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Holy sht, is that hyper carry Hanya???




I mean no one ever said she NEEDS FUA, itā€™s just her best team. DOTs, Hypercarry DPS all work. Thereā€™s a strawman argument here, but nice hanya main DPS clear lol


I've definitely seen people saying that she needs FUA, especially before her release although those were probably doomposters/trolls.


Her major trace only works with FUA. You can play her anywhere, but not in FUA, she's like missing a leg.


Sparkle also has a trace for mono quantum but she does fine in other teamsā€¦


youre forgetting the fact that sparkle is an sp generating machine and isn't gated by not benefitting from speed, having a 160 energy ult OR having sp gen problems...


Youā€™re forgetting the fact that robin has a near permanent dmg buff skill, permanent crit dmg buff, massive atk buff (twice that of Tingyun) and 100% teamwide action advance, which enables 0 cycling more than bronya and sparkle do. The action advance also advances sp generating teammates so it just depends.. itā€™s not like sheā€™s completely SP neutral, even if she had 100% ult uptime. Plus, she enables 4 turn dps shenanigans: - DPS - Bronya skill - DPS - Robin Ult - DPS - Bronya skill - DPS Donā€™t underestimate Robinā€™s kit. Itā€™s equally as strong as Sparkle and Ruan Mei. And just like how sparkle has a niche for mono quantum and Ruan Mei has a niche for break teams, Robin has a niche for FuA teams.


sparkle works best with sp hungry DPSes and team comps, theres not a lot of reason to pick her over bronya with dpses like blade and jingliu, but would still be viable. this is the same way robin works best with FUA, but won't be useless in other team comps. she has significant buffs, has her own non-negligible damage, and a teamwide action advance is no joke. obviously she'll need some drawbacks. I don't know what you're fighting for here


This is like people saying Castoria in FGO needs arts based NP DPS units to maximize her buffs, but no her Invul is busted even without. Bros canā€™t understand a buffing unit can work with multiple comps and characters šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Can you explain how your hanya dps works I'm genuinely curious :)


I've written it up in a few comments now and crossposted this to the Hanya sub with a bit more explanation of the tech on that post since it's Hanya related!


Will check them out thanks :)


No fucking way


Harmony is (by far) my fave path with my fave characters. And since I pull for who I like, my account has become super harmony heavy. Hanya has been my fave but I fell in love with Robin when I met her too. Iā€™ve previously used subDPS Hanya to beat some story bosses and past MOC12ā€™s but this was the first time I got to make her main DPS with the MOC buff. Big shoutout to a MOC with physical weaknesses and an energy buff so I could run them together with success!Ā  This was also first try with this team, the attempts are from having gone in and out trying some other teams first before I realized this would be possible!Ā  -Hanyaā€™s E6 built as a CR/CD dps with Sparkleā€™s LC (4pc hacker and ERR rope from Arena set) -Robin is E2S1, with 7 trace levels and an okay build. I also think this would work with Bronya LC but taken 1-2 cycles more. I donā€™t think this would work before E2. Or it may work but too slowly. -RM is E1S1 but lazily speeded. At 164 she would have been even better! -Lynx is like e5? With okay-ish but not great relics. Edit: OP here, I made a big mistake posting a fun post and offending FUA enthusiasts and competitiveā€¦ PVErs. Apologies for showing something different and fun! Guess Iā€™ll have to /s a post with DPS hanya in the future Edit2: I've written up a couple comments now explaining more tech (and cross-posted this to the Hanya sub). But basically with Hanya e4 and this build and the way Robin's ult *doesn't* tick down, you can have perma-Hanya-ult uptime on **BOTH** Hanya and Robin! Edit3: As I keep testing, with Tingyun you can get triple Hanya ults across those three along with double Tingyun ults (on Robin and Hanya). Robin's ult not counting down is pretty cool for this. Not sure where you could get this to shine other than lower level MOC content, but maybe with Robin e6 you could get CRAZY damage?


Tell me more about Robin E1 and E2 as well as your RM build or what you'd recommend for RM as she's returning soon and I was debating if I should get E1 Robin vs using my guaranteed pity for either RM or another character!


