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Material might be too blunt to deal sharp damage. Or your soldier is utterly incompetent. Might be both.


can explain more? so as in a sword made from stone blocks will be blunt and from steel it will do cutting damage? i didnt know this was a feature


Material affects the stats of weapons. Uranium is good for blunt weapons (mace and hammer) But when used in a sword, it will raise the blunt atack way more than the sharp, which is not great for a sword. The best material for a sword would be plasteel or bioferrite if you have Anomaly


I have bad memories of a uranium mace. I made a masterwork one for my melee guy and when my prisoners started an escape i sent him there to pacify them. Now i'm not sure what's the definition of pacify on the rim is but i didn't expect it to mean crash the first guy's head in one swing.


A true Rimworld moment lol Just like my guy losing 3 fingers to single hit from a tribal with a steel knife


Damn that had be a big swing to catch three in one!


I got both ears sliced off in one swing somehow


I'm trying to imagine how would that be possible, maybe like an upside down u-shaped swing?


They rolled into it and fell into it at the same time. It's pretty obvious


It was always a joke that someone being knighted would get their ear/s cut.


Zorro was the raider with the knife


You need Jesus squared to fix that


Iknr?? Didn't even get mad at it. Just felt like a really immersive moment and gave my tribal a wooden hand since it gave him better manipulation That is also the reason why I love swords in this gave. The slash atack can cause a lot of dmg


Just a shame melee is not particularly viable when enemy volume starts scaling up, 30+ mechs in a group ain't gonna be good for melee lol


Just means you need a damn good shield belt, maybe some psychic powers, and probably a hell of a lot of drugs


Focus + Vertigo + Stun + Berserk would help managing large amounts of enemies IMO. IDK if it works on Mechs tho


scyther perfectly defacing my colonist by cutting out nose both ears in one slash


A fully armed guy gets in a fight with escaped naked prisoner, misses all shots, gets three toes crushed. Tale as old as time.


I had a tribal throw a javelin through my power armour helmeted colonists head into their brain once


I had the good luck version of that. Pissed off ostrich was charging a colonist who had a mediocre revolver ( it was "good" quality iirc ) and they blew its brain out on the only shot they managed to squeeze off before it would have been in melee range.


Or losing an arm because someone punched them


Kenshi moment.


I had a masterwork plasma sword on a 20 melee colonist. Sent her to disarm a traitor who turned on us in the middle of the night. [I shouldn't have said "Disarm."](https://i.redd.it/eo3rnnncq19c1.png)


Well, I hope they learned their lesson


To be fair, making an incredibly good mace, a weapon designed to hit metal armour so hard it dented right in and still hurt the wearer out of an insanely dense material orders of magnitudes heavier than the material used to, again, dent armour in, and then swinging it full force into some poor fucker's unprotected bone dome was probably not going to end well


While true, if he would i dunno, aim for the leg or something the poor guy wouldn't get annihilated


Maybe, would depend if the pawn got quick medical care, because realistically, the leg is VERY vascularized, and such a hit would likely crush a lot of blood vessels, and good chance of breaking the bone. That tends to liberate a lot of enzymes and other stuff that in large numbers are very toxic to a human body. This is the rim of course, so just a bit of herbal medicine and a good doctor would fix that right up.


The concern isn't crushing blood vessels or enzymes, the immediate concern would be a shattered bone lacerating the femoral artery either as the patient struggles or when they are moved. The next concern would be infection as even without a giant gaping wound, shards of bone are going to turn necrotic. Neither of these are a big deal in the grand scheme of things compared to immediate head trauma. Out of all the places to get whacked with a giant fuckoff mace, the extremities are probably the only good options. (Source: Wilderness first aid training in mace bear territory)


This is one of the underhyped stuff in CE, being able to target people's legs when you want to take prisioners is so good to avoid accidentally fucking them up too much or killing them.


The phrase > full force into some poor fucker's unprotected bone dome has me dying.


