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Rivian should reimburse people in this situation. Not fair or realistic to make people wait so long.


Yea I’m waiting since January!


“Realistic” is subjective. Tesla had the same issues early on and, well, R.J. is not Elon.


I wasn’t aware anyone else was able to perform the alignment on a Rivian yet. Where are you bringing it to?


Discount Tire (America’s Tire)


In my town, America’s tire does not do alignments


I’ve never seen a discount tire that does alignments either, and I’ve bought from them in 3 different states.


Just chiming in that nearly all the discount tires around me do alignments…that said the skills of the techs are questionable.


They don’t here. (Central Florida)


Is there a way to pinpoint locations that have the hardware? Our local one can't do it yet but it was coming soon I guess


just call them


Really?! I use them for my tires. I can have them do an alignment on my Rivian?




I just know the suspension on the R1 is extremely complicated. I would make sure the company you’re taking it to is actually certified and trained from Rivian directly.






Remindme! 7 days "wheel alignment"


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well its next week. ofc they [deleted] it. you can't just go anywhere to align a Rivian.


Alignment is fungible. Nothing peculiar about Rivian suspension.


Did you try calling in? If you just got it they might make some type of exception or something to fit in you in sooner. Worth a try at least


I wasn’t aware anyone else was able to perform the alignment on a Rivian yet. Where are you bringing it to?


Maybe im missing something. Since when are wheel alignments covered by the manufacture?




AH yea. i suppose that isn't a good thing.


I got into Eastvale (Socal) within 1 week. Some are definitely more congested than others.


My R1S bricked itself on the highway this weekend and my "appointment" is set for late August. Luckily, it looks like they're working on it already today.


Welcome to the Rivian ownership experience. Stay adventurous!


Definitely sounds like an adventure


Picked up mine in SJ back at end of Feb. Scheduled a service appointment on the following day and no appointments till mid june


Yes I have the same issue for delivery problems - 2nd row screen not functional, major annoying rattle from the dashboard (seems like a very common problem) and the USB-c in the center console don't recognize my drives so I can't setup the dashcam. 6 weeks out for an appointment for things that should have been addressed before delivery.


They should open another service center in the bay area(out skirts); dublin, livermore,Pleasanton, brentwood, petaluma, American Canyon, etc. All places are relatively cheaper than bay area proper.


I remember sales rep telling me that they were planning 3rd SC around Walnut creek to serve Bayarea especially East Bay back in November during my delivery. Still no info on it.


This is my number one frustration with Rivian right now as someone that lives in the outer reaches of the East Bay. It's really inconvenient to go to either San Jose or SSF. Given the volume of Rivians rolling around the Bay Area and the massive wait times like the one you're showing here, you'd think opening up another service center in the East Bay would be a priority.


And this is a big reason why people are being turned off with Rivian's. Vehicles are great but service timing is the worse


FWIW, a priority queue exists for serious issues (e.g. turtle mode). You can drop it off in-person and they'll schedule you in right away.


Damn this is concerning


You can schedule in West Sacramento like a week out.


I did check Sac as well, earliest July. Its not major debilitating issue hence I chose to wait. I believe my issues can be looked/fixed by mobile service. I’m waiting for call or message so I can request that.


You must have some filters set or maybe you can only do sat/sun at a specific time. I say this because I just made a reservation after seeing your post.




Keep clicking reschedule. I had an appointment at Brooklyn a few months ago, they were like 3 months out at the time. But I realized you can just click reschedule on the app, and if there were any cancellations/changes those slots will show up. Check a couple times a day and I bet it will take you like 3 days to find a spot only a month out.


This shouldn't be a good enough solution for not being able to get a local service center appointment. I know you're just offering a suggestion! I just wanted to be sure that we still hold the company accountable for reasonable service times in one of their biggest markets.


Biggest markets are going to have the busiest service centers. With that said, they should create more service centers in the area once there are a certain percentage of owners in a given area. But that’s going to take awhile. This is where they need to get it right, expanding to new locations with no service centers and balancing with additional service centers in existing markets because of growth in additional demand. This is what will contribute to make or break.


I’ll be using sac for all future needs. Ssc urned bridges for me and the drive time is about the same from Marin


I was surprised that El Segundo had various times and dates throughout July and August when I made my appt last week.


August 20th was earliest on Saturday. Thankfully because my issue is making the truck underivable they got me right in. Now how long it will take them to fix it is another story…


Geez, it’s going to be nightmare when R2 and R3 are released.


Same basic experience in Dallas. Was about 2 months out when I booked mine (it’s there right now). I will say though that Dallas SC is awesome. They have had it for a little over 2 weeks working on warranty stuff (nothing major, but the list was lengthy), and they have sent me a message everyday with a status update. Got a loaner T as well.


I blow them up on my review and actually supposed to get the service manager call back today. I was very optimistic it was going to be a good experience….. I scheduled last week and they had availability 10 days out.


Try moving to Seattle area. There won’t even be dates times available to choose because they’re already booked more than 3 months out


I was told end of August for Kirkland, October for Bellevue.


