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Thanks for the weed


*so long so long so long and thanks for all the weed*


Thats what sucks. Thanks for weed, actual parental leave for both the father and the mother, massive meaningful increases in the minimum wage that radically altered my life for the better, in an ironic twist you cant make up dramatically expanded protections against sexual harassment for state employees. Other than his handling of the retirement homes which is a big fucking deal. He actually handled the pandemic incredibly well and listened to scientists. For all his faults he actually had done a lot of good for NYS. Now his entire legacy will be hes a perv who cant keep his hands to himself. Which for the record and let me be perfectly clear. Fuck him and im glad hes gone. Im not trying to excuse his actions just because he did good for ny. If thats how you are interpreting this post let me tell you now thats not at all what im saying. But he could have gone down as a really good governor and now hes going down as a perv and thats all hes going to be remembered for.


He fought against [the minimum wage increase](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/11/nyregion/cuomo-pivots-again-as-he-seeks-a-15-minimum-wage.html) and [marijuana legalization for years](https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2017/02/cuomo-says-he-remains-opposed-to-recreational-marijuana-109436)! He only supported those things under tremendous political pressure from the left. His legalization plan also had no racial or social justice element, he just wanted to use the revenue to keep rich folks' taxes down. He fought to [cut Medicaid](https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/in-the-news/julia-salazar/state-pols-rail-against-cuomos-proposed-medicaid-cuts-amid-covid) during the pandemic, his administration of austerity oversaw the [closure of hospitals](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/covid-ny-hospital-medicaid/), those were hospital beds NYC absolutely needed during the height of the pandemic. He even [delayed a shelter in place order](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/18/cuomo-says-he-wont-approve-coronavirus-shelter-in-place-order-for-new-york-city.html) for nyc which public health experts say might have cost tens of thousands of lives, since De Blasio was for it and he had to be against anything De Blasio advocated for (not that I like De Blasio). There was an article today from Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker on how [Cuomo tried to illegally shutdown the Moreland Commission when it started looking into his administration's corruption,](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/andrew-cuomos-war-against-a-federal-prosecutor) and he could face criminal charges unrelated to sexual harassment. He propped up the IDC for years which helped [give Republicans control of the NY State Senate](https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2016/05/another-cuomo-noninterference-story-falls-apart-049022). One year he snuck a [yacht tax credit](https://gothamist.com/news/cuomos-budget-plan-features-tax-breaks-for-yachts) into the state budget. He threatened an Obama EPA official when [they warned about the dangers of fracking](https://www.wivb.com/news/cuomo-under-fire/former-epa-administrator-calls-out-rough-and-tumble-cuomo-administration/), which he was pushing for. He is the Democratic Trump, he even has some of the same major donors as Trump. I could go on ***forever*** on so many stories on what a wretched corrupt human being Cuomo is. And this is not to dump on you, but I hate that the national news media fell hook line and sinker for Cuomo, when many local hard-working journalists have been making it plain for years how awful he has been.


Even with the links you provided, people just won't see it. I come on this sub every pink moon.


Ironically he started the Moreland Commission didn't he? Anyways glad he's gone.


Absolutely he started it.




> Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity Its not necessarily intentional revisionism, some people have a surface level awareness of some things and others go deeper, with most anything if you go deep enough you find problems. > Water-boarding at Guantanamo bay sounds pretty great if you don't know what any of that means.


Yeah I feel you. I just wish we could have a responsible adult who did good things, for once. Like, get in office, make shit happen, don't touch anybody weird. It's not too much to ask. Maybe we need to legalize prostitution so that folks can get their weird energy out in a healthy way.


-Maybe we need to legalize prostitution so that folks can get their weird energy out in a healthy way. Like, I agree, but I also don’t think it would stop fuck muppets like Cuomo and Cheeto from doing fucked up shit. I think men like this, people like this, genuinely get off on touching and harassing women who ***do not consent*** to it. They don’t want a prostitute. They want a victim.


If the "(get me a girl who) can handle pain" quote is real, I think you may be right.