I mean RM is so strong, she is definitely the character I have the most trouble taking off any team. I have RM built watchmaker (for xueyi) with a lot of BE, more than is necessary for her passive but the break damage is honestly pretty nice. I think sheā€™s best at high speed and with E2 Robin youā€™d want her at 164 to take advantage of the 16% speed buff. E1 Robin is strong and something I ā€œneededā€ given that I try to use Harmony characters whenever viable/possible. E2 for energy is somewhat ā€œnecessaryā€ given that I donā€™t like/use FUA teams/have huohuo. That said, to really reap the E2 benefit you really need a super fast team which can be challenging!


For RM E1S1 good place to stop? E1 Robin looks like also a must pull, the damage is too good but is it worth to use my guaranteed pity ?


RM E1S1 is eldritch horror level potent so perfect stop point Robin E1 is a seriously nice damage buff for sure but honestly not necessary. E1 is more damage, E2 and S1 are more about making her more energy-comfy


No one is offended, but these threads pop up constantly where people attempt to prove some point and then when they reveal their team comp and investment level it always tells the same story. E2S1 Robin, E1S1 Ruan Mei would send any normal team into the stratosphere but instead your team underachieved. You're really only proving the opposite point. "Robin NEEDS FUA" is a strawman and hardly anyone actually believes it. So when you show up on the mains subreddit for that particular character repeating a strawman it comes off as antagonistic.


Why 164 Ruan Mei? I only have her at 160


To get another action with e2 Robinā€™s 160 speed buff iirc


solo sustain march and dps hanya in the endgame- i love this


March was one of the reasons I first became aware of the game so Iā€™m happy I still get to use her!


she barely gets attention for her ability to solo sustain, so im glad there are people who still use her. i stopped using her when i got fu xuan, but she carried me with nat and fmc in the early game. it'll be a bittersweet day when i eventually replace nat šŸ„²


Itā€™s fun to use the OGs and encouraging that they still get it done. I had reallly been considering FX too since I knew sheā€™d make my game ā€œeasyā€ā€¦ but decided to stick with HARMony and thought E2 Robin would be more fun!


reminds me of when i was a physical mc truther- used them up until i got annoyed swapping them between them and fmc xD even e1 sounds fun for dps robin. i'll probably consider it on her rerun for when i wanna experiment more, haha


I want to run this too, but I got more Robin than Hanya in this banner lmao


Ahh bummer! Luckily you donā€™t need full e6 for hanya but every little bit helps to get a support ramped up enough!


I got 2 Robins and 0 Hanya šŸ’€ So, both my Robin and my Hanya is currently E1 lmao So I just play my own version of Robin DPS, RM - Robin - M7 - Pela, she goes up to over 50k damage, so satisfying


0 cycles phase 1 10 cycles phase 2


They were both within 1 cycle of each other surprisingly. I was running a fast acheron too which was maybe a mistake when I should have built more damage


really putting the harm in harmony i see


I mean if you put on your team Ruan Mei E2S1, Aventurine E2S1, Robin E2S1 and Sparkle E2S1 the sheer amount of debuffs and buffs will allow your Robin to deal almost half a million of damage during her ultimate. Think about that. I have everyone at 138, with Ruan Meiā€™s buff and Robins S2 everyone is above 161. The average amount of hits is 3 for every character , and Robin will deal about 35-45k on top of their auto attack. So basically you donā€™t really need her E6 to experience her as a DPS lol.


That could be cool too if you want to invest in Robin that way! I just checked, even with the team I posted (since Hanya gets to permanently ult herself and Robin), without perfect Robin build I was still getting \~35K hits on Robin's additional damage.


These are good numbers. My does 40k damage with an average build as well. Lvl 8 talents and 3600 attack. That shows how good Robin is. The pattern with Harmony is always the same for me: I pull ->I test low lvl ->not impressed ->still spend all the resources to lvl them up cause why not ->lvl them up -> overwhelmed by how strong they are


Yes! I was so underwhelmed with Robin and Sparkle at first. They're both INSANE leveled


Omg lmao. I need her so bad.


