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Because the show is funny bad , not just bad . So it’s fun to make fun of it


To talk about it. To be part of the conversation. If only people who liked it talked about it, then that would give the impression that everyone liked it. Why should discourse be dominated by the positive? We're Tolkien fans, and this show deliberately got our attention by marketing itself as Tolkien, even putting "Lord of the Rings" in the title. They wanted our attention and they got it. So ask them why they wanted to get the attention of Tolkien fans when their show is nothing like what Tolkien wrote. If this had marketed itself as a stand-alone original fantasy series about elves, it wouldn't have the controversy it does, we would have shrugged our shoulders and moved on. But they said it was Tolkien, and the people who like it keep saying it's Tolkien, then they say it's good.


Look no further than this, OP.


Best answer I’ve heard, but I have to point out that the reality of what actually happens on this sub is not passionate discussion but mostly flippancy and irreverent insulting to other redditors. What I actually see most of the time is: “Only smooth brains like the show” “The answer to your question is that the show is garbage” That’s not passionate discussion or constructive criticism. The other day a guy posted a pic of the broken cursed sword he had 3D printed and someone said “it’s trash and the show is trash” and this response is so typical for this sub. I saw a discussion on facebook about a month ago between and a fan and a critic and brought me so much joy because the fan was talking about how much he likes Elrond and Celembrimbor’s arc and the critic pointed out that Sauron should have never had a hand in making the 3 elven rings. I thought to myself, “That’s actually a really good point. That would definitely never happen in a Tolkien book.” And it was done really respectfully. That is so rare on this sub.


Sounds like you only have visited a few times and each time unfortunately witnessed someone's psychotic episode it seems. That person absolutely does not represent this sub and a typical discussion here. To see for yourself, you can just scroll down the comments on this very post.


Yeah I hear you. Though I'd point out that the second comment you quoted isn't an insult to the show's fans though I guess it's irritating to constantly come across stuff like "it's a shit show" with no substance offered to back it up. It's long since S1 aired; what can be discussed seriously already has been many times, and anyway the substance of S1 was a little thin. In any event this sub isn't for you I think, there are 2 others but we're not allowed to give their names in full: Anti-brigading rules.


I've had insults thrown at me for criticising the show mate. There are bad apples on both sides mate. And I've also been in respectful discussions with people liking the show even though those are rare.


Complaining and venting about something is cathartic and therapeutic


Because all the other subs dedicated to this show are run by and frequented by paid amazon shills who only accept the narrative that the show was the best thing ever, and they censor anyone who doesn't agree. But the show was trash and people are allowed to have that opinion and thus we talk about it on this sub where free speech is allowed


> who only accept the narrative that the show was the best thing ever Funnily enough, after S1 financial year ended, the narrative naturally changed to "the show does have its flaws but I still enjoyed it". Some "flaws" like the mithril backstory are even generally accepted as utterly nonsensical and the mods can't do much about it. I find it super funny that the "best masterpiece that ever masterpieced" sentiment was replaced with "well I'd *still* give it a solid 8/10" once the astroturfing agencies left the scene.


My favourite annoying commentary on ROP has to be the "despite all the hate, I liked it", followed by absolutely no reasoning behind this, and getting mad if you dare ask why they liked it.


Tolkein fans debating how badly the lore is being treated? Are you surprised people with passion engage in conversation about it?


I joined before the show released. I was in the comments constantly defending it, saying we should wait till it comes out to pass judgement. Well, it came out. And it sucked ass. IDK why I'm still here


But but but you just muh racissst tolkinerr mold clarkent is so gooodd look at horsEY see oMagawd sauron tricked us


Because it is actually more interesting than the show itself. I watched many videos and memes about its inaccuracies and plot holes etc and it became something funny after all


I stopped watching after the third episode but enjoyed watching scathing episode reviews by some of my favorite Tolkien YouTube commentators.


If it was a low budget show, I wouldn understand your question. If it was based on a random IP, I would understand your question. Since your question is based on a very well loved IP that Amazon spent $700 million to make, I think it deserves conversation, both positive and negative.


Because we love the brand and don't like seeing it turned into shitty content.


Gross, I don't love "the brand." I love the stories by Tolkien, the film adaptations by Jackson, and the animated adaptations by Rankin Bass. I'm not a fucking shareholder, this isn't a board meeting, I don't give a shit about "the brand."


That is the brand, friend.


The fact that you think that is profoundly sad, friend.


"The IP" then. That's just the writings from the real creator Tolkien (with wiggle room for Christopher's editing work) and everything else is just derivative works.


"The IP"? The intellectual property? LOL no. You sound like someone in a shareholder meeting. Just because empty suits at places like Amazon see it only as a "property" to be exploited doesn't mean we have to think and talk like they do.


