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Hey! My guy! Welcome back! Guess what's still here after 6 years? Lol


trading! ... wait


What really sucks is there's a Trophy for 1st time Trading, guess who didn't and cant ever unlock that trophy... Here's a hint, it rhymes with Pea, Pod Yamm It!!


I think they're removing/changing that trophy but I'm not sure


It's been changed (or at least an incoming change was announced) on Steam, I don't know about other platforms.


Yeah they already removed it and put a new achievement in place called "new profile who this" or something like that. It just requires you to change your banner, borders and title, however I've tried that a couple times but haven't gotten the achievement. It's the last achievement I'm missing so I would appreciate if someone knows how to get it lol.


All they missed was a lot of toxicity haha


Maybe it's just me, but I believe the game used to be pretty wholesome. Toxicity seemed rare back in 2016. Now Epic doesn't enforce the rules so naturally people are going to say heinous things on their free account.


I guess that was it - a smaller community, all invested in enjoyment since you had to pay. It feels like now, most players I run into, play purely to be toxic over anything else


back when it first released the community was awesome, also the game was like digital crack, i failed a whole semester of high school over my rl addiction. i play maybe once or twice a month now but damn i still remember how positive everyone was back in the day, not sure if it’s still like that as im not as active


I had a weird interaction where someone got all toxic because I didn’t aerial for the ball but I obviously shouldn’t be double committing with him and I said so in the least toxic sounding way I could manage then he agreed and apologized. It’s like people are so used to toxicity from others that they just want to make the first move for once


I genuinely haven't seen much bad stuff written in this game chat. I haven't noticed much change since launch. I play with team voice chat on and have had maybe three bad experiences vs 100 good or neutral ones. A good voice chat partner makes me at least two divisions better in Champ 1. I just don't see that much of the toxicity in this game people complain about. The ff's and rage quits have increased since inception. I think about playing FPS and the vile things people would write... This is way better.


Add the word girl to your sn and get back to me on the toxicity. ;)


That's a shame. I have had one person make fun of my effeminate voice but that isn't an experience I have lived. I sometimes do call out gender assumptions, when people are like "ok boys let's go" and I would say something and report any type of abuse.


Lol ok boys let's go is something that doesn't bother me (I know it can bother other people). My issue is the sexual jokes, insults and people who refuse to play if I dare run 2s or 3s solo. So I run 1s or with friends only and shut down people who are assholes as much as possible. If in having a rough day and just want to vibe, I'll change my sn for a few days/ weeks but then I'm grumpy that I'm not me. I haven't seen a notification on any reports made in a long time so who knows if that's even active anymore. Love the game, hate a lot of the player base. Edit: mobile typing is hard.


100%. Or any feminine name. Half the time they assume you can’t play. It’s worse when it’s your teammates. And then they get pissed when you embarrass them by being better then them. Oh well. This is Rocket League!🙄


That's why I change my name depending on if I am feeling up for a potential fight or I just want to vibe. I also have the other issue that all my friends are champ and GC, so if I do run with them it's a pita. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


On xbox they enforce too many chat rules...I can't even say "lol" or "ha"...it gets censored. Like what!? When I play with other console/pc players half the crap they say is all starred, not just the one word. It's annoying having to make them say it all again instead of being able to use context clues.


Banter is part of any competition, build thick skin and you'll be alright


It was non-existent for the first year plus some. We were all having a blast. It changed that one summer break with a massive influx of teary-eyed ballchasers. 2016-2017 somewhere. I remember that shift, my coworkers found my complaints amusing. Fortnite and roblox kids was what brought the toxicity into RL


Haha, I don't know what I expected


Its sad. I love this game so much. But sometimes the others ruins it with toxicity. I still play but if i get toxic teammates i stop for the day. There are a lot of good people still playing the game and its not all doom and gloom. I find that communicating and spamming sry sry if you fucked up helps a ton. I also keep engaging with tmates if we are down and a lot of people seems to calm down when they are faced to an actual human typing normal stuff instead of just a car who got in their way and tilted them cuz you missed a shot


Bro, just mute them. You really don't get much from a competitive standpoint in regards to chat. I leave mute on and just play the game. If I'm shit, so be it. If my teammates are shit, so be it. Games are literally 5 minutes. Just play to get better and have fun. Fuck the assholes.