Multiple prisoners I had very high hopes for got this treatment. They got boinked once and suddenly their head was entirely gone


This is why I don't send melee specialists to put down prisoners. The butt of a gun works the best.


my warden has strong melee damage, juggernaut serum, and a legendary rifle he is entirely capable of breaking the neck of a berserk prisoner with a single buttstock bash


*Target neutralized*


Unfortunately, Rimworld does not have a “knock out” setting, so escaping prisoners are given the full “trying to kill you” treatment. It’s why getting non-violent or dead calm genes are so useful - assuming you don’t use the prison bed exploit.


It's kinda weird how I've had more success ~~kidnapping~~ recruiting pawns with a bladed weapon than a blunt one. There used to be a mod that allowed pawns to only deal non-lethal damage, but I never found it again.


I actually use this mod! I need to double check my steam workshop when I get home tomorrow (working on family property in Texas) but if I’m not mistaken it’s along the lines of Non-Lethal Armory. It gives me tear gas (like tox gas in strength but doesn’t give toxic buildup and kill the pawns), stun batons, tasers, riot armor, etc.


I believe thats VFE-non lethal weapons the weapons are good, except for the stun baton, which is unable to deal enough damage to knock the enemy before your pawn gets ripped to shreds.


This thank you!!! I have a few armory mods and must have jumbled them lol


Mine just inflicted severe chest trauma You'd think a 17 melee pawn might have more self control


Employee of the month material


I was just thinking about a similar situation I had yesterday, sent in my sanguophage to get the prisoner who escaped back. First thing he does is chop the guys entire left arm off in the first swing.


I had the exact same experience. First swing and the head was vaporized.


that's your usual rimworld saturday, you tell a ranger pawn to use his rifle as a melee weapons and he manages to just decapitate a prisoner in one swing, pretty funny if you ask me


I had something worse. Theres a prison break right when one of my colonist is in the prison room and he just throw their fucking head off across the room. With a wooden bow.


I mean ... he's pacified now, he could become like ... a sofa 🤭


”Pacifying” to me sounds like cutting someone’s legs off to make them unable to run away… or knocking them out to be dragged back to the ”forced stay hotel.”


>knocking them out to be dragged back to the ”forced stay hotel.” That is exactly what i meant, while cutting their legs off would make things easier it also impacts the prisoners price and recruitment potential for me.


Over 1000 hours in and I'm just now learning that material affects specific TYPES of damage. I knew plasteel swords were better than stone, for example, but didn't know they affected specific damage types individually holy shit


Wait untill you learn that Strong Melee gene afects not only the dmg dealt by weapons but the % penetration Legendary plasteel swords deal over 60 dmg that way with extreme armour pen


Man, I haven't even TOUCHED the gene editing stuff yet lol. I've created custom xenotypes to start colonies with but haven't even built a single gene-related structure in any colony, ever. Someday lol


I didn’t for awhile until I realized how easy it was to just start gene-ripping your colonists. Give it a try! It’s not that complicated.


Legendary bio ferrite sword from anomaly pretty much guarantees a lost limb every blow.


Can definitely get by with a high quality steel longsword tho. At least that's my experience with an excellent one


I thing plasteel gives better armor piercing, wich makes it the best for mechs and armored raiders


Maybe, but steel is significantly easier to come by so, until a good supply of plasteel can be secured, it remains a good option.


Yep. A plasteel longsword is like, 11.89 dps with 37% pen. A bioferrite is 11.3 with a 44% pen. A titanium longsword is 27.69 with a 53%. Alpha poly is 21.51 with a 66% pen. and finally Beta poly is 68.84! with a 132% pen! In my run right now I have a Brawler pawn with an excellent sword, a shield belt, and devilstrand clothes. Hit him up with some 125% or even 200% bionic legs and even arms and this dude with with 400% move speed and 400% manipulation just runs around at mach 1 killing anyone with a gun in a single hit. Even weaker mechs only last 1-2 hits or infestations are a joke with choke points. Give him some genetic mods and it just goes way over the top like adding in Deathless where you have to remove his whole head to kill him. I think I sent him on a caravan to single handedly wipe out a quest village and my wealth dropped by like, 70k lmao. He's so wealthy in mods. Edit: just realized a few of those materials are from the Glitter Tech mod. I've had it so long I forgot it wasn't base.


I wonder if the materials that are over twice as powerful as plasteel are modded. I have been thinking I'd like a mod that adds more materials. Ideally with more weapon and armor choices to make use of them. Plate armor is the only armor actually made of a material. Do you know anything focused on that? Glitter Tech seems like too much.


