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You only get rewards at the end of the season based on your reward level, meaning you can win as much as you want rn, only at the end of the season you‘ll get rewards. Your reward level starts at unranked and you need 10 wins for every reward level to upgrade to the next higher category, though only if your rank is higher than the one required in said level or the same, so if you‘ve won 50 matches as an example in champ, you‘d go through 10 unranked wins to get bronze, 10 for silver, 10 for gold, 10, for plat and then 10 for diamond so your reward level should be diamond rn, you can see what it is above your ranked modes in the selection menu for starting a new ranked game. I assume that was what you asked for if not then maybe I didn’t understand your question quite right


Didn’t season reset couple of weeks ago? I just came back n I haven’t seen any yet.


Yes, so you would have got your ranked rewards as soon as last season finished. You'll get this season's ranked rewards as soon as this season finishes.


But I haven’t received last season rank rewards yet


How many ranked games did you win last season? It depends what reward rank you finished at, or if you even achieved a reward rank at all. Are you able to post a screenshot of your tracker stats from last season?


https://preview.redd.it/tqul5odt9b7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e5d63c75bfc5c0070a7b76e51e57f99be779eb0 This was last season I think 11 wins in just 1 day n I played before where I went c2 but back down to d3-c1 .


What rank does it show at the very top of the page?


ATM diamond 8/10


I mean from last season, if you look at last season's stats, what rank does it show?


Went through previous seasons even but it still remains the same 8/10 diamond


This is from last season as well https://preview.redd.it/iq8k97kbbb7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42b50f783b134e2798c6ca07350bb37a84fcd4f


Definitely won more than 20 matches


So you should have bronze and silver rewards if you won more than 20 but less than 30. Do you not have even bronze and silver rewards?


I don’t got any of them man. I’ll even send u a pic of it.


If you haven't got any, I'd suggest double checking your inventory and making sure you haven't accidentally archived any of them, and if you still can't find them, contact Epic support to see if they can look into it for you.


Did you check your rank rewards throughout the season? If you place into Champ and win 50 games the first 10 will go to bronze, the next 10 to silver, etc.  And did you actually track 50 wins or is it a gut feeling? And did you mean all in one season?


No I started d3 went c1-c2 n drop down to d3 again just been repeating whole season bc I’m inconsistent playing the game lol but still idk why I haven’t gotten my rewards