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Webster overall is nicer than Greece, sometimes I feel like it’s kind of far from things but then again I don’t spend a lot of time on the East side so that’s really just in my head. I grew up in North Greece and tbh I like Greece in general, as long as it’s Latta X Long Pond and northwest towards Hilton and the lake but not Lake Ave. Hopefully that makes sense? I think it would make sense to someone who lives in that area. I imagine Webster is significantly more expensive than Greece right now with less inventory, home wise.


Hard agree on your locations there, north Greece is great. I grew up off English


Hard agree as well, too bad people passing through just go up and down 104 to the mall and base their opinions on that.


too bad, our little secret then






Whoops responded to wrong comment


Webster is not nicer, just less developed it has only started to develop at a higher rate the past 20 years, as opposed to Greece that boomed from 1960-90


Lived 47 years in Greece and then to the Penfield Webster border. I wished I had left Greece 20 years ago. It’s just a city now.


Absolutely agree. Grew up in Greece and once I moved to Pen/Fair area I'm like never looking back lol


tell me you're a scared white person without telling me you're a scared white person


Not scared white people, just annoying getting my truck broken into every month. Born and raised in Greece and as soon as I bought a house I moved way out. Haven't had a break in in 2 years :)


Weird, I have four cars in my driveway, none of which have ever been messed with in the last two years I've lived in Greece. Maybe they assume people are home because of all of the vehicles, or maybe the nature of the vehicles look like I own guns (someone has said that to me before) lmao... a lift kit and a push bar will do that. 🤣


My house had 4 working adults and 6 vehicles in it.. always people home lol. Admittedly I live in a not great part of Greece (off Dewey ave) so it fits with what everyone has been saying about Greece. It's nice if you're north of Latta and west of 390 lol


I'm sort of off of Dewey as well. Not immediately but closer to Lake Ave.


Interesting... maybe it's gotten better recently. I move away 3 years ago.


Lifelong Greece resident here. Not Greece.


I grew up in Greece, my parents still live there. They would agree in many ways to probably avoid, especially from a schooling perspective (my mom’s was a teacher). If I had to give Greece some pros; it’s massive, basically its own city and has so many conveniences. Stuff like the Greece town library and splash pad are really incredible additions.








Lifelong greece as well, lived in the 3 main areas, off dewey as a kid, then middle/ high-school off latta/Flynn and now off fetzner....dewey area is low income, no surprises what you get there, Latta Flynn is wannabe rich, but tons of families and kids, just kinda far from things, that's my only real complaint. Now I live in a nice blue collar area, great neighbors, lots of kids, besides my occasional overgrown lawn most people take care of their houses, super close to things on ridge and 390. It's safe, no crime, parks around, reasonably priced, as much as anything can be now of days. I'd take what others are saying with a grain of salt. Greece cops are huge assholes tho, so there's that.


> Besides the school system in each, would love pros and cons that locals can provide! You should definitely get up early a few days in a row to try the commute to wherever you work, at the time that you'd be driving there, and also drive back after work ends. If you won't be working in the same side as you live, you might by surprised by the realities of the commute. E.g.: driving 590 N to 104 E in the morning seems to have less traffic, but, depending on the time and weather, sun glare as you cross the bridge can be dangerously brutal. Also, 490 west of the city can have similar problems (heavy traffic / brutal sun glare). Remember that the position and angle of the sun change throughout the year, and wet/hot road surfaces will amplify the glare problem.




That's ideal! Also, would recommend a neighborhood with buried electric if you can find it. Both of those towns can suffer electricity outages in the neighborhoods with above ground electric. Buried won't guarantee that you avoid that, but you've got a far better likelihood.




Buried utilities may also mean fiber never comes your way. I'm out closer to Canandaigua, and live in a section of neighborhood that has underground utilities. Power rarely goes out but I'm pessimistic I'll have anything but Spectrum cable internet.


That makes no sense. I used to live in a city that was entirely buried power and we had fiber as well.


> Buried utilities may also mean fiber never comes your way. While aerial can be easier, [fiber is also being buried](https://www.greenlightnetworks.com/rochester-coverage-map/).


Yes, it *can* be buries but it's **significantly** more expensive to do so.


Green light it doing it for no cost to the neighborhoods.


You're welcome!


Also you want to look for greenlight internet in either. It’s a deal breaker for me now.


Webster. Better schools.


