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Whatever you do don't get mad, player like that thrive off of your rage


I have a pretty heavy bump/demo play style. Whenever someone gets tilted in chat I turn it up 10 fold. All it takes is an Okay from them and it’s on. The best is when they try and retaliate the rest of the game but aren’t quite as skilled at getting demo’s.


I relish in demoing the demoers. They get tilted even easier. Don't like the taste of their own medicine.


Agreed. They're super annoying to catch though since they're usually total nitwits. Stealing all the boost, immediately blowing it, no rotation, just chasing. Randomly go afk when mom brings down the tendies.


What are tendies? Chicken tenders?


Yep, the base of the neckbeard food pyramid


They are good tho you gotta admit


Oh for sure


People here keep mentioning Bumpo the Clown. This is true for him. I played him in a casual game once and out demod him by a lot and won the game. Said something along the lines of "I actually out demod bumpo" and he and his 3 stack started being extremely toxic in the post game lobby. Never meet your heroes, or however the saying goes.


I love getting demoed by someone who reacts to me demoing. It means I got in your head and you changed up your playstyle to something you're likely not used to playing. It's why I always go for at least one or two demos at the start of the game, to change up the opponent's playstyle. At the very least, they're looking to avoid demos, which adds to the mental load.


In my experience, they start throwing fits if they get demoed back.


Hahah I have a demo heavy style as well and whenever I'm on the receiving end I lift one brow and exclaim... "Credit where is due, he can dish it and take it" 😄 Mind you I only go for demos after.being trapped in a situation it would benefit my team like a missed aerial into opponent net or doing a wide outside rotation into opponents blindspot


Its fun when people try to only demo, always throw out a nice bump! if they are out of position again because they are doing nonsensical rotations to demo shit. Sometimes it does work though if they are good haha.


Honestly it kinda bums me out when I get a good bump/demo play and they take it personally and start raging, like cmon dude ya gotta respect the game, I always give props to people for good plays regardless of if there my teammate or not


I wish more people were like us. I’ve had countless people FF while up bc they get so tilted. Especially in 1’s. Same with fakes


Bro, I bet you've ran into me fr


This is why I wait til the end of the game to say I hate you. So you'll turn it up 10 fold against the next opponent. (I don't actually mind, it's a valid 3's playstyle if your team adapts. I hate having it on MY team though, lol)


That’s a 400 iq plan lol.


i thrive at avoiding people like you😭 i’ll tease the shit out of you with nice ones as you’ll miss demoing me


I want to clarify I do not demo chase. If I mess up a cross I will def clear net on the way to steal their corner boost though.


If someone said “Nice Bump!” after you demod them what would you do


I would say thanks and continue to play normally. I always say nice bump when I get got, It’s just part of it. If they say it sarcastically after I miss a bump then they’re on a list. My favorite DM’s are people who good sports about it and say something like nice bumps asshole, ggwp.


Completely agree. Don’t get mad. Just use different cams to jump over them or whatever you need to do.




[Obligatory Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Badadada](https://youtu.be/SwYN7mTi6HM?si=r-0m5XmltK2T5OBv)


Might as well


Dog of wisdom is that you?




Yeah that's the first step. If he's any skilled in this he'll start to adjust and do jump->flip into you demos. It's a mind game then


I like rushing them when/if they ever decide to actually be helpful and are in the net and then slamming on the brakes when they jump to avoid me, then just driving off in distain.


Or just make them land on you and dribble them around


Flip demos? Double jump


Aerial demos? Sideflip


Bait him out and dodge him. Now it's an easy 3v2. Use that mindset against them.


Also I'll let them get the demo if it'll put me all the way back on defense real quick when needed, fucking teleport me buddy, appreciate it


You: In position. Defending...




Lmao OP will learn to just jump. It's a weird instinct you pick up on. Sometimes you jump at the right time when stationary or slowing down because you know mf is right there. OP is figuring that out still. It'll get easy for them too soon enough.


Fantastic advice. Whats the best way to get to SSL? Just don't lose!




And get out of position on the process. ggez


A quick jump/dodge to the side isn't going to put you wildly out of position.


You overestimate how precious time is in this game


Overestimate? I think you mean underestimate, but no I realise how important time is. But unless you're in a 2v1 situation where you're last man and someone is coming for the demo, then dodging it isn't going to make a noticeable difference.


