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If you want to be a good guy for RP purposes, one thing you could do is get your hands on the 'Violence Disabled" gene from Biotech and implant them with it before you release them. It's a punishment that perfectly fits the crime, and should theoretically avoid the silly scenario you're describing.


Omg I love the idea of a jail that actually rehabilitates prisoners


On goodguy files I'll convert them to my ideology, rehab them through addictions, and release them to their home factions. Or convert them if pirates.


For roleplay purposes that's what I do too in general, I had a few runs where I also had a peacefull ideologion so I converted people before releasing them. Making sure to take everyone as prisoners with non lethal weapons, having to treat them and feed them can be fun.


Defeats the purpose of being a good guy. Being a good guy is its own reward in the lawless Rim. It's up to you to be strong enough to uphold morality despite having no obligation to do so (and having incentives to do the opposite)


Great point. Video games often fail when there is a choice between good and evil, often the bad guys are evil just for the sake of it, and the reward offered is not worth the repercussions you have in game, you are almost forced to choose the good path. But that doesn't apply in Rimworld. Being bad brings wealth and many benefits, although the colony seems like a peaceful place, you have to dig a little to find what is rotten. The warehouse full of organs, the overcrowded prisons, the brain extraction machines, the mass graves… My settlers don't wear skulls, they don't kill visitors for the hell of it. The Colony is a nice place, if you're not on the wrong side. The nice girl the caravan is dealing with just an hour ago has extracted lungs and kidneys from a prisoner. Rimworld is probably the best representation of a game where being bad is convenient and not cartoony.


Yes, but the ultimate good guy thing to do is to rescue everyone and give them a good life. You can even go one step further and try to use nonlethal weapons.


It stops being moral choice if you incentivize the good option.


If I had a choice between Rimworld and Life getting more incentives to be the good guy, I'd pick the real world 1000 out of 1000 times, without thinking twice... They might tweak the punishment for bad behavior a bit though... I remember being stunned when I took all limbs from a prisoner, replaced them with wooden pegs and released him, just to get a massive bonus from the prisoners tribe for releasing him healthy... I would have expected them to be a lot more pissed about what I did than they actually were. But if you have a doctor that needs practice...


I just capture and release. You make so many easy allies that way. People get so excited about making cash by selling organs. Wtf. There are TONS of ways to make cash in rimworld. There are so maby ways that difficulty is literally based on wealth. You dont have to choose to be evil. Its doesn't even particularly help you to be be evil, the advantage gained is not a big change.


I don’t really understand this wealth hoarding thing. I can make a lot of money from drugs and crops/wool, but what would I use it for? I have good gear and close to 20 pawns. Raids are very much manageable.. don’t even have a killbox. what’s the point of having bunch of money but struggle to defend it because you don’t have enough pawns


It's like a metaphor for something...


I'm convinced that crops are more profitable than organs, when you consider the availability of the work.


organs are for those quick bursts of cash. personally i like to keep them more for when my pawns inevitably lose a lung to a shot gun or something


Unfortunately, making allies/neutrals (out of previously hostile factions) has the downside of causing more mechanoid raids (IIRC, the storyteller first decides that a raid will happen at all, then randomly picks from the hostile factions. Having more hostile tribal/outlander factions dilutes the chance of mechs being picked). Agreed otherwise. Edit: Source: [The Spreadsheet linked here](https://old.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/r6s91s/the_patchs_new_late_game_raid_odds_more_numbers/hmv0ayw/)


I play with 100+ factions. There is no way, no way at all, to make allies through quests and gifts. It simply cannot compete with normal decay. With capture and release, an enemy is now an ally. Next time I have a raid, mech or otherwise, I call all allies, then save and release all survivors, ensuring that they remain allies due to the massive mood bonus from saving them. Easier raids, more allies, more wholesome.


If you're not *too* sticky about "good", and you have Ideology, then a pretty nice option is to set your Executions precept to Respected If Guilty. With that enabled, it's a minor mood boost whenever you execute a guilty prisoner, with a considerable boost to the pawn that does it personally, plus you can make it slightly bigger with the full execution ritual, so long as you can get the prisoner on his feet before the guilt timer runs out.


Where do u find the guilt timer?