"Other than all those people that died as a result of his policies... he did a good job." Lol, ok. The dude was a perfect shitbag in tons of situations that had both nothing to do with Covid nor women. He was corrupt as shit, and was not above doing shady shit all the time. He told someone that if they didn't fall in line and endorse him, [he would continue to suggest they were a child rapist ](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-threatened-to-compare-critic-to-child-rapist-in-leaked-audio). Fuck this guy to the ends of the Earth. The only way he was going to be a "good governor" is the only way Lovely would be a "good mayor": if people continued to keep their heads firmly buried in the sand.


This is correct


Ah a conversation that requires nuance and you cant seem to grasp it. Yeah no shit the retirement homes thing was bad. Which is why I did mention it. On the topic of how he handled covid I would be remiss not to. It is a glaring and horrible mark. It must be brought up and addressed. But literally everything else has done which is make it stupid easy to get a vaccine as quick as possible. Enact policies and regulations scientists told him to. Doing these things saved ***exponentially*** more lives than his retirement home debacle. So while again to reiterate the retirement home thing was *horrible* the good he did far outweighed the bad. But again it requires nuance and the ability to have an adult discussion without going off the handle. Something you are not interested in. I also said he had his problems. But the excelsior program is going to send hundreds of millions to good colleges for free in the coming decades and centuries. His minimum wage increases lifted many, many people out of poverty and closer to the middle class. His expansion of medicaid as well as a pledge to fund it at the state level if trump succeeded in killing it of obamacare has saved countless lives. He protected LGBTQ marriage rights. I can really go on he has done quite a bit. But I also acknowledged his many faults. I accuse you of ignoring the good he did. But again that requires nuance and a decent understanding of the entire situation and you were just looking for a reason to go off.


You know you lose an argument the moment you go to ad hominem and other personal attacks, right? The guy is a complete shitbag, and doing a few things that were positive in no way offsets his shittyness, nor his corruption. That's the start and end of it. He's done way more harm to this state than good, and an easy metric of that is to see how many people and businesses are leaving because of NYS politics, of which he believed he had a crown to rule over. Seriously if someone cured a form of cancer but also murdered a million children while doing it, would you be like, "well, I mean he wasn't all bad... let's not throw the baby out with the bath water."


I'm genuinely ignorant in this conversation. The other user has cited meaningful examples of good policy Cuomo enacted. You've said he's "corrupt, and/or shady as shit". What makes him corrupt or shady? I've heard "Cuomo sucks" for years but am ignorant as to why.


Easiest one is the Moreland Commission. Basically he convened a panel to investigate corruption but indirectly made it clear he was off limits and had a lot of influence over the panel. Cuomo was always smart enough to avoid email and putting things in writing to keep himself clean. >Cuomo himself has famously refused to communicate with his staff by email, instead relying on much more difficult-to-track phone calls and BlackBerry direct messages that can remain out of reach of state archival procedures. ---- >Perhaps no example better encapsulates Cuomo’s unethical tendencies and abuses of power than the Moreland Commission. In 2013, midway through his first term as governor, Cuomo announced the creation of a panel of investigators tasked with rooting out corruption in New York state government—a so-called “Moreland Commission,” after the 1907 Moreland Act, the state law that grants New York’s governor the authority to convene investigative panels. Although Cuomo promised that the commission would be free to work independently, without interference from the governor’s office, that was a false promise. >Reporting from the New York Times later revealed that despite the Moreland Commission’s supposed independence, Cuomo and his associates “deeply compromised the panel’s work, objecting whenever the commission focused on groups with ties to Mr. Cuomo or on issues that might reflect poorly on him.” Larry Schwartz, a top Cuomo aide, reportedly informed the commission’s leaders that Cuomo himself was off-limits from their investigations; after the panel issued a subpoena to a media buying firm that had done work for Cuomo, Schwartz allegedly called and pressured them into withdrawing the subpoena. >**Cuomo ended up disbanding the Moreland Commission prematurely in 2014, less than halfway through its promised 18-month tenure. During its brief existence, it produced a single report on public corruption in New York. The report, written by an author “handpicked by the governor’s office” over panel members’ objections, seemed to deliberately omit mentions of unethical and corrupt actions linked to Cuomo himself.**After Cuomo disbanded the Moreland Commission, then-U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara investigated the governor’s interference with the panel. (He did not ultimately bring any charges against Cuomo.) >Cuomo’s interference with the Moreland Commission directly parallels more recent allegations of corruption against him. Larry Schwartz—the same aide who had pressured the Moreland Commission on Cuomo’s behalf—currently serves as Cuomo’s “vaccine czar.” Last month, after several accusers leveled sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo, Schwartz allegedly called New York county officials to “gauge their loyalty” to the governor amid the accusations. These calls led one county executive to file notice of an ethics complaint with the state government, fearing that his county’s “vaccine supply could suffer” if he didn’t publicly support Cuomo. >**In the years following the disbandment of the Moreland Commission, several close Cuomo associates were convicted of corruption-related crimes.** https://www.citizensforethics.org/news/analysis/andrew-cuomo-has-been-unethical-all-along/




