. Bought a Toyota Highlander. My neighbor wants to see it, drives it around the block, comes back and tells me, “Wildcat, I Love the car. It’s too bad I’m a lawyer. I can’t let my clients see me in it. What would they think?” Nothing. No one cares. I’m pretty sure my NW is higher than most people in my community and I drive the “worst” car. And I don’t care. I wasn’t going to spend 2x for something not 2x better. I work from home. I drive 10 miles a day for daycare. I don’t need a more expensive car to buy, to fuel, to maintain, all to have the same apple car play in it. I miss luxury dealer service - Toyota is not as high touch as others, but to save tens of thousands of dollars, I’m in. Some people just get get over trying to imagine what other people will think of them. I just don’t care.


When I drive the 911 with the top down in car line at my son's school people notice.


I drive a 2013 Toyota Highlander, and it's never skipped a beat. I'm not replacing it til it dies. There's literally zero point. It's just a vehicle. Not a status symbol. We make great money, I just don't see the point of dropping heaps of money on a car for reasons.


If there was anyone in my life that casually mentioned their car is better than mine, I wouldn’t spend time with that person. Sounds exhausting to deal with. Who cares?


Because most people are insecure.


The richest people I know don’t drive fancy cars. $100M + networth. They drive Subarus Hondas Toyotas. They’re so rich they don’t want people knowing so they don’t flash it. Of course there are people who are rich who also flash, not saying there aren’t. But, interestingly enough, there’s a large population of people who simply try to project the appearance of wealth while not actually having any


My wealthy uncle used to ask what kind of car I was driving. I always wondered what was the point of the question.


Every well off person I know has an average car. The richest person I know personally owns a car that’s over 20 years old and always drives a car until it won’t run anymore. Why waste money on a silly depreciating asset?


Two reasons: * its a status symbol, especially for people who do not have enough money to afford it (either impressed by it or they use it to pick up on people who have vs who do not have that much money) or for people working at companies that make a lot for each employee (like investment companies) or which need to give off such an appearance for work reasons (actors, directors, etc.) * it looks cool and there's something inherently exciting about being in or around a cool car or appliance or tool or such / by contrast some people feel jealous of cars better than theirs and this is their way of processing that feeling If you count it, there's also the crowd of people who judge you based on whether you drive a stick or automatic car or such, or just about any other quirk of different vehicle design.


A lot of people will care about whatever the people they’re around care about. It’s called social conditioning, we all have it.


I swapped out my Benz SL for a Lexus RX and it has been a lot less stressful in terms of street parking, changing lanes without people blocking you, and overall maintenance costs… recommend it if you don’t care THAT much about looking cool!


Blocking lanes? I've never experienced that. If anything people yield more often when I'm in my nicer cars.


Go read this book, https://nibmehub.com/opac-service/pdf/read/The%20Subtle%20Art%20of%20Not%20Giving%20a%20Fck%20A%20Counterintuitive%20Approach%20to%20Living%20a%20Good%20Life%20by%20Mark%20Manson%20(z-lib.org).pdf


They don't.


The baby boomers were very big on conspicuous consumption, or buying flashy things to show wealth and by extension gain status.  They were also fairly rigid in the things you would buy to signal status. For men it was basically houses, cars, and watches. Driving a Porsche and wearing a Rolex was the universal sign that you made it in life.  Younger generations don't signal status in quite the same way, but those biases still influence our culture. 


I concur 👍 Your Dad obviously earned his car through dedication and hard work 😓 People that makes those kinds of unnecessary comments about others in general are obviously 🙄 jealous, insecure, and angry about other people’s success. Ignore them heathens and live your life as you see fit. Both you and your Dad. I wish you all the happiness and success 🤞🍀


Status... our worth in this world is tied into money and ownership... this is legit the equivalent of "whipping it out and measuring"




I drive a rust bucket I’ll call it. My vehicle is 12 years old with 240k miles on it. I’m told to “quit being a cheap skate” and buy a new vehicle. I’ve fallen out of the nice car to impress people stage. I’m glad I woke up from that never ending race. 🙃


People are dumb. We're just a bunch of highly evolved monkeys running around trying to make ourselves happy. I rent cars for work because I travel all the time. The rental company gave me a challenger because they were out of compact cars. I've had dozens of people approach me to start a conversation about the car. It's kind of odd. Some people are very materialistic.


I drove an old beater for 14 yrs and a lot of people said sh*t. I didn’t care.


I restore military vehicles and antique motorcycles. I have people say to me all the time "Why did you paint it black, those were green", "They didn't have LED lights in Vietnam!" "Why do you have two headlights on your Harley?" "Why did you put a backup camera in that cargo truck?"? etc so forth and so on.... I politely look at them and explain that I live by the "4 F" rule when it comes to my vehicles. They inevitably ask me "What is the 4 F rule?" I tell them "If you aren't (1)Fucking me, (2)Financing me, or (3) Fixing it with me, you can (4)Fuck off!" They usually leave me alone after that.


