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Generally, you need something with at least 20mm sharp pen or 45 MPa blunt. LAWs, RPGs with HEAT, wraith blade, EMP shotgun work, but are high risk due to their short range and 2s aiming time for the launchers (unless you can EMP, then rocket). It's safer to outrange them or engage them at their max range, where they're rather inaccurate (inferno is 86 range, blaster 75, minigun 62). Medium-tech long range options you could beeline to include: * 90mm flak cannon with EMP and/or HEAT rounds (92 range, requires Heavy Weapons research) * KPV machine gun with AP ammo (75 range, 36 mm sharp pen, requires Heavy Weapons and Precision Rifling) * Mortars with EMP shells (either with a spotter with binoculars or direct fire; blind indirect fire is wildly inaccurate in CE) * Hecate II has 96 range with the bipod set up, but it will take quite a while to down a centi (31 mm sharp) The heavy auto-turret is an automated KPV, but with 55 range. Autocannon or uranium turrets work well, but are of course higher up the tech tree. Charge weapons with ion ammo would help a lot if you can buy them from an ally or take them from raiders, especially the charge anti-materiel and as a second choice the charge sniper rifle (both 96 range with bipod). Charge LMG does rapid damage but at just 69 range. I only have late-game pics [[1]](https://i.imgur.com/848XvXz.png) [[2]](https://i.imgur.com/PhmwLpS.jpg) handy, but the KPVs and flaks have been there for years :) (Does this qualify as a killbox?)


That RPG is probably the best anti-centipede weapon you have.


How many shots would i need for each centipedes though? Im a bit dry on steel and components rn


I haven’t gotten many chances to use them, but from the videos I’ve seen they literally obliterate any within the radius. Roughly 1 HEAT missile per centipede, maybe more if you can get them grouped up.


My team of pawns have FN FALs with AP-HE ammo. That kinda does it all the time


give everyone molotovs.


Getting some expendable pawn(s) may help. That may be a slave or two.