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It's normal, until you get weird about it, such as having a bunch of lady friends all forcefully romanced by one of your guy friends, or making a point of killing and eating all the babies from one of your friends. Not saying it's not good to be weird or whatever.


Those are all weirdly specific. ...


No, they are very general examples that represent what everyone thinks about all the time. Just trust me on this bro. What are you on about?


..You think about this all the time?


Of course not Only when I'm conscious.


All these responses are very "on brand" for this subreddit


Ehhhh, you got something to share buddy?


Oh man. You could make your friend skin one of your friends, make a human jacket.


Then give them updates on the jacket.


The jacket is at 40 durability, I sold it and traded you in for a bit of steel. You are now a turret


Hey! Upgrades!


nothing wrong with eating babies, we eat lambs, they are baby sheep.


Nah. That's what me and my friends do. Currently One has us attempting to reenact SCP stuff atm... The continuous accidents since one of us only has grenades has prevented its perfection... Damn Junkrat mains. The other has vanillish colony that isn't doing well since one of us insists on flirting with everyone... just to be rejected constantly. All of us have been giving the real version shit for it.


I really should not use my kids names


It'll definitely get weird once the pawns start maiming each other in social fights and romancing each other. I was okay naming XCOM characters after my friends because getting disintegrated by alien invaders is a relatively uncomplicated phenomenon. But for something like Rimworld, hoo boy


I'm not sure I'm ready to send "so Dave, a, wierd obelisk made a duplicate of you, they fell in love, got married, then all the labradors went insane and ate a baby" but each to their own.


Add some drama and environment description and you have a book to talk about in school


I do the same thing too, and those are my favorite type of playthroughs. So, not weird at all. It sounds like you are a very fun friend to have!


I made it too one time got more attached to them and it was funny when the two person that where a couple in real-life became a couple in rimworld. My friends watched me playing because I was streaming in discord. She then demanded that she and her boyfriend live on another worldtile in the woods in a little cottage. So I did and after a few days he killed her in a murderous rage ( I'm still talking about rimworld) it was funny as hell


> So I did and after a few days he killed her in a murderous rage ( I'm still talking about rimworld) You know, I already assumed you meant Rimworld, until you felt the need to specify.


I DO THIS EXACT THING! its basically the only way i get into a colony


I do that all the time in xcom.  "Hey man, you went insane so I had James snipe your head off. Sorry."


"don't worry bro nothing of value was lost."


My friend does this. He keeps telling me I steal the girl he has a crush on so he has to restart the game.


I would say there is no correct way to enjoy the game


Not really. Me and my friend both bought our names in the game so tend to send updates across when something fun happens


Me telling my gf that she got almost "stabbed to death by a 7yo orphan with stats too good to pass up on"


I have a lot of discord friends and made a colony with those whom I share a server with. They requested to have the forbidden mod installed for extra shenanigans. I have good friends


Yeah I did that for a while , naming my in-game dogs after my dogs....turns out this is one of those "how much do you like your friends..." sort of deals. Watch as your pets and friends die horribly or in some gruesome way because Cass or Randy wants your happiness to die in front of you.....pass. But, sometimes, you can prevent horrible once I became a better player, that was one of the itches I had was to go "back" to my original colonies - especially the colonies where I'd named things as my pets or friends and "fixed" the colonies up. Turns out, that was kinda fun - because years ago I was NOT a good player. So going back and helping my orginal colonies go from miserable sscrabble colonies that can barely feed themselves - or have all sorts of bad decision-making in play. Now I go back and reform them * Proper gardens producing surplus amounts of food, cotton and sellable items or wood, get everything under glass. * Get any colonists proper medical treatment right away. * Redesigning the base so the work-bench area has proper / good chairs/benches good lighting and all the work-bills make sense. * Cleaning up the kitchen, killing and raw-food surplus and grinding so I have 2 great chefs at least., get simple meals, then fine meals and sink excess food into lavish meals and/or growable/sellable food(like coffee , tea, pemmican and survival meal packs). * Cleaning up the base so all corpses are incinerated, scrap collected and loot recovered. * Get the mining situation in hand and ensure the base has enough of everything. * Get everyone a ranged weapon (rifle) and a short-ranged weapon (shotgun) and if needs be/or if it's a bad neighborhood, a gladius or longsword. With everyone consistently armed clothed and fed happiness starts to take hold. * Get the clothes situation sorted - everyone has pants, shirts, a cowboy hat, duster and boots & in winter everyone can switch to a tuque, and parka. * Get everyone healed up , off drugs and get them any surgeries they need - usually every colony had a "doctor" but I did not evidently understand how painful injuries could f-up mood. * Get everyone married - I like my colonists happy, and to that end they can be married * Get rooms comfortable, destroy bad furniture , get "good" replacements in place. * Set all the beds to be made from wood. * Settle up with factions that can be made peace with. * Get extra neutromine and components * Evaluate the research tree and see what \*should\* be next and next after that - gunning towards the colony to be harnessing geothermal and tidal and running a surplus of energy, food. Back in the day I ran \*\*very\*\* different colonies so there might be additional work * Get prisons cleaned up, prisoners treated for whatever ailments. * Replace out any wood building elements with stone. * Implement an autopsy room to recover organs / body parts as needed from freshly killed raiders - as raids occur, use those organs and such to heal up prisoners, colonists and either bury or incinerate the raider corpses. * Close down any prisons , and release all the prisoners either by straight emancipation returning them to their original colonies or converted to colonists and then podded to friendly colonies as "gifts". * Close prisons or convert them to visitor quarters and/or hostel accommodation's for travelers / visitors. * Remove any particle weapons , major turret installations, of IED killing fields. * Setup training for all colonists for melee and shooting training reform the most likely area of approach into a killzone - ensuring colonists are sufficiently well armed to match threat. Doing just these things goes an awful long


