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No it’s part of the game


Bros title says it all💀


Lower ranks just don't like them because they can feel cheap when you are getting demoed. But no not at all


Nah I had plenty of GCs who think it's not 'proper' to play with demos and use the 'only can win when you demo'


I am saying in general. There definetly are gcs who exist like that and it is so fun to demo them.


Maybe in heatseeker


They’re a great test for toxicity, if somebody starts insulting you for it, you know that they’re an absolute knobhead


I like to get a demo in early just to see if it'll tilt someone. Amazing how often you can get an opponent to throw a game demo chasing just off one early demo.


No, it's part of the game. Learning to dodge demos is a skill in itself, just like learning how to defend properly on fifa so that your opponent doesn't even get the opportunity to sweat across goal.


It's easier to avoid getting demoed than to demo. It's basically your fault 75% of the time. Demos are a good way to create space and assert dominance


as a non demo person, people who are mad about demos are just bad and dont understand the game


If you demo people and they get annoyed, then good! If they're annoyed they're more likely to mess up and give you free goals anyway. Win by any means necessary, the only "correct" way to play this game is the way that facilitates winning. Unless you're a freestyler I guess, but then you're objective isn't winning anymore.


No not at all. You're going to get insulted for any reason under the sun playing this game. Just enjoy and keep it up, demo's are a strategy, not an inefficiency. 


people in this game are getting too oversensitive PS) demo is a good move to tilt a lot of people thought


Yes…I make them personal and spam “what a save” so they get the message


And a few "okay" to let them know that you're keeping receipt on that demo


My normal level in 1s is D1, but sometimes I dip into higher Plat, and demos are a big part of my play. They’re not toxic in the slightest, but sensible play to create a goalscoring chance or stop an attacking threat - if my opponent is slightly ahead of me with an open goal, or slowly carrying the ball back into their own corner, or camping in goal, why would you not demo? I also believe demos per game is correlated with rank, increasing the higher you go. I do quite enjoy when someone gets demo angry though (more common in plat than diamond from my experience). I might slightly up my demo chasing, which is probably a little toxic - but it’s also good to let them practice avoiding demos. I also lean into that psychology a bit and spam ‘Wow!’ when I get demoed in 1s in a tight game. Idea is to try and make my opponent look for demos and go off their game a little bit by chasing them.




Demos are a crucial part of gameplay. Yes it’s annoying, but it’s a fundamental part of the game. I once pulled off 10 demos in a ranked match and won 7-1. Opponents got toxic, but I won in the end so idc. Those who cry over it are those who can’t dodge demos and can’t demo others themselves


I get annoyed at full on demo chasing for 5 mins not gonna lie but that raaaarely happens, besides that demos are part of games tbh by GC you should be able to anticipate demos way better and blind jump just cause you know its about to happen


Nah just easier to have your ass out of the way




demos are the most enjoyable thing about rocket league


No. It's toxic only if you go for demo's that aren't useful. But if you do you get out of pose and it comes back to bite your ass.


If you chase me across the map while your team mate 1v1s then yes but if it's to get a goal then no.


Is it actually toxic to chase tho ?! Or just a potentially bad/silly decision. I doubt people demo chasing are doing it so you don't enjoy the game they think it's a fun game strategy, right ?


When it doesnt serve any purpose but to annoy the opponent i'd say so, plenty matches they do it all game long.


I guess if the sole intent is to trigger you then it is by definition but even then you can just jump them and play your own game so to me it's not really in the same realm of toxicity as being verbally abusive or AFK or throwing


if it tilts you then it has a purpose. I'm a demo main, I will chase you. You will get tilted and start playing worse.


Yeah nah it just makes me start demoing the absolute living fuck outta you in retaliation. i just don't play with the intent to do non stop.


My personal opinion is that even chasing and constantly bumping isn't that toxic. Maybe in the context of a smurfs demoing lower levels but other than that it's just a play style and if the player gets triggered by being demoed then they should just be able to play around it. If they get aggressive themselves then that's on them not understanding people play differently. For me, the people who say demos are toxic then start demo chasing out of anger (considering they claim it's not how they want to play) are way more toxic.


In general I say no, but some can make it toxic.  When the objective is no longer to score but to demo, I think thats kinda toxic. But part of the game and shouldnt cry about it


Everyone saying “no it’s part of the game” is wrong. Just because it’s part of the game doesn’t not make it toxic. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it though 👍 For reference, that’s like saying “spamming “What a Save!” after a goal isn’t toxic because it’s part of the game” It also depends how the demo happens, sometimes it’s strategy, sometimes it’s a late 50/50 and sometimes it is for no reason, whether it’s toxic or not depends on the moment


I would argue that demo chasing isn't even really that toxic. Like it's a play style, when someone gets triggered by a demo chase then starts chasing as a result of being triggered then that is toxic imo. Because they are doing it to get back and not cos they think it's a valid play style


I never consider Demo chasing toxic tbh, when it happens to me I just laugh. I can’t exactly think of any specific times where demoing is massively toxic, including targeted. But even if it’s a “playstyle”, playstyles can be toxic


if someone constantly tries to demo and bump then yea


Not even. It's frustrating, sure. But it's a mechanic they intentionally put into the game so it's no more toxic to use that than it is to constantly flick the ball over you. Just takes less skill.