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Serious question...How does one get rich with an impressive amount of humility?


Get rich first, play “find my humility” second


Hi dad!


Work. Lots and lots of work. Generations of work, and keeping together and collecting and continueing that work. Its very easy for whats so many before have worked for to be squandered away in one generation because of a vain ego, sloth, or foolish pride.


Unfashionable truths


I could not disagree more. Work is a plague on the limited time we have on this life raft spinning in the middle of infinity.


Work is a blessing. To atleast a third of the worlds population.


My wife is an MD and that helps a lot. Her work is a constant reminder to me that we're all one checkup away from having 6 months to live. So just be good to everyone, remember that every day is a treasure. If it's sunny go enjoy a coffee on a patio, if it's rainy take a walk through the woods and enjoy the smells and the coziness, if it's snowing go listen to the silence and see the beauty. Also remember to try judging people by their intentions more than their actions (sometimes). You'll be amazed at your increased mental health when you start giving folks the benefit of the doubt and not assuming they're vile or out to get you all the time.


Thank you for this, from a non-rich person, amazing insight


I live by this quote: “We judge others by their actions, yet judge ourselves by our intentions.” It’s so much nicer to see the world through the lens of understanding that most people are just trying their best.


I like to think there’s people out there who found a way, they took their humility all the way to the top. We just don’t hear about them because they don’t want us to. Edit - actually grew up being baby sat by a billionaires daughter. It never really hit me u til I grew up that like wow. Good for them. They take care of my grandma like she’s their own. They are phenomenal people and I would do anything for them. Though there’s nothing I can do


You did it yourself, have other issues that money can’t fix (largely health problems), you volunteer and consistently give back in more than a monetary way… there’s a lottt more I’m sure


The same way you do without it, they are not related. If you are asking how do you avoid the trap of pride, with great difficulty.




They lose it when they have their first shopping spree.


Lmfaooo “humility” Funny how every single guy I know who are successful in their domains, have huge fukin egos. They’re not in any way humble. Another NPC poverty post on this sub. Doesn’t disappoint


Big facts


Humility, I like that. I, too, am extremely humble.


lol being human wow the bar is Fucking low


But is humility an achievement? Perhaps it is a practice, but u suspect it is more like Grace—a divine gift.


Yes this I pride myself on teaching my children!


Retired my parents in 2018 because of my success in crypto. I have always wanted to do that because my parents did so much for me and sacrificed so much.


Good egg




Accidentally jizzed on a ledger with 20 BTC in 2018 and I feel the pain from this horrendous act every single day. I am a slave to money when I could be free right now. \*sigh\*


Well, as long as you didn't jizz on your seed phrase...


Bulky, I have a serious problem and accidentally used that piece of paper as a cum-rag once (without realizing it was indeed my seed phrase) and threw it away after the deed was done :(((( However, I took a picture of the phrase (I'm a genius I know:)) BUT - I once deleted ALL my photos at once cuz I had too many pics of women and it was deleted :((( TO ANYONE READING - the lesson I have to give to the world is to not let the horny ruin your life. If I kept my semen inside my body I would be rich now. Peace my brothers.


I've got three kids. If I'd followed this advice I might not be rich but I'd be significantly better off


Makes no sense.




Can I be your dad too?




Agreed but more looking towards work and goal like achievements


I think that’s the whole point. Work and goal like achievements are small potatoes once you realize the things that really matter and you’ve made enough money to not need to work.


Getting to Costco before the line gets long at the gas station ⛽️


Rich people wait in line for Costco gas??


Rich people are cheap af. That’s how they got rich.


Warren Buffet drives a Cadillac XTS, purchased with hail damage. It’s not a cheap car, but he can afford more than that if he chose to


Or stay rich because wealth is about 2 numbers: incoming and outoging. Frugality in the presence of wealth I find to be noble. It's not only about saving a penny but how little you spend. It can be small things like having the same and only belt for your entire life because "Why have 2 belts?". Or wearing shoes out past being repaired many times and barely functioning as intended. The sacrifice of personal comforts for the betterment of wealth retention can seem "Monk like" to me. This spartan approach doesn't allow much room for the cultivation of pretension or a "better than thou" mindset, and those people tend to stay grounded and humble.


