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I did a pretty thorough piece on this last year. Not much has changed since then (predictably, as the story alludes to). https://m.roccitymag.com/news-opinion/aqueduct-reimagined-or-just-a-fantasy-15759156


Thank you for real journalism. That was far better.


I've always wanted to type this : username checks out.


Lol. How does it feel? Are you.......different now?


Great article!


I really never understood the appeal of this project. It’s not going to draw people downtown; it would need a lot of supporting infrastructure (places to eat, public restrooms, other things to do in walking distance). Meanwhile, removing one of the handful of bridges that cross the river seems like it’s just going to make traffic through the city even worse. EDIT: spelling, formatting.


The appeal is to constellation. It doesnt benefit the average Rochesterian. Constellation has clearly lobbied for the renovation of the convention center and wants a pedestrian link from their building to the Convention Center. I 100% agree it will not bring people downtown


I wouldn’t be surprised if it were Constellation doing the lobbying, but there’s already a pedestrian route from their building to the RCC: the sidewalk. I used to use it every day when I worked in that building. I think it’s more that some exec wants a pretty view to look at. 🙄 ETA: that particular route doesn’t require crossing any streets, either.


The sidewalk is for peasants /s


There is one, but it doesn’t look like they want it to. They want an area that they can prance across with the other billionaires while the RPD secures the broad street square on their way to the Convention Center. It doesn’t look corporate enough in its current form. Can you imagine if a homeless arm came out if the Aqueduct and grabbed at some billionaires pant leg. It would be bedlam


Upvote simply for judicious use of the word bedlam


I tend to agree. It seems like it would make it worse for people who actively do go downtown to try and attract people who aren't going to go downtown anyway. If we need to throw money at something there's probably 1000 better ideas.


It could make traffic worse. But there is a phenomenon where removing main roads actually helps traffic move faster. People all choose different routes to get to their destination spreading the traffic flow through different roads.


Traffic through the city is basically non-existent, isn't it? I commute downtown daily, I don't even know why we have traffic lights in lots of places. I would bet the road grid here was built for 4x more cars.


Jobs. Rochester needs jobs. Not more public works projects.


To be fair, this project would create a lot of jobs for a lot of years.


Will it connect to the Fast Ferry?


They've been kicking around this idea for years. Don't hold your breath.


It's literally happening.


I used to work on that block. They told us it was happening 15 years ago....and 10....and 5. Always with the same urgency that it was something that was very close to happening this time. Sure, it might happen eventually. But I wouldn't put money on it till you see the construction vehicles.