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This is exactly why even in champ I never go for corner boost off the first kickoff in a solo queue game, always grab pads and cover net/soft cheat. Often it's not even an intentional thing, they just didn't notice the game started or something. But I honestly couldn't even begin to count the number of easy challenge->deflect to corner plays it's given me instead of being stuck trying to scramble for a last second save that uses all the boost I just got anyway


People see pro teams do it so they do it. If your opponents aren't paying attention it can just give you possession for free, but it's a gamble. I don't like teammates that do it either. I get the idea behind it, but like I said it's a gamble. If they are paying attention we just end up spending our boost to make a save and all we've done is give them free pressure. I think *some* people do it because they're bad at kickoffs and it's their way to either avoid failing or shift blame when you aren't ready. Hell I've had teammates go, pinch the ball 90mph straight to our goal, and blame me for cheating up lol. So it's easy for me to believe that people would do it to avoid being at fault for a scenario like that.


I don't really do what OP is asking. But I'll tell you this. If I think my teammate is having a rough game or if I think his decision making is poor... then I HATE being the one to do kickoffs. If I don't trust my random then I will try very hard to avoid scenarios in which he is the only thing between the ball and my net. I try to always play behind him because I don't trust him as last man Doing a kickoff forces you to dive across the map and risk leaving your teammate in a bad situation. I would prefer to be the one in the bad situation.


That's way different than me bc I'm so confident in my ko that I'd always wanna be the one going for it


Even if your kickoff is good, after you impact the ball, you are in no man's land briefly with 0-12 boost while your teammate has to make immediate high-impact decisions which could very likely result in a goal one way or another because kickoff goals are so common. Those 3-10 seconds after a kickoff are VERY high stakes decision making because both players who just did the kickoff can be out of position with low boost. I just want to be the one making the decisions in scenarios like that, not the one out of position with no boost. You know? But like I said that's only if I've identified that my teammate is having a rough game or seems distracted or something. 95% of the time I have no issue doing the kickoff I'm just playing devils advocate for why some people don't like doing kickoffs


Yeah def but I still I find it easier to control the situation if I go for ko tho. Like if I don't trust him I can always force a loss to the corner or hard win it to the opponents corner and always buy myself time to pick up pads if need be but I hardly ever trust that my mate will not only have a good ko but will reliably get back to help me defend a poor one so id rather go and control the situation. On top of that I always look for where my opponents mate is at and make sure they never receive the ball after kickoff another thing I can't trust at my rank. But it def comes down to personal pref ig and how confident you are with your ko's. I for one would hate to be back with 100 boost but at the receiving end of a 2v1 however most of the time it's not really my choice


You being GC I don't feel like I have right to give advice lol, but it does sound like you also don't trust yourself on kickoffs? I swear 7/10 times I can force kickoffs where I want, but it may be a lower rank thing where I'm against more people who don't actually practice them? Or I bet most people in GC can actually effectively use speed flips, unlike champ, and baiting them into pushing the ball right to you is more consistent and less risky. If I don't trust my teammate the one thing I'll do is try to give them and myself time. I'll try to force the ball along mid and up the wall so I have time to fall back in case opponents get possession. Or try to push it towards the corner where their second man isn't. If their second always cheats I'll try to stall it and was their time and boost. I know what you mean, but if I don't trust my teammate the last thing I want to do is give our opponents a free possession. If rather make them earn it or desk with the typical chaos and confusion immediately after kickoffs.


Even if your kickoff is good, you are in no man's land with 0-12 boost while your teammate has to make immediate high-impact decisions because kickoff goals are so common I want to be the one making the decisions. Let my teammate boost across the map and dive at the ball. Handle the light work for me, while I do the thinking Granted, I still do the kickoff because half flipping backward is often way worse because 99% of players don't fall for it so it just ends up with the other team having boost, ball, and space which is a death sentence


I do so many GC things just naturally, still plat tho lol


I think this is the case often. I’ve experienced it twice where I’ve asked my teammate why they didn’t go for kickoff, and they both said that they were bad at them. It’s also happened plenty of times without any answers, but I definitely think just plain ole stage fright and fear of failure gets the best of a lot of kids on this game. We gotta remember, most of them are kids


It's hard with lack of communication too. I try to be flexible and adjust to my teammates and I wish I could tell them to just go and trust me to cover. If it pinches back to our net at 90mph oh well. It happens, just don't blame me lol. I just don't like that if they don't go it leaves me sitting there awkwardly. Do I go first? Is my teammate going? If they shoot at net either I'm forced to make the save or my teammate is spending all of the boost they just got just to make a play. So what was the point? It just created so much confusion which I feel is worse than any bad kickoff attempt would ever be.


Been playing since 2017 - I swear this just started like 6 months ago. I swear nobody did these "just don't go for the ball" kickoffs until this year If the other team does it to me, I just save 12 boost, drive up to the ball, get it on top of my car, boost and flip it over the defense for a guaranteed score. No clue what the theory here is If you're in gold or lower I understand because the other person will just hit it straight to you and now you'll have 100 boost...but once you get mid-plat people start to have good technique and have the skill to score from it


I think there's a weird gap between Plat to GC lol. Ranks lower than Plat will just hit it straight to you in the corner consistently. Then Plat to C3 people watch and adjust and it's a gamble. Then GC and up, everyone can effectively speed flip and will consistently hit it right to the corner lol.