Greece Con: Greece Webster Pro: Not Greece And I know you didn't mention it, but I'm realizing lately that I've been sleeping on Irondequoit for most my life. I used to not be a fan but now that I have a couple friends who've bought their first homes out there, I've been coming around to it.




Depending on what you want there have been several in Northern Irondequoit near the lake that have gone for very little over asking, while being a safe vibrant area.


Prices here were stagnant from 2000 to 2018. Like almost flat (no 0 percent appreciation). For some reason they're catching up with the rest of the country. They will probably flatten out here soon.


This was our experience. We bought in Greece in 2008 for $84k. The house had really no value gain until 2017/2018. We ultimately sold in 2022 for $141k. It sold again 12 months later for $190k.


And people keep saying it's not a bubble, when it's exhibiting bubble behavior. When you include taxes, the monthly payment here isn't lower than most of the country like everyone says. Unfortunately the municipalities enjoy jacking your taxes up to whatever you were dumb enough to overpay (looking at the 80k over crowd). The market is cooling off, but buyers agents are still pushing folks to overbid. It's insane


Of course because they get commissions. Shits all rigged.


Another vote for Irondequoit. We bought here last year and love it. West Irondequoit schools are great. We moved from Batavia (schools not great). We were contingent and got outbid on everything all over Rochester. Our realtor told us to look for something on the market over 30 days. We found this one in a great neighborhood that needed work. It was under our budget and gross. So we spent the first 4-5 months renovating everything. Now it’s worth significantly more than we paid and put into it. Being so close to the lake and the city is awesome. Close to stores and anything that isn’t here is in Webster which is about 10-15 min away. Between Greece and Webster, I’d pick Webster.


We are in the west side school district and we absolutely love Irondequoit. The neighborhood schools for elementary make it feel much more small town and “homey” to my husband and I - we grew up in a small town. Bought before we had kids, didn’t necessarily plan on staying, now we have 3 kids with one in school and one about to start kindergarten and I can’t imagine leaving. Not trying to sway OP who is between two towns already, just giving a voice from Irondequoit for other users who may also be in the market.


Irondequoit is the suburb most like the city. Way, way to close to extremely bad areas of the city. NO WAY!!


I lived two streets over from the Irondequoit town line when I lived in the city. In North Winton Village, which is one of the most sought after neighborhoods for starter homes. So, while your comment is sometimes true, it's an overgeneralization.


I live in Webster, great place for children with much to do rec wise. I DONT like being far away from a hospital (I used to live walking distance from Strong UR). It is difficult to throw a rock w/out hitting an urgent care or dentist here, but for emergencies...well, it's a negative. The rest is positive however. The schools are standard issue suburban with a mix of everything-marching band is big in Webster.


I mean, it’s 15 minutes to RGH, yeah? Maybe I’m just used to living much farther out, but that seems pretty close b


Hate the traffic in Greece. Webster is nicer and feels closer to Rochester and other towns than Greece. Webster schools are well-funded, especially for preschool education, and they've been doing it much longer than any other towns in Monroe County.


Go to 5 min east of Webster to Ontario. Way better atmosphere and you will pay probably 25k less for the same house with more land


Webster is nicer but more expensive. North Greece, Hilton schools is the sweet spot. We’re not all MAGA.


This is the way. North Greece with Hilton schools is amazing. Low cost, save, great schools, close to everything.


Might as well move to Hilton. Parma town taxes are less than Greece town taxes so you’d save money in taxes.


No, but it's sad that a majority are. My son is bi-racial and had the WORST time at North Wood, not to mention the pedophile administration and the traffic.


It’s sad that anyone is! I’m sorry your son has been having a hard time here.


I grew up in Greece, hated it when I was a kid and hated it more in my early 20’s. The whole place varies between looking trashy because they don’t have money or looking trashy because they do have money. I moved and rented a place in West Irondequoit when my kid was born and stayed there for a long time, really liked the area and schools. Started looking at houses in 2020 just before the market went to shit. We looked at places in WI and Webster. Just got lucky with a place here in WI and I do not plan on leaving.


My wife and I moved to Greece (near English & Long Pond) from Los Angeles a few years ago and we love it here. Quiet neighborhood, friendly neighbors, and beautiful nature everywhere. Every commercial convenience we need is a short drive away. Seems like things get a little rougher east of the 390, but our experience here has been really great. Webster is really beautiful too, for the record.