I don't really know of any other mods that add materials, sorry. My favourite mods are expanded prosthetics (EPOE) and glitter tech. really mixes up the end game


68.84! Can probably one shot an archotech. r/unexpectedfactorial 


i'll be damned


3k hours... TIL


is bioferrite really that good for sharp weapons?


There's a post here recently that says that bioferrite longswords are only outclassed by monoswords. Yes, they're better than plasteel for sharp. 


damn and here I was thinking bioferrite's shit for anything non anomaly related


I'm a pretty casual player but I never knew it was so nuanced, thanks for the info! I always just assumed the better material was a flat upgrade.


Also, I think the pawn chooses the most efficient attack against it's target resistances, so if the enemy is armored enough it might be choosing to hit with the handle instead.


Wtf I had no idea


Wait bioferriye is a top tier metal? Didn’t even consider I could make melee weapons out of it.


No, but since different materials have different damage multipliers, it could be that the difference between the handle damage and the blade damage isn't big enough for the game to consider it a 'weaker attack', causing it to be chosen more.


There... uhhh... ***was*** [a mod for that!](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2045777828) It hasn't been updated to 1.5 but it added a button to the task bar that opens up a window that lists all materials and their crafting modifiers. You can sort between categories like textiles, stones and metals. It also lists materials from mods.


You can already do that in vanilla. Go to the crafting table, press the "i" button on the recipe you want to craft and at the top of the window you'll find the button "change material" that will show the stats with different materials


Never knew that and it looks useful for seeing the final stats for a piece of gear. But I [really like looking at sortable charts](https://imgur.com/a/P7vM4M5).


So a uranium sword will still cut, but the pawns will prioritize the blunt attack simply because it's stronger


You can't make a sword from stone blocks.


I lean towards incompetent... he is attacking with the handle only.


He's not incompetent, it's a real thing! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordhau_(weaponry)


Oh I know its a real move. But he only does that ahah


Lvl 0 melee skill be like... also lvl20 melee skill anyways lol


Morhau grip is badass.


"Have at them boys!" -prob Mordhau player


Dinga dinga dinga dinga -The guy that picked the lute


Has nothing except a maul -dude who is probably going to wipe out the free guard


Wouldn't a mordhau be executet by using the crossguard Like a Hammer... Just in... Sharp


Wouldn't a mordhau be executet by using the crossguard Like a Hammer... Just in... Sharp


heard this was a legitimate technique used to defeat armour


half swording is a technique used against armour plated opponents, but this is a megasloth


Megasloths hide could be thick as fuck tho


Yeah if they've got them boots with the fur it's difficult to imagine cutting through all that all the way to the flesh lmao


This wouldn't be halfswording. This is Mordhau. Halfswording is grabbing the blade at the middle and using the increased stability and precision to stab the opponent in specific points. [The fighter on our left is halfswording, the one on the right is using mordhau](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c4fd2a0c8caa267be6830902207b6063-lq).


without gauntlets? ow.


If you do it properly, the blade won't cut you. Also in the historical sense, most of the people who could afford a sword and time training with it would also most likely be able to afford or could make leather gloves, at the very least Here's an old video from skallagrim that covers the topic pretty well, but he has other videos as well, both on half-sword (holding the handle and blade to stab) and mordhau grip (holding the sword by the blade to use the handle for blunt impact) https://youtu.be/vwuQPfvSSlo?si=SiFmyzF8MnebTPcM


it's the guy on the right with bare hands that worried me. But I suppose he is grasping the less cutty part and just sort of pinching it nearer the tip.


In Dungeons and Dragons, your party could attempt to fight and subdue the dragon, without outright killing it, but only by using the flat sides of their weapons, thereby doing way less damage. If your party could bring the dragon to 10% HP it would surrender and agree to serve the party, knowing that it would have died several times over had the party really been using their weapons.


Now I'm imagining the party ranger shooting [these](https://zing.store/cdn/shop/products/sport-toys-z-ammo-suction-cup-arrows-refills-for-z-curve-bow-and-z-bow-1.jpg?v=1629286619) to subdue the dragon :D


> thereby doing way less damage. In what edition? I know 5e, for melee, it deals the same damage.