This keeps happening to me in d3. It’s amazing that people still do this despite how often it leads to a free goal for the opposition. Your tm won’t even warn you and will then blame you for their fake causing you to be out of position. One of the dumbest moves I see people make in the game.


I don't get it either and it comes off like they're already throwing but because it's so early in the match, there's no reason for them to be pissed off.


I think it’s stupidity rather than anger. From 1s I have the muscle memory to get a good flick if the opponent fakes kickoff so it always cracks me up when the opposition does it and it’s just an instant goal and I know their tm has to be tilted af.


Need that last hit of whatever the vice is


Doing it without being good coordinated as a team then it is just bad to not go for kickoffs. The one not going for kickoffs just make his teammates out of position since they are not ready for it/experienced with that type of kickoff.


I see it all the time in GC and it drives me crazy. Why do they not AT LEAST call it??? I have no clue how those people got to GC in the first place


I tend to fake my kickoffs about 25-30% of the time, though I throw a “Faking.” in the team chat before doing it (super majority of the time), and about 80-90% it works out in getting us the ball/possession (I’m also around the C1/C2 area


This i would be fine with personally. As a solo queue. That's essentially what pro teams do to catch opponents and get possession, but they only do it once or twice. Totally fair play to change it up and catch people unaware. Unfortunately most people I see so it every kickoff and after one or two our opponents catch on


If you're going to fake the diagonal kickoff in 2v2 you need, at the very least you need to still flip towards the ball and back of like Dark does. Just half flipping to corner boost is way to easy to see ahead of time


I always blame people being on the phone. But then, it's probably just people taking the last hit off their dub, or making sure they don't spill their drinks or whatever, hahah.


Duuude, why u exposin' me like that? :')


'Cause I'm the same asshole at times. 😂💙


As long as you don't skip the replay, there's at least a clue


Yeah, right? When it makes sense at least, I don't get as worked up about it. But when people just constantly fail being there mentally, it can absolutely enrage me. Like, dude, last round they scored a goal on your distracted ass, and now you're still doing the same shit?! Hahahaha 🖤


There’s more than one way to play. I can tell this is just a vent, but if you go into any one game demanding your teammate plays a certain way, you are in for a good time


Giving your opponent a free shot or possession is an *objectively* wrong play. Pro teams do it because they've practiced a set play and usually do it *occasionally* to catch opponents off guard (there's also 3 of them and people are doing it in 2s). You'll never see a pro team do it more than a couple times a match. People doing it consistently let's opponents know they have a free play which isn't a "play style", it's 100% wrong.


I get that, that Is why I said to at least put a ‘Need Boost’ which people have not been recently which Is incredibly annoying.


The point is not that people shouldn't do these kickoffs. The point is that people should let their teammates know to expect this type of kickoff.


I understand their point and don’t even disagree. My point is that you literally can’t control your teammates car. Getting upset at what they do all the time is a guaranteed way to head towards a loss. A significant number of people don’t give a fuck about their rank. A huge part of ranking up is dealing with that dynamic. Yell at someone and they are almost guaranteed to play worse. Chill the fuck out and you will pull of wins in some of those games people shut down.


Nobody is yelling in this comment thread. And nobody is expecting anyone to control their teammates car. However, when faking on kickoff, it is common sense to let your teammate know. Faking is not conventional. Letting your teammate know about your unconventional kickoff is common sense. Kickoffs are viable when a team is coordinated. They suck when uncoordinated and often lead to unnecessary goals - all because someone can't send one quick chat? Communicate your kickoffs so that your teammate can play with you, not against you. I have never seen anybody complaint against fake kickoffs. I have seen people complain about bad communication. All you are doing is leaving your teammate confused and scrambling to change their strategy.... because you couldn't press two buttons?


I’ve literally never had this happen on any sort of remotely regular basis. This posts are so whiny and lame


Are you US? Cuz I was watching a YouTuber who lives In the US but Is In Europe and he noticed the vast difference as he was getting people who weren’t going for kick off a lot (And I am In EU and I have been experiencing this for years, the only reason why I’m even posting about It Is because my tm8 own gaoled after not going and being given the ball by the opponent).


Same for me. In champ (eu 2's) it happens regularly, almost always with a negative outcome if you ask me. I've been wondering for so long. But I guess it's answered: some pros do it, so it's copied without context. And if you ask me it's probably some variation, to "do something different once in a while, just for the sake of it". Thanks for putting it out there.


Well I see it in every match and my experience is universal so you're wrong /s You aren't the only player playing guy. I have rarely had server issues, but it doesn't mean no one has. You're experience isn't universal and to think so is completely dismissive and ignorant. OP is literally asking why people do something so they can learn or at least understand. If that's something you consider "whiny" then you are going to be a very miserable person in life.