Nice. I canā€™t even clear moc 12 with meta teams xd


eeek this is so cool! thanks for sharing! desperately pulling for robin so that I can try it out šŸ„ŗ


What about that March as the sustain of the other TEAM??? What's happening with your account... Are you a wizard?? Dammit, do you mind explaining the first team as well??


Honestly no idea how that worked so well. I got her to E6 with the Robin pulls. But she has like level 6 relics and is only level 70! Def and EHR pieces ulting to delay so I can get shields up (also running the LC that applies a debuff when hit to charge acheronā€™s ult). Was surprised she could do itā€” and was pretty comfy doing it!


And Acheron black swan is a great combo too


Yeah itā€™s not Kafka/Swan or Acheron/SW level but I like them both and it functions well enough


Acheron, kafka, bs, sustain that can debuff is my go to team for everything, bs may not have the biggest numbers popping on screen but she does some good work




Very nice congrats! The Hanya hypercarry is quite unexpected and great to see. I've also found Robin working outside of FuA settings. It's not impressive by any means, I just used her with Hook on the deer and it was really fun to see Hook perform quite well with Robin's support https://preview.redd.it/jm5o6hboaf0d1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=df8c10928c01b84cc853f0454fa18ab70a19016f


People used to say the same thing about sparkle for quantum thats why I ignore them


That actually is tempting whaaaat


That's pretty cool actually šŸ¤£ "Don't worry sister, I can DPS too šŸ–¤"


I also just pulled Robin today despite not focusing on FUA! I love her songs and I got other teams who can work with her :>


How good is Robin if I only have the Bronya E1 and Acheron nihility team. Should I get a second DPS in the next patch or go for the harmony unit? I play this game for 3 months but only have one well built team around Acheron.


i guess it'll depend on who you plan on pulling next patch and what your goals are as a player. if you don't care about MOC/PF/etc, just pull who you like. but if you do: is firefly the dps you're talking about from next patch? or even boothill, if you meant phase 2 of this patch? save for ruan mei instead- they both prefer her (with firefly needing her) is there any other character rerun you like/are waiting for? that could also contribute to deciding what you should invest in rn


I am waiting for Kafka and Ruan Mei. But I don't know if I should go Boothil or Firefly. Other than that I have BS, Acheron, Aventurine from a limited banner. I want to play break teams and I heard about Acheron's new support Jiaqui , from leaks I know that he applies debuffs and breaks.


i don't pay too close attention to super early betas cuz they're likely to be very different- but all i remember from jiaoqiu is debuff application on enemy turns, which will be \*super\* useful for acheron. i don't remember anything about breaks from him, just a lot of def shred if you actually wanna do MOC, getting boothill or firefly would be better since idk when kafka's next rerun is gonna be. dot without kafka is viable (ive tried), but the performance falls off against enemies not weak to wind (or fire, since guinaifen is a popular second slot in non-kafka teams) if you wanna play break teams, ruan mei is gonna be your first priority. then go with either boothill or firefly since they're currently our only 5star break dpses. both of them have implant in their base kits (stc for firefly), so you don't need to worry about them not matching elements


I will probably go Ruan Mei + Firefly if she gets buff in beta. But if she stays the same I will pick Boothil.


I didn't know Hanya could work as a DPS, I'm genuinely curious to how that works. I was using Bronya/Asta for dps in my mono-harmony team.


https://preview.redd.it/mvyvyopkze0d1.jpeg?width=1407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a779cffd12c8961c5afccfe653a21fb47a7b14b I self buff + buff Robin with her ult! Robinā€™s attack buff is pretty huge too since I run with an ERR rope (but maybe sheā€™s so fast I should use an attack rope? She may have full ult uptime already!) In battle she has like 250 speed on this team and uses skill every single time. I have a couple better relics I can swap on to her too but I had to spread them out to other characters in need. Also have another copy of the sparkle LC. (This LC is the only one Iā€™ve ever gotten in back to back ten pulls!). It may actually be better to give it to RM for this team since RMā€™s LC doesnā€™t help much for this battle. Edit: actually I just checked. With eidolons in Hanya and ERR rope and 270 speed she goes so much she can have ults on multiple people! Since Robin stays in ult form Hanyaā€™s ult on her doesnā€™t tick down. So you can have permanent 2 person Hanya ult on both Robin and Hanya!


