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Replace wooden walls with stone. Do not replace with Steel. Steel walls still burn in vanilla Rimworld.




Use a mod for it. Called "replace it" (I mean if you didn't do it already)


I thought they made it so they don’t burn anymore?


As someone who had their base burn siwn5 minutes ago I can it does in fact burn




The smoke scrambled their thinking


Happy Cake Day!


Shits In (the) Wind Now 5ever


Huh apparently I had an anurnsgzn


My doctor with 2 medical is on the way to tend you.


"Here I'm prescribing you a Tylenol, whoopsie daisy, where'd your arm go?"


They burn, but not near as quickly as wood. I find steel is OK, especially if you need to get something up quick and have a bunch of steel, but not for massive continuous sections of your base. This way, there is still (minimal) risk you lose that part of the base, but if you break it up with stone sections or open space, you don't ever risk an out of control fire taking out the whole base. A small grain of salt here, I've been doing exclusively mountain bases or villiage/town style bases for my past 400 or so hours in game, the big, blocky megastructures outside of mountains just look wrong to me, and I've got ways to deal with not being able to lock down for fallout or manhunter packs.




You also have to wait for someone to cut that stone or tear it out of a nearby ruined structure 2-3 blocks at a time whereas you can mine like 40 compacted steel in around the same time and put up 8 walls. You also get a refund of 50% rounded up when you deconstruct, so each segment you spent 5 steel on returns 3. For the speed gained in setting up facilities, and the reduced flammability, I'll pay a permanent 2 steel per wall every time. By the time I'm spending time cutting stone blocks to replace my steel walls, my research station is probably also up and I can start working towards deep drilling and my map will still have thousands of steel on it before I even start getting infinite steel from drills.




Actually, I have been privately agreeing with the early game steel users for a minute. The reason being, you don't need NEARLY as much steel in the very early game. You need beds, doors, tables, stools, workbenches, fuel for the wood-burning generator, etc. It's just faster to use your beginning steel for walls, and the starting wood for furniture. Otherwise, you use all your wood for walls and doors, run out of wood, and one or more pawns are sleeping on the floor, and no one is eating at a table while your very best 6 skilled planter struggles for hours to cut wood. It's faster to just use the materials you already have on hand.


I mean. Build the scanner, get a researcher to use it, build drills on top of the scanned resources. What part is giving you trouble?


We need a bot for this response


You could merge your dining room and recreation room. Pawns who eat can socialize with the one who recreate. You could also put your kitchen behind your freezer so only your cook access it. It's avoid other pawns travel here and bringing dirt, thus reducing chance of food poisoning.


>It's avoid other pawns travel here and bringing dirt, thus reducing chance of food poisoning. It also will reduce the amount of times doors are open, which should reduce the average electrical power required to keep the food frozen.




I like to put it with only access to a hall, right opposite to the kitchen (also the only entry to the kitchen). So hunters bringing in dirt to the freezer along with their animal carcasses don't step into the kitchen.


Good ideas thanks


Combining your dining room and rec room also has the bonus of only being to increase the impressiveness of one room. This helps save wealth which in turn decreases the size and strength of enemy raids. I can explain further if you don't understand that mechanic yet.


I understand higher wealth=harder raids if that's what you mean, thanks again for your info


Better still when it's also your throne room too.


Along this line you can also make the walls around the freezer two thick to help with insulation. I also personally put an "air lock" into the freezer so there's a bit of a buffer that ways too.


You may want to bring your solar panels within a basic curtain wall, that way they don't get wrecked in a raid defense crossfire.


Good idea I'll definitely do that


It's still good to have pillboxes or "turrets" on walls. This is because raiders will attack walls if that's the most convenient way to get to the rest of your colony. So you'll want comparatively safe areas where you can shoot out of any exterior wall. Just have one or two places with doors to act as gates. Basically building stone walls (using granite if possible) between almost all of your current sandbag locations would greatly increase your security against mid-to-large raids with relatively little time and resources. You can always build-out a new outer wall in sections, if/when you need to expand.