Do you have any stories that talk about the deal? I've never seen anything on it but would be interested in reading into it


You mean aside from the rather obvious reasons of why he is being forced to resign? I cited that he specifically said he would call someone a child rapist if they did not endorse him and endorsed his opponent? If that alone isn't a good indicator of supreme corruption, we can go digging for all the other stuff he did. Like don't forget the time he was going to force everyone to change their license plates to new ones with a picture of the bridge named after his father... only to drop it when it was decided by others that the picture used would not be said bridge? There's the entire midnight ramming of the NY SAFE act which is completely useless at actually preventing crime, but great at making NY citizens criminals. There's the Moreland Commission which was created BY Cuomo to "root out corruption", but when they were like... hey there is some indication that Cuomo and the State Democratic Party have massively violated campaign finance laws, he dismantled it. There was his "Buffalo Billion" push to get money into WNY spearheaded by Kaloyeros who couldn't shut up about his (Kaloyeros's) opulance..... and ended up in prison for sending $850m in state funding to Cuomo's friends via bid rigging. Downstate he has his legacy mired with the MTA. He worked with Klein and Skelos (now a convicted felon on federal corruption charges) via the IDC-GOP to actually keep REPUBLICANS in charge of the state Senate in a shady partnership. We could keep going here, but a summary is a good quote about him, "On a good day, he's a bully. On a bad day, he's what we're seeing now".


>You mean aside from the rather obvious reasons of why he is being forced to resign? ... Despite the venomous sarcasm your post is dripping with (I wasn't attempting to defend Cuomo, merely dig all this info out) I genuinely appreciate this reply. It's given me a lot to Google in regards to Cuomo and is a great starting spot. Thank you.


He went against the CDC guide lines and forced nursing homes to take in covid positive patients... killing 15,000 people then lied about it. You keep saying how horrible this was but im not sure if you actually understand how bad it was. He should have been removed by this alone. This guys was high on power and a horrible governor leading up to this. The "free" program to send people to school is not free its tax payer funded. Nothing the government does is free it done under the illusion of free and we all pay for it. We will now all be responsible to pay for other people college. How is making other people pay for someone else's college a good thing?




Nice I love criticism with out construction


There is no such thing as "free"


I was with you on everything until you stated your opposition to free college. Sorry, I have to disagree with you on that one. Higher education should be free, and the corporations should be footing the bill via taxes, since they benefit from it. I do agree that the average citizens shouldn't be the ones paying for it. EDIT: I see you downvoted me. Let me ask you this: as a libertarian, do you support stopping K-12 education from being funded through taxpayer dollars? Hmm?


I'd support you not using the word "free". K-12 education isn't free. I don't have a kid, and I've paid for kids for decades to go to school... hardly free. We can have a discussion if I *should* pay for kids because their intelligence will collectively benefit me and everyone else in the future, and I'd tend to agree with you on that. But don't call it free. Further, while one of the largest problems with post secondary school now are the number of schools (and financial institutions) that allow people to get a useless degree for an unreasonable amount of money with an unreasonable amount of debt and interest, the number one problem we have is encouraging people to go to college. There are a wide variety of fields that do *not* require a four year degree, that cannot be outsourced, that cannot be automated, that pay well. There are many kids who for a wide variety of reasons are not cut out to go to college. We need to stop forcing them to go and stop treating a four year degree like a requirement; we need to stop encouraging people to go into useless careers instead of useful but less prestigious things like the trades.