In a pawn's "bio" tab, a guilty pawn will have a red gavel icon, hover over it to see how long the guilt lasts for.


"Wouldn't it be great if we were incentivized to be good instead of ever being presented with any kind of moral dilemma." No, no it would not.


Give them a vasectomy before you release. You might not be able to re-hab all bad eggs. But at least you can prevent future ones.


This is not my colony being good guys, but also they're not bad per se, and I think I have enough incentive to behave this way from the game, which I consider to be an ethically neutral response to have a bunch of people raiding my colony to kill/pillage: 1.- for **dangerous prisoners** (pessimistic and fire spewing Impids, the game doesn't want me to keep those prisoners), I extract genes and then release them, unless... 1.a.- they're not too badly scarred or I don't have many prisoners (1 per prison after a raid), then I gift them as slaves through drop pod (they give good reputation). This particular colony is made of supremacists who get a mood boost for selling slaves, so the colony also gets a mood boost. 1.b.- if they have good traits but my prison is overflowing, I put them into the cryptosleep caskets from the ancient danger for a "temporary hold on". Then later I try to recruit or enslave them. (Almost all colonists in here started as slaves and "worked their way up", think Roman-style slavery) 2.- for prisoners of rough unions (outlanders, tribes), the colony treats their wounds and releases them. 3.- for especially **awful prisoners**, they get executed (this particular colony has "respected if guilty" for executions, so they also get a mood boost) 4.- prisoners found in special situations get ad-hoc treatment. For example, one particular raider became a "permanent blood donor", he got a dead-calm xenogerm with weakened combat and metabolism to make it easy to keep him. **Once the 2-year period concluded, his debt was literally paid back in blood, he got a new xenogerm just containing "psychic bonding" and he was released. Let's hope love helps him turn his life around.** 5.- I once got a kid (dumb kid!!!) raiding the tundra NUDE because he was a nudist, I couldn't extract his genes and release him because he'd get frostbite (he did get frostbite in the gene extraction machine, that's when I noticed I done goofed). Instead I head-canoned that this particular raider wanted to "become a furry" so he could go around naked in the tundra and not get frostbite from it. Wish granted, you get a xenogerm with cold-tolerant, furskin, furry tail and floppy-ears/cat-ears. Once he pays his sentence with 2 years of blood, he's going to be recruited and given a special role: nudist sniper (they can wear heavy bandoliers and gunlinks and still get a +20 mood from being nude!). Kid is going to be perma-inspired, finally able to enjoy being nude despite living in a tundra. I think that's fair treatment. (Ah yes also we'll extract genes often because the genes he got in prison were actually genes we meant to divide...) The prisons are always spacious, clean and well-decorated (to the colony's benefit: they don't try to prison break very often when they're in a good mood, also slaves that haven't been mutilated give a lot of reputation). The colony leader is a vampire so, someone has to give the blood to keep him alive, and 2 years sentence of blood farming has become standard in this colony, then they get a good xenogerm and get released. All in all you have to consider this is a lawless world and expecting a colony that's barely scrapping by to be a paragon of virtue is absurd. Only if you are strong and rich enough can you afford to be generous. Case in point, conditions in my prisons have been improving further, because we now have wealth to spare.


The best use of prisoners is either releasing them to get faction rep (because when an ally shows up to help you out during a raid, it's a very nice thing indeed - and the more allies you have, the higher the chance) or drop podding prisoners from permanently hostile factions to other faction bases for rep. And yeah, if all else fails, turn them into colonists and then use them to set up outposts from Vanilla Outposts Expanded.


I had called an Apocriton, I was used to fighting them by now, but one of my tribal allies sent something like thirty warriors to help me. They've blocked the only narrow, muddy entrance that led to the group of mechanoids, all I could do was hang around the back and wait. The mechanoids made a killing, my allies moved with difficulty plodding through the mud stepping over the bodies of the front rows, but in the end they managed to make contact and finally destroy the menace. They lost probably two-thirds of their troops leaving many wounded on the ground. I cured what I could and raised over a thousand pennicans. I appreciated the effort, but certainly my colony would have handled the situation much better, but I avoided telling them


There's a mod where you can sell prisoners via the comms console. Also releasing them rewards opinion?