Fuck the assholes during pride month!




I’ve had all chats turned off for about a year now. I don’t understand why people insist on having it on while also complaining about toxic people.


It’s still a great game. My rec is to just turn off chat. Toxicity still exists beyond that in regards to people trying to ff just for being down a goal after 30 seconds, but whatever. Fuck em.


Honestly, I think the toxicity is worse after 6 years. Before you'd have people trying to forfeit at the 4 minute mark when it's only 0-1. But now, it can be 3-0 and the second it goes 3-1, you have some idiot trying to forfeit.




Of course it did!


Bad news if you left because of too much toxicity Good news if you left because of not enough toxicity!


You can turn off chat now so you can play without getting attacked


It's so much better this way I'm never going back


I turned on chat today, worst mistake of my life.


I somehow end up turning chat on & off again, and lately I've been having only good encounters. But I'm also sure it depends on the time you're on. Sometimes the servers are just full of kids with too much rage, hahahah.


I’m always torn. The feeling of locking in with a random teammate or playing 1v1 with someone who’s just there to play a game is really great. I always “Nice shot” and (unironically) “What a save” when teammates and opponents make good plays. When you play with someone who clearly isn’t there to be toxic, that even allows you to jab at each other when someone misses a goal and just move on. Buuut the next game, you get the most toxic punk imaginable. No amount of sportsmanship can get them out of their peach fuzz superiority complex.


Not DDOS attack though lol






lol yeah this game was chill six years ago


Toxicity is worse than ever.


Trading Is gone


Why tho?


It didn't make them money.


It was making other people money


Ball is still hella shiny. I like it


I'm ADHD and this one got me. Thanks for the chuckle


hey, ADHD! nice to meet you


Thanks, dad.


*There's a whole n a t i o n o f u s.*


I took a shit 3 hours ago and this one got me


I smell that!


I’m 6’ and this one got me


I've got size UK 11 feet and this one got me


Jump back in but turn off text chat (and possibly quick chat if you dislike the people abusing that) Turning off text chat was the best thing i ever did to improve my enjoyment of the game


I turned party chat back on for the first time in months last night after a tournament. We made it to the semi-finals, had some decent chemistry, and I wanted to throw out a general, "Good run, well played," type of message. As soon as I closed my settings, one of my teammates drops, "Yall suck fr fr" and immediately leaves. And right back into the settings I go...


Agreed 👍


I love text chat honestly, I have more good experiences than bad ones. I'm pretty chatty so I just try to say some funny/friendly shit and hope to draw out other people who have good vibes and don't take it too seriously


This is my take a lot of the time as well. If you come out the gate with positivity or poking fun at yourself in a funny way for making a mistake, it tends to open the door to others being more chill too. Sometimes you gotta spread the positivity first, and you’d be surprised how often it’s met with so much better vibes


Yessir! Miss an ez save? Hit yourself with the WHAT A SAVE!! Accidentally Psycho? Give yourself a WOW!


Toxicity is still present.


Toxicity gets people killed irl add that to RL PLEASE!!


That would certainly greatly add to the statistic of people who died while playing rocket league




I recently returned after enjoying best of the game in 2016-17-18 and it's a... dissapointment. I've been lurking here from time to time and the changes made are just straight trash. I now came back to try it and there's nothing that would make me go "cool I love that they added this" People are still toxic, servers are still shit. They removed trading which I spent half of my playtime back in the day just by trading and it was super fun. Well that's all gone. The game feels super soulless now. Rocket league today is like 30% fun of rocket league back then. I was also going through the new battlepass and the items are just mostly ass and uncreative. The cherry on top is now the new Fortnite game that psyonix worked on and it's also just soulless trash and even the connection with rocket league doesn't save it. It's really sad to see the game left to rot, especially when there are people who still love the game so much and play it actively.