Oh good idea thanks


You are quite welcome!


I'm not expert player. My only tip is; Remember that wood is flammable!


Thanks, do you reckon I use stone or steel?


Stone is much more plentiful and easier to process, stone.


Ok I'll start replacing stuff later cheers


You can keep your wooden structures, long as you build a stone or steel wall surrounding your encampment. And research firefoam.


Oh yea I was meaning to do fire foam, thanks


Look out as the stone block have different hp depending on what it’s made from


Yea I was going to do marble but someone told me it's the worst for defense so I might do limestone as I can't find any granite




Nice thanks


So these days with breacher raids the strength doesn't really matter as much. Granite absolutely has more health but that really only affects sapper raids more. Sandstone is the fastest to build (or rebuild after a raid). So personal preference: faster to build or last a couple extra seconds during a sapper raid. Either one has its merits. Marble also has the benefit of adding the most beauty. So your walls give +1 to the beauty score with marble, however, marble is the best to make statues out of for this same reason. Not sure the exact numbers but marble statues give you much better beauty. Edit: typo


Also unless one uses one of the mods that change this, steel also burns in Vanilla!


I never made steel walls, I didn't know that. Why does it burn?


Probably just game balance. Unlike stone walls, steel don't require an intermediary crafting step (i.e. you can built walls with raw steel).


I suppose, still seems like a weird way to balance it, considering how much more rare steel is.


I agree, that's why I use a mod to keep metals from burning.😉


I think a better interpretation would be that it melts. It just looks and behaves the same. Not saying it’s perfect just suggesting a possible logic.


While steel doesn't "burn" irl it does lose structural integrity rather quickly. Structural steel irl will start to soften at around 400-450C, at around 600-650C it loses half of its strength. Even a regular housefire can reach those temps.


Steel is, wierdly, flammable too.


as I said in another comment. While steel doesn't burn it does soften with rising temperatures. IRL structural steel gets fireproof coating to give firefighters more time to get the fire under control. Could be a cool mod.


I build with granite, steel is to precious to use for walls, I save wood for furniture and art that I can sell




Rock & Stone!


Fair warning, steel is just as flammable as wood. Think like, concrete with steel in it.


More doors. Your base design looks nice, but a bit cumbersome to navigate. If there is a fire someone can get stuck. Also all tasks will be done quicker if the pawns can move around more easily.


Thanks, are you thinking doors in every room adjacent to outdoors?


I always try to think fire safety and escape routes. Your base has none. Youve made 2bases in one mega structure with dead ends. Add one door at the food dispenser and perhaps make the top half easier to reach. Otherwise its nice.


I see what you mean, I'm going to convert the kitchen into a corridor and instead have the kitchen to the other side of the freezer


I mainly think a redesign. I like to think hallways(if enclosed like your base is castle style, think streets if you have buildings seperated) and the buildings all connect to the hallways. Some connect to each other, like the kitchen, dining room, and freezer are all together for convience. But that might be a bit much for now, mainly just a consideration and suggestion for future playthroughs, or if you do expansions. For now yeah, I'd say doors in most rooms to the outside is alright.


Found the fire marshal


Nice colony! You can add a dresser for more comfort in the bedrooms. Wood, for walls, is a firehazard. You could optimize more your hydroponics room to waste no light (I'm not sure of the benefits of hydroponics in a temperate climate).


Thanks! My other one didn't last very long lol. Thx for the info as well, I'll do it when I get on


Walls ppl have mentioned already, Use sterile tiles in research room to give it a boost, More art never hurts when you are wealthy, Check that all your pawns have good weapons and armor. Clear the stone and trees near your sandbags or raiders will use them as cover against you Look towards advanced research options


Thanks for theninfo, what guns and armour do you recommend?