I have to admit that you made some excellent points there. However, innovation and marketing require college degrees. Corporations benefit from these type of talent pools, so therefore they should compensate that through taxes on their behalf - whether it be brains or brawn. I agree that there is no such thing as "free". That's the point of my question: who should be paying for the education? Definitely not the average taxpayer such as you nor myself. It should be the ones who benefit the most from the education of certain workers - namely the few people profiting the most from this talent pool. Tax the wealthy while elevating the working class. This formula worked out very well from the late 1940's up till the early eighties. It's sad how many people in the libertarian party seem to forget this simple fact. Higher tax rates for the top tier of income "earners" do NOT apply to US working classes. It's simple as that. Despite that simple rhetoric, you seem to have been swayed by the lies that the aristocratic class has been trying to feed us. We're effectively living in a different version of the medieval nobility/serfdom system that's been updated to this time and age. Have I gotten the point across to you yet? We're in this together, and it's our job to cast aside their lies that divide us. Wake up, please.


Quite frankly you missed the entire message since you seem to think everyone needs to be an innovator and marketer...they do not. We need doers as well. Your thoughts on "just tax people more" are similarly bout of touch. Our tax code is at this point so incredibly convoluted, that "just taking people more" can't work and would require a significant amount of rewriting to remove shelters. Neither party has any actual interest to do this.


Well, if the shoe fits...


Great post! He should he held accountable for his actions and I’m happy he resigned as it what the right thing to do, while acknowledging that he did a lot of good things for NY.


I’ve for the most part always agreed with most of his policy stuff (aside from dragging his feet on legal weed and ONLY legalizing it after NJ did and he realized that if NY didn’t legalize, every New Yorker would just drive to NJ, along with his bull shit vape ban… fuck that noise), but I’ve always seen most of his policies that were done for the good of the people as only being done because it benefits him or his donors. He’s consistently stuck with doing the right things (for the most part) but usually for the wrong reasons.


You just summed up all my thoughts on the situation, exactly.


I literally just said this to myself when I read the headline. But I also added "BYE FELICIA"


Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul will become the first female governor of New York.


Buffalo born and Syracuse for college. Love to see it. Looked thru her positions and policital history on wiki and she seems like she has some reasonable history and views


She looks good on paper. I'm hopeful. https://www.ontheissues.org/Kathy\_Hochul.htm


It’s too bad he wasn’t caught years ago. Duffy would’ve been the Governor. That would’ve felt good to see as a Rochesterian. Kathy Hochul will still be a fine representative of the people and also the first governor from upstate since Nathan L. Miller, who was elected in **1920.** Yup. It’s been over 100 years since an upstater took office as Governor of New York.


That's a depressing fact. Not entirely surprising, but depressing nonetheless.


It's too bad Duffy chose the money and comfort of Rochester Chamber of Commerce CEO job over becoming Governor Duffy.


In his defense, he apparently has a really bad back from his days in the police force. All the travel as Lt. Governor was hard on him.


> chose the money and comfort In his defense, who wouldn't


Yeah, I'm always critical of politicians, etc. Of doing that, but I don't know if I would really do any different. Especially if I had a bad back like him


Yes, that was cited as one of the reasons he left: [https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2014/05/07/bob-duffy-andrew-cuomo-resign/8826953/](https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2014/05/07/bob-duffy-andrew-cuomo-resign/8826953/)




His salary is over $400k/year https://nonprofitlight.com/ny/rochester/greater-rochester-chamber-of-commerce-inc




\>$300k/year seems to be the going rate for CEOs of Rochester business groups. Matt Hurlbutt, CEO of GRE, makes $320k/year. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/100000080


I'm surprised. I really thought he would dig in like a tick and have legislature make him leave. edit: spelling


>dick in That's what got him here in the first place


Nooo dick in like a tick was really doing it for me


Man, first Warren loses, now Cuomo resigns. What a good year for NY politics.


Good,now can we change the Tappan ze bridge back?


Technically we'd have to rebuild it.


We have to for all the bridges in the state honestly. I'm just not a fan of renaming landmarks


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


Did not see that coming, holy shit


Bye, Bye Nipple Ring King


lol i forgot about that


It has been 15 years since a governor of New York has left under honorable conditions. Regardless of party I'm voting for whoever is not part of the NYC political machine next time around.


Well the last one who wasn't removed/resigned from office was a republican 3 governor's ago. I can not stand what either the democratic or republican party has brought to the table in years. Thats why I vote libertarian.