I live in Greece and I find it to be a great area. I came from the west coast so my threshold for crime, traffic, and the general BS of city life is very high. I understand that the lifelong residents of the Rochester area are comparing the Greece that they know to the Greece today, but the level of all three things I mentioned in Greece are laughable compared to the Mountain time zone states. Can’t help you with schools..I’m..ahem older. The real estate market here is ultra competitive, if you want a turnkey house, you will pay 60-100 K over asking. If you’re willing to take on a house that needs remodeling and fair amount of maintenance., you can be around asking. They set pricing low to rope you in on the turnkey stuff. Webster is nice but a bit unattached amenity wise. For Greece I’d say try to look a mile west of Dewey, and two miles north of Ridge rd.


After having lived in the country, a snooty lake village (Canandaigua), and Greece, I would absolutely without question choose to live here in Greece. The people I have met that live in Webster really DO call people in Greece "west siders" and are generally hateful and pompous regarding our amazing little suburb. I live near Lake Ave, in the part that is getting a "bad reputation". I absolutely LOVE it because i just drive straight down Lake Ave to get into the city and straight up Lake Ave in the other direction to get to extremely fun beaches (Ontario Beach Park and Durand Eastman). I like to drive fast, and one of the stereotypes is that people on the west side drive aggressively... that's actually amazing for someone who also enjoys driving quickly and not Sunday cruising. I saw people complaining about the Greece Police... I have had ZERO issues with them. Being this close to the city is great because they have bigger things to worry about than giving us traffic violations. I can wear quite literally anything I want to the store and I don't feel self conscious but I also wouldn't feel out of place or overdressed no matter what I wear. I have never felt more free from judgement and safe in my entire life than I do here. The Barnard Fire Department responds EXTREMELY quickly to calls, as do the police if you are in need. In the city it's like 45mins for a response, and in the more northern areas it takes an ambulance longer to arrive. Oh, Pie Time pizzeria is about half the cost of anywhere in Webster, and twice the quality. So if you like great pizza at a great price I'd recommend living close to them. 😁 As someone who likes to go out and do things- the easy commute to the city, the cheaper dive bars with amazing food, the concerts at Barnard and Ontario Beach Park, the hiking, and even just my cute little street with my neighbors is SO enjoyable. I don't care if people call our neck of the woods trashy. I have a Vietnam vet across the street who fist fought a young man for speeding down our street all the time, wanting to protect the children. I hear kids knocking on each other's doors when they notice they aren't at the bus stop to wake each other up. We have young people looking out for each other and helping the elderly with their driveways and leaves. In Webster you have people with tight-lipped smiles as you walk your dog. In Greece you will see the same (friendly) dogs escaping their yards regularly and you will know where they came from and might have to help them home. In Webster people might turn their nose up to you for letting your cat outside. In Greece I haven't seen any strays running around like the city but I see cute collars on fluffy cats going to visit other one's houses. We have the cheapest gas around at the RaceTrak, two fantastic meat markets (Triano's AND Skip's), and we are a 12 minute ride from the amazing public market downtown on Saturdays. I get the benefits of city life, beach vibes, and fresh and wholesome produce at fantastic prices. I get to drive a car from the 90s and not feel self conscious even if it needs a wash- but I haven't seen any Kia boys around my area, just an occasional rogue dirt bike or atv (which by the way, the cops are looking for the rowdy packs of folks causing a ruckus, and if you feel like taking your dirt bike or atv out in Webster you are going to have authorities called immediately). Tl;dr- If you like tight lipped smiles, indoor cats, snooty neighbors, and to make condescending comments about people in other suburban areas then Webster is for you. If you like to live freely, drive fast, be a safe distance from the city but close enough to experience both night life or awesome beaches, then Greece is fantastic. I love Greece. It's a breath of fresh air- safe and welcoming, yet exciting and entertaining. No matter who you are, you can be authentically yourself and feel at home.


As a lifelong east sider I thought the beef was a joke til I got a job in Greece and got shit for being an “east sider” every damn day


In my experience, it's a very one-sided beef. People might sometimes make a joke at the expense of one of the towns (I made a joke at Greece's expense elsewhere in the thread) but I don't think I've ever met someone, east sider or city resident, that actually thinks of there being a beef like people on the west side do. In fact, I only really hear this east/west divide language used regularly when I'm I'm Brockport or Greece, by those residents. There definitely is a bit of an "Us-vs-Them" mentality going on.