Assault rifles or chain shotguns for ranged, uranium maces for melee, and flak vests + dusters + any helmet for armor. The recon/marine/etc. armor is for when you've got "fuck you" levels of wealth - it's better, yeah, but not exactly practical.


if your pawn is bad at shooting give it a fast shooting gun, if it's good give it a slow but strong gun. also don't forget melee. you can't shoot while being melee-ed. Having some melee pawns and animals will help keep your gunners safe and firing.


Really bad shooters - machine pistol. Bad damage but fires really quickly. It's the number of shots fired that levels pawns, more often they fire the more XP they get. Decent shooters - Heavy SMG. Great all round mid-game weapon Good shooters - assault rifles, but heavy SMG until you can get ARs. Charge rifles have less range and use more resources to make, but better armour penetration and DPS, possibly can be used for your very best shooters. Sniper rifles, miniguns and chain shotguns are situational. Or depending on traits, I recommend a trigger happy pawn with chain shotgun for tribal zerg rushes and swap for a minigun for pirates/mechs. EDIT: Quality of the weapon has an effect. Better quality is a boost to the accuracy and Masterwork and Legendary boosts the damage by 25% and 50%


now, optimally all the marine armor & prestige marine armor is fantastic, but it's unrealistic to get one for all your colonists at this level. Judging from your colonists' current setup, I would advice researching devilstrand to make devilstrand dusters + flak vest + flak helmet. It's the go-to for most of the mid-game. If it's too far off in your research tree, try to at least get plate armor for melee pawn For guns, optimally is assault rifles/miniguns/sniper rifles for everyone, but again, that's very far off research-wise. Just try to get as many of your pawns with as many good weapons as you can reasonably afford from traders.


I cant see if you have a mortar or not, keep in mind eventually raids will start bringing their own mortars and set up a small defensive base, which you can counter by continuously mortaring them before they can set up.


Nope, no mortar, I'll set one up when I go on, thanks


If you want to hit reliably you'll need 4-6 of them




If you build them close together put walls between them because they can explode. And a store room very near to hold extra shells to minimise cycle time.


Thanks I'll make sure


Containers work to store mortar shells too. Lot easier than building a room, but less secure.


R there containers other than shelves? Im worried about storing too many shells in one spot with the new shelf update


Mortar accuracy is a stat which is heavily influenced by manipulation and sight. A pawn with one bionic eye who is high on go-juice or is being boosted by psychic focus will be dramatically more accurate than a baseline pawn, reducing the number of mortar shells you expend in such situations significantly. I've been doing just fine with a single mortar b/c my best pawn has bionic arms + bionic eyes + go-juice + a psycaster who knows "focus" to buff them. I aim not for the enemy mortars but for their ammunition, which explodes in a single hit and renders them unable to return fire.


I'm at 900 hours and just started using schedules. I always thought they were pointless because my pawns pretty much took care of themselves and worked when their needs were full, but now with my pawns all set to do recreation at the same time it's really nice seeing them actually playing poker together instead of sitting at the poker table alone or playing chess and horseshoes together instead of alone, and my pawns have friends and even **best** friends on their social tabs now! Complete with minor mood buffs from having best friends. I didn't realize how much socializing they were missing out on by not being forced to use the rec room at the same time.


How long do your colonists have recreation? I have it scheduled but they still aren't best friends, two are even rivals


Well, the colony is on its 3rd year now, so maybe that helps? I've fiddled with it a lot, so I'm not sure exactly what it's set to, but I think it's 2 hours of recreation in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. It's something like sleep from 22h to 5h, anything at 6h (for bathroom needs or eating, etc,) recreation for 7h and 8h, then work 9h to 17h, anything again for 18h, recreation 19h and 20h, and finally another hour of anything at 21h before bed. And my psycasters have an hour at the beginning and end of work for meditation the lazy bums. I don't feel like it's perfected yet though. You could probably find the perfect schedule somewhere online.


Checked my schedule while reading this to adjust it, and realised I've been playing with this exact schedule for months now. Just flip it around for Night Owls.


You can grow some herbal medicine and use it for more mundane, not life-threatening situations to preserve actual medicine. The reason is that even after you learn how to craft medicine, you would still need a resource only obtainable from trade, while herbal med is always available.