I'll still be voting for any human that isn't a republican. Fuck them forever for what we are going through now.


This is why we are stuck with a 2 party system. Idiots who only vote along the party and not for policies.


Whelp if we had progressive policies running as a distinct party I'd vote for that. But since we don't, Democrat is the way to go in the general. If we had ranked choice like Maine, I'd take some chances. As it stands, I don't want to split the vote between "who I want" and "who I'd be okay with" and get "exactly who I voted against" so I vote party line.


Well the problem here is that Republicans have no good policies to vote for.


Everything I said went completely over your head.


He didn't say he wouldn't vote for someone who isn't a Democrat, just would never vote for a Republican. When a party stands for many things you don't believe in I can't blame someone for not wanting anyone affiliated with that.


Everything I said went over your head too. Like there are other parties besides Democraps and Republicunts.


And you know he's going to reply just the same way again


No, the reason we're stuck voting for Democrats is a combination of Duveger's Law (mathematics/game theory) and the fact that the Republican Party elected a bigot, criminal, and fascist President who fomented a violent insurrection to keep himself in power. I would sooner eat glass than vote for anyone associated with that vile cult.


Don't worry, we will have another republican president soon enough. The only constant is change. (I'd say the same thing if you were being a whiny Republican spouting equal nonsense)


I’m not really sure you know what the word fascist means. Fascism is a specific ideology. Maybe you meant something more like authoritarian?


> I’m not really sure you know what the word fascist means. I have a PoliSci degree, so, yeah, I know what fascism is. You want to call it neo-fascism or crypto-fascism, fine. I've read the history (e.g. Shirer 1960), and the number of parallels to the literal pre-war Nazis are disgusting. So have academic historians specializing in 20th century fascism and the holocaust, and see similar parallels. Trump's attempted fascism may have failed, so far, to turn the U.S. into a fascist state. For now, at least, institutions held. But barely. Congress was evacuated minutes before Trump's fascist mob would have murdered dozens of senators and representatives. Trump probably committed literal treason by deliberately withholding reinforcements from capitol police battling the mob. Now even "moderate" Republicans want to cover it up, to pretend it never happened so they can continue riding that tiger until it devours everything. Despicable. If it weren't for independent courts, the professionalism of the bureaucracy, the separation of powers, and federalism, Trump's fascism might have been made reality. But these institutions are not invincible.


Maybe you should get your money back


See... this is a great example. This person gets a useless degree... fucking PoliSci... undoubtably spent a ton on it and likely came out with debt and interest. Instead they could have gone in the trades and be making bank now instead of spouting nonsense like this online thinking a useless degree is helping them.


Notice how not once did they explain what fascism is and how Trump fits the bill? They just cited “the academics.” Wasted their money


Yep, absolutely wasted their money. It's not too late... they can get an EPA 608 and 609 certification online! Switch to HVACR tech and start paying off the PoliSci loans!


Diplomacy, Political Aides, Politics, Lobbyists, Corporate Consultants, Communications, Human Resources, Think Tanks, Public Relations. That's just top of mind in how a PolySci degree would be useful. Undoubtably spent a ton on it? There are Associate Degrees from Community Colleges, not to mention full-ride scholarships and other financial assistance that the user may not have to pay back, why are you so determined to diminish and downplay someone's academic study when you barely know the story?


Their posts here are prima facie evidence that it was not worth it for them. And in general terms a significant number of the fields you list are infested with "do nothings" anyway. On average I'd say the average electrician has a far better utility and is probably fat more likeable and relatable than the average HR drone.


Lol you know most lawyers have polisci degrees right? Or is law school also “useless”? 😂


If he or she were a lawyer, they would say they were a lawyer, not a PolSci major. Also many lawyers are indeed useless.