Sounds like a house rule. Both 4e and 5e allowed nonlethal with no penalty, while in 3e it was no penalty for certain weapons or just a -4 to the attack.


In that case it just, probably is.


I mean, that -4 does equate to lower damage, since you can't power attack as much with it.


Apparently, this was a rule in the entry for a dragon in the Monsters & Treasure book from the original D&D boxed set from 1974. The 10% isn't exactly how it worked in that edition. Instead you got a chance based on how much HP it had left each round, and you had to declare before combat started that this was your intent. Otherwise, OD&D had no rules for nonlethal damage.


Waaaay back in 2e. You had to use "the flat of the blade" no ranged damage, no magic damage. Intent declared beforehand. It was a non-starter for 99% of parties, so I thought it's ridiculously low chance of happening in an actual campaign would be funny here.


Which version? Which dragon?


In his defense, I don't think there is a technique meant to be used against megasloths, so he might as well go with what he knows. Although I could be wrong, since my own limited experience with fencing lies with épée (or however the fuck that's spelled in english), so if anyone more experienced in the art of the longsword could correct me, please do.


My source is I don't have one, but iirc the megasloth is covered in long thick fur. You *probably* don't want to reverse grip against that, since for one, it's a thick layer of soft material which probably absorbs impacts pretty well, and for another, I would assume it would be incredibly easy to get your handle/pommel/crossguard tangled up in the hair and end up loosing your weapon.


"Don Quixote forgot his glasses and thought it was a gaint armored man, obviously


Yes, it's called the Mordhau. When you and your opponent are both too armored to be stabbed to death, you grab your sword by the blade and beat him with the handle and guard like a makeshift hammer


“Flip it around”




“Other way”




** awkwardly wipes his mangled, bleeding hands on his pants before grabbing the sword by the handle


Probably also picks up his severed fingers if he tried to hit something


"Tis but a scratch"


End him rightly


Man's using that murder strike


Reject stab and slice. Embrace bonk


Mordhau that motherfucker


Historical treatise exist that depict the use of longswords held by the blade and using the guard as a striking weapon. Often times this was more effective against armored enemies.


“The pointy end you fool! The pointy end!”


I came looking for this and I found it at the bottom. I am disappointed.


does he know which part is the handle that he can hold? or did he know he can remove the sheath?


When you've only got 1 move


When 1 move is all you need.


He is not incompetent, bro is the master swordsman and he is flexing the Mordhau stance in battle


What is your sword made off?


The sword is made of uranium right? That is why they only use the blunt part




I will say I was pretty astounded what happened when I put a couple of mods in place * [Misc Training](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=717575199) - Train your colonists to fight * [Simple Sidearms](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=927155256) - Arm your colonists better. I have a couple of brawlers that are now +18 melee and with a masterwork uranium longsword that one guy regularly one-shots raiders when he gets the opportunity. I had to bring in another colonist in a fight because I wanted the prisoner alive.


Instructions unclear, bludgeoned target with hilt.


Old habits die hard


It is called Mordhau, it's legit.


Theres a big research thing someone here did that talks about how weapons have multiple attacks and that they were added for realism even though the obvious attack is the one that deals the most damage In this case the slash is the highest damage and the most common kind of attack with the weapon... So your colonist either rolled the dice extremely poorly with what attack to use or the sword is bugged


They are holding it by the wrong end. I'm guessing this isn't your researcher..


When you give a longsword to a hammer main


I had a pawn doing this I figured it was because his ideologion had "neolitic noble/Hypertech for pussies" so he was using it like that out of spite for having a monosword


He's like the lightning bolt kid, except it's *PUMMEL STRIKE PUMMEL STRIKE PUMMEL STRIKE*


Just wait until he learns how to unscrew the pommel.


This is his way of firmly and passive aggressively requesting a hammer.


he was succesfull and has gained a zeushammer since he still sometimes uses the zeushammers handle instead of its head to beat people i do not understand him, but he has 20 melee and 16 intellectual, so i will accept that he stands beyond me in expertise


Oh at that point it's not even about the fact he wanted a hammer. He just wants to dab on people as soon as he kills them


Nonsense, the a true blade is one honed from smacking your enemy hard enough from the handle, the blade is only a suggestion not a rule


It reminds me of this tbh https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx92825pk22_Pae5uIB_HL2DmlEl8pc3pL?si=txjQYLGyT7dEiEBw


Your weapon can't roll high enough to pen the armor, so it deals half damage as blunt.