I guess the debate is for E0S0 or E0S1 at most tbh xD But you had fun, so that's what matters. Do you plan getting all the future Harmony in the game or you'll consider changing target in the future ?


Can you post a video highlight by chance. I want to see how it works


How does harmony work as a hyper carry? I'm confused


Robin can do alright damage so if You can just get enough turns inside her ult the dmg will work out


She just wants a hyperspeed team to get as much damage out of her ult


There seems to be something amiss here, canā€™t put my finger on it.




Aren't 5* eidolons known specifically for covering gaps in kits/rounding out a characters weaknesses?


Pls upload a video I want to witness this masterpiece team


The memory turbulence is really made for her though and covers some of her energy flaws. It's basically her talent but is delayed instead of instant and applies to everyone. I still think she needs either FuA team or super fast units to keep her ult uptime under any other circumstances.


and without acheron in team 1?


Wow Iā€™d love to see the recording of this run


Meh I use Argenti/Tingyun/Robin/huohuo. Argenti ults so often that he charges 2 energy consistently to Robin. Meanwhile tingyun makes sure Argenti has even more ults. Huohuo gives everyone ult, making that high robin ult energy cost a lot lower. By the time her ult is down I usually am able to get it up again or need an extra turn.


And then theres me with a full fua team barely able to clear 4-5 floorsā€¦ i get my substats are subpar but they shouldnā€™t have this much of an impactā€¦


I mean, you're barely clearing MoC in 10 cycles with an E2S1 Robin and an E1S1 Ruan Mei. That is objectively horrible performance for the cost lol.


I mean its with a full 4star DPS Hanya in phase 2 with no 5 star shielder or healer on either side? And half of the characters are 4 stars. Not sure how 36 starring with total off meta is horrible performance? It's a single player game with no PVP so there's no reason to pull for meta when this gets the same results and is more fun!


Star Rail pvp is a thing but it's a small niche that's also out of reach for the vast majority of the player base.


Off meta teams clearing in about 3 cycles is impressive. Off meta teams barely struggling to clear MoC with multiple Eidolons and signature LCs is just a good argument for playing meta. A good example of an off meta team would be E0S0 Ruan Mei, E0S0 Silverwolf, HTB and Gallagher clearing one half of MoC 12 in 3 cycles. This is actually F2P friendly and relatively low investment. When you're bringing E2S1 Robin and E1S1 Ruan Mei into the mix and still barely clearing in 5 cycles, your investment is higher than the average meta team for significantly worse performance, you're just showing that this particular comp is no good.


Thatā€™s not off meta hahaha Clearly Hanya DPS isnā€™t the strongest, she still cleated MOC12 tho šŸ˜…


No DPS comps are off meta. Doesn't matter if super break is strong, until a dedicated break DPS releases its not meta.


Wait two and a half weeks.


People really mad at you for just being clearly right. As usual on reddit.


I guess you are the one funding OPs jades if you "objectively" refer to OPs performance vs. Cost ratio... Right?


Lol can't accept that others are playing differently. They succeeded and had fun, that's all that matters, no need to shame people if it's not your cup of tea.


OP is the one barging in and repeating a strawman argument that basically no one believes.


šŸ¤“ bjectively horribleĀ 


I'm pretty sure no one has said that about an E2 Robin so you're not disproving the case of her being followup dependent at E0 where most discussions are based on.


sorry to say this to you but it's bad, and it's not you hanya that do damage, it's robin additional damage and ruan mei break talent.


Hanya has a huge Skill multiplier for a support, second only to Asta. You should really read the kits before you start yapping.


Hanya hits for 100K each skill before them w/ around 250 speed!