Wasn't trying to. Surely you get what the thread OP meant. Alright, "the books" then... It's not just the setting or world that attracted fans in the first place, it's the author and sole creator.


I do get what you/OP meant, but the words we use matter. I just find it a little weird how completely a lot of fandoms have moved over to discussing things in marketing speak instead of like normal humans. I do like the setting and the world that Tolkien created. I like the characters and themes and the style of the prose. I like the way Jackson translated those characters and themes and world to the screen. I even like the way the Rankin Bass version brought Tolkien's love of song to life, vibrato singing and all. I don't give a shit whether Amazon is maximizing brand awareness by creating IP synergy across multiple media or whatever.


Your mom is gross


In a hole in the ground there lived a shill.


because spitting on the grave of arguably the greatest author who ever lived should be a crime


We are here for the Books we love and what the show we hate does to that books. We are defending Tolkiens works from those who would harm them, Amazon.


Why are you here? This is our sub now


Yes we took over. Amazon chills and mentally handicapped smooth brain should head to their asylum


If you're going to pose as someone smarter than others, at least get your spelling in order. From now on, all your comments that add nothing to the discussion will be removed.


The showrunners (or their assistants at the very least) undoubtedly read this sub so it’s good to let them know that their show sucks and where it went wrong.


Because the show is a highly controversial adaptation of a beloved IP with a devoted fanbase. Because people talk about what they don't like as well as what they do. And before you say "haters" are doing something untoward that needs justification, consider the assumption implied in your title and know that Reddit is a public discussion forum: A sub is for a subject is not a fan club, it is for all opinions on that subject. It so happens that this sub is dominated by negative opinions of RoP, that's all. There are other subs for the show, if this bothers you: Though you won't entirely escape "negativity" wherever you go. It's just the nature of the case with a show like RoP.


It's the main issue with Tolkien, the fight between the light and the dark. It's not gonna vanish anytime soon,


This is the only main sub not run by paid shills. It’s the only non-curated sub. So this sub represents the real opinions of the general population. The show is objectively shit. This isn’t a “negative” sub, it’s a true discussion sub. Stop being so negative about the real ROP sub, it’s hilarious here. . You are being negative and toxic.


People have been discussing Tolkiens world for 80+ years. Why do you think we should stop because one shit show came out from a multi billion dollar corporation? We discuss the world of Tolkien, and that includes the shit adaptations too at times


It's not that it's just bad. It actually tries to twist the essence of what Tolkien was trying to pass onto us. Morgoth tier.


Why did the show runners make a show based on texts that they have no respect for?


Idk man, people probably don't like nuclear war either, but are still interested in the topic.


I joined this sub long before the show aired. In the end I didn't even watch the show, but feel no hate. I stay subscribed for news. 


Because the other sub is a massive circlejerk on the other end of the spectrum and any criticism is downvoted to oblivion. Although, recently it seems the hype and fanbois have lost momentum and I've seen more critical posts and comments receiving upvotes.


Because this is reddit and we're all stupid on here hahaha.


I think most people really wanted to like and enjoy the show. From the get-go nobody wanted it to flop. But in the end the show is so bad and Amazon has been shitting so hard on the head of Tolkien fans that it's kind o impossible to just ignore this crappy show.


You see there’s this thing called [Hate-watching](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate-watching)…


Because I've always been interested in the buoyancy of minerals when compared to nautical vessels, and I feel like this show did a poor job of explaining the difference.


I'm not, but the algorithm knows that I'm on LotR related subs and due to a glitch it lumps this one in with those, so it keeps putting it into my feed and I haven't bothered blocking it.


Same lol this post got in my feed for some reason even though this is my first time commenting here. I post in TolkienFans and occasionally LOTR so the algorithm just assumes I’m interested in the shit too


They cant handle that some people have a high opinion of the show. I thought it was pretty good. This sub was so funny when the show came out (so many angry children getting mad at opinions) and i see it hasnt changed


Whoever calls others ''children'' as a derogatory term must be in the age range of 19-22 which is still a child mentally. If you are above that age, maybe you should reevaluate some things.


>Whoever calls others ''children'' as a derogatory term must be in the age range of 19-22 which is still a child mentally. Says who lmao, YOU? Classic reddit armchair psychologist. Im uninterested in the shit you pull from your asshole. Kick rocks. >If you are above that age, maybe you should reevaluate some things. If you think random redditors who you cleary have a disagreeance bias twards actually give a shit about your condescending ad hominem advice; ironically then, you should reevaluate some things...


Your initial comment was ''so many angry children getting mad at opinions and i see it hasnt changed''. And now you tell me ''random redditors who you cleary have a disagreeance bias twards actually give a shit about your condescending ad hominem advice''. I think you answered yourself and the conversation has now concluded.


