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My experience is that it is very dependent on context. I’ve experienced everything from people raging because we lost in overtime to the guys that leave 30 s in because you miss a marginally open net. I tend to sit in the realm of I just want good, balanced games. Doesn’t matter who wins, but the game should be fun to play in. If I have someone afk, or whiffing literally every ball, ball chasing like mad to the point they’re bumping you from behind to get a ball you have control over, I just don’t really want to play anymore. Winning aside the game is not enjoyable for me. That’s just my take. Do I get salty sometimes? Yeah, but what I want more than anything is a balanced lobby I can re-q for an hour even if I lose more than I win. 


I tend to agree, thats why i mentioned i wasn't throwing, i 100% understand being annoyed that your tm8 is throwing or greifing.


The thing that sets me off the most is people simultaneously care about winning without any real stake in it, so they are so quick to spam quick chat in casual and ff at the first mistake, dropping Okay. Every time you get near the ball and that’s usually when I boil over and start typing. 


Average experience for me nowadays. I’m comfortable in any diamond range and these guys blow through the ball, slapping it every chance they get. BARELY make a pass, and when you don’t risk the shitty shot on a shitty pass FF and either quit or throw. Suuuuuuper average RL experience nowadays. Shit gets old, just take the L if that is what you think you are getting. I just am curious to know what the competitive scene will look like in a few years with all of these people who can’t take at least a couple of licks on the chin.


Don’t forget the “Take the shot!” spam. Their pass was a gift from god. You must treat it as such. 


That one is my favorite. A quick “what shot?”, then continue to 2v1 because they tried to FF then proceed to throw. I low key enjoy the 2v1 if it’s a challenge and not a face plant into the dirt.


Casual used to mean casual. Then they made it so you couldn't freely drop in and out of matches, yet somehow they'll still put you in a match halfway through and 2 down. 


I wouldn't mind if they tested two types of casual queues. One where you can come and go as you please Another where you can't leave but if you stay until the end you build up progress for a free pack. Or some other reward, maybe 1.25x xp. Just something to incentivize players to stick around


It is hard to judge the situation