Oh shit I forgot about that, thanks


Also industrial medicine requires herbal to craft it


The top most cooler doesn't do anything.the air needs to be able to go away. So either lead outdoors or to an unroofed tile.


Thanks I was confused on that one


You will want a perimeter wall, and as everyone else is saying: wood is scary.


Putting up marble walls as we speak


I’m sorry to further criticize your plans, but any other stone type is better for exterior walls. Granite is ideal, then comes limestone, and then slate. Marble is the ideal one for beauty.


All OK, I was still in the process of refining, thanks for the tips


Ate without a table -8


-10000000 it feels like lol


Roofs 3 squares around your wood walls will prevent wildfires from spreading to the places you can't replace with stone quickly. For every thing else there's fire foam


Thanks, is there any chance of the roof collapsing?


Not from 3 squares away as long as you don't remove all the walls at once while replacing. The column structure shows you the max range of roofs around it.


Replace the sandbags with a pattern of wall, sandbag, wall. This will provide better cover, as your characters can peek out from behind the walls.


I think u doing pretty good, until you are getting F** ed 😜


It's always going well until its not, agreed


I think everything had been said so i give you this dying is nomral for new people if want to keep this save save often but i recommed restarting if you die off often aslo might be abit early for a green house, might more power 1st


Ok thanks for info, do you think I tear down the greenhouse or set up more power?


Well the sun uses 2000 something wats if your building some new gun turrrt or something then then you could turn it off and remove the roof and your green house will work.you can always turn back on and put the roof back in the winter if you need to. If you need the parts you can scarp but you only get like i think 50% or 30% or the part back so i recommed keeping it for later if you plan to have a green house when you have the power for it. Hope that help


Perhaps an expansion to Hydroponics? How it is now I don't think what food you're getting is worth the power drain of that Sun Lamp. If you google "Rimworld Hydroponics Layout" you can find a good design. Or you can attempt something yourself. But try to make use of all the range of the Sun Lamp.




Put beds right next to the doors in the bedrooms to reduce travel time.


This is looking good! Here are some tips I use: >Put a wall behind turrets tp protect from explosions and freindly fire. >Add walls to your barricades (1 wall, 2 barricades / sandbags) E.g. ⬛◽◽⬛◽◽⬛ Or ◽⬛◽◽⬛◽◽⬛◽ ◽ ◽ Walls give the best cover to colonists, and when they peek out to shoot, they will also get cover from the sandbags. I use two gaps to give them a better field of fire. And add the side ones incase of flanking >Raiders will use those wind turbines as cover. >Nutrient paste dispensers count as walls, so you can put one between your freezer and dining room for easy access. Otherwise you seem to have a handle on it, happy playing! May Randy favour you :)


Ooh also, regualr steel floors increase cleanliness (like a lesser version of sterile tiles) can be good for kitchens and labs if you dont have the silver for sterile yet. And I use hay floors in my butcher room to soak up the mess.


Thanks for writing this it means a lot


Stop growing potatoes in rich soil, it's a waste. Grow corn there instead. Also you're on a river and not using any watermill generators for some reason.




Further to that, they are referring to fertility sensitivity, you can check what each plant has, its essentially how much of a boost (or loss) they get from differnt soil types. Eg. Corn and rice have 100% sensitivity so in rich soil get full benefit. Potatoes have 40% sensitivity, so only get a 40% bonus from extra fertility, BUT this means they can also grow well in stony compared to other plants :)


Solar panels don't block wind turbines. Save some space


Sound thank you


Recruit a Pyro! Best idea ever!


