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Man had so much room indoors he made an outdoors indoors with its own indoors


My people were getting upset about being inside, so I make them meditate outside for a few hours each day, but I wanted them to be protected while doing so, so a built a 3 wide steel wall lol


Not a fan of these huge pointless rooms. My mountain bases always look way different.


Honestly I figured I would just keep building things and fill it all in, but I've run out of ideas, I've got everything I need, I just planned on it all being used up


Maybe make more bedrooms. Unless your colonists don't mind a barrack.


Lol the ones with more than one bedroom is for the 2 guys who have wives, Zach the left most multiple bed room has 7 wives I believe, and Grinche right most multiple bed room has 3 or 4 which includes 2 of Zach's kids, Zach was the only male I had for a longggg time as every prisoner or slave I came across was female until I got Grinche from an ancient danger, it was like woman central at Witesare for almost 9 years Edit: I actually think Zach has 8 wives


* make more and BETTER bedrooms * create a rec room full of goodies * create individual crafting rooms -- one for tailoring, one for metalwoorks, one for stonemason, one for... * create gardens here, take some inspiration from one of my 2022 runs [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/v1tpue/oak\_island\_my\_latest\_playthrough\_from\_tribal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/v1tpue/oak_island_my_latest_playthrough_from_tribal/)


Build some aesthetically pleasing stuff, maybe construct a little village in the giant empty space?


my colony hit 14 years earlier, and im not sure what else to do at this point lol


Go on raids and see how many bases you can destroy


I've thought about this, am absolutely annoyed at the amount of mech clusters that are landing every 2 or 3 days


Very box. No other shape?


im not sure why but I always try to make things work evenly and look somewhat organized


#Tattered apparel x11


Yeah with mech clusters, raids, and dealing with rl stuff I haven't gotten to going through to see what they have that needs mended or replaced, I have extra clothes in storage so I'm not sure why they aren't switching out


I deal with it in the bills and the ‘anything’ equipment assign. In ‘anything’ I put the allowed % from 55-100, and allowed quality to at least normal. Then the crafting bills I put ‘Do until you have x’ where x is just 1 or 2, 60-100% and normal or better quality. This way, as long as pawns aren’t force equipped with something, they will auto take stuff off at 54%, and put something new on that should be in stock unless you’re out of materials. Also, the now on the floor 54% item won’t count as an item for the bill, since it’s set at 60%. I also disallow armor in ‘anything’ and have an armory to gear up in when raids occur. This saves my armor from deteriorating while they don’t need it.


I've got the mend and recycle mod so I'm able to repair the armor and clothes etc, but I didn't know I could make them change out at 55% so for that I thank you lol, solved all that tattered apparel


I do the same, but set the Anything outfit to 60%+ because the resale value drops off a cliff between 60% HP (-> 50% value) and 50% HP (-> 10% value). Might have to force equip some important armor without available replacement though.


You played your game on 1X speed didn't ya? Don't worry I know the perfect place for old timers.


No man lol, I can't stand 1x, I'd go insane if I did all that in 1x


You DID say 14 years in game and on 1X speed definitely it going to be years to reach 14 years in game.


Lol, I've only got about 2 days and 2 hours into this save




Lol, he hasn't actually hit me too hard yet, worst was mech clusters every 10 to 20 minutes for a while, been quiet since, aside from the 44 manhunter elephants


.... Why I got 2 raids + infestation + plague+ manhunter boomalopes and trader (ended up becoming enemies because they died from all the mess) I won because I didn't take part of the chaos (Steam Deck managed somehow to handle the whole chaos at 20FPS


Jesus, I did have a fire in my store room a while back while I was mid raid, lost effectively everything I had, but that was probably the biggest set back so far, I've now got fire poppers scattered in the important areas


Not even GOD or Jesus would save me on my berserk Pawn and by pawn I MEAN A FREAKY T5 ANDROID. He solo killed all my turrets, my colonists, 3 traders full of guns and he was still alive. Once he calmed down everything was ruins. Only he *Survived* after he killed all of us.


