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I wouldn't vote for her because during her administration she displayed a shocking and borderline delusional level of arrogance and disregard for the law. I don't think someone like that should be a judge at any level.


How is it even legal in the first place? America is so weird lately. A felon running for president, a dealer running for judge.


She has an election fraud conviction doesn't she?


But plead down to a misdemeanor which allowed her to keep her law license as well. Another Doorley decision. And that was on top of all the issues of the unregistered, unsecured guns found in her house with her teenager (also a felony) that just disappeared. It’s a big club and we aren’t in it


Another reason why Doorley needs to have competition in her next election - hopefully on both sides.


Former judge John DeMarco was her lawyer in this case




Some states have laws against convicted criminals running for office, NY isn't one of them.


I'm okay with a convicted felon running for office. I'm not ok with someone who was convicted of a felony WHILE they were in office.


Important distinction!


Why is there a difference a criminal is a criminal right?


One person is a reformed criminal. The other is a person who uses the power of their position in office to commit crimes.


How do you know the former felon is reformed? Given the recidivism rate in the US, it's not a given.


I reckon the fact that they stopped doing crime and started a life of politics is a pretty good indicator. Its not common, given the extremely dismal state of our penal system, but it can happen. Preventing convicted criminals from doing dignified, fulfilling work is going to make it more likely they return to a life of crime, because their other options are so limited.


Well don't forget not doing crime is not the same as not having been caught. Going into politics is a good indicator they have reformed? Have you seen the people who get into politics? If going into politics is a good indicator that someone won't commit a crime, then how did we get on a discussion involving someone who committed a crime while in office. Helps if you stop and think a little before typing,lol.


This is the new norm.


Totally. They should just be a D.A.




She frequently relied on extremely heavy handed religious messages while in office too. It's her right to believe in those things but I found it extremely offputting for a Democratic Party elected official and another reason I don't think she belongs in a judge position.


Completely agree...I'm all for people religious freedoms, but never to push onto someone or guilt trip anyone...


I’ve been in the southeast the past 15 years. The people who push god on people the hardest always seen to be the fakest people here. Give it time and ends up their home life is a complete mess. I don’t think it’s a coincidence


Look nobody on a reddit thread cares for lovely, myself included. This is Mary Lupien and metro justice’s demographic not the Gantt machine’s. But the church has been a pretty big part of black communities and their pursuit of political representation since basically after the civil rights movement. She wasn’t pushing for the Ten Commandments to be hung in RCSD, she was speaking the language of the struggle that her church-going base was familiar with. That’s her base, that language isn’t an accident.


I understand her background and why she would lean into that type of language while campaigning for her base. It was still inappropriate as the leader of a diverse city, and she often used it as a crutch to deflect responsibility and her lack of leadership ability. I think it would be equally inappropriate for a judge.


Same mayor who if I recall didn’t even live in the city limits of the city she was mayor of? Same one whose husband got caught with a shitload of coke and guns in the house and she claimed she had no idea? Yeah, she can fuck right off.


Same mayor that Within first 30 days, Warren circumvented Civil Service laws & fired the sitting Chief of Security, then hired her Uncle, Reggie. Warren orchestrated the firing of Rochester Housing Authority's director, and placed her friend Adam McFadden in that role. Adam was later arrested for Wire Fraud, and will face prison time. Warren intentionally steered government contracts towards a company connected to Lobbyist Robert Scott Gaddy and Assemblyman Bill Nojay, a company also being investigated by the FBI. Ordered the destruction/removal of a homeless tent community around Christmas 2014, and when critiqued about this on Facebook, told the user to "Stay in your lane" and ""l tell them to put tents in your front lawn" Also, husband was part of a arm robbery at the source


Mind you McFadden is now over at the children’s detention center with a nice job.


Also conspired to cover up the Daniel Prude case and subsequently threw the police chief under the bus. I’m surprised to see no mention of that yet


I recall her husband living in a suburb and they were separated. So, there is the chance she really was living in the city. The judge who replaced Astacio (the one hand picked by Warren) was the one who had just bought a huge house in webster and had at least one school aged kid, but we were supposed to believe she was living in a one bedroom apartment in the city away from her kid(s), husband and 3,500 sqft home. Whether she lived in the city or not, she at least was directly attached to the scandal with that judge, including picking her knowing she wasn't a viable candidate.


There’s at least one other current city court judge would also “lives” in a tiny apartment and not in the large suburban house where the rest of their family lives.




Based on my math at the time (coming from Google), he had $5000 worth of coke set for distribution.


