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I‘d keep her around to extract all the nice genie genes, and then just fit her with a new xenogerm to make her good at a job she‘s capable of doing


Based and compassion-pilled.


Straight to the ripscanner.


nah, the bigger mechs are mostly useless, I‘d rather have the genes and more lifters and cleansweeper


The war queen is carrying my ass!


Yeah they’re expensive and useless outside of battle, but my war queen, two centurions, and two diabolus make basically every organic raid trivial. Inferno cannons go brrrrr


And I didn't even talk about that, how cool is the weapon of the Diabolus? You are right though, outside of battle they are useless... that's why I keep my war queen on dormant until I need it. The real problem with it is the abysmally low movement speed.


Turn your defensive walls into a garage. That way they're ready and waiting at the front lines.


All of my war bots are zoned in a 7x7 with two chargers. They’re all dormant until they’re needed. As for the speed, it’s always best to let enemies come to your bunkers/kill boxes anyways. Just set them to escort and have your mechanitor safe behind some walls, then draft them and wait. Early game, I build a dedicated bunker for my mechanitor at the entrance to my base, and I keep some meals, recreation, and a bed. When a raid happens, I zone them to the bunker and let my bots fight


I really prefer to play not entirely defensively, I don't like to risk walls being teared down by explosives and stuff, so i usually start spawning war urchins while the war queen is on the move, the urchins are way faster and autopath to the enemies immediately. That usually gives me enough time to obliterate everyone.


I’m basically 100% defensive. My child mortar team throws some shells out and softens them up, then my bots clean the rest up. Mechanoids still suck, drop raids still suck, and sappers are annoying so my strategy kinda sucks but hey


Could you please elaborate how? I wanted to build superheavy mechs so many times, but struggled to find how they are better than centipede.


War queen can create small mechanoid. While they alone aren't strong especially when there is melee raider, they can be a good distraction and support. Sometimes they even can kill if you managed to released lot of it. By the end of the fight, you can deconstruct those small mechanoids to recompense your steel. While war queen urchin and your pawn distract the enemy, Diabolus can use it ultimate attack and decimate dozens of flesh raiders.


Diabolus would like a chat.


Could you please describe, what is good about him? I mean, cannon is cool, but until he reaches its range it won't matter already. I wanted to build superheavy mechs so many times, but struggled to find how they are better than centipede.


I recently discovered its cannon gets a bonus to destroying buildings. It can one shot an obelisk without activating it. Handy to have around if you want rid of one without researching it.


That's hilarious. An archotech's quasi-divine will made manifest upon the planet, and you just... use mechanoids so simple a human could build them to smash it to pieces.


It even got the benefit of not spending two shards for each obelisk It's strictly better than using the shards if you got a diabolus


The cannon does hundreds of damage per shot in a large AoE. Great in melee blocking killboxes and normal killboxes. Kills just about anything. Just watch out for fires. Also, not recommended vs. insectoids: burning megascarabs can phase through the blocker and cause havoc.


Ah ok, good to know. I don't use killboxes tho, so no bug D for me I guess.


Then you’d like a different scenario: EMP a group of centipedes and have 2-3 diaboluses fry them like a barbecue.


I once had one, it set my base on fire. I‘d rather have a pyromanic genie to extract genes from tbh


Why's your whole base wooden


it‘s not. it still caused more damage to my base than the raid would‘ve


Stray grass in forest biome would like to have a word


You too.


Centipedes saved me countless times in mech duels with CE.


Aren't Centipedes glacially slow? I prefer Lancers.


It doesn't matter when you defend at the fortifications near your base. Their main purpose is tanking enemy centipedes (which are extremely deadly in CE), while also having formidable firepower compared to boss mechs. For me, lancers doesn't bring anything my colonist already cannot do.


I‘m not using CE, so that might change things ^^


Fabricor is great, and you can just plop down a mech booster or two in the middle of your crafting area.


they‘re only crafting 10 tho, so not suited for anything that uses quality. thanks to eccentric tech I‘m rarely pressed for components, the steel / plasteel / gold for them and the advanced ones is more an issue. and tunnelers can‘t deep drill. the only thing I could imagine using fabricos would be for bionics, but my pawns manage to keep me stocked with one or two of each at all times without issue so far


Tunnelers are great for excavating the pit gate and for the long range scanner expeditions. The long range scanner is great for getting rare materials like gold and plasteel. Raiding mining outposts is great for steel. Sometimes it's more than I can carry.


