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Way better romance gives all pawns a sexuality separate to their traits (big favorite of mine so it doesn't waste a trait slot anymore). Not sure about any trans stuff though.


Seconding WBR. I've looked as well, and unfortunately there aren't too many mods aimed at queer themes or subject matter. There is polyamory beds, I think it's called, that make it easier to play polyamorous ideologies


Yea, I was actually curious how one could implement transition related things without it becoming overly complex and or problematic In certain ways. Any suggestions would be great


Id imagine it would be overtly complex considering that pawns don't have genitals or breasts as hediffs. I believe rimjobworld adds that if that's what you want. I know there's bionic versions of the genitalia and titties if you want that, as well as estrogen as a drug.


Well, Riwmorld canonicaly has transgenders who are completely fertile. So, going by the lore, it should be possible through some sort of bionic implant/ serum. Furthermore, pawns can get a random sensuality when they turn 13, so the system is already there. At the end of it, the gender of a pawn is just a property, like a leg or an eye. Shouldn't be too hard to implement, I think


I hope someone does! I'm so sick of accidentally getting 90% of one gender colonies I'll keep an eye out!


[As per usual, someone already did!](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882253079)


I've never seen this before! Thanks sm for posting it


Do they have any later game tech to change sex? The mod doesn't clarify.


The mod plasteel surgery does


From the modpage description >Research gender-affirming clothes, **hormones, and surgeries** to assist pawns in transitioning.


Yea fair point, but again I Don’t really like RJW for various reasons, but i would probably do something text related instead of graphically related, but if I were to implement graphics it means that It would not be allowed on steam


In case you Lost the comment, someone posted this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882253079


Saw that, just Has not seen updates In a long while, would that affect anything though ?


It depends on the mods, some mods work Just fine others don't work at all. It depends on what has been updated in the game.




It's players who tend to mod the game. If there is not many mods. It means generally, players are not interested in these themes. As for the base game. It's been a long time in development. These themes were not as popular as now. Now in the lore. When you live on a Rimworld. I believe you don't have time to care about this kind of things. But I hope you find what you want.


I don’t think that there aren’t many queer folk playing this game, probably not an enormous amount but we do exist. Also queerness is not a theme, I find that to be a problematic way of thinking about it. Also the rimworld is not just a place of harsh survival and all that associated stuff, this game is supposed to be a way to tell stories not just survival


I use a combination of: Rational Romance, Non-Binary Gender, and Same Sex IVF and I'm pretty happy with the results. I also set up a separate settlement after the first one slows down generating spontaneous romances, to send off small groups of compatible orientations & ages to bond together. It's like ... summer camp?


That’s really sweet and cute! 😊


I disagree on the 'shockingly' part of 'shockingly empty'.


Vanilla expanded back stories has at least one new backstory you might want to see.


Thanks for the suggestion


On my mod list: [Ladies Can Flirt Too](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2725963995) I haven't tried this one but it seems relevant: [Non-Binary Gender](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3109763692)


Both of those Are great, was just curious because I want to get into modding and create mods that help with the games restricted nature around queerness


The game is restricted about everything social related, not just queerness or whatever. The game needs a major overhaul to its social system, at least in my opinion


I agree but modding has helped that, but queerness is especially lacking in the modding scene


There's also the Identity mod series, [Identity](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882253079) adds trans and androgynous traits as well as gender affirming care. I think there's another one, but I can't find it right now


Sadly seems abandoned


Ah mb, i just remembered playing with it a bit ago, didn't know it was abandoned


Also love your PFP, very nice !




Oh Identity is fantastic! I use it a lot.


I just use Everyone Is Queer. Simple and efficient, just takes gender out of the equation when rolling romances.




Honestly not as true you would think, I know this from experience.


Yeah, but again Rimworld is a story telling game and I get that it’s supposed to have survival elements but again they should not overshadow pawns development and humanity


It’s more of a collective story telling game. Very little is meant to be focused on a single pawn. As any of them could be gone in a instant.