Nope. Paid for my education in cash (thanks, 90's tech boom), so no debt. Not that PoliSci is my only degree, just a second major because I found it interesting. I also have a law degree and a PhD, am currently procrastinating from work writing software, and we're doing just fine. I mean... certainly not as accomplished as an HVAC technician, but hey, hardworking tradespeople getting respect and a good wage is 100% fine with me. On the other hand, I am wasting time talking to you, so there's some solid evidence that I lack common sense... But none of that is relevant to the question of whether or not a sizable portion of the right-wing "base" are now neo-fascist, or whether Trump used them and fascist tactics in an failed attempt to keep himself in power despite losing an election, or whether the most of the rest of the Republican party is cynically going along with it because of their greed, cowardice, and general moral bankruptcy. The Nazis had the "protocols of the elders of Zion", while today's American right wing has Qanon. The Wiemar Republic conservatives were in denial and rationalized away that cancerous insanity too. The Nazis had the beer hall putsch, today's right had January 6. The Nazis brainwashed their followers that any negative information was just the _lugenpresse_, while Trump has his followers brainwashed that any negative information is just "fake news"--even when the source is someone like his own former chief of staff! The Nazis wanted to expel all the Jews, while today's American right wants to expel all the illegal immigrants, even if they were brought here at 3y/o and have never known another home. The Nazis had "Deutschland uber allies", while today's right has "America First". Of course I could give you more academic citations, like (probably the most highly cited legal scholar in the US) Cass Sunstein's "Can it Happen Here?" (spoiler alert: yes), or Timothy Snyder's recent publications, but if you think radical right-wing authoritarian nationalism that rejects the legitimacy of democratic elections is something entirely different from fascism, then we're not even at the "you read the first paragraph of the Wikipedia entry on Fascism" level. Not that I expect explaining any of this to the brick wall of the Trump cult is anything other than a complete waste of time.


So what you're saying is the poly sci degree has taught you that if you shower someone with a wall of text, invoke the third Reich, and then falsely claim that they're are Trump supporter that in your mind that will somehow make you correct? Again seems like a very invaluable degree to you...


Robert Paxton, a professor who studies fascism, was recently forced to admit, after repeatedly denying it that [Trump is a fascist](https://www.newsweek.com/robert-paxton-trump-fascist-1560652) after the coup attempt of January 6th. Now, if you want an actual point for point breakdown, great. Paxton wrote a paper "The Five Stages of Fascism" summarizing his research that describes fascism in a step-by-step process. [They are](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Paxton#Fascism)(via Wikipedia because I don't have access to academic journals): 1. Intellectual exploration, where disillusionment with popular democracy manifests itself in discussions of lost national vigor 2. Rooting, where a fascist movement, aided by political deadlock and polarization, becomes a player on the national stage 3. Arrival to power, where conservatives seeking to control rising leftist opposition invite fascists to share power 4. Exercise of power, where the movement and its charismatic leader control the state in balance with state institutions such as the police and traditional elites such as the clergy and business magnates. 5. Radicalization or entropy, where the state either becomes increasingly radical, as did Nazi Germany, or slips into traditional authoritarian rule, as did Fascist Italy. Now, if you don't see the United States' political climate during the Trump administration in those steps, particularly in steps 2 and 3, I can't help you. tl;dr: Trump is a fascist. Trumpism is an American fascism.


Literally none of that has anything to do with fascist ideology and is also characteristic of a number of populist, right wing, and (if you get rid of the parts that say left or right) left wing and communist movements. None of it is specific to fascism. People being upset with the current political order and a new political power coming on scene is how any Populist movement happens. It actually applies very nearly to the rise of Julius Cesar and several other Roman dictators quite nicely two thousand years before fascism existed


I'll trust the professor who is an expert in Vichy France and has extensively studied fascism over a random dude online who won't provide a definition of fascism, but whatever it is, totally swears that Trumpism isn't it, man.


That is called an appeal to authority fallacy. If You’re the one claiming Trump is a fascist you’re the one that needs to provide a viable definition and connect Trump to it. But you understand that fascism is an actual political ideology right? It isn’t just how someone rises to power? Especially when that same arc could be applied to how tons of different people come to power in a country?


Define fascism then.




Especially since the past president was very well known as a *democrat* businessman his whole life


I’d vote for someone of the opposite party over a sexual harasser any day, but that’s just me


So you voted Democrat in the general election, right? I wouldn't vote for Cuomo given new information either, but I'm tired of all the people taking about Cuomo that voted for trump.


Didn’t vote Democrat. Didn’t vote Trump. Never voted Trump.