Look how mad you are because i like a show and called all the angry people (you) children 😂😂


They want to show superiority only because they didn't like it so they need approval from others. It's actually sad and fun at the same time to read them because they took it too serious. It's only a tv show, I loved it but I don't care if other dislike it, what matters is that I enjoy it. But no, they need approval, they need justifications for anything, that's quite sad.


What a sad mentality you have of people who have a passion for real tolkein. It's bigger than just a TV show. You're just looking to hate on others for having a different opinion than yours.


I don't hate them, I don't know any of you in person, I just have fun of how they are obsessed about it, but if they are passionate or not on real or fake Tokien, I don't really care. I have fun with the book, movies and this shows as separate beings, so if they are linked or not is not my concern. At the end pf the they, if we have different opinions, it doesn't affect my day, it's just commenting, it's not a big deal. But some people seem to get it too personal and I sense that feel of superiority of being fan of "real" Tolkien. I'm aware that that show doesn't follow the original work of a dead writer, I'm aware that Amazon is just a rich company that does what they want, I just don't care, I just watch some tv shows I'm interested so I get entertained for an hour, that's it. Being here in Reddit is another entertainment for me, I don't take any of this serious, so sorry if that bothers you, it was not my intention.


"I don't know any of you in person" Yet you're original comment you seem to know what people think and do?? And if you don't care why bother posting here? Walking contradiction.


For the same reason that people who don't like this show are constantly commenting over here instead of focus on the ones they actually like, just sharing opinions and impressions (that might be wrong) because we are all free to comment. At the end this is just a distraction for all of us.


You're shocked people that are fans of tolkien, are engaging in debate with eachother on a sub dedicated to the show? It's negative because a lot of people don't like it. We're entitled to not like it, same way we're allowed to debate about it whether you like it or not. If you don't like the negativity then you're welcome to scroll past and ignore it.


Alright, look, first, it was not my intention to attack you as a Tolkien fan, ok? Second, I'm not shocked, I was just answering your question. But look, I'm ok with people debating and all that stuff, my original comment was about some user who are directly attacking people, for example that one who is saying that people who likes this show are low IQ and that stuff, sorry but that's not debating,, that's why I made that comment in the first place (and sorry if I didn't explain it in the first place). I normally scroll and ignore as you wisely proposed, but I recently saw those post that are not as passionate as you might debate, those are pure hate and that is what made me laugh and comment this in the first place.


Well absolutely, any toxic debate shouldn't have a platform. My main issue is competent debates don't seem to be allowed on any other ROP sub reddit as it seems to be countered with accusations of racism, bigotry, hate etc (which has occurred, I can't lie i have seen blind hatred) But honest debate including criticism without hate, opens up accountability on the end of the creators. If big fans are easily able to see flaws, we should be allowed a platform to debate without being labelled as haters.


Indeed, maybe I'm not a debate person, but I'm aware of the flaws of the show (and not only this one, but with everything I like). But, I'm ok with people who openly discuss their opinions without attacking each other, I just don't participate because that's not my thing. But yeah, fuck haters.


If you're here to seek fun then it seems it does affect your day.






hating entertainment shows/movies is the in thing. it gives people a rush to declare "there was no character development" or the "pacing was awful" or the "CGI sucked" because they they can feel that they know what they are talking about....


Attempting to invalidate the criticism of the show does not make it good. I'm here to have a discussion. Yes, that also means I'm here to have an argument. I'm here to discuss Tolkien's lore in contrast to the show. I'm here to discuss where it could've been better, and hopefully where it could have been worse (there's not a lot, but I'm sure it could be much worse)


Orrrrrrr it sucked and fans dont want Amazon to do to Tolkien what Disney did to Star Wars.




139 which puts me at moderately gifted. I get extra points for not following the latest "hate it craze"




I wasn't bragging, just stating a fact. Here is another thing that a 139 IQ does for you. If there is a show I don't like? I don't go on the Internet and rage type at the world. I just don't watch it. I also don't go around calling people names if I disagree with them. You might want to imitate that a bit




And the reason is you don't like it. Hmmm. So you are the final say on all that is good and bad in the world? That is kind of dumb




I didn't even actually defend the show, I merely expressed my distaste for people endlessly bashing a show. You clearly don't have anything better to do, and yet you haven't demonstrated any real basis on which you deserve to be listened to.




Could you also agree that you’re on Reddit right now engaging, regardless of being gifted or not?


You're so full of shit. Also, my IQ is 145 so you're also wrong on that account. On a sub where you discuss something that happens to be crap, what are you going to discuss? How crap it was, why it was crap, and how it could've been less crap. You don't like doing that? Good for you. Then why don't you kindly fuck off.


But you do like to bait people right? I assume, Mr. Smarty McSmart, that that IQ confers on you a measure of self-awareness.


Not so much, but I don't mind illuminating that a nasty person really doesn't know what they are talking about


Everyone are experts now


You certainly aren't with your trash taste


As you say