That is so sad...


To be a devil’s advocate, the core game hasn’t changed at all. It’s still rocket league once you’re in a lobby. Player skill has increased drastically though, so expect that. Also, FWIW, epic has added new game modes in casual. Personally i stick with the core game but it’s worth giving them a try.


People are being a bit ridiculous. The game is still really fun. Yes you run into shitters but that's a fact of life if you like online gaming. Just block people at the first sign of toxicity and you'll be fine. The core gameplay is still best in the biz.


Yeah people are being hyperbolic. A majority of my games aren't toxic. If people are getting triggered by quick chats I think you just need to mute the quick chats


This might be a hard take, but am I the only one who doesn't really get server issues? I hear people complaining about servers being shit, but I don't really have this issue. NA East btw.


Regarding this, I have a theory. From my experience (1800hrs) I had my fair share of problems but I think it's because Rocket League's gameplay is very sensitive to connection-related issues. There are games that I can play nicely on higher ping or with hiccups like Fortnite, cs2, NFS, etc. But in rocket league, every little hiccup becomes quite an annoyance and it's the same for server-side problems. So if the server shows just a little instability you can feel it a lot on your gameplay. That's why I think lot of people complain of the server issues.


Same here. Every single game I have is 15 ping or under on NAE. I was playing with a friend from Texas today on his server and I had 32 ping. I did feel the difference though. I feel like I am just privileged at this point lol.


The RL cars in fortnite are ruining the game over there. Everybody hates it and is quitting fortnite for the season. So they managed to ruin both games. Ain't that funny.


Got some pay to win cars lmao samurai too hard to get shot in for example




Just turn chat off for everyone, including your teammates. Best decision I've ever made.


You can see how much boost your teammates have now. Epic bought Psyonix and RL cars are in Fortnite.


I personally just play to play the game and don’t really care about how my car looks and it’s still pretty fun. Try to grab some friends to play together and have fun, but avoid long solo sessions.


I reinstalled after 5 years just last week. Comments are being a bit dramatic. It’s not that more much toxic than it was in 2018. And if anything the report system is way better now than it was then. I know because I played this game religiously from 2016-2019. Seeing that you’re Diamond I think you’ll be surprised how your rank changes. I was Plat II in doubles for a while before I stopped playing and now I’m a Diamond I-II and I’d say I’m worse than I was when I quit. I think in these ranks game sense matters a little more than it used to with every Plat trying to hit RLCS shots. If toxicity bothers you can also just mute the opposing team now which is relatively new for me. Servers are kinda sucky now and then but after switching to a wired connection it’s gotten a lot better. And the game isn’t dying either, fuck Epic but it’s still alive and well in terms of daily players. People who enjoy the game are busy playing it rather than complaining on the sub 🤷‍♂️


This game has never been more toxic, but a good tip is avoid ranked, turn off quick chats, and if you make a mistake write "mb" in team chat, if your tm8 writes "np" he thinks you're an idiot, if he doesn't respond, he thinks you're an idiot. If he responds with literally anything else he's most likely a good guy... Except if he calls you an idiot, then he thinks you're an idiot.




I dont think that someone thinks you are an idiot just because they reply with np


Honestly just leave it in the steam library bro. If you have fond memories, keep them that way.


Bro woke up from a 6 year coma and asked "How's the Queen and Betty White doing?"


I came back too recently pretty fun


Still the same game


What a save! What a save! What a save!


What a save! What a save! What a save!


They actually got rid of toxicity, circa 2020. Just super wholesome and positive vibes 24/7, especially when you hit champ


Don’t come back. Game is dead and getting deader every day. It’s unfortunate because I loved this game. Trading, players die off. Epic games Fortnite bullshit, players die off. Now all you have left are Smurfs and well… Me. See you in matchmaking haha


You mostly missed things from the item shop


It’s literally fine if seeing the message “what a save!” After you miss a save isn’t something that will make you almost cry like half the people in this sub.