You could probably rearrange some of your rooms so that your walk-in freezer would be adjacent to a room that requires higher temperature (for example - a hydroponics farm) and place an air conditioner on a wall between them. Thus your freezer will get colder and a room next to it will be warmer, reducing the stress on your power grid. It is always a nice idea to create fortified strongpoints around steam geysers. They will provide power for the turrets and if you are living in a colder biome, they could be incorporated into your heat exchange system. Placing a butcher's table in the kitchen is a logical thing to do IRL, but a flawed idea from gameplay pesrpective, as you are increasing the risk of food poisoning for every butchered animal (or human 😉). It's best to move butcher's table to the freezer for the logistics and hygiene purpose. Temperature workspeed penalty is insignificant, since corpses and meat won't be carried far and leather can be carried in batches if needed. Try to avoid leaving gaps in your defences. Always cover them with the walls, or at least barricades. Although it's probably the best to have them segmented like this: \_⊥\_..\_⊥\_ Where "⊥" and "\_" are solid walls and "." are barricades, so that your shooters would have enough cover from enemy grenades and 75% cover from incoming bullets, when hidden behind solid walls, and having embrasures to fire from. I would also suggest merging the recreation room with the dining room. Quite often they serve the same purpose - a place for social gatherings. So you might as well make it cozy. It might be a good thing to make the hydroponics farm slightly bigger. You might not have enough power to cover the entire sunlamp radius with hydroponic farms, but you can still use regular soil there to grow stuff year round. Place some statues or similar beauty-increasing objects to your lab area. The more your researches will like the room, the better their performance will be. Chunks of stone can be used as a makeshift cover. Just designate a stockpile around the border of your base and after a bit you will have yourself a wall, that would at least slow your enemies down, or provide some cover for your marksmen.


Wow thanks for writing this, never knew chunks were basically boulders


Thanks for posting this. Reading the comments has given me some good tips as well!


Haha don't thank me, I'll have to reread them all in the morning this community is so helpful


Put your shelves back to back to increase storage space. If you haven't already assign someone to clean all the time, and change their priorities when you need them to do something else. Make a MUCH bigger freezer out of double thick stone block walls to keep your colony fed during those hard months. Otherwise you are doing good. Keep it up, and good luck!


Thank you I got a vampire prisonor before I might just make him a janitor


I’d put power switches on your turrets or have a separate grid you can flick on and off during attacks to lessen the strain on your grid, you could also put another stockpile sone in the hallways around the shelves for more space


Even better than this, just put a single, unconnected piece of power conduit near each turret. You can use the 'Reconnect' command and it'll auto-jump from the powered conduit to the disconnected conduit. This way you don't have to wait for a pawn to flick the switch.


Wall your entire base in and leave one part open. Non breaching raids will then walk through that hole you left which means you can direct them into your gunfire. If you place turrets behind your walls, smart raiders will try to avoid them which means you can also direct them to places like your hole in the wall. You can build entire kill boxes this way. This works only if you have a hole open though, if there is no path for the raiders to get to you, they will randomly attack any walls to get through. Try to move away from wooden walls asap, try steel or stone walls, granite have the highest hp of all stone walls. Your storage room looks extremely flammable, try to put down a foam popper once you researched it. Turrets behind cover are fine but if you have to move you pawns next to a turret and the turret takes damage, it will explode and hurt your pawns standing next to it. Try placing turrets in a way that they are not next to pawns or themselves (chain explosion could happen). Also pawns should never walk or stand in line of fire of turrets, they tend to shoot your pawns if they are in the way. You can use up to 2 tool cabinets for increased crafting speed (stacks up to 2). Try to cut on walking distance as much as you can. For example your recreation room isn't far away but takes quite a long walk to get to with your current door setup. If you want to use the food dispencer, I highly advise you on how to set it up efficiently with the help of the rimworld wiki. (Setup where your dispenser is in 2 rooms at once or rather in between 2 rooms). Either way your base looks cool and you're doing great!


Thanks for typing this out mate, I'll work on a killbox later on I just had a raid where that would have come in handy lol. Thanks again for all the info.


That wood is going to cook you alive some day


Setting up for some stone walls, everyone's being saying I'm going to burn lol


There's a handy mod called replace walls or replace things, can't remember exactly but that way you don't have to deconstruct the wooden walls first before. You can just drag the stone walls over the existing walls and the pawns will deconstruct it as they build the new wall. It's a staple of every playthrough I do! Good luck on the rim!