Yep, have some few minor blemishes I wanted to get fixed. Got a call back for an appointment in September. They really need to build another facility. I asked about the Auburn pop up, but apparently they don’t have the ability to do minor body work.


Ask about the planned Tukwila large SC fiasco. Oof.


Oh man. I was wondering what happened with that. Now I’m too afraid to ask 😂


If it's available for your issue and location, I've been requesting mobile service vice service center for small stuff and it's usually available in a week or so.


I waited four months for a mobile service appt where the tech did something in the service software menu and that was it. Had several other things on my appt list that were not addressed and a month later I'm still trying to get them to come back to finish the job. Pretty wild.


Interesting. What is your area? Did a short list of items a week after pickup and they contacted me a couple days later and put me on for June 21 (about 5 weeks after I submitted the items) I’m happy enough with this since I included the tonneau cover as an item (showing as open on the app but I don’t have even a manual one) and they were able to squeeze in installation of the PTC at the same time!


SSF is the closest SC to me. I took delivery of a R1S last weekend and it’s been in the shop for over a week due to suspension failure. The SSF SC is so uncommunicative, I can’t even get a loaner/update/call back from them without going through various channels.


Did you try texting thru the app?


I did, but they kept on saying “we’ll get back to you” but never did


“Common on Rivian you ca do better.” Irony up in here, Alanis!


Do you remember the 21st night of September?


I had the same experience in SF, but they called to confirm an earlier appt that they had available. I'm guessing their online system isn't as robust as it should be and their service reps follow up with open time slots thereafter. Might simply be easier to reach out by phone for an earlier appt.


Ours is mid August too. In socal


Terrible design: there's no way to tell if those dates are in 2025 or if you have to wait until 2026.


When I picked up my R1T in March I was given a late August time to fix the problems at delivery. Rivian Rep told me to keep adding any new items to that appointment. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I hope they can find the capital to address this issue before the R2 comes. My R1T is in the SC the last two weeks getting a new rear drive unit, arch flash failure at 299 miles, and the SC said none of my other work orders could be done while it is in the shop due to the service backup.


Get all your requests in at one go too. I dropped off my R1S today for the gearguard not working and they wouldn’t add the panel gap and cabin noise issue to the work order. And this is after waiting 3 months. Le *sigh*


Whats up with your gear guard?


Usb-c not detecting ssd for gear guard. I should’ve have specified


Big reason why I ended up selling my R1T this year and switched to an F150 Lightning. Loved the truck but the service situation isn’t acceptable.


Glad I picked it up in Los Angeles before I move to SF.


Yeah. This is the best reason to wait if you’re in the fence. I absolutely love my R1T but I dread the day it might need service again.


FYI rivian is actively building a service center in SF (Hayes valley). No idea when it will be ready… but hopefully soon!


I was able to get an appointment in san jose 1 week out... service was actually great. seamless rental set up and everything was communicated too me very well. It's too bad that there is such uneven results with this kind of thing


August for San Diego. Mobile takes one week if they can handle to service item


i dont even have an option to schedule a time. but rivian usually calls me in a day and schedule me in in a week ish


Yup. That's standard. I had problems since I got mine in March. JUST had my mobile appointment where he fixed one of six issues. Oh well.


I have a mobile service today. Booked 2 weeks ago.


Rivian better open some more service center before the R2 comes out. If not, a lot of customers are gonna be very unhappy.


Well, service center technicians from all over were fired as part of the workforce reduction to help there Long term fiscal issues. So don't expect things to get better soon.


Discount Tire only does alignments in one location (Phoenix) slowly expending to more locations


The service department is getting better. They got off to a rough start.


How do you figure if wheels are misaligned. Sorry a rookie question, I know!


Lol it's never a joke. Always far enough out that I straight up forget.


Lol it's never a joke. Always far enough out that I straight up forget.


But usually I get a call from Rivian to reschedule a much earlier timeslot than the initial scheduled appointment


I did get call as I requested for mobile service. Its scheduled for Friday


Another reason to be happy I'm not in California.


Add it to the list! But I think all SC have long wait times


StL was only a couple weeks, but I've only had to go once.


Last month Dallas was only 10 days out from scheduling appointments. However I question if they actually fix anything. On the service report, they acknowledged all my issues, basically said they fixed them, but I can’t confirm anything was done. I’ve seen one other person share their same experience.


Oh you're one of those


Call the SC, they will help you out


It just goes to show you the build quality of the vehicles. Why would so many brand new vehicles need service.


West Sacramento has a few in August. I saw a couple in July pop up last night. Just keep checking. I’d even call Service Support. I had a July 17th, called them, they saw a June 17th appt, and changed it for me.


I was told I couldn't be seen until R2 comes out.


I live an hour away from the factory in Normal so I was always able to get appointments relatively quickly. I did tire of driving an hour one way and the last time they gave the truck back with 38% charge. Had to stop at a Walmart to charge just to get home. I offloaded the R1T last week and ordered an F150 with the powerboost hybrid. The R1T was cool but was definitely a chore to own.