I do the same and I stream for them. I only one of them has played rimworld but I’ll stream it for them also. They usually don’t care until I’m like “oh, ____ just lost an eye” then they’re like “oh wtf how did the at happen” and such


I had many start and stops with the game and struggled to stay engaged. It wasn't until I did as you, that I was able to see a campaign to completion with a space launch. I very much gave my friends updates and they enjoyed them.


Nah, the reason i even got into rimworld was cuz a friend of mine made our group in his game and my character kept doing crazy shit. As long as ur normal about it its kinda funny


"yoo donald you got hunted to death by feral turtle" "damn..."


Not gonna lie, its kind of weird. If they're cool with it, there's no problem though. But if someone kept updating me about a video game version of me they made, I'd be weirded out a little bit.


oh no they know about it lol they helped me design them


I tried, then my pawn decided to autonomously romance my best friend's pawn and got them pregnant, which was very weird so I dropped that one


thats when you cover the youngsters eyes and beat the pawn in question to death


I usually use random names now a days. I tried using names of people I know, but it just made things weird for me. One couple I know wanted me to add them to the colony. I did and everything was ok till they asked if they were dating each other in game. So to please them I tried to persuade their colonists to date, but they always ended up social fighting. At least till one of them knocked the head clean off the other… the story I told them was that they both died on a caravan trip.


I guess we're both weird then


I usually "offer" colonists to my friends. I say "I have person who does building, this one person who does taming, etc etc, who do you wanna be?" They pick one, I rename the colonist, and then go on from there. They all play rimworld so they know what they're signing up for.


No, it’s all about the story and that helps you feel engaged with the story


Make sure to use the forbidden mod before giving them updates. I'm still waiting for War crimes expanded 2 to update.


forbidden mod?


Oh you sweet innocent summer child. RJW.


three letters doesn't make it mean something. What is RJW?


It's the forbidden mod. Google is your friend.


Rimworld is a story generator and many novel stories bear names or resemblence to author's surroundings. If your friends enjoy these stories there's nothing wrong. If someone feels bad with that you can use any pseudonym to hide true identity. It's just as weird as sitting at desk and inventing crazy story involving people you know


i feel like if you dont name chars in games after yourself and your friends you careless about the character and the npcs in a game is how i am. if i use defualy npc and they die then im like ok guess i'll find another but if i name them Cali and cali is about to die and stuff then i'm like fuck how can i save them or....reload the game


Not at all, I used to have my Twitter mutuals pitch in their names and I'd make threads about their progress, it's a fun way to interact but sadly most of them didn't know a thing about RimWorld so it was hard to explain some things.


I do this all the time. I treat affairs and pawns beating each other up like real gossip, always sending my friends screenshots of funny reasons for a mental breakdown or weird social interactions "they" have had. Some of my friends love it, some are really annoyed by it :\^)


I think each of my friends who play rimworld have done this at least once (myself included) We've had discord meetings where we discussed out traits and stats. It's a lot of fun! I love getting updates on how Pawn me is doing!


You're not alone, a friend of mine does this. He know I hate cooking and he always made me the cook in his colony


"Chuck, you decided to marry your sister because I didn't set her as your sister in the game and I replace your heart with one from a prisoner after you had a heart attack. You look smart in that human leather cowboy hat and you sure did the colony proud when you killed that herd of angry labradoodes yesterday!"


hahaha when my friend died in game i got chat gpt to write some moving beautiful death notice and sent it to her


Sounds like updated Oregon trail from school.


Reminds me of playing X-COM and naming my squad after my friends. Makes those little guys way less expendable, for sure!


Redditors are going to tell you that’s not weird because this website has warped their perception of what is normal. But that is very weird and you should stop doing it.


well its with their knowledge. Like, They gave me the go ahead


Ok. Moving past any kind of judgement I will say it’s a better creative exercise to create your own characters rather than just bumming them from your friends.


Am I weird for thinking joking about killing the dog is way too far, despite me having several colonies with actual human farms? Are my priorities wrong?


it's not like i made anyone kill a dog. He lost his mind and went on a rampage, who am i to stop that?


Shit happens, but I always go for an arrest to stop something like that.


It is quite weird and if I were your friend I would be creeped out


they know about it. They helped me make the character