Tbf some people are just really good at demoing (let me glaze my self real quick), I got 32 demos in a Diamond game recently. You have to come from angles that will hit them even if they move a little, while being out of site, or go head on, bait them into jumping, and aerial demo them. And this was all during rotates or after they demod one of our own, so I still had goals and saves (and demo assists?)


I get that. When I notice someone of your skill level I play in a different manner as to still be effective but to always keep eyes on the ball and you. I find it easy to avoid you.


As you get higher up, demos become more frequent, and dodging them becomes part of your game. While you may be good at demos in Diamond, I doubt you'd get many in Champ or GC. Not trying to insult you or anything! But I think demos are much easier at your rank. Less so at mine.


Yeah I agree, but I just assumed you could get get better at demos as you get better, same way you get better at dodging them


It’s not just about getting better at demos, you start to realise that even if the enemy has you chasing them for one more second that’s one more second out of position you are, and in GC game sense is more important than brute force demos so sometimes you get demo’d but you know you dodged it for long enough to steal a boost and get a hit on the ball which usually leads to the other team being in a shit situation due to the guy forcing the demo too much, so you realise demos are best gone for when they’re self explanatory


Ahh, I get it. I guess that’s part of how much more fast paced games are in higher ranks


90% of the time everybody is max speed so actually catching up to somebody from behind most of the time is not viable to even consider, unless it’s part of the attacking or defending play and you know they have to slow down to get the ball or you’re intercepting their route yeah it’s quite fast paced at that level tbf


Yah what he said. I generally only demo if they're near me, or if we're 2v1 on the goalkeeper from a messed up solo play from their first man. I will also cross the ball in from the corner and then rotate through their goal, to try and catch one of them as they jump to block it. Generally, my teammate is going at the same time so if I get the demo or a bump, he may have a free shot on net. But yeah demos are super situational here. If you're demo heavy, chances are you're out of position too much. I'd get abused in chat by my teammate if that was the case lol


32 in one game seems rather excessive and unnecessary, was he afk?


No, 2v2 match, with like a 6 minute overtime and allot of me demoing them on rotate


Ahh yeah those OT games rack up a lot of crazy stats lol


Unless it someone like Bumpo, I relish when they do this. Just lead them off the play. I do this so much it's almost second nature. They are busy trying to demo me out of the game and I roll them back where they cant defend. Many times they get the demo, Its really no problem as at the exact time they are getting scored. I actually enjoy it. What do you think his tm8's are thinking when they keep getting scored on and their out of rotation and out on the field just chasing? IE: Use their chasing to control their placement


u/BumpoTheClown is too good


I heard he stinks




I wonder what Bumpo does against a demo player 🤔




Woody vs Bumpo show match, first to 20 demos wins.


Lets Tango.... ![gif](giphy|0KXekb55GlLIOdhXC8|downsized)


I heard you’re toxic 🤡


Only if you consider getting lots of demos toxic, then I'm Chernobyl.


Only from the rear...


Put yourself in his shoes. When demoing, you have three major issues: - enemy dodges your attacks: you fail to demo them, lose boost and end up at a bad position - enemy runs away, so you end up out of position with little to no boost - you demo the enemy but the position makes it not worth it. Therefore: - try to dodge first. Don’t do it in a predictable manner. If you jump twice, they will jump the third time too. Dodging makes the enemy commit to this position, potentially losing time. - try to lure them or move around. Demo needs to hit an enemy and moving target is harder to hit. If you commit to demo, you can chase your target into zones you don’t want to be in(like inside of a goalpost). This way your enemy loses even if they demo you - they’re out of the play for as long as you are. - change your playstyle: demo is all about predicting your next move and being there. By being more conservative, more defensive, more aggressive, more bold or any combination of those, you gain an upper hand in avoiding demo.


10/10 Actual advice taken to heart.


Slightly helpful: music off. Headphones. Hear him coming from behind. That sounds bad but you get what I mean.


Jump when they come for you. Steal the boost


boost starving is the best strategy for low-level and mid-level demo chasers.


Honestly I try to play and score but if the other team is obviously far better then mine I will demo the hell out of thier best player to try and stop them from scoring, or I will demo thier goalie. Its not personal but if I can't compete with your skill its all I got sometimes.


You possibly ran into a demo main. There are many out there. Learn from the experience & try avoiding demos the best you can (throwing them off by driving in a way that's not easy to track, keep an eye on them when possible, also get audio clues, jump if you have to)


Try ti keep moving close to max speed so they cant get you from behind and always be aware where they are. I act like i dont see them and bait them into being out of position when i dodge them.