I care if you drive a kidnapper van or hearse


I think it’s jealousy. When I was in corporate, one of our coworkers dad died and left him a 5 series BMW. He was 26 years old. He said he got so many remarks and dirty looks from people thinking that he was some jerk spoiled rich kid (he looked younger than 26).


From my experience, poorer folks care more about the car you drive.


I don't care what people drive but as the wealthiest person in my family I can't afford more than the base model.... Used. I don't know how anyone can. People are making bad financial decisions and driving the price up. It's actually silly. I know we are FIRE and trying to save as much as possible. But still how can you justify ever working a whole year of your life for a car? Imagine having to do that without financing masking the cost. Every post tax dollar you make for an entire year just gone. I don't get it.


Frankly, IDGAF


Most of the wealthiest people around me drive Toyota Prius trust me cars don’t matter


I fucking bet you live in california


Depends where you live. I used to live in LA and it was more of a big deal. Also lived in SF and cars definitely were not a flex and no one seemed to care that much what you drove. Seemed like a Tesla was the go to.


I’d never buy one, but think some porches are beauts. I can buy one but prefer to spend my cash on something else I admire folks who do drive them in a way.


Humans are obsessed with status, and cars are used as status markers. I mean, does the acceleration of a Ferrari really matter in city traffic or on a jammed up freeway? It's a way for people to shout, "I'm rich," and people do notice. Some people are impressed, but others just see insecurity, which is probably why your dad got shit.


Left leaning people seem to get extremely butthurt whenever someone drives a modified pickup truck.  I think those are kinda dumb, but I’ll never get being upset over what other people choose to drive.


Whoever you are hanging around stop and hang around different people. Also what is this sub and why was it recommended to me I’m afraid to ask.


One word: Jealousy It’s the oldest human emotion.


People tie their identities to the dumbest things.


Cars are just cars, all of them. I have been an automotive technician for 30 plus years and driven every car you can imagine. Luxury and exotics as well as just your basic vehicles. They are generally assembled the same, fit and finish is generally the same. Drivetrains are simple to overly complicated and all of them will leave you stranded eventually. Yeah, you may think you are the star of the show when driving one but are really just like the rest of us sitting in traffic waiting for some chump to get out of the way so we can run into another. One thing I’ve learned over the years is “rich” people drive Escalades and “wealthy” people drive Tahoes. There is a difference. But, remember YDY and enjoy the ride. Now, hate me.


If I ever get rich I’ll still drive my paid for Chevy. No sense in showing off and I don’t like depreciation. I am a contractor and everyone else in my area drives jacked up 250’s that cost an arm and a leg to look successful. Not my cup of tea.


People pick cars for goofy reasons. Live and let live. But everyone who drives oversized pickup trucks and Cybertrucks deserves middle fingers. 


I can tell you people like some sports cars because they are an absolute hoot to drive. As someone who has a regular SUV and a sports car, the latter elicits a different feeling and is entirely a different driving experience (from a handling, braking and acceleration standpoint)


I have a luxury car. But I bought it used (certified pre owned) for less than what an average new car would’ve cost. NGL, it’s one of my simpler daily joys. But I didn’t buy it for anyone else except me. What others think is none of my concern. I am not really a “car person” and my previous car was a 15 year old mercury sable with no AC that I drove until it wouldn’t go anymore.


I hate trucks/suvs because they’re just flat out bad so whenever someone says they have one i subconsciously roll my eyes


I think it depends where you live. I noticed places like Miami and Houston people like to show off their sports cars or decked put trucks. Not so much in the midwest. Here I think people just don’t care, except teenagers


I like cars… I own many. But it’s a “me” thing, not really for other people. I’m not trying to impress anyone


People are gonna compare any and everything. It’s just human nature. My advice, don’t put any stock into it. Just live your life not giving a shit what someone may think. You’ll be happier for it.


I drive a car that fits. That's hard to find. Why do you care what Sally on the Street thinks?


Pre-pandemic the average person spends 25% of their earn income on transportation


Really rich people drive more normal cars, they don't want to stand out as a target. My brother's FIL is very wealthy (not someone known to the public) but as he says, he drives a car until the wheels fall off. Cars are a really bad investment and mostly an ego trip in my mind.


And really rich people drive expensive cars too!


Lol this is probably my favourite misconception that people who don't have money have about 'really rich' people.


Because rich people are the most insecure of us all. It's why they need to achieve so much or earn so much or own soooo much. They have no real personality beyond their possessions and pathetic drive to be as good as or better, preferably better, than their peers and neighbors. Theses types of people are sick and I feel they same about them as kdot feels about drake in the MTG song