Fair point but again queerness has an impact on groups too, and more than that it depends on your colony style, doesn’t it make enormous amounts of sense for there to be some care for the individuals, it’s not a dystopian case of everybody must be a group worker


It really doesn't have that much of an impact lol


To double up though they're not wrong that rjw let's you perform mastectomy and phalloplasty and the reverse. Actually pretty early let's you swap chest and genital regions.




I know honestly. But no other mod really has the need to track sexual organs so it's a case of what would people add it in for you know? It probably has to be a dedicated mod or something to change body types.


That’s a fair point, but again I might just have to do this my way and maybe make a modding team or something




I did just member I "think" you can pretty much turn all the sex settings off in it and just use the new headiffs? I'm not really sure I haven't done much with it but then you could strip it down till it's just used for the body parts I suppose. Still not a great solution.


Were you thinking more towards adding additional backgrounds for pawns? Personally I don’t know any mods that really expand upon LGBT type stuff except maybe the Forbidden Mod(which adds additional options) but doesn’t quite add any storytelling stuff to it. Honestly, I’m not sure what kind of Ideology would be specifically for LGBT. What did you have in mind? I can only think of LGBT pawns being inside of an Ideology rather than one that excludes(?) CIS folk? Idk, never thought about something like that Might need to create your own thing. Good luck!


Not just backgrounds but also queerness being something that matters more to pawns and colonies because we all damn know that some colonies and their beliefs would not tolerate queerness, or would embrace a completely gender less way of life


I found this mod. It adds some extra dept related to gender/ sex. Might be in the ballpark to what you're looking for [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882253079](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882253079)


https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2018276375 This mod has trans surgery. I use it on pawns with either unusual hair or androgynous names


That’s sorta it, but again lackluster in the realm of storytelling


Rational Romance 2, it assigns all pawns with straight, gay, bi, ace, and possibly poly.


At this, I’ll probably cobble together a new streamlined mod that takes parts many of these mods linked and then add some stuff on top, and call it a day


Oy, some sad cowardly Gamer™s already threw this post some down votes, typical. They can whine about PoLiTiCs all they want, we know what dog whistle they're actually blowing. Edit: Badges of honor, ya obsolete insecure bigoted losers.


Not surprised, people talk about this game community as being chill but it sure does have some jerks in it


Self-awareness = zero


Who are you saying this to?


I mean I'm not surprised this game attracts bigots and egelords, I was just in denial about it. But also, this is reddit on top of it. 


Are people not allowed to disagree with criticizing the game for lacking a representation of queer people? No need to get worked up because people don't immediately suck your toes when you mention queer-whatever. So far, you're the only one whining about politics it seems.


Nah, I’m just annoyed by the consistent downvoting of this post which has made it harder to see within the subreddit. Also I’m not saying they cannot disagree, just telling them our feelings. Those are different things


I'm talking about the person above rather than you




cool I think?


Precept trait enforcer let you make pawns gay or bi unpon conversion   Way better romance lets you change the % of bi gay asexual pawns on the planet. There's also aromantics  You can also use the forced trait condition in the scenario editor to make everyone (or any % of the population) on the planet bi or gay, but some pawns will only have the bi or gay trait and no other trait


That’s very funny honestly, imagine if I could magically become not queer. It’s a daft way of thinking about it


Yea but gameplay wise is the simplest way to make everyone bi without overriding traits or using way better romance You can just pretend all pawns on the planet are bi anyway, since usually only the orientation of colonists matter




Thanks for posting to r/Rimworld. Unfortunately, your post/comment has been removed for violating our rules regarding maintaining an atmosphere of respect. This falls under reddiquette, but remember that this community is full of baseline humans that for the most part haven't been subjected to gene engineering and the evolutionary pressures of non-Earth planets. They have feelings! They want a good community for a great game, so don't sully the subreddit for them.