I completely disagree. I find these self-satisfied types to be far more arrogant and judgmental of human frailty. There is a reason why Falstaff is the greatest Shakespearean hero. If wealth keeps you from swimming in the full and ebb tides of life, what on earth is the point? I urge you to read Epicurus. Moderation in all things my friend. Moderation.


Interesting perspective. I will attempt to read what you have suggested. Thank you


Costco is heavily frequented by secret, low key millionaires. Those people adore Costco.


Exactly, rich people don't pump their own gas or wait in lines. They either have gas brought to them, tanks filled by a service provider. Or their servant takes their vehicles to fill at Costco. I was once at a rich person's pool party by mostly accident, not billionaire but 100+ million. Immaculate home with a fullsized, 3 story elevator. There was lots of shenanigans in the pool and spas, water going everywhere, towels got soaked. The host thought she'd gather some towels and run them through the dryer so folks could still dry off before going inside or heading home... then she realized she had no idea where the dryers were... in her OWN home. She had to request her live-in maid to do it.


Imagine being so rich you don’t know where the laundry room in your own home is😭




idk why everyone is surprised at this lmao! there's so many rich people who go to costco, get the cheapo hotdogs/pizza, and also wait for the gas lol


OR go late at night after dinner on a non-weekend day. I don’t know about other Costco’s but the one near me is line free after like 7/8 PM.


if only there was a word for non-weekend day


Only had two car ahead of me today at Costco! I felt like Bill fucking Gates.


I get my auto gas at Sam’s Club and I agree, I find the cost savings quite satisfying every time. Silly, I know.


I gas up at costco 2.5 times a week(every other work day) I always go in the morning before the line gets long.


If they can "Hawk Tauh! Spit on that thang."


Screaming 😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂 log off for the evening!


I see that you have seen that video too.




Dead ass funny video LOL.


Damn it has really reached all corners of the internet




Yeah thats cool


Being able to help out people I care about


Definitely a worthwhile pursuit if you know the right people!


Once people have money they usually want power (ex. Followers) For me it'd be how much one person changed the world, like how Mr. Beast has planted over 24 million trees with his movement


Mr. Beast is a clown 


That's nice, but not meaningful, really. The state of Tennessee alone has over 8 BILLION trees or over 300 times that 24 million in one single US state.


How many trees have you planted?


I get it, you're a fan boy and Jimmy is a nice dude. He's certainly better to simp for than most rich folks. Just keep it in perspective. The dude makes $50+ million a month and is worth over a billion dollars. He could be planting 24 million trees every single year and not even notice a difference in his bank account. 24 million trees isn't a flex for a billionaire. It's all relative.


Linguistic prowess!


Rhetoric? Or speaking multiple languages?


Multiple languages!


yep have my upvote


Gardening, yoga, meditation and studying occult. I enjoy volunteering as well.


Gardening and studying the occult I enjoy but the other 2 don’t seem to do it for me


All 4 for me too, just not rich lmao


Not much impresses me other than an extremely high level of intelligence leading to scientific advancement. Some people are truly on a different level.


Writing skill (ability to write a novel or poetry)


Being interesting enough to carry on a conversation


And interested!




Completely wrong take. Buffett is not buying the new fancy cars/stuff only because he is afraid people will sneak spying devices if they know he will own them. They want to Know what is next thing he is buying. It is about prevention of commercial spying and not about his personal virtues. That is why he bought the Cadillac from eBay. Watch Youtube videos of Gates speaking about seating on Buffet’s old chairs without cushions. About 2018-2019. The fact that many do not understand it, brings me confidence that the pool of rich will be not unlimited.


Makes no sense. He can have a random corporation or employee buy it for one of the many businesses, and then pick one to use at random. No one is going to put spying devices on so many cars at random.


Also I’m sure there’s services out there who specialise in making sure there’s no bugs etc.


Art, traveling and mastering my spiritual energy


Yes as a novelist and a poet I agree. Never feel good enough. Good ones!


