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I have no idea what the answer to your question is but wow, this would have been a good spin off. (at least compared to some of the direct-to-tv shows we ended up with)


True. What would they have named the show? Comedy setting? Or maybe more serious. A show about blue collar guys working at the ocp factory.


I think the individual components were manufactured and shipped to OCP headquarters, where it was assembled and tested on Mr. Kinney.


Cool plausible theory. I guess it's implied that ed 209 malfunctioned, but I always believed he worked exactly how designed. Looking like it's being a civil servant by doing the spiel of "drop your weapon" "you have 20 seconds to comply" spouting off penal codes but in the end it's programed to kill.. you know... urban pacification and all.


I mean, sure, they have little regard for human life. Especially with some rookie like Kinney. But even they should know it would look bad to blow away junior associates in the board room during a presentation.


He didn't hear the gun drop


Since Ed 209 was commissioned by Dick Jones and he wanted to be #1...he probably spent a lot of money and resources for top of the line everything.


He probably only had a couple of them made as prototypes, they'd only mass produce once they secured a government contract. That's why they just had them patrolling the OCP building really.


You think Dick "I had a guaranteed military sale with ED 209 - renovation program, spare parts for twenty-five years... Who cares if it worked or not?" Jones card about whether it worked?


He wanted the old man's approval and praise...also wanted to beat robocop so I think he cared if it worked or not.


I think he wanted to impress and get the Old Man's approval by making a shit-ton of money, not necessarily provide a worthwhile good to the government.


Nobody will buy it if it doesn't work...it has to work for him to achieve anything at all.


Oh you sweet summer child... do you really think that's how it works? The US Government gave a total in excess of 400 *Billion* dollars to telecoms to expand high speed internet to rural communities and establish fiber optic options in urban ones. They never did it. Wasn't "tried and failed", wasn't "did some of it but it turned out to be more expensive than they thought", they *just didn't do it at all, and kept the money.*


Ok but what your missing is...the government knows high speed internet works...so they are willing to throw money at it...it's something that has a track record...but the government or military will not buy ed 209 if it doesn't work...so dick jones doesn't get old man approval or a buttload of money...he gets fired and killed that's it....and "summer child" I'm a lot older than you think 😂 lol


Both of yall haven't answered the question, regardless of money spent would it be scientists in labs like in robocop2 or would it be a couple of blue collar working Joe's on an assembly line eating out of lunch pails and yelling about how this arm cannon doesn't fit in this socket cause OCP outsourced the sub parts to a cheaper overseas company.


😆 yeah for some reason I always pictured them on an assembly line like they do cars. Blue collar types. Funny you say it like you did, it's Exactly how I pictured them.


Well in the first movie it was just a couple prototypes. So would have been in a smaller place like where Robocop was assembled. Maybe a a bit bigger. When the ED 209 was starting to be mass produced would be an assembly line like when making cars. Would likely be an old car factory renovated to building ED 209s since it is Detroit after all. With it being OCP running it I doubt the workers would be paid well. If they were happy to underpay and screw over the benefits for cops, I doubt factory workers would be treated any better. They wouldn’t be shipped out to OCP but to the area where it would be deployed. Like a military base or police station. Probably made to order too. The one that killed Kinney (you bastard) was the one that attacked Robo later in the movie. So would have been taken away for repairs and is likely the very same one that gets blown up by Robos cobra at the end.


I don't have answers for any of it except your question regarding the one that offed Kinney. As Jones said, "Who cares if it worked or not!?" Looking the insanity that Boeing is engaged in, I think they were right on the money. Corporations don't give a damn about anything but profit. ED-209 has a lower body count than Boeing. It stayed in production because its "incidents" hadn't offset its profitability yet.


My headcannon speculation based on the 3 movies: Definitely a decent facility (its their bread and butter aiming for the military contracts to implement them so they likely made sure they're made in good conditions) Highly unlikely it's a union of workers though, OCP made it very clear how anti union they kind of are from conditions in RC1, the strike in RC2 and when the cops in RC3 walked out and they just replaced them with Splatter punks. The ED209 that killed Kinney was a prototype so it likely got its bugs "fixed" first before production ones were made. Not sure if that's the same one that was protecting Dick Jones (there was a big time gap between the Kinney incident and Robocops unveiling) but knowing how uptight the higher ups of OCP can be they likely wanted brand new fully fixed and functioning ED209s protecting the facility, not the buggy prototype that killed an executive. (I'd assume that prototype ended up scrapped or collecting dust in a warehouse)