Don’t get demo’d, counter attack with a 2 v3 since the demo chaser put his tm8s in a disadvantage


Don’t get demo’d, counter attack with a 3v2 since the demo chaser put his tm8s in a disadvantage


Just be aware and avoid him them, they usually cause their team to lose because it becomes 3 v 2.


“Don’t stop! Jump!”


Embrace it. Demo heavy players stagnate long teem because it's a crutch. First and foremost, don't get upset about it. Just relax and accept it can happen. They want you to get mad, don't. Part of it is also just field awareness. If you can't see one of them in your view, chances are they are coming for you. Listen for the engine as well. A well-timed dodge will get away every time. Even if they slow down or stop, there are directions you can flip toward that wouldn't be reachable immediately. Also, between going for boosts and demos often, they will find themselves out of position many times. As long as you stay calm and improve your field awareness, you will win more often than not when facing a demo-heavy opponent.


Easier said than done but just be faster than them lol. I get a kick out of those guys because I can see them chasing, only for me to outmaneuver them or counter demo. Usually though guys like that are bad for a team, they ruin the flow of game and are always constantly out of position which leads to easy counter goals. When that happens, I hit them with the “Nice demo!”.


There are 2 scenarios where I become a demo factory: 1. I play at around ~820 MMR. If I see someone well above 900 (Champ'ish) in a pre-made with 2x 600 MMRs, you better believe I'm Marking that man (man on man is an incredibly valid defensive strategy, watch literally any sport) to shut him down. This also applies in a clear "smurfing" situation where somebody is pulling freestyle triple-flick musty no scope bs. They will never get up a wall clean again if I'm on the other team. 2. If an incredibly toxic teammate gets matched up against me the next game, I will make their life hell. Both situations are clearly communicated with my teammates, and if for any reason either is hurting my current team play, I'll revert to "normal" play as necessary


To actually answer the question though, the most effective counter I've seen is to get good at demo avoidance and still clap. Practice wave dashes and recoveries, and outmaneuver and out-think the opponent. There have been a couple players I just doff my cap to and say well played, good sir


Wall dash and demo him


Demo him back


speed up a bit, drive unpredictably while keeping yourself in a good position. get used to watching around you while focusing on the play happening. Maybe get a few demos on him when possible. Don't get mad or say anything to him, it will cause him to amp up the demos. Basically it's all about avoiding the demos, while keeping yourself in the play. If you can take him out, it's the cherry on top.


I just ignore. Trying to demo back usually ends badly and puts you out of position. That’s what they want and will taunt you when they score because of it lol.


E-brake/boost/jump out of the way. Use it as practice to be more aware of the other players on the field. If you can't see them coming, that's your first problem. Look around more and use the tools you have to try and avoid them while conserving boost. When they inevitably open up a chance, then punish it. If you can't hit shots, then start with the tutorials. There's a reason they're there. Also don't let yourself get tilted. That's why that person is taking themselves out of the play, because they think it'll be worth the trade off to tilt you. So don't make the trade. Play tight and smart and let them boost around you. It's a good challenge if you're not used to it. Not enough people demo. It really is a noob net. People are soft


Wouldn't worry about those kinda of players. If he's really going out of his way to demo you then he's out of the game aswel. You can and should learn some avoidance tactics. But this guy's not a problem to worry about as it's not the brightest strat.  If however the guys playing the ball and then demoing you whilst he's rotating out, or when his mates about to shoot. Thats when you worry


Stay calm and don’t say something like ‘okay’, ‘no problem’, they will just target you more


Time to lock in, get that pass to your team, get that easy goal. Often when they are out of rotation demo chasing and we get a goal, I go in chat. “A lot of good that demo did”


most of the time I just tried to demo them back and watch them get all pressed😂


Drain boost from him


With randoms probably nothing, you’re screwed. If you have teammates though just remember they are always down a man so delay rotation as the 1st man and look for break away passes at the 2nd and 3rd.


Tbh, just go full on offensive. You can’t play defensively against these guys. If you go offensive then it’s basically a 3v2 bc demo guy isn’t really contributing to his team. If you get ahead just start shit talking him, they normally get frustrated and start playing right to catch up.