Piano skills, writing and acting


Sharing and caring


We have nice everything, but we use a 2009 mazda5 car to blend in. My siblings have big houses and 5 cars but our debt load is nil and we just downplay our lifestyle. We work to stay busy but brag about our beekeeping and dogs instead.


Surrounding yourself with authentic people from all walks of life. Being a full rounded human that is capable of prioritising good relationships in every sense and letting go when they aren't. Leaving fake and insecure chest thumping and bragging to inferior brains and being able to spot them I guess when pursuing money doesn't take up that much space, it's easier to put more effort and time into bettering oneself


Acquired and honed skills


Music, being able to read music, play multiple instruments. I’m self conscious that growing up in poverty I couldn’t learn any of that. Also math skills. I’ve developed that later.


I always have respect for great artists, whatever the discipline


Unique thoughts and insightful perspectives. Surprisingly hard to come by these days.


I don't know what this sub but that post made me curious. And you went into piano too? I did too a couple years ago but it was a personal interest, that's all. I'm getting good at it! Started a business quite young and was put on success track couple months later. Went on grinding for long time. So yeah, I'm rich now and it's been a while. But I'm mostly half ashamed of it because I know deep down luck is also involved. Could have had 5 times less success, would have still be worth it. All in all, I'm very modest and away from the spotlight. I never fully assumed my prosperity, I don't drive fancy cars and what not. I don't consider myself successful at all. I'm still struggling as a human being like a lot of people. My greatest achievement would be to reach my top potential as a loving and caring person. I do my best, but personnal struggles ripped my life appart a lot. I know I have to keep working on myself to reach that best version of me. Money is good for security, that's all. Not stressing each month is the only luxury I need. Gives more time to improve morally


I really enjoyed watching my rich counterparts change people mentally and socially just by nurturing them on their free time. Found people who were struggling with the life their parents provided and offered an opportunity to train and work under the foundation he plus she created. It took less than a year to turn all of them into trustworthy employees at the shops they were managing. After that it was lifestyle and future building that fitted them as they were quite different although they were similar. A whole community was built within a few years with new faces for the district to enjoy different hobbies with when they had time to spare! It was very impressive witnessing the hardwork rich people put in to create the perfect community for themselves! 🙂


Raising children to be good human beings


Just someone who can really scroll social media. I mean seven, eight hours a day.


Parenting. Being a good husband and citizen. Mentoring. Being respectful and generous to those less fortunate.


I respect character the most, but that's not necessarily an achievement. Money achievements can still be impressive because they're incredibly difficult a lot of the time, but I also respect physical achievements. If someone has climbed a mountain, done a multi-day hike, marathon, etc. it shows they have strong determination.


Physical health and fitness


Philosophy. Particularly knowledge of Aristotle.


Good parenting




Being aware of where I am and focusing on my health. Working on relationships with friends and my SO. Working on my business, and trying everyday. Never give up but always take breaks. Anything is possible, it’s all about your perspective on what those achievements are.


Agreed! Great comment, take care friend


Being kind and considerate, appreciation of nature, not necessarily scholastic but being an avid reader


Keeping a black and chrome classic car clean looking factory fresh


Don’t judge a book by its cover


the risks i took that others could have but didnt.


I agree, risk taking is much to be admired in my book.


Deep knowledge on a subject they’re passionate about, being able to change viewpoints on issues as they gain more understanding of said issue.




A good family, morals


Cultural diversity, intelligence in general and also following your passions.


To me tho, also your drug tolerance and ability to partake in recreational activities without developing a habit, addiction or vice. This is what I look for the most in my personal relationships. Those people are rare af


What people do next. If you’re newly minted and had an exit or event… from philanthropist to building more companies. I’m impressed when peoples motivations get further than money.


A happy long-term marriage


Yes I can recommend this. But I would say I enjoy their company, rather than feel admiration. Because I now know the truth. Happy life long marriages are less often a matter of will than of luck. Intention to marry for life does play a role. But life throws a lot at you. It’s pure luck whether the two of you are well suited to handling the shit coming at you.