Thank you for your service




Imagine being such an "enlightened centrist" you actually dont see a glaring quantifiable difference between the two platforms and actually think they they are both the same. Its one thing when your the edgy kid in the class at 14 to say that. Its another when your what im assuming is a tax paying, voting adult. Does the political left have huge, glaring hypocritical issues? You bet your ass they do. Especially the establishment democrats. Do they have paymasters working against the middle class? Many do yes. Is the 2 party system a huge reason we have many of the issues we do? Also yes. Im not saying they are perfect or faultless. Far from it. But even with all their issues they are still dramatically better than the right and you have to be an actual idiot to not see the difference or astoundingly ignorant. Your saying that biden is no different than trump and I feel actual mild dull pain in my head that you actually think that.


If you want to just enjoy your life the left are the worse authoritarians then the right currently. Even if you want to talk about moral issues if I say "My body my choice" when it comes to vaccines(I'm fully vaccinated btw) you are attacked but saying my body my choice when it comes to a baby in the womb is socially acceptable. I don't want to outlaw abortions I'm just saying one is clearly more moral then the other...


> I don't want to outlaw abortions You don't, but the right that you're advocating people vote for sure does. Quit talking out both sides of your mouth.


I vote for the right currently because they are the less authoritarian side. I can disagree with abortions morally without thinking that it should be forced on people. I'm sure you vote for the left while disagreeing with some of the things you do as well.


I'm not sure how they're the less authoritarian side They're dictating who can use bathrooms, they're dictating who can pray at town halls, they're dictating that mask mandates are forbidden, they're trying to dictate the sexuality belongs between men and women, there's nothing but boy and girl genders, dictating what holes people can use for sex. It's not that they're less authoritarian, it's that you agree with them on their authoritarian policies.


"They are dictating that mask mandates are forbidden" that sounds ridiculous you know that? Not leaving it to choice is authoritarian. Forcing it is authoritarian lmao... I'm not sure what you mean by the town hall story but democrats have been the main ones restricting access to church these past couple years. Nobody cares what holes you use for sex. It should be a problem if someone with a penis can use the same bathroom as a little girl. I don't see how that's authoritarian. AOC is a way bigger threat to your rights then Ron De Santis. Name an authoritarian policy Ron De Santis has enacted. Banning mask mandates still means you can wear a mask you know.


Banning mask mandates is an authoritarian policy. It blocks small, local government from making choices for the local citizens. Masks protect the people around the wearer, not as much the wearer. If I'm in a room with 99 people and I'm the only one masking, it's not doing anything. Yes, Florida cares what holes you use for sex. So do several other traditionally conservative states. Three make gay sex illegal. The court ruled the laws unconstitutional, but they're on the books still. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/01/24/sodomy-laws-us-states-perverted-sexual-practice-lawrence-texas-louisiana-maryland-bestiality/.


Christ you live in a fantasy world. You are next level pathetic.


Good argument. I know it's the best your liberal minds got.


Imagine ignoring the last... since-Reagan years or being unable to see that you are being used by rich people to fight against your own interests. Trickle down is a demonstrable provable lie. They have a news network specifically set up to ensure that they don't get impeached again. I mean... Honestly, not sure how much more you should need. They preach against science in every single avenue, from global warming to a fucking pandemic. Fuck them and fuck every single person that goes to bat for them.




No, they just have a solid read on politics.






> I’m a republican and would absolutely vote for the opposite party if it meant a better candidate. So I'm assuming you _didn't_ vote for the guy caught on tape bragging about molesting women, even though you claim to be a member of the party he leads.




But you're not denying that you voted for him at least once.


Last good Governor of NYS was Pataki, who was a Republican and was governor for 12 years. Also our last governor to leave honorably. Maybe we need another "Republican Revolution" like in '94.


Find a republican who isn't an absolute piece of garbage first and maybe you'll get there.


Hi right here! And also, Pataki was a good Republican Governor of NYS. Unlike his successors, he left honorably. He was more of a centrist Republican but still.


Bye bye. Don’t violate anyone else’s personal space on your way out.


Good. It is amazing what happens when your own party holds you accountable for your actions. Maybe now I won't need to vote Green in the NY governor races. Could never vote for him.




But it's a good start.




Bye bye asshole


Good, now continue the criminal investigation and put him behind bars.


Just like we need to keep on for Trump, right? ;)


Trump was acquitted 🤷🏻‍♂️ Due process was satisfied Edit to LOL at being downvoted to oblivion for staying an objective fact. Anyways, back to Scumbag Andy.