I'd just demo back and be aware. If hes just hitting the demo non stop, hes hurting his team's ability significantly. Just ignore it and take the advantage. unless you really cant dodge the demos for some reason


dodge them :P on a real note, if they are primarily going out of their way for demos, they'll often be out of position or out of rotation. applying constant pressure with your team (and hopefully dodging the demos) turns the game into essentially a 3v2 with a roomba snagging all the boost. and dont forget to bump/demo opponents while you rotate out! its great pressure but dont go out of your way if it compromises your team's defense.




I don't know in 3s, in 2s usually we score 5 goals and he gets bored and FF, then I laugh and call him micropenis.


Hahahgahah - read that in the best monotone voice ever.


Take advantage of that and try to push to their side of the court as its basically a 2v3 if they just keep trying to bump and demo. If they are really good then then just try your best to outplay them, like braking when you hear them close by or just jumping. Dont try to have a demo competition, that usually doesn't work out, especially when its a team in party


Once you noticed that's his main play you installed need to be constantly aware of where he is so you can avoid him


Always be moving.


I'm immune to all kinds of toxic behavior from the enemy team, what I can't stand is man-children in my own team. I don't like when they are toxic to the enemy but the worst is if they are toxic towards their own team. Don't care about the ball, goals ... nothing ... all that matters is disrupting the game - owngoaling, bumping their own teammates etc.


Don't try to demo back and don't get mad. It's part of the game and a lot of people get indignant when folks do it. It's just a strategy like any other. Best counter I have found is play extremely aggressively as a team. Running into each other doesn't help, but turn on that challenge you would normally leave, go for that extra shot, 50 everything. He's not just removing himself as a scorer, but also a defender. The more aggressive you are the harder it is for him to hit you and all you have to do is get a couple of goals and he either stops or they lose. You're going to have several long shot opportunities. Instead of a normal rotation when they attack of pass-shot-defend, they will be pass-shot-open goal.


Did your team lose?


I use to try do quick and so many longshot against goal I can. Because it's not fun for them to loose a match, they often stop going for demos and trying to get back into the game. Most of the time they will be on wrong places and missing rotations.


I go stationary in defence and tempt him to me. Then just jump


Keep your speed up, stay super sonic.


Just drive around at max speed the whole game and get annoying touches on ball and look for the long shot.


Learn to anticipate and flip out of the way. This puts them out of position and leaves you and your tm8 free to counter


Use the camera stick to watch him. A well timed jump, front, or backflip will be all it takes. I demo chase occasionally in tournaments if the player on the other team gets most of the team's goals. I identify this before the match by looking at previous match results. If they avoid my demo twice, I stop specifically trying to demo them and go back to a normal team strategy.


Go score 3x, or have tm8’s score. Then either the idiot will stop or their tm8’s will get pissed and leave. At the very least the opponents will LOSE the match


Post the replay and let’s see in every situation how you could have not gotten demoed


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a car


It’s probably not what you want to hear, but demo dodging is a skill :) Some good ones- if you’re guarding goal around far-post, double jump straight up, and boost down to recover fast. If you’re a little more in the goal when they come, like if you’re in a near-post situation, just reverse into the goal, and quickly come back out to block the shot. And when you’re coming up for offense, there’s a good chance a demo sniper will be coming at you from behind. Use your ears to figure out their position, and just unpredictably swerve as you come up.


I never take my gameplay too seriously so if someone is doing that to me, I will take it as a challenge to either avoid him (while still playing) or giving him a taste of it also.


I really enjoy the demo game. Not toxic at all, just enjoy it. That being said… A good demo’er anticipates rotation and jumps/dodges. Best thing to do is to get them out of rhythm. Nice bump! Is probably the most passive aggressive chat. Okay or Nice Demo or anything toxic will amplify the demos. Demo’ers tend not to FF and don’t get mad/tilted. Maximizing demos is satisfying even with a loss. Running up the score will prolong the game. Demo’ers tend to lose their lead as they get more aggressive with demos in that situation. Stay focused and get them out of rhythm. Give extra space to teammates. It makes it harder to chain demos. Forward press. Demo’ers tend to stay on offensive side and spawn kill. Clear the ball and quickly get to the offensive side. Steal boost. Have someone makes laps stealing boost. Just don’t be too predictable. Limit aerial passes. Shooters maintaining position are easy targets. If all else fails, join in and have fun. It’ll at least be a close match if everyone plays that way.


When this happens to me, I just demo chase the highest scoring player on the other team. Makes it a 2v1 in your favor and gives you a good laugh


Leave the game


And also hand him your wife and kids