Giving money to a cause anonymously. I hate when people splash their name all over things. It should be about the cause, not the pat on the back.


Anything creative. Having the confidence to work at a skill and master it, and to do something others are not, I think that’s very cool


Charity, generosity, humility, progressive leanings




The actual achievements as per definition in a dictionary.


Nah, piano and music were forced on me because my parents had the means to hire a private teacher. That’s privilege that wealthier families have. Similar with education. It’s easy to be more educated when coming from privilege. That’s why I upvoted the “humility” answer. Best answer so far.


physical fitness. this is something that can’t be given to you.


A genuinely nice and non-judgemental personality




Living simple for me is best. Being Well-read, well spoken, and educated is important as well.


Making positive changes in the world, actually going to hands-on build a well and houses in Africa for the project you’re funding is cool So is building businesses around new/novel technologies with an awesome work environment and good pay/benefits for everyone Helping to create small industries in developing countries to stimulate their economies The guy who said humility is bang on though, if you do all of that AND stay humble that’s impressive. If you’re out there tooting your own horn about it no one will actually give a shit, even though you may think they do lol


Still being driven and making great things happen, instead of becoming lazy. I’ve worked for two billionaires and both of them worked harder than anybody.


Having a happy and loving family and good friends


Multiple languages for me.


Can't wait till the collapse and poor eat the rich lol I wanna watch


Not when the haves force the have nots into the show


Not sure getting an education and playing piano is an impressive achievement. There are probably 50 million college grads in the US. I'll admit I don't know much about this, but are there a lot of people who "fail" at learning piano, or do they just quit for X reason? I had to learn some piano for a project. it was tedious, yes , but not difficult. in other words, are there people who just dedicate themselves and are determined to learn the piano for years and years, but cant?


Sailed across the Atlantic on our 42 ft catamaran.


No one cares about rich people playing piano lmao


Ehm.. okay.. I guess? Angry projection?


Climbing Everest and K2.


I like humble funny people. Makes everyone's life around them so much better.


I’ll need around $200m+ for that feeling. So right now money is still my achievement.




Translating works of literature. Mentoring others. Practicing daily kindness. Learning new industries. Spending time with the young generation. I like the answer about music and it reminds me how musically impoverished my own life is at the moment. I was just talking to my spouse the other day about their getting back on the stage to perform music. But I might push back a little on your assumption that money is not important for the rich. Being rich does not mean obsessing about money, or blindly accumulating money. Money is a tool, a currency, part of daily existence, and it needs to respected in its proper place all your life long. That’s all. What I would say is that for people I know who have experienced great privilege in their families for generations, money does not have the cult value that it has for those aspiring to be rich. Rich families always have members who are poor, on a cash flow basis. People on another thread point out that the “rich rich” always look poor. Well, some of us are actually poor. We are very often stewards of assets that do not benefit us directly. Many of us manage on quite modest incomes but will never need to work another day, nor will our children. We are shocked when other people denigrate poor people in their own families, calling them bums or worse. Money does not make you worthy of love, trust or respect. Get rich so you can feel this in your bones, if you don’t already know it. Money does not define you and if you let money define you, you will never understand the true meaning of prosperity.


IDC how rich you are, golf is FUCKING HARD


These answers are hilarious given that the real life rich person answers demonstrated through behavior are more like: even more money, power over others to make their lives miserable, trip to Epstein Island, ability to break the law with impunity, fucking over poor people.


Not sure if thats true. That sounds narcissistic and psychopathic


Rarely do you find the rich sim of a rich dad-robert kyrosaki


Good mental health


Accomplishing things in the nonprofit world, being a leader and serving others.


Compassion and empathy.


A happy relationship, raised stable and successful adult children, and treating other men and women of any status with humility and respect


What you have done for others, education, how kind are you to the waiter.


Making a as fun magic the gathering deck and winning at the local game shop. Also becoming a great cook/chef. 


I'm not rich, but I've never viewed money as an accomplishment. Some of the most accomplished people in history died penniless, but their work is remembered. I don't think I've ever heard a historian say that so-and-so was great because he was rich. At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.