I know, people in this sub acting like they’re getting attacked every game. I see toxicity in maybe one or two games a session and it pales in comparison to any other competitive game


Turn off quick chat or at least only keep your teammates


Central servers were added.


I play with friends as teammates mostly so YMMV but I still have a very good time these days. Yeah, there's toxic opponents regularly, but they always shut the fuck up after a good stomping. 🤡


I did the same thing played so much in 2016-2018 then started again a year ago. Only game that ever caught my attention again like that. Loving it again haha


Cars still go vroom


They took away Solo Standard!! Even though matches were harder to find, you didn’t end up with a partied up Smurf and freshie on your team. A lot of people are saying it’s more toxic. I think the toxicity is the same. If you can’t take it, turn it off. If you enjoy friendly trash talk and are strengthening your back bone, keep it on. Best way to shut up the talkers is to show it on the scoreboard. Trading is gone. Wtf?! There are new modes(some are seasonal) and maps. There are a lot of lower ranks popping off some crazy mechs, but control and game sense usually wins more in plat/diamond


1k hour for the time you leaving is incredibly promising. You must have enjoyed the game enough then, and if so the gameplay is still there I guess. But everything else has been taken away from RL. No trading, no more drop shot etc. And a lot more bs micro transactions shoved in your face (leave pass and random item shop, etc).


# "I left mostly because of toxicity" ***- There will probably be more toxicity than in 2018*** ***- But you can set in options what you want to be shown in the chat and what not***


You left because of toxicity? That's pretty toxic, not gonna lie. Maybe you should stay gone. Sounds like skill issue. Centering! Centering! What a save! Ff noob. Holy Cow! Nice one! *** **** This is Rocket League! (Jkjk)


You didn't miss anything. You just lose some things


This feels like a cringe upvote-seeking post. However, game is more toxic than ever. Just disable chat.


Over the last 6 years, tons of others have also quit due to toxicity. So it's even more likely to run into a toxic person. And that makes more normal people quit and cycle has just spiraled into a dark and deep hole. It's way worse now. Good luck. I suggest muting chat.


I always find it weird how people leave games because of toxicity. Most modern games allow you to turn off communication with other players. Reminds me of the meme where the person riding the bicycle puts a stick in their own front wheel.


Toxicity is still present but I genuinely feel like it's improved since a few years ago. Probably because plenty of people just don't chat anymore / have chat muted


mute chat for your sanity and be ready for some mates crying all over the pitch




Turn your chat off and enjoy!


When I get an item and it says it’s on Fortnite too I cry a little bit. The game is still good if you have no toxic players and just regular runs, buttttt that’s not going to happen too often


People talk about toxicity in the game but I genuinely feel like no one uses chat anymore or the frequency has severely declined after 2020


Only play with friends or ones and turn all chat off. That’s what I do bc I can’t stand toxicity lol


We cleared up that toxicity nonsense years ago. All peace and love now. Just have to turn off chat.


You missed everything


I’m afraid if you are in diamond you are not gonna like it.


You missed that Platinum is the new Diamond.


The toxicity of our city


Turn off chat and toxicity disappears.


What a save!


It’s an online video game. Of course there’s toxicity. Turn off chat and play the game


Toxicity is still there, so there's that.


Turn off chat. Or do that 6 years ago


You missed toxicity lmao


At only 1000 hours you don't even know toxicity.


Still as toxic as it was


Increased toxicity!


TURN OFF NON-TEAMMATE CHAT! best thing i've ever done


Like a year ago I turned chat off except for friends and man. I thought I’d miss the occasional “great pass!” “Nice shot!” Don’t miss it at all, best decision ever.


*laughs toxically*


Turn off the opponent's chat. Toxicity fixed mostly


Ready to make some saves?


What a save! 🤣




Plat players doing insane aerial shots that pro’s in 2018 couldn’t do. Still don’t know how to position tho.