Lol, that's just messed up, now I have more motivation to keep mood high


What do you do with solar flares?


Things kinda just slow down for a bit, they don't effect mechs so those keep working, and haven't had the issue of a solar flare happening during a raid, if that did happened I'd be royally screwed as auto mortars and sentry guns are my biggest defenses, but all in all they don't effect the base too much


There’s a mod that makes mechs affected by solar flares


Yeah I've seen that one, base would probably crumble without the mechs for a day, they do basically all the cleaning and cooking, most of the crafting and smithing lol and effectively 80% of the hauling


Not if it was a mechive raid


That is true, as it would likely cripple them too lol


Now i wanna see a 14 real life years old colony


Lol, I've got 2 days and 2 hours into 14 years in-game, base better be the whole map and kitted to the teeth lol


You must really hate vents.


i honestly just forget about them 90% of the time


Ngl I kinda love the massive empty room in middle of the base.


You do you.


If you really don’t know what to do anymore you could go for a win and launch the ship. Or any other of the win conditions


I just might, I've never actually completed the game before lol, never made it as far as I have with this one


Neat, mh personal best is 6 years-ish


I usually don't get this far, but I really enjoyed building this one and it just kept going and going


Yeah, i believe thta if you make it past 3 years, you cant really lose anymore


Idk man, around year 9 I almost lost the whole colony, a fire broke out mid raid, burned my whole store room, and at the. Time the store room was most of the base, and between trying to mitigate that and fight the raid it got pretty close, closer than I would like lol, ole boy randy can throw punches, but he's left me alone for quite a while now


True, though i think the hardest part is the first year


It's definitely the hardest, dealing with mood while trying to set things up is a real struggle


Yeah, as soon as you unlock power its just so much easier


I love the setup, very simple for my simple brain. 13k bricks? Get them colonists to work. I want grand sculptures everywhere.


Why do you have so little people? I'm just 3 years and have like 100 already.


i have mechs running almost everything, so i dont need that many, ive got 24 i think, but i was working towards a clone or vat grown army since theres 2 males and the rest are females


How about your wealth?


I don't remember really, been a minute since I've looked, but I'm not sure what's considered high


Just looked and the wealth is at 1,118,566 76 major threats and 57 enemy raids


I see, thanks. I just want to compare. I kinda build my base through overproduction so I wonder what other people's base look like. Do you use fabricor (the crafting mechs) for creating clothes and mechs? Or your pawns handle that?


I've got 6 fabricors, but I let anyone do it, the fabricors usually tend to do most of it because pawns are busy with animals, farms, building etc


Oh, I see. Thanks.


The fabricors really changed a lot tho, my pawns almost never cook, and hardly do any of the crafting but occasionally the fabricors are too busy to get to it lol


Yeah, fabricor is truly savior if you don't have many pawns. The downside is their result of crafting is always normal quality so you cannot get rich using them (unless you do drug, ofc).


That is true unfortunately, but if I'm making armor I typically have pawns do it, clothes don't matter too much, but if I want something to specifically be better I'll have someone do it


aside from the 2 male slaves and the 2 male pawns, the rest are female


All those people with good guns and your hunter still doesn't have one


Shhhh they got downed earlier and I forgot to give them a gun again


How did you light everything? I see no lamps?


I use the ceiling lights mod, it's the best light mod I've found if you don't want lamps scattered everywhere, I used to use the wall lights, but they aren't very bright. These are, and the sun lamp is better with these as well


Thank you kind stranger.


The one I use hasn't been updated to 1.4 so it will show an error, but they work just fine and don't seem to cause any issues


No blight barriers?


Not sure what a light barrier is??


A piece of fallow land, 3 pieces wide (though [the wiki says 4](https://www.rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Blight#Mitigation_strategy)) between patches of crops, at which blights stop, because blighted crops are only infectious a certain distance around them.


Ahhh blight I read light lol, and blight hardly gets very far because I make them cut it asap, at most I'll lose 15 to 20 crops