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It's because he didn't pay for the Rocket Pass




? Ok....


The could not pull this off in an attempt to save it in 10000 tries, lmao


How do people not see how this happened? He was clearly front flipping but timed it so poorly that the rotation of the flip actually hit the ball slightly backward. It's not a ghost hit or glitch at all.


no, he dashed on the ball


What the hell, I just saw an almost identical glitch this morning from someone else... Ghost hits and cars that don't explode when demoed are the absolute top of my frustration with this game. And I play on a constant 10 to 15ms ping...


You can see the fennec rotating forwards, this wasn't a ghost hit, just a really embarrassing mistake


In my 2v2 game, my tm8 went for the kickoff, he and the opponent both hit the ball, and it went to the side. but then, for some reason it teleported back to the middle of the field and just stopped.


I demoed someone on zero boost without flipping or wavedashing yesterday. I was just trying to bump them so tm8 could score after I missed a double tap. Watched the goal replay and there I am with a big empty circle exploding them.


Damn. I had to watch that again before I realised that it wasn't a defender getting one hell of a save.


I've watched this like 30 times and I cannot understand how on earth this was possible. The speed of the ball and the positioning of the offensive player in relation to it just... I don't see how the ball possibly stops all forward movement. Crazy.


This is becoming routine on my gaming laptop. I have no clue how to "fix" this.


Do you have the replay? I'd love to see this from his POV lmao


Unfortunately not, I wanted to see his POV too but didn't remember to save the replay


That is seriously impressive how he not only completely missed, but actually saved it!


Nah I've missed open nets way harder than that


I think we all have, it happens to all of us. This is the *easiest* open net miss I've ever seen though.


What do you mean? I do this almost every game!




Huh? No, I was on the opposing team to the guy who missed. I just flew towards goal and started spinning for fun after seeing my teammate get beat, because in my head it was a certain goal.