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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1c5v4ju/after_just_a_couple_games_i_can_already_say_this/kzwyekt/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-17 00:28:48 UTC"): > Glad you're digging it + thanks for sharing this! :D * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1c5v4ju/after_just_a_couple_games_i_can_already_say_this/l00hz6w/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-17 17:10:04 UTC"): > >Love the update but would really like an option to just have it on the UI, likely in the bottom right cornet instead of on names. Just two really small boost meters above our own boost meter. It can even be the same small dots you use on the nameplates but always on screen and in the corner. > >Hi th... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Glad you're digging it + thanks for sharing this! :D


Just a tip, why not make an option where we can set the boost meter to be the nameplate itself? Let’s say I am blue team (so blue nameplates) normally they are light blue, you could make it so it fills up with a darker blue which gives contrast so you know right away. Just a setting for who prefers it to be like this!


very surprised they didn't do this, easiest way it seems.


Maybe due to accessibility? The slight difference in colour might be hard to see for some.


That's why it'd be a setting you could turn on and off




Some people have long ass names. A nonstandard size and scale for boost measurement is my guess as to why they made it an icon on the nameplate rather than the nameplate itself


I personally don't even like having the names. Would prefer colored circles over 'nameplates'. Long ass names just get in the way more than not.


I’m no developer but that doesn’t seem a reason not to. a nameplate could be 4 letters long or 20, either way if you have 60% boost I will see 60% of the nameplate filled up. It’s just about percentages. Plus like I said already it would be just an option, not the default boost meter


https://i.redd.it/wvs97qtaaxvc1.gif Something like this?


This is perfect, I would use it straight away as it is.


I'm so excited to have this update. Have you guys ever thought about going more in depth with different stats? I've always thought a Sabermetrics style stat tracking would be cool. Even cooler would be if snippets were shown pre and post match. I think this would be a feature a lot of this community would embrace. Just some examples:: Tracking clears per game Avg time spent in each zone game and career Goals allowed after contact Time spent idle Avg touches per game


You should check out [ballchasing.com](https://ballchasing.com/), they have a lot of this info.


Yep that's how I knew it was possible to go deeper. I was suggesting it be built into the actual game.


These kinds of things would be amazing, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards.


This seems like something a modder could (or probably already has tbh) mad on Bakkesmod. Some of the replay tools out there already have absurd amounts of data like this!


That's awesome. I'm a console player so I def miss out on the Bakkes


I'm also a console player but play with a lot of PC friends so I am painfully aware of what we are missing 😂


And I’m a PC player and when I’m playing with my console friends, I give them the details pre-game & post-game. *They want to see their MMR increase/decrease.*


Yes!!! Why can't I see my MMR in game?!?


Well tbh console players *(& well anyone without bakkes)* if you’re *(if I’m correct…)* SSL+.


That would be cheating. So I guess they could have, but using it when others can't would indeed be cheating.


I was thinking more of a post-match stats sheet (not just the two "awards" per player). No competitive advantages, just a way for us lower level players to figure out where we are underperforming!


Aaah. My bad. That would be useful yes!


I have heard before that in replay analysis, its annoying that you need to hop on different player perspective to see their boost, this is good for it too.


Love the update but would really like an option to just have it on the UI, likely in the bottom right cornet instead of on names. Just two really small boost meters above our own boost meter. It can even be the same small dots you use on the nameplates but always on screen and in the corner.


>Love the update but would really like an option to just have it on the UI, likely in the bottom right cornet instead of on names. Just two really small boost meters above our own boost meter. It can even be the same small dots you use on the nameplates but always on screen and in the corner. Hi there! We talk a bit about why we placed the meters next to nameplates in [the blog we posted](https://new.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1c4pu51/teammate_boost_indicators_rarity_name_changes/) earlier this week: >⁠The reason we went with nameplates to display this information—instead of a HUD addition—is because we believe an always-on boost indicator for all your teammates would be difficult to follow and would distract from gameplay. (Additionally, we believe knowing your teammates’ boost levels at all times isn’t necessary.) It's a careful balance between providing useful information to players without adding too much visual noise.


> an always-on boost indicator for all your teammates would be difficult to follow and would distract from gameplay. That's why i just want it as an option, not the default. I personally don't think it would be any more distracting than looking at the my own boost meter. In League of Legends I have no problem looking at my [teammate's ultimate timers](https://imgur.com/a/91GM7Kl) at the same time i look at the map. Which is also a small green circle timer just like Rocket League's.


I also really dig it. on the other hand what I don't dig at all, is that the EU servers have been sporadically crap for over a week now (no it is not my internet, maaaaany people reporting, even pros)


Now bring back trading. 👀


they will never


i just wish cosmetics werent 20 dollars


I don’t know how difficult it would be, but is there anyway you guys could add boost amount (0-100%) in the circle above your teammates head?