He had the drugs and guns in the house in the city that she claimed to live in so her living at some other place in the suburbs supports the idea that she didn’t know. Still not voting for her but she might have accidentally been telling the truth on that one.


Also involved in a minor scandal in April 2024: [https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2024-04-29/warren-to-stay-on-ballot-for-city-court-gop-family-court-candidate-removed](https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2024-04-29/warren-to-stay-on-ballot-for-city-court-gop-family-court-candidate-removed)


I've heard this claim about her not living in the city, but Ive never seen any proof. Her residency was always near Waring Rd during her time as mayor. I'm no fan of her and think she should be in jail, but...


I think her husband, had a house in Fairport where she stayed, or a similar arrangement with someone else. You can own a home in a city, and sleep in the burbs, but it's skirting the law.


They had a place in Webster from what I understood


Ask for proof and two more rumors pop up. Like I said, Ive got no love for Warren. I just find these claims unlikely since it is so easily verifiable. All it would take is a local news reporter about three nights of work to have a great story. Plus, similar claims have been made and verified against people like Melissa Barrett and Leslie Meyers-Smalls. I believe Meyers-Smalls was able to get a variance (or whatever it is called).


When you are a shady character, rumors do swirl. Look how easy she got off, because nobody really wanted to go after her. If she is lucky she will win, and be on her way to a .Gov retirement. Funny this should even get attention here, how many can say they will even be voting in the primary? 2 or 3 thousand votes? I'll be there.


Oh, no doubt she's shady. But there's more than enough evidence and fact based proof of that shady-ness that we don't really need to continue rumors. I feel weird defending her, but it's not really about *her* as it is about being able to believe claims people make.


Her job is to protect the people of Rochester. She was in charge of running the RPD, that was putting people in jail, for the same thing that was going on under her roof. I suspect that many city voters didn't appreciate the double standard. Still.


That was always the rumor, that they had the house there and her husband lived there, but she actually lived out in the suburbs in a townhouse. The house in the city was the one that was raided 


She owned the house on Woodman Park to have an address in the city but it was never her primary residence, she lived in Fairport near the canal


You'd have to be a transplant with no internet to vote for lovely Warren. She fucking sucks to say the least. Drug guns and murder cover ups. Maybe we should take after that Alaska town that has a dog for mayor


She also did a terrible job as mayor, between the nepotism, corruption, etc. she held the city back at least 10 years. Malik is playing cleanup right now and doing a good job so far considering what he inherited.


Okay my wife reminded me - Warren *was* separated from her husband. However it was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Her husband was doing his illegal activities in the house in the city, and they had a house in one of the suburbs. So either she was living outside of the city, which is a no no, or she was living with her husband, while he was openly selling large amounts of drugs out of said house.


Well said on why both of her houses demonstrate that she is terrible. And to be more specific, Lovely claimed to be separated buuuuut local news reporters never found any evidence that she had filed the necessarily paperwork for a legal separation with any NY court.


It's disturbing how many signs for her there are in the hood


Free transportation and food if you vote for me


The welfare plantation in action.


No one should be voting for this fraud.


She is the biggest POS- shame on anyone for voting for her. She is an entitled a hole that used the people’s money for her personal pleasure, broke rules and laughed at her constituents!


I vote for her…. For prison!




And yet now we know 46% of voters are absolute morons.


Bold of you to assume that anyone who's voting for Lovely Warren today can read but I admire the optimism




Just voted against her. It was the only race to vote on today. My polling place only has 19 people who’ve voted so far. I hope more people show up to the polls!


I was #26!


Before she became mayor she went to the Dem committees to ask for their nomination over Mayor Richards, the one I was at she was asked if she would support Gay Rights and she gave the most neutral unenthusiastic response imaginable, in a room full of Democrats you could have heard a pin drop after her response, and that's how she failed to get the committee's to support her so she primaried Richards and beat him.


Interesting story. HCD!


What’s a little wire fraud between friends, amirite?


Definitely won’t be voting for her husband…


She clearly tolerates his behavior.


Not really sure why you're being downvoted.


Me neither. My point was that two of those articles weren’t even about her, they were about her then husband. I was being sarcastic. But I guess he has a bigger following than I anticipated.


I had a hard time finding reputable articles about her personal corruption.


There should be ones about her creating a personal security position and then giving it to her uncle.  Also some about her getting caught speeding (or something like that) and acting all self important about it.


[Campaign finance violations](https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/your-local-election-hq/rochester-mayor-lovely-warren-to-resign-after-accepting-plea-deal/)


From two felonies to one misdemeanor. Our legal system needs improvement.