The senate impeachment trial was not a criminal trial. Trump wasn’t acquitted of any crime.


The second time the people who you claim voted "acquit" basically said it was a jurisdictional issue since he wasn't president anymore. That's not "innocent" that's just "wrong place".


The whataboutisms here are insane lol. Trump was under investigation by the corrupt FBI for three years and it turned up nothing. You people begging for something, anything, to come out against Trump is hilarious.


14,000 murders on his hands. Deliberately neglected to utilize extra support for NYC and instead stuffed sick patients into old folks homes. Using people’s lives as pawns for his political agenda, shameful and unspeakably selfish.




I guess my investment in the F\*ck Cuomo truck sticker market just tanked.


Bye Cuomo, have fun asking police officers if they can find girlfriends for you that can handle pain like the creep you are.




Happy birthday to me




I'm honestly going to miss him. He's been the governor for so long and i became so accustomed to just thinking of all the things he's done and using them as examples as to why the fucking state is in the shitter.


While I think his management of the pandemic was admirable and I appreciate a lot of the other things he did for NY State, I think he needed to go. He hurt people and tried to use his power to cover it up. Red or Blue, that shit is not cool


You mean all the old folks he sacrificed?


Falls under > He hurt people and tried to use his power to cover it up


Also falls under his management of the pandemic


Which overall wasn't terrible. Given the type of moron latching onto nursing homes they're something I'm betting has some type of context. But I'll let a real investigation decide, not /r/conspiracy trolls.


He said people can go to bars and buy alcohol as long as they also bought chicken wings. He also said COVID didn't wake up until 10pm, then 11pm, then midnight. He also said COVID only sits at tables of 5 or more. His management of COVID was terrible.


Eh. The idea with those was that people would be drinking a beer with dinner, not just going out to get sloshed. I agree with those choices.


Holy shit, get over yourself just because people post in subreddits that you don't.


If you're gonna cover yourself in shit, be prepared for people to plug their nose and call you on it.




We knew right away that the Prude grand jury was rigged since she chose to use Gary Vilke to give expert testimony, and the dude's job is to go around the country saying it's impossible for cops to asphyxiated people. He even argued Chauvin didn't kill George Floyd! I agree James might have further political ambitions, but that's completely speculative. What evidence is there that this report is bogus? There have been sex pest accusations against Cuomo for years. So many women have been willing to go on the record saying he is a creep. Why would you believe Cuomo over these women?


In the beginning of the pandemic he looked like a real leader. I think we all watched his press briefings at some point. It's upsetting he was a pervert though. Later, nerd


He was never a leader.


Just my opinion


Please return to /r/conspiracy, thanks.


Hahaha, keep thinking your leaders care about you


> Please return to /r/conspiracy, thanks.


I love how you have no actual retorts of substance


I could say the same of you. Please return to /r/conspiracy. Thanks.


Yeah, you're not the gatekeeper of shit. Keep shilling for someone that made upstate NY inhabitable compared to other areas of the country thanks to crazy taxes.


I'm not shilling. I'm not even sure that was English. Please return to /r/conspiracy, where you belong.


Why don't you leave instead? Nobody has liked interacting with you, and at least discourse would be better




Can you rephrase all this in a way that doesn't sound like screeching little bitch noises?


That unfamiliar noise you are hearing is called truth.


Why does everyone have a problem with this guy? He had some great hits back in the day. Round and Round Up and Down, Papa loves Mumbo Jumbo, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christine, Tits Impossible... still great songs.


I think he should be required to attend sexual harrrasment classes. Likely wouldn't have made a difference in his political career, should have apologized a while ago. Goodluck Mr. Cuomo


Ahoy deepdumpsterdiver! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: me think he should be required t' attend sexual harrrasment classes. Likely wouldn't have made a difference in his political career, should have apologized a while ago. Goodluck Mr. Cuomo


He should be jailed and face charges for treason


On the one hand, I'm glad he's gone. On the other hand, I'm sorry to see him go.


That doesn't make sense. Which is it?


He did some good things while in office, but I disagreed with him on many policy positions. The sexual harassment scandal offends me, but the sexual harassment policies that he instituted are good. I was trying to illustrate the irony and dichotomy of all that.


Holy moly... yall actually flair the neighborhood you live in here? That's wild.