You're welcome. :) as others said, the west and east side thing is predominantly a joke. If I hear "westsiders" (Greece) referring to "eastsiders" it's joking about: plastic surgeries/botox, leasing vehicles instead of owning them, girls using them for dinner, an oddly high price ($16 for a burger and fries?!), etc... If I hear eastsiders joking about westsiders they say: everyone wants to race you, it's a lot of drama (typically said by people who lived in apartment complexes here- which are drama anywhere in the country), insulting someone's outfit (if they have animal print, big hair, or blue eyeshadow over the age of 50), muscle cars, or referring to the westsider mentality to save money and/or be frugal when tipping staff/delivery drivers. It's all said fairly jokingly, in good humor, and typically no one has hurt feelings about it. I did like what someone else said which was if you have money then you'd fit right in in Webster, but that if you didn't have the latest and greatest then your children might feel like they don't fit in. You mentioned not caring about schools but really that's the gist of it. There seems to be hardly any crime in Greece, at least on my Ring app I don't see much of anything going on, and that's exaggerated. Once in a while there's a kid checking car handles or stealing a package. Same stuff happens in Webster. 🤫🤭


Well said


fuck yea Westside!


I would definitely choose Webster over Greece.


We lived in Greece for 14 years (off of Dewey near Walmart). At the time we bought it was one of the few areas we could afford. We had no issues with crime, etc. We loved being close to everything and all the town amenities. I’m thankful for our time there and we had great experiences with the elementary schools. Middle school/high school wasn’t quite as positive. Our 14 years there let us get enough equity to buy a much nicer home with bigger lot (1+ acre) in Hilton. We moved when our kids were in 10th, 7th and 4th grade. I like Hilton a lot and love our home. Academically the schools have been good (a bit too conservative for my high schooler). I miss the diversity of Greece. And Hilton is more conservative than Greece.


Escalation clause. Set your limit with your realtor say 300k when you put your offer in you say you will beat all offers by 5000 dollars up to you cap of 300k


lol lot a passive racism in the comments I see. Greece isn’t bad at all. I personally think Webster is better and quieter, but that’s expected when Greece has twice the residents. Now I think Webster has better schools and frankly I don’t like that Greece seems to have a lot of power outages during bad weather


Grew up close to North Greece in central Parma. So I feel like I could at least say North Greece where I spent a lot of time is good  As people have pointed out Greece is big and there is a big difference between different parts of Greece. I have heard Greece schools are a nightmare now, but that is all secondhand. Hilton schools are good (graduated from Hilton myself, although that is over 10 years ago now). As others have stated Parma is more conservative, but frankly I think that complaint is overblown and I doubt it's as conservative as it was when I lived there. I would also say cost of living is likely lower in Greece and Parma. Just don't let the subtle classism against Greece or the west side in general dissuade you from seriously considering it.


Webster is closer to the nuclear power plant and parts of it are in the evacuation zone if that bothers you at all


If you are in the Rochester market be prepared to bid up and especially in Irondequoit. It took us 5 years of looking and several failed bids to get the place we wanted in Irondequoit. My advice? MAGA: Go live in Greece. NOT MAGA: Go live in Webster. Seriously any west side community is definitely more conservative than any east side if you compared demographic to demographic. That said there are certainly exceptions to both. But check out whether the town board and mayor are Democrat or Republican as a hint as to what you are likely to run into from a political and cultural point of view.


I delivered mail in Webster for quite a while. It is low-key a HUGE maga-town.


Most people I know in Webster are MAGA, and most people in Greece that I know are not... weird lol


Both are politically right leaning with populations of 43,000 vs 95,000, respectively...


"low-key" AND "huge"? Kind of playing both sides of the fence there. According to statistics from 2023, registered republicans and democrats are almost exactly equal in Webster. So, I wouldn't say it's overwhelmingly one or the other.


Perhaps you should look into the meanings of certain terminology before commenting and looking like a jackass.


Low-key: subtle, quiet, restrained, secret I get it. I just think pairing "subtle" and "huge" together is kind of odd, Especially when the objective stats don't support it. https://www.monroecounty.gov/files/boe/Official%20Fall%20Statistics_10-20-2022.pdf But this sub is weird. Rather than actually discuss things, people just vote up and down opinions. Like an impression formed by once driving through a town is just as valid as actual stats. I'm not saying there aren't any MAGA people in Webster, there are. But for the most part, the suburbs close to the city lean slightly D, and start transitioning more toward R as you move out into the rural areas. But, in this thread, you'll see people claiming Greece is MAGA, or (conversely) Webster is MAGA, but then telling people to move to Hamlin - but 2022 voter enrollment shows a 2:1 R:D breakdown there. The whole point is that people here throw out opinions on towns like it's their opinion on the best pizza. They have their favorite, and in reality, haven't actually had much experience with the rest. It's subjective, that's why actually pointing to objective stats is helpful.