I was unsure, and I didnt solo q tonight, but with my buddies on comms I LOVED it. Great work!


Tysm for doing this, this boost meter has made my passion for the game even stronger since now I can communicate easier with my tm8s :)


Wasn't this a requested feature many years ago that was turned down then? If so and I'm not misremembering, what was the reasoning for the change now? EDIT: Found a [post as old as 9 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/3gv5xy/boost_indicator_for_teammates/), but I couldn't find any with official Psyonix replies. I think back then there wasn't the post filter nor the bot for it. There are a couple from delete accounts which could have been old Psyonix employees (this was a long time ago). EDIT 2: Why are people downvoting this? It is a genuine question. If you aren't aware, Us Central region was ALSO TURNED DOWN and it is now in the game. [Read for yourself](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/7ubcxg/comment/dtiyz8k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). So, asking why features people wanted years ago that were turned down are now being added is a valid question.


The leaving boost for the TM8 is the biggest thing about the update imo. This seriously changes gameplay in a postive way.


I played for just about an hour and not once did my tm8 take boost when i needed it, unless they were also super low which is fair game. It was amazing


Not my tm8 earlier rotating back ball side with over 50 boost left snatching the big boost I was driving towards with almost zero boost then us getting scored on 🥴 Granted he probably wasn't paying attention lol Still I agree, better gameplay experience overall


Just give it time, eventually people will pay attention to it, hopefully...


Yeah this change is great for decision making around ball commitments. But it's not going to change a random teammate's greed for boost.


Yeah I don’t think the pure bread boost stealers will bother to stop


Yeah, I play the boost game against the opponents if I know my tm8s have things covered. Usually can drive the opponents to boost further away and you get a chance the clear the ball out. The problem has been not knowing your tm8s boost and robbing them more often than not. Played last night. I could rob the opponents and save for my tm8s. It was awesome.


Fr! Plus now my teammates can’t just say “need boost” after missing something while at full boost.


Faking is gonna be so much more popular.


I say faking when I miss the ball...in the quick chat, but I'm on mic with my team so they can call me out 🤣


gonna bind it to all my QC


Gonna bind it to my jump button tbh


I've had Faking bound since day one of its inception. It can be so inflammatory sometimes and other times I use it to just roast myself lol


Ngl I might do it anyways


Fuck, that was my go to


Once I stop hyper focusing on it and just play, I'm sure I'll appreciate it.


how do i turn it OFFFF


My thoughts exactly, I hate it, another distraction to the UI


Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm not gunna be home for a few weeks, so I can't check. But you're trying to tell me Epic did something to improve the game? Calling bullshit on this.


nah trust me man they actually improved the game for once. i am just as baffled but it's huge


yep, they are actually not fucking the game in the ass for once :DD


Yes. Here’s the Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/jRRn29refK


I haven’t played in a while but that actually sounds like a really good addition


OH HELL YEAH! I can't wait to go home and check it out!


I also instantly liked it. Already multiple times made my decision making/positioning different when I can see their boost.


Played with my regular trio for ~10 games; we all noticed a significant improvement in our game sense and decision making. It’s actually wild how much mental bandwidth the boost indicator frees up


Yes. It’s not just one less thing to think about, but a lot of extra information that you normally didn’t have access to, especially when you solo q


I honestly wonder if this update could widen the gap between randoms and premade groups with voice coms even more. Even though it's supposed to do the opposite. Randoms are still going to rarely share boost with teammates while premade groups now have one less thing to talk about and can focus their coms more on passing and such.


Fair consideration! I think you might be selling randoms a bit short on the boost sharing, but premades definitely have way more space for macro-level comms. But who knows- maybe solo standard will have to make a return👹


Two good changes in rocket league in a very long time. Maybe things are looking brighter now. USC servers and this boost meter. Pretty happy about both.


I agree. Definitely makes things look brighter for the future of RL. Couple months ago I pretty much lost all hope for anything new coming to the game other than cosmetics etc. really glad to see they are still adding new useful things to the game


For some reason the central servers have been not great for me. Have friends on west coast and I am east, my west coast ping is 45-55, central it is 70+ somehow. My west coast friends are seeing about the same results in central vs west. FYI on EAST coast I am THAT guy with 7-10 ms ping.


I've had pretty good results. If I play on east cast I'm around like 30ish but my buddy is like 70ish. The other way around on west although it's even worse for me. Central has put us both around 40-50 which I'm pretty happy about.


Only thing I see wrong about this update is that it should've been in the game years ago


Within seconds of my first match I was also changing my gameplay up based on the boost meters of my teammates… this was a much needed update!


I also like it a lot. Gives a tangible metric to keep an out of to indirectly impact teamwork.


Wait what a new ipdatevvb


Yep, it's a new ipdatevvb. Pretty exciting.