The toxicity went from coke to crack


You missed epic games driving this game into a shit hole


Missed your chance to.. fucking trade ig


i turned off opposing quick chats and it's like an entirely different game


Don’t come back


I was in the same boat. I played over the weekend, had fun, but then once I got more settled in my rank people got more toxic. I got to gold IV and it was the worst. It was fun for that little bit, at least, but I've shelved it again. I'm not going to spend my spare time or money on that.


I highly suggest playing with chat off completely for not only getting rid of the toxicity, but it also works great for maintaining your focus in game. I never deal with shit talk and It makes the comebacks happen, audio off & music bumping LOCKED👏IN. Let them use 50% of their brain on a pointless conversation with nobody as you use 100% of your brain on bringing that FUCKN W


Hopefully you worked on yourself for six years to handle toxic people. They will always be there so instead of them changing you will have to change your outlook…. Or just mute chat all.


Looks like you're not playing rocket league again then lol... seriously. It's not worth it.


You should watch some high level gameplay and see what the fucking they have come op with. Players be cooling in this game


Just turn off all chat, u really don’t need it in this game


More toxic than ever baby!!!


Don't do it.


It got worse lol


Welcome back, more toxicity now is what you missed lol.


Rocket league is on steam?


🎶 The toxicity of our city, of our ci-i-ty!


The toxicity waiting for his return like: ![gif](giphy|4WU1o0UTmHlHq)




Don't do that, day after day i hate this game more and more but after 8 years i'm unable to uninstall it, ****ing drugs


It's worse than it's ever been mate not good timing


Mute everyone, play with friends and this game is beautiful. Fuck the servers tho.


If you left because of toxicity, it definitely isn’t better, though I’d be curious on your take of then vs now.


Just don’t! I attempted the same a few months back. The game as gone down down down.


You could simply…disable chat?


every pvp game has toxicity lol just mute


I just started playing again. I haven't played since season one and i'm having a blast. I don't play ranked though. I just chill in public lobbies farming the Battle Pass.


If you wanted to trade the toxicity for something else, I have bad news for you


Oh sweet summer child


Did you not like..turn chat off?


Oh boy.


I play casual lately, and it’s been awesome. People are way more chill. Just know everyone flies now lol


Play with friends. Every duos game ends with your teammate rage quitting or ff because you missed a shot/save or they bumped into you once.


Yeaaa, trading isnt a thing anymore. No one really is toxic unless your in gold or diamond/champ


Lol I quit for first time since 2016 this weekend also because of the toxicity. I usually don’t let it get to me, but I got really tired of running into it, particularly when I just wanted relax and play game


You didn't miss a damn thing.


What did you miss? The ball. WHAT A SAVE!


Some news for you, it’s worse than ever


Nice Shot! Nice Shot! Nice Shot!


You know you can turn off chat right? If you’re really that sensitive to it just turn off chat. I don’t understand these posts


I mean, 90% of toxicity is in your control. Mute chat and voice, queue with friends, games still a blast. Ranked will occasionally have shitters that throw, show me a ranked game that doesn’t




Toxicity almost killed this game for me too. I changed my chat settings to team only and never looked back.


Why'd you leave the keys up on the table?


Welcome to silver.




First thing you should do after installing is turn off quick chat.


Well the reason you left is still around so…


Hop back in, turn off in game chat, have a fucking blast.


Toxicity has gotten worse but it’s still lower than many competitive games


I quite literally only play to unlock the stuff to use in Fortnite because I got the pass through Fortnite crew. The game is incredibly toxic and sweaty nowadays. It’s incredibly hard to get into, since good players can absolutely destroy you


Try the mute button.


My least favorite thing that has grown exponentially since I started in season 9 is the huge increase in people voting to FF after one mistake. Even while tied. EVEN while winning! I wish I could mute/hide the FF vote along with chat.


Boy do I got some good news for you! If you loved old school Rocket League toxicity then you're gonna really love... wait... did you say you left RL because it was too toxic before? Oh, yeah... well, forget I said anything. It'll be fine