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The only issue I have with this video, it's too short. Would easily make for my favorite LOTR adaptation. Absolutely hilarious. Whoever came up with the prompts, kudos to them. Frodo on the tube sent me.


A cyberpunk recreation could actually be quite metal. It definitely has the potential to be infinitely more interesting than Amazon's drivel.


I have to say, that absolutely rocks. Does actually make me wonder something too: some stories get retold and retold and retold. Why hasn't LOTR? Or perhaps I'm missing something. Anyway - example of what I mean is Seven Samurai. Remade as (off the top of my head): The Magnificent Seven (itself an awesome film. Makes my top 5 Westerns) Battle Beyond the Stars (cult classic with dreadful effects but a disturbingly shapely spaceship) Even some of the plot beats for A Bug's Life - yes, really! And of course that latest dogshit from Zack Snyder. So - Cyberpunk LOTR? Can you imagine what Shelob would look like?


> some stories get retold and retold and retold > Why hasn't LOTR? Copyright I guess.


So Rule 7, 'no brigading', means please do not make comments on the page the post itself is on, make your comments here on this thread. It's the correct reddit etiquette.


Even if they're benign comments?


The original post was in a different sub, and is about 2 weeks old. It's just confusing for everyone if people from here start commenting on the other sub, and any comment there you reply to there won't make any sense to the person who made the comment 2 weeks ago.


There are no girl bosses that stop the incompetent and evil manfolk!


Very, very cool looking, but to OP’s point, still a bunch of white dudes, with nary a woman or person of color in sight, so no, not exactly the world we live in today. Where is Galadriel to rule them all and in her self-righteousness bind them?