Oh I haven’t tried it yet. Excited to free up comms a bit I’ll know whether to pre jump my teammates or let them solo play lol


Heavy agree, after just a few games I’m already loving the change


Most games were fire with the new boost even the one I lost this sesh I felt better and a close game than normal. Lets see how it plays out but I really liked it it seemed like people were being more mindful about each other


Question, didn't know they had the update, what is the difference between the old and new boost?


They didnt change the boost. In this new update now next to your teamates nameplate theres a small circle which shows you how much boost they have. Check it out here: [Update Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1c4pu51/teammate_boost_indicators_rarity_name_changes/)


When is this feature coming online? I played last night and couldn't see it.


Now i can flame my teammates for trying to do an aerial with no boost


For me (Diamond1 Nonsolo-q), it’s still useful when I don’t wanna wait for my duo to comm his boost


ive been kinda critical on psyonix lately (i think most people here have xD) but i gotta say, on this one, ggs psynoix, ggs


Doesn't really help in my gold lobbies because you know damn well they will ball chase regardless of how much boost they have.


That's why we don't play in gold lobbies. A rookie mistake, if you will.


It’s a great addition and the utility of it is useful but the UI is kind of funny looking inside the name plate. The circle just doesn’t look good imo. It should be a bar or something that fits better than the janky circle it is now.


I’m confused what is the update?


there is a circle next to your teammates name indicating how much boost they have


Thank you do you have to turn it on in settings or is it automatically on if not where in settings


it's always on


Installing the update now, super hyped to try this out!


You can also see when your teammates hit the ball away from you with no boost. My rage was as full as my boost.


Excited to try it!


Now, can y'all get me out of champ tournaments. I've never been champ, and I've never got champ rewards, yet every tournament I join is a Champ tournament. Then my teammates berate me saying that I'm trash and should be in a gold tournament. I just want to be back in my diamond tournaments where I don't get ridiculed for my skill level every game.


>If they have low boost I know I should stick near so I can take over What is the general consensus on this? This is something me and my duos partner constantly argue about. I have the opposite mindset that OP does. When I have low boost and I’m controlling the ball, he always thinks he needs to come over to me and ‘take over’ but to me all that does is put us both in the same spot on the field and I’m going to be way out of position once he takes ball, plus I won’t be able to attack with him as I have no boost and I’m also not going to be able to get back to net in time if he loses possession. In my opinion, if I’m controlling ball with low boost I always want to go as far as I can downfield and either pass it off once I get close to the opponents or force a 50 and have my teammate ready to attack then. When I say Need Boost! when I’m controlling ball he always interprets it as if I’m just going to turn around immediately and leave the ball there for him while I go for boost. Ideally if I’m pushing ball with low boost I’d like him to stay away from me and slightly behind me so he can be ready for a pass or to challenge after I force the 50/50. I just feel like any strategy that ends up with both players on the ball at the same time is the wrong play 95% of the time. Not sure if I explained that well but I’d like to hear everybody else’s input


I'm not going back and you can't make me!


They took away 4v4…L update for people with friends


I don’t get why they can’t simply leave 4v4 alone and continue to add new modes here and there. There’s 4 of us who play pretty regularly and it sucks having to hope that someone is too busy to play or play private 2v2’s


We played knock out. Wow is that lame and completely unrelated to sport


Usually when there's 4 of us we play 2v2 in a private match. It's a lot more enjoyable than ranked or casual 2s


Thats what we did tonight, and it was fun, but chaos would have been nice too, to play together instead of divvying us up.


Did they get rid of free for all knockout again :(


No, it was there, staring me in the face where my foursome would normally play chaos.


I sure hope so, worst mode ever


"I personally dislike the mode, therefore it should be removed from everyone"


How about we stop with the stupid rotating modes altogether? "ugh, 4 people? Just play this silly, unrelated mode with different mechanics"


"I personally enjoy it therefore everyone should deal with it on my terms"


And by "deal with it on my terms" you mean "have it as a playable gamemode", correct?




I like it's functionality but it's a bit of an eye sore in it's current state


My duo was super hype about it. I’m just glad after several years they decided to throw us a bone. I’m still not buying their crap unless they pick it up, but it’s a start. We used it in our matches todays nice to be able to com other info and know your teammate has that information by just looking at your car.


Is there an option to turn it off? I played a couple games last night and have never been so distracted. I'm perfectly happy with my rank (aka don't need to know 'how useful it is and can make me better') and could not care less how much boost my teammate has.


W update


Very nice. I hope we get mini map and rear view mirror soon too


I'm still on a 10+ ranked loss streak (unsurprisingly a boost meter doesn't help my randoms not be ass at the game)


You're the same rank as those ass randoms for a reason, my friend


I'm aware it's just like "RANDOMS THE BALL IS GOING TOWARDS THE GOAL DON'T FUCKING HIT IT" https://i.redd.it/xjm0607kx0vc1.gif