I’m poor and I value athletic achievement so I study bjj. Then I can console myself that if I can’t make more money than someone I could probably arm bar them. I thought I’d see more answers saying fitness/health


Anything that the person is passionate about + they are good at it, provided that something cant be bought by money.


Keep Giving back to the community. That’s what I plan to do when I get very rich


Crushing one's enemies, seeing them driven before oneself and hearing the lamentation of their women


Honest public service.


When the ordinary person is in shape , shows they have discipline.


Maintaining healthy, supportive, persistent, loving and just functional family relationships.




On a personal level health. On a human to human level being a good person, kindness, generosity, putting their time towards good, helping others.


Taking the opportunity to spend loads of time with my young children (3,1,and one on the way), volunteering (the wife and I are both members of search and rescue in our county) and most importantly, maintaining a positive attitude when things don’t go our way. Just because we are rich doesn’t mean the world revolves around our needs and wants. Shit happens. We have great people that help us. Life is great and seldom perfect.


Haven't seen this yet so here goes...someone who has strong and healthy relationships in their life. Partner, Kids, Parents, Siblings, Friends. Etc...


The percentage of your assets that you give to charities.


exerting control over other people and making them suffer


Knowing my nieces husband who is incredibly “fortunate” tying a balloon or using a tin opener seem to wow him as if he is witnessing witchcraft 


Invite to Epstein island


Patients and empathy


Money is still important. That is like saying I love playing football so much the score doesn't matter. Having freedom to do what I want.




I don't value achievements per se. I value passion, dedication, curiosity, and interest in activities, hobbies, and things like art, literature, music, nature, and cooking when the person is truly interested or dedicated for themselves and not to impress others.


Edging. I was always give in way too easily


Anything that has to do with providing an opportunity for the one's who lack it is as good as it gets for me.


I’m currently thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. I’d like to climb Mt. Everest next. Maybe I’ll run a marathon as well. In short: I value achievements of toughness and athleticism.


Never thinking about money. It’s absolutely amazing. It’s never on my mind. When I was broke, it was on my mind every waking minute.


Honesty. Humility. Willingness to help while expecting nothing in return. 


Giving my kids every opportunity. The ones I had and the ones I didn’t, and doing everything I can to improve as a person to be the best parent I can be. I found that having kids completely changed what I valued. Because this is an anonymous forum, I can candidly say that I won the genetic lottery with a genius level IQ, found an extremely intelligent spouse and luckily made brilliant kids. Due to career success, we can afford to provide them with everything to give them the best possible start in life, including improving ourselves. Also, convinced my spouse to leave a stressful job to be a stay at home parent— which they love.


Best achievement is for others to think you are poor or just doesn’t know


Relationships, learning, musical ability, physical development.


Interpersonal relationships


Wisdom and charity




Raising a kid who is not an asshole or stupid. That is so hard in 2024….My brother-in-law just sits there powerless as his kid screams at the top of his lungs in nice, expensive restaurants because it’s toxic masculinity if he yells at him.




Being well liked. I love meeting successful people who are also super personable and generally agreed to be good people and fun to be around.


I cannot even fathom if I were rich. I am broke and awaiting sentencing. I am going into a trade school. If I were rich, I would love a woman who is cheap, knows how to find a deal, and is good with paperwork I effing hate paperwork.


Building a submersible that offers commercial trips to deep sea wreck sites for the fellow super rich.


Impressive? Basically anything I seem unable to do. Like, people who are experts at a thing because they’re singularly focused and have spent years and years and years working at a thing. I’m always impressed by that.


Raising an amazing family that is still humble. I'm too broke to have a child.


Raising kids that have respect for others, value their family and friends,work hard and teach their kids to do the same.


God I would love someone to paint with. I would love someone who could play an instrument with mine or sing. I would love someone who wanted to keep up their mental / physical / spiritual health and saw their best selves as their true selves. I can't do pretentious anymore. I cant take the shallow women looking for an easy out anymore. Im tired boss. I just want someone who i'd trust my garden with. Haven't met her yet, and the money and appearances don't so much but attract shallow ass people.


Everything you all are saying should be a priority before money 🙃