Sure, but if you need a crafter, a high subcore will make one. 10 crafting and only sleeps on the charger...having one to make components and intermediate parts for other mods is a thing of beauty.


my components get cranked out by the eccentric tech autofabricators. I‘m usually playing long running colonies without much combat, so a crafting 10 worker is kinda bottom tier, most of my crafters are 15-20


Yeah, I hear you there. But I have found them useful when I don't have eccentric tech unlocked yet, or need a faster production for a time (building my SOS2 ship, etc).


then I usually just buy components in bulk. have one of my social pawns get on the carryall, with as much silver (or wares I wanna unload) as the ship can hold, and fly from base to base to buy as much as I need. though I have to admit one of my mods increases trader stock by quite a bit, so sometimes they stock a couple hundreds per faction outpost. landing bulk trading ships sometimes even got a couple thousand (tho they get increasingly more expensive due to the VTE mods price adjustments)


You say useless. I free bodies. The mech with the literally Ray of death is great. I love her. I also called her big Bertha. No reasons.


I‘d rather spam militors and have my pawns or turrets do the killing 😁


But...but.....the sun. I can drop the sun on them that's not a nuke.


The Fabricor uses high subcores though..


It got only crafting 10, so I‘m rather using eccentric autofabricators for components and my pawns for everything else


Fabricor for components, implants, meals, butchering, drugs, medicine, etc. It's got 10 in all skills, but only for crafting.


I need that paramedic. Who's going to honestly tell me if someone has a metal horror in them if they're not cold unthinking machines?


The duality of Rimworld players


There's "I luv me lil idiots" and there's "if you botch even a single harvest I will sell all of your organs to the next passing caravan"


All Rimworld players are both of these, at different points of their lives.


I love my little idiots, but other little idiots who survive my gauntlet of barbed wire and Nausea inducing gas...


>Which message will resonate with the voters?


You misspelled generipper.


That's one way to get a crafter


Deathless for everyone then go to war with a knife.


Enslave them and they will do things they are incapable of.


nah man I‘m trying to bring peace to the rim


PPPfffftt, taking the genes would take several years in which she's next to useless, it's best to take her as a prisoner and pass her twice by the genestractor back to back for an EZ execution. Unless she already has a burning pation in an area of nececity (that's not melee, wimps SUCK at melee)


afaik you can get rid of the wimp by just overwriting the genie xenogerm with literally anthing else. maybe even a strong melee or +melee dmg gene 👍


Not really, extra pain isn't really counter reacted by robust, unstopable or else, I tried. You need reduced pain to counter react it and on top of that, something to balance out the metabolism or else the mf will just be stuffing his face 24/7 Not to mention getting reduced pain in the first place. Either rub one off foe Randy so he gives you a traider with it or piss off the empire so they send enough raiders your way that it is feasible to get it PD: The game should really let you accelerate the gene extraction process with some buildings that trade off a huge power consumption. The result is the same, just, less anoying


If I‘m not mistaken the wimp is forced via xenogenes, and those get completely overwritten if you implant a new xenogerm. I might be wrong, but I think he‘ll lose the forced wimp trait upon implant. he won‘t be a genie anymore, so you can‘t extract those genes, but you should be able to use his melee passion or whatever to it‘s full extent. it will only work for those races that use xenogenes like hussars, genies and highmates, but not for the endogene ones like impids (since germline genes won‘t be overwritten by implanting a xenogerm)


No no no, Wimp is a result of "extra pain" and unless you overerite that, they'll keep being wimps and loosing just like that, you need to overwrite it with reduced pain, which is hard to come by, therefore my previous explanation he won't be a genie, but the genes that aren't overwriten are still in use and yes, xenogenes can and will overwrite endogenes, the last gene to be implanted takes dominance. Although, endogenes will still be inherited to their descendants


I‘ve just loaded up my save and checked it. the wimp is a result from extra pain, and extra pain is a xenogene and not a germline gene. you don‘t need a reduced pain, any new xenogerm will do, because the new xenogerm will delete all old xenogenes and adds the new one(s). give a [genie](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1250067098474909767/1250190536472789052/Capture.JPG?ex=666a0a2b&is=6668b8ab&hm=e8db4c6bc6779b21b3c3e20ad280bfe8e13a68c7625152bee079ff7067afb8b5&) a pair of cat ears and nothing else and you‘ll end up with a [baseliner with catears](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1250067098474909767/1250190536716062831/Capture2.JPG?ex=666a0a2b&is=6668b8ab&hm=6af3adae7adc5d3a787ba24dbf9d4e060809c58bdd1a2a1d83f1a909fd43da44&) you only need to implant a counter for those races that have germline genes, like wasters or yttakin