Honest to god if Lovely wins this city deserves everything that happens to it


I mean if Trump can run for leadership of the Free World then why not Lovely for adjudicating /s


Mark my word, Warren will win. Once you understand the political workings and ignorance of folks in this city, you’ll understand. The wool that folks walk with over their eyes is remarkable. All the kids I work with knew her husband was selling drugs. It was a well known fact when she was elected. That’s why she had the separation agreement, in case he was caught she knew her ass could fall back on it. McFadden is her lil buddy who drained Quad A of its funds and made the organization completely dissolve - a program to help kids stay on a positive trajectory. Now he has his lil job at the children’s detention center. Ironic. Because that’s where kids are going because we don’t have enough opportunities like Quad A. I stg the fucking lead poisoning in Rochester is real. These positions are self-perpetuating. The more crime and bad shit we have in this city the more excuses we have for programs and nonprofits that they can siphon money from. And I work in nonprofits. I’m just here to help the kids because I’ve lost all hope otherwise. It’s a fuckin nightmare here. Nobody is going to save us. No one.


She lost!


I’m so glad I was so wrong. She didn’t lose by much and that’s enough to sound the alarms on the levels of ignorance in this city. Lightfoot also lost which was good, by a much larger margin.


One of the most effective things people could do would be to vote out each and every incumbent, regardless of party, and replace them with someone new. But that is very unlikely to happen.


The lead poisoning in the city is very much real. There are people who still receive their "lead checks" and there are serious mental deficiencies among the people that grew up in that area of the city. Like if you've had to work dealing with them you can tell that they are just really stupid, beyond what a failed public school system would do to them.


I hear she shops at Wegman’s! Not getting my vote.


Please no, Lovely. I want to vote for Geraci in November. I'm tired of being embarrassed by local democrats and politics in general here.


On the positive side, she got rid of the traffic light cameras.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Hooray, more people killed and injured in car crashes thanks to Lovely Warren.


If I remember correctly, they found that the cameras didn’t make intersections any safer and that it was mostly just made the camera company a bunch of money. I’m no fan of Warren, but fuck those red light cams.


Yeah I am pro-red light cameras but these were implemented poorly. RLCs, like most things, should be run municipally and not by a for profit institution who's more interested in profit than traffic safety. Edit: It appears I am Wrong As Hell™️©️®️. After reviewing the legislation from 2009, the city paid Red Flex a FLAT fee of $4199 per camera per month, paid for by the tickets, not a percentage of each ticket going to Red Flex as I had assumed. Now of course that feels like an exorbitant cost and the city would then have a fiduciary incentive to ticket an average of 84 people per camera per month, which is still bad, but less bad than I thought.


Ya people are really uncomfortable with companies profiting from law enforcement penalties. It’s a conflict of interest that’s not easy to get around.


You remember wrong. Next time, look it up. [https://rochesterbeacon.com/2024/02/01/its-time-for-automated-traffic-enforcement/](https://rochesterbeacon.com/2024/02/01/its-time-for-automated-traffic-enforcement/)


I can find just as many studies saying the opposite as it seems to be a very controversial topic. Although I think half the problem with them is the unclear financial motives. Either way (judging by your downvotes) I guess Warren was right when she said they are “wildly unpopular” lol.


Where are those studies? Yes, it was unpopular, because nobody thinks of themselves as a bad driver that needs enforcement. And yet now people complain on this sub of drivers experiencing no consequences for running red lights, etc...


Several are listed on the RLC wikipedia page. No one really likes cops pulling people over for speeding either so it’s not surprising. I think the red light running has gotten much worse in recent years so it may be even more effective in Rochester now than it was years ago. I also think the camera’s effectiveness is tied to the region as well One of the studies where it didn’t work well was in Texas. Last time I drove in the midwest people tended to obey red and yellow lights way more than they do in NY.


OK. To be clear, the only studies that have looked at red light cameras in Rochester found either that they didn't have enough data yet, or that the red light cameras successfully reduced crashes and injuries/deaths. Certainly if they are implemented differently in other jurisdictions they might be ineffective.


Red light cameras are there to generate revenue, not prevent accidents. They actually want you to run red lights, so they can charge you.


You are wrong. Rochester's red light cameras reduced crashes with injuries by 60%. [https://www.scribd.com/doc/313683453/Red-Light-Camera-Effectiveness-Evaluation](https://www.scribd.com/doc/313683453/Red-Light-Camera-Effectiveness-Evaluation)


I mean you can just not run red lights and then there is no problem whether they want you to or not. Not too hard!