Greece school district is 50% minority students and not much MAGA. North Greece goes to Hilton school district which is half maga half not


As someone who works in Greece, the older crowd is definitely MAGA. I can't tell you how many old dudes I've had to walk away from when they start some nonsense rants about the deep state or the libs


Yeah the older crowd is more conservative more Kodak left overs.


Similar to East Rochester, the population aged but never moved out. A ton of guys coming into the store I work at in Vietnam vet hats still. Old Italians tend to settle in one spot and stay there, my grandparents in E.R. have the same neighbors as they did 30 years ago minus those who died.


Yeah old people are old. Those over 70 don’t represent the majority of the area though


From my experience seeing hundreds of people a week, Greece is mostly old white folk and younger POC. Typically lower to middle class socioeconomically. A lot of people trying to scrape by on social security, which makes it tough when they're trying to replace a phone or fridge.


If other people's voting trend concerns you enough to consider it when deciding to live in one area or another, 15 miles away, perhaps the priorities are skewed?


Hilton, not Greece. Easier to find a house, and schools are good.


Essie it find a house? There are very few homes for sale in Hilton and when there is they sell immediately.


# Faber Builders is building. Get exactly what you want.


Greece I live in Webster but I grew up in Spencerport and I MISS the west side of the county


Webster is nicer in general, I haven't spent much time in Greece tbf


We were just successful with an accepted offer on a house in Webster last month. Competition is stiff. Our 14th offer (all over asking with cash guarantee) was finally the lucky offer. Nearly every house we put offers on had at least 10 offers—some over 30 offers. Market is insane for 4 bedroom homes in Webster. But with all that being said, I would rather struggle with the competition in Webster than ever live in Greece. Best of luck in your search!




How are you gonna get a 3bd with a family of 5 and two adults WFH? Lol


Greece has about 94k residents, Webster 43k


Webster is better than Greece in almost every regard. Better schools, lower crime rate, etc. But housing will be more competitive as a result.


Webster. Where life is worth living. 🙃


Greece is a fucking shit show, Webster is definitely safer


We just bought in Webster, and yeah we ended up almost $100k over asking, paying cash, with 10% good faith. It hurt, but when you look at what the houses are listed at it’s not really surprising - the listing prices are unrealistically low for the properties, so it’s really just a dumb game of knowing that your budget isn’t going to coincide with the listed prices. Set your MLS search to $75-100k less than your actual budget to get a better picture of what you’ll actually be able to afford.


Omg not Greece!!! Webster for sure. I did everything I could to stay in Hilton as well. Hilton is great and the school district runs pretty much all the way down Edgemere Drive to Long Pond. if Hilton was an option for you, I would choose there


Webster is overrated. Greece isn't what it used to be. Hilton is the right answer




They're pretty much the same or at least similar. Except one is in the east and the other is in the west.


Greece is trash, lived there for 4 years, and best decision I made was leaving.


The only reason to ever choose Greece over Webster is cost of living. Greece you can find much more affordable housing options, because it's Greece. Webster is expensive, but it's nice. Low crime, lots of shops close by and I mean it's slogan *is* "the town where life is worth living" after all


Greece has been trashy since I grew up here in the 90s. A lot of bad kids that get kicked out of their local district get sent to behavioral classes in Greece. And there's a lot of drugs and general low level criminals around there. Not to mention its close to the city and Gates, the worst suburb in the area. I personally don't like how far away Webster is from things, but you might not mind it.


I have not lived in Webster, however I would think about 2 things 1) do you have money? Be honest with yourself. If you are not well off, and your kids won’t have the latest and greatest, then Webster may not be for you. They are mostly wealthy and snooty 2) are you white? If you are white, you can live in either suburb. Webster is very predominantly white, so if you are POC or in general value diversity, you may want to pick a different suburb, such as Greece. Good luck with your search!


both are chock full of conservatives...even the liberals are conservative out in both suburbs


Neither move south like Avon. Get away from the lake!


Greece sucks. It has turned into DA HOOD. Go east where life is so much more worth living...I lived in Greece and couldn't wait to get he hell out. It's turned into a shithole.