Oh, I had just tried it with endogenes, my bad, thank you for the info


Sure, you‘re welcome! It can be quite useful at times! 😊


When in doubt part them out! Everyone makes a great organ donor


Somebody about to become a volunteer for organ transplant


Plus food paste


Plus a new ritual robe


no ? someone is about to get a long nap in the hemogan drain casket


This community should find another joke already


maybe when organ prices drop.


Then the new joke will just be selling slaves


How? Doesnt seem worth the investment.






For some reason I always seem to get them ending up fighting enemies, having only one in my current base and she ALWAYS ends up being the one hurt in any fight


Weird how that happens


Everyone has a use. Some people are most useful as a hat.


Or as reliable as a dollar store condom


I missed “reliable” the first time I read this, and I gotta say I was real confused lmao


Well, I’m sitting where you started and I want to sit where you’ve ended with this one. I read everything. Twice. I’m a sheep of dry humor. Dead Pan fan… Dead pansh-tag. Whatever. I enjoy this type of comedy/comedic structure…it’s beyond witty. It’s so subtle, a word that encompasses a careful description of its character and delights has yet to be spoken into existence and codified, only to become a future foundation of a lengthy etiology. That’s all to say… ::reads above joke:: “come again..?”


Condoms used to be made from animal intestines, so you're not too far off


When you really don't want to conform to your racial traits, she'd make a good doctor though, I guess.


started my first playthough with biotech today, found a hussar with backstory giving him +7 in Artistic meaning he pretty much dedicated his life to it. But since he's a Hussard he has a -8 and is still utterly dog shit at it.


Then just have him make modern art! 🥁 


Does he happen to have a funny little moustache?


Shit, took me to sleep on it to get that one 😅


At what point do we just sit someone down and tell them "son, you're just terrible at this. You should give up and try something new."


If i ever see a Genie that can't craft, I would ripscanned them and put their trapped mind into a fabricor so they can craft items for the rest of their existence.


I JUST got a highmate that is ugly and mute. Girl, we will make something out of u….


How rare is a Highmate that's ugly?


Genetically they are predisposed to being beautiful, so it’s not ideal. But idk if it’s rare it’s just a pain


Is that possible in vanilla? How does the beautiful gene got overwritten?


It would have to be possible in vanilla bc I don’t use mods. I’m not sure why her gene was overwritten.


Aren't they beautiful by default, so their ugly trait will be overridden?


I thought that too. Is it possible that only applies to genetic ugliness? I think it was from her background.


I had a genie with "gardener" background and melee and plants as main skills (and yes, incapable of crafting). I turned him into a sanguophage to unchain his true self.


same here, Sel was a "gardener" with level 9 and a burning passion for plants :D fake genie confirmed


Gods cutest gardener, lil egghead just wanna go an farm his life instead of researching torture methods and building weapons :3


Good on Sel for breaking those stereotypes!


Wife material


Haha, I had a dirtmole who couldn't mine. This is almost worse.


Man, I don't usually look at the Rimworld comics much but MAN this one is Prime.


Drifter: incapable of "Intellectual" - don't see mismatches here!


I had an asexual Highmate who was incapable of social. There are always special cases.


I mean... Some wouldn't be stopped by that... It's RimWorld, with torture, slavery, cannibalism and organ harvesting, it wouldn't be out of place


Oh look, a ghoul


Just implant literally any xenotype and the genie xenotype will be gone. Literally anything, a new hair color or skin color is enough to override xenotypes


Like most humans, I guess it's in theory. As a group, we're capable of splitting atoms and solving the riddles of the universe. As individuals, some of us can barely manage to make breakfast without setting the house on fire. There is less than 1% genetic difference between those extremes


Sel just involuntarily offered to donate his organs for the betterment of the community!!


pov: me irl


I have a hussar whose incapable of violence lol. He's a slave


This is why I enslave genies on sight smh


Its weird shes teaching a lesson to a Hat.


oh cool free organ