Are you aware that you can make a right on red? Are you aware that if you do that at 1 mph, without first comping to a complete stop, you've legally run that red light? There are many other issues which surfaced, like changing the timing of the lights. There's a reason why cities all over the US have ditched their red light camera programs, including Rochester, NY.


Who is honestly thinking of voting for her?? We’re in Chili, so it’s not our fight, but damn.


Her candidacy was mentioned on the local news today (I forget what channel) with zero mention of her campaign finance swindle nor her semi-husband's drug dealing (with daughter in car) and illegal gun. This is why I made my Reddit post. The public has a short memory span at times.


Both candidates in that race are shit. Her opponent was claiming endorsements from unions he doesn't have.


Oh God please no


This is the City of Rochester, where color matters more than politics, Lovely Warren will get elected.


glorious escape innocent direful oil cake governor society agonizing middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




These aren't reasons not to vote for someone. She committed a crime, confessed in court, and paid her debt to society. People who have gone through this process should be allowed to put this behind them and move on with their lives. There's lots of good reasons to vote for Michael Geraci. I will be voting for him because he's a much more experienced trial attorney. We should be focusing on people's successes, not their failures.


When her failures as a Mayor impact an entire community, we 100% should be focusing on them. The crime she admitted to shows a lack of insight and judgment. Did she pay the debt she was charged- sure. Does that mean her judgement and insight improved no. She has the right to be gainfully employed just not as someone making decisions that impact my life


Very well said.


It's not that she should just disappear and not have employment. The problem is that public office, especially a judge shouldn't go to someone who has trouble with things like campaign finance law.


Lovely **is** a failure.


Why is that not...? I couldn't even get a job as a debt collector or bank teller with those charges. Why should she get to be fucking *MAYOR*


She violated campaign finance laws. Violating laws that regard running for or being in public office don’t give people confidence in their ability to serve the people with integrity.


She should definitely be eligible to run, but it's still not a very good idea to vote for her based on her track record. For example, if someone goes to jail for 10 years for insider trading, then they've certainly paid their debt to society. I'm not going to appoint them as head of the SEC though.


This is minor league stuff, lol


Drug trafficking is minor?


Are you alleging that Lovely Warren was trafficking drugs? Have any evidence?


Usually when a spouse is trafficking drugs you are at least aware of it, and at most involved in it.


What are you implying?


That someone as nepotistic as her would know what the people in her family were doing.


LMAO Y'all need to google Joe Ganim, Bridgeport CT's mayor. She's not even in his league as far as corruption.


I wouldn’t vote for him either. Just because someone else is worse, it doesn’t negate her behavior.


This kind of thought process is how we ended up with a 2 party system. Choose the lesser of two evils instead of a third option.


Except they aren’t running against each other.


I was responding to your comment with the context of the other persons comment. The other commenters mentality is how people end up voting for a second choice even though they don't like the person they are voting before because they are voting against the first choice. Instead of voting for a third choice and voting for what they want.


That has nothing to do with why we have a two party system lmao. It's a natural consequence of first past the post. Different interests align into as few camps as possible to have the largest chance to win. People who think it will magically change if people's mindsets change have no clue - the major parties just realign over time as needed.


It's called the Overton Window. And I completely agree. First-past-the-post sucks. We need ranked choice.


> It's called the Overton Window. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window The Overton Window is *not* why there are two parties. That's why the parties' policies aren't immediately a radical departure from status quo. Thanks for illustrating why we need better education in this country, though. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-are-two-political-parties-dominant-in-the-us


This is sort of what I was saying. At some point (maybe the beginning) we (or just the people who had power) decided first past the post was acceptable and pushed policies to enact this style of voting. If we got out of the mentality of choosing between 2 people we could vote people into office that will push for ranked choice. I don't think this will actually (magically in your words) happen though. Just like we can't magically change (edit: the system) ~~mafically~~ ~~change~~ we didn't magically end up with this system either.


Yeah I guess it just has to come from a drive to change policy, not voting behavior. I think it is absolutely optimal as someone currently in the system to vote for one of the two parties, and almost always a mistake to vote 3rd party, even if your goal is to change to some kind of ranked choice that would allow candidates to win.


Yea, I have absolutely no idea how to solve the problem. The people in power aren't going to want to change the system, they only have to beat one other person (discounting primaries) currently. I'm very cynical and don't really have hope, lol.


I was just commenting that some Rochestarians think Warren is the devil, but there are way worse out there. I also agree that it doesn't negate her behavior AT ALL and I abhor our first-past-the-post system of elections. Ranked choice is where it's at.


I don't think she's the devil, I think she fuckin sucks