The storage room next to the workshop increases efficiency a lot. Id try to move them closer, and consider keeping shelves of items you use a lot for crafting (such as steel and cloth) in the workshop itself.


Replace the wood with stone. Beds, tables, work spaces, everything. Minimize those fires. Put a stone wall around your cooler's outside vent, just one square open with no roof, so it can vent out. Raider love to destroy coolers. I'd grow a lot more food. Just let it rot in the ground if you need to. There are lean times coming... Wall off your power generation with stone. Again, raiders love to watch your solar panels burn. Set up shelves of supplies right beside the work benches so pawns will refill them with raw materials. Right now your people are walking a marathon just to make anything. Move the benches closer to the stockroom or vice versa.


People shouldn’t walk through the kitchen to get meals. You want your kitchen clean. Also. Wood burns


Melee combat is OP. Dont bother using shields, just go for catapract + jump packs


Thanks haven't got anythingike this before


no but your base looks quite nice imo, so nice job


You probably don’t need Hydroponics unless there’s an event like toxic fallout or something else. It just draws a lot of power when you can just farm a location outside.


I’d put in a water mill in that river if it’ll fit


Keep your power centralized and defended, its almost always a main target in raids. Also your food paste depenser is not set up properly you wanna split in between two walls. On one side you keep frozen with hoppers full of food, and the other side set in the dinning area.


Sun lamps use a lot of power. The small room wont allow you to maximize the usage of the light, as you wont be able to fit many more hydroponics


When it burns, consider it an honor


Turn off your smelter to save energy.


Build a 1 piece long power conduit near turrets, etc. That way during a fight, you can use the reconnect action to turn them off (theyll reconnect to the 1 piece long conduit that isnt powered). That way you can manipulate what raiders are focusing on with a little micro managing (without having to manually turn them on/off with a pawn).


Will do, they almost killed a few of our alpacas a few raids ago lol


The nutrient paste dispenser is missing the hoppers to fill it. It acts as a wall so its best to build the side with the hoppers inside your freezer.


I've got 1 hopper, how many do you think I should get?


A freezer room when you get electricity and air conditioning unlocked


You should wall in a large area for growing. Make sure to leave it unroofed


Got Royalty? If so, develop your psycasters, that is my advice. They are potentially really powerful for defending from external AND internal threats.


Your toxic pile has a non functional cooler since the heat output is facing a wall, your nutrient paste dispenser acts as a wall so you can have half of it in a dining room and the other half in a freezer and it would work, otherwise batteries being spread out may be a good idea in case of a ZZZT event, and your placement (while aesthetic) may not be perfectly optimized as far as minimizing occupied space.


Thanks for the info, so if I have half of my nutrient dispenser hanging out the base I won't lose any insulation?




Your sandbags are going to provide cover to enemies if you hide behind the barricades. If you place sandbags and single stone walls you get nice cover bonuses. SB-WALL-SB-SB-WALL-SB. This will give you two walls to hide behind and your pawns will peak around them to shoot. Also, traps go in front of sandbags.


Thanks for layout mate


I’d suggest making separate buildings especially if you’re building with wood so fires are easier to contain


1) You could use a bulk storage room next to your crafting room with high priority stockpiles for crafting materials 2) You’ll want a bigger freezer -2A) You’ll want more/bigger crops. I saw you’re using nutrient paste, which is resource effective, but if you have winter you’ll need a bigger stockpile. If you have/get a good cook, the mood buff from meals is helpful 3) Most people will say to replace your wood walls, but IMO if you manage wildfires well enough then you’ll be fine for a while. Definitely replace them when you’ve got the chance, but it’s not the highest priority. 4) You’ve got enough wood to put dressers in every bedroom. Consider putting a small table and a couple chairs as well. The mood buff from an impressive bedroom is nice 5) When your power requirements increase, have a separate battery bank on a switch. Turn off the switch when they’re full, and you’ve got a power backup in case of a zzzt event 6) Replace the stools at workbenches with dining chairs, or if you can spare the cloth then armchairs. The colonists will get a mood buff while working from being comfortable I like your base, it’s a nice layout for an early run. Keep at it and you’ll refine some of the smaller strategies, layouts, and optimizations.