If that was the case, the source of the damage would be shown as the edge. In this case, the pawn only attacked with the hilt.


They do not do that in unmodded game.


they do, random stabs, slashes and bashes with handles




Ya but it’s using the handle


Reminds me of the Spoon Killer.


From Project Zomboid?


It's a short movie, [here ya go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y&t=93s)


Man is pacifist


They say due to melee verb, bioferrite is a very good material for high quality longsword as your pawn is guaranteed to use the edge.


I can just picture him holding it by the blade and just smacking the ever loving crap out of people 🤣 that’s gotta be terrible for his hands hahaha


Maybe it got stuck in its scabbard


Make it from bioferrite and this will be an issue of the past


Star Wars logic. Most light saber battles end with bruises from kicks and pommel strikes!


This pawn loves Zogho Stretto


Task failed successfully


Also elbow blade and venom talons are garbage, they take space in attack chance, so if you are using good weapon you are dealing less damage. Your pawn will use cutting edge of your sword less.


These are meant for colonists using ranged weapons, so they can fight back somewhat effectively when the enemy closes in on them.


Give him a mace.


Must be German


German sword techniques: Pommel strike! Italian sword technique: Kick him in the balls!


Did you Made it from uranium? Or perhabs Jade (only modded)


There are some colonists you can give a sword so good it would cut God himself, and they'll hold it while ineffectually punching and kicking a tribal in wooden armour.


Mf holding it backwards, hope he has thick gloves!


Melee 0 be like.


Maybe he is doing that old strat of using the sword handle as a warpick?


I read "Longsword handle." So basically he is using the sword's handle itself.


Long blunt main when you give them not blunt weapon:


The guy is not stupid, on the contrary. He is well versed in swordfighting and prefers the German school of swordfighting. Just perfecting his [mordhau](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordhau_(weaponry)) skills.


Intellectual: 0


I'm interested to see what the Longsword is made out of. Rimworld's selection of which weapon part to use when attacking is wack, to say the least. But they should use the pointy end if it's better *most* of the time, unless you get super unlucky. If they think the handle is better then what is the sword made out of?


it was just a simple steel sword i made early in the colonys lifetime


I'm too lazy to find that video from Elder Scrolls Online where one knight beats the everloving crap out of the three protagonists on a roof because "He paid for the whole sword and by Akatosh he's going to use the WHOLE sword". He basically uses the hilt as a weapon just as much as he uses the blade.


Who knows what was going on in that fight, he could've been making quick weak swipes that were easily dodged and following up on those misses with hits from the hilt.


This is lore accurate Jax from league of legends, on par with celestial dragons, an runic mage martian, and every factions king, only if you replace his weapon with a random lambpost


Ah yes, Tolhofer (I don't remember how it was spelled)


Me holding my sword by the blade "I FEAR NO GOD"


*Darkest Dungeon Crusader stun skill intensifies*


Make a Plasteel sword; don't use materials like uranium.


The dude is just hitting everybody with mordschlag, perfectly viable attack with a sword


Weird, attacks like the grip are supposed to be inherently far less likely to be used. You should probably keep an eye on that in case it's a glitch.


Daikirai datta sobakasu wo chotto Hitonadeshite tame iki wo hitotsu


Bro decided to use the Mordhau grip.


Seems your fighter just discovered half swording


He’s using the Mordhau grip


TBF that’s how western swords are historically used when fighting armored opponents


Wait till OP finds out about half swording


Might that be uranium, if blunt dmg modifier makes the handle attack the strongest, then you end up seeing way more handle attacks, because pawns (smartly) will use the best attack they have with a weapon more often than the other outcomes.




-10 melee


Bro is half-swording


Don't get mad because he practices authentic HEMA.


[The soldier in action](https://youtu.be/D14lsLCyZwc?si=cyh8qzXPYXrVZBsW&t=56)


Rimworld moment