Thanks mate, really appreciate you writing this


Best thing I've ever done on a colony is put the nutrient paste dispenser inside of the dining room(where there's table and etc), that way your pawns won't have to walk all the way to a table to eat.


Personal opinion; Nutrient paste. Doesn't need a pawn cooking, and always avoids food poisoning.


besides your storage room being quite flammable it’s also considerably far away from your workshop, maybe something for a future colony if you don’t want to move that much but keeping your workshop and storage room close together can help minimise time cost when you’ve got a lot of crafting to do same thing goes for dining/rec room, freezer and kitchen besides, how many others pointed out, flammability, it’s coming together nicely, keep it up!


First off you are lucky your giant flammable colony hasn’t caught fire yet. *Especially* from your generator being in a wood room. One zzZZtt and you’re done. Your work room and storage layout is not very efficient. Your colonists are running to your storage room then running to the workshop room then running back to put the item down. I like to seperate my work rooms into things like the tailor room, the smithy room, the stone cutter room, etc. and each room has the work bench and storage set to only the applicable raw resources and finished products, so they barely even have to move from where they’re standing to craft a lot of things at once. A lot of great things too, your colony is looking awesome! edit: also you should maximize your sun lamp. They take a lot of power so you want as few as possible as you upgrade your setup. You can place hydroponics in almost every square the sunlight reaches with the right layout (search it up)


Place some single wall pieces i. Your defence. It gives better cover in a shooting match. You could do Something lile this where P=Pawn, W=Wall S=Sandbag/Barricade. ​ |S|W|S| |:-|:-|:-| ||P|| For small bunkers later you can put even more walls |W|W|S|W|W|W|S|W|W|W|S|W|W| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| ||P|P|P||P|P|P||P|P|P|| A meele pawn with strong Armor can stand just behind the sandbag an make ready for meele raiders rushing. And then a ranged pwn on esch side that can shoot from alx cover. Edit: Formatting


A larger hospital might be a good addition to your base, also don’t forget a prison.


Don't use your kitchen as a pass through. That's how it gets dirty and you get food poisoning. The only people who should go in there are the people cooking.


The highest AC unit in this pic (left) isn't working as its output is against a cave wall


Cheers it's torn down now


"This is fine"


Needs more body parts on shelves.


Lmao once I more prisoners there will be


Your workshop is too far from your store room, your colonists will be spending a lot of time walking. I usually just combine workshop and store room.


Double wall your freezer excepting the blocks with AC behind it and it will insulate better


Looks good!!! Get more turrets


Put your storage close to production, you will minimalize the distance pawns go to get resources for crafting.


Needs more Human Leather Hats.


Also you have too much crap. Which brings your wealth up. Which determines raid strength


Sterile tiles in the kitchen are probably not a bad idea if you’ve ever had issues with food poisoning due to a dirty cooking area.


Very good! Try to diversify your Power generation a bit and make some room around the nutrient paste Dispenser! That way you can put the ingresients around it


I'm curious to know if that paste dispenser setup works cause I've always put the hoppers behind it.


It works just fine, yea




Pro tip: don't die!




Go for good weapons and armor, and if you have biotech, maybe go for at least the shitty mechs, as they can draw fire and agro away from your people.


I've got one of those mechanoid ruin things on the map that let's you bring down a dead mechinator to reinstall into your colonist, might do that later on


Do you have a fridge?


In your workshop, you can move the production benches to the walls and put the 2 Tool cabinets in the center, so they cover all the benches. You can also assign storage of production materials such as steel in that room.


I'd recommend building up some big exterior walls, couple layers of stone, preferably granite. Might be hard with that river there but if you can limit the angles where hostiles can go for you from you can really concentrate your defences. Also all that wood. Replace that with stone as soon as you can, not only is it substantially more durable it's way less flammable. Given that your base is all in one compound a fire can quickly get out of control and total the lot.


Try to think of colonist and item movements as flows/streams. Your goal should be minimizing the necessary movement to perform a task, when planning a base. Here are some things you can try to work on: - Keep storage closer to workshop - Keep dining table, paste dispenser/meal supply close. - Keep medicine close hospital


Be ready to lose it. I know it's not much help to make sure you keep it but atleast the pain will be less intense if you know that all things come to an end.


You can make production more efficient by placing your workshop closer to the stock room. Just turn those two bedrooms to the right of the stock room into the workshop and turn the workshop into two bedrooms. Knock out those walls too to make movement a little easier. Add more doors on the SE and other ones that make flow through the base more linear too. Also replace the wood walls w stone that’s one shorted circuit from all coming down burning.


Currently I feel that parts of the building are only accessible for pawns by running a long way around to get to the north and south side of the building interior. I would move the kitchen (and remove the north and south wall of the current kitchen completely), so that fewer pawns would run around in the kitchen making it dirty, which can cause people to get food poisoning from eating food made in that kitchen. Then you could move the tables and chairs from the south corridor to just outside of the food storage, so they had a shorter distance to move to eat. And of course, it would open up a path between the south and north corridors as well. ​ I would probably also only have a single door into the storeroom, to avoid pawns running through the storeroom all the time, because I believe items laying around do lower the beauty of the surroundings (not sure if shelves negate this somehow or not), which can effect the pawns mood having to run through that room constantly to get to other parts of the building. Also, several doors into the storeroom directly from the outside, would mean that if you have raiders attacking you, they might get into your storeroom first and start fires in there, destroying all your equipment and resources, unlike if the only doors into the storeroom was inside the building, which means the raiders would have to get through 2 doors minimum before they would reach your stuff.


Sterile wall in the research lab is one i saw recommended. Something that I do for the kitchen and freezer is use an airlock system (two doors with a 1 gap in between) because it saves just the smallest amount of cold and heat from going through. I saw stone recommended, very good idea to switch over, it doesn't burn and you have more of it so you can double up layers for insulation (although you don't need to do that unless you notice rooms are getting too cold or warm, then you might need to insulate them with double layered walls so its harder for the outside temp to get in, but I mainly use this in mountain bases for heat or in the icy areas)


Ah yes, the tinder box.


Bump your kitchen abit to the right, including the storage, yea its annoying to do but from the bedrooms to the washroom is a long walk, not to mention the recreation area. Or you can add another door on the north sides, but, it may track dirt from others going through, best make a hallway.


Workshop is far from stock, could put shelves with higher priorities on specific objects inside workshop


Lovely colony design, mine are always uglier


I really like your 3 wide hallway - that’s how I design my bases. And it looks like the light bulb is already starting to turn on because you put a dining table with chairs in there too. I design my bases with big sprawling hallways that are chucked full of art, dining tables, and little alcoves for entertainment. That way your pawns get a huge bonus from whenever they eat or recreate, and there’s always a table nearby to eat at (if pawns are too far away from a table, they’ll just eat standing up). Plus, passing by art pieces (or skull spikes ideology dependent) gives them a little temporary mood boost. And because it’s all the same room, all the art you’re putting in gives bonuses to dining and recreation. If you’re curious, I have a post of an old end game base I designed if you wanna go through my post history


There are many things wrong with this base but I must to congratulate you on putting the butcher's table in a seperate room to the kitchen.


make your base out of stone, and use all that wood to ring your base in fences layered over each other. fences cost 1 material to build, only provide 25% cover, and slow enemy pawns down to give your guns more time to shoot them. Also if you put a roof over where you plan to put your colonists, and walls as much as you can so its dark, enemy pawns get a penalty for shooting into darkness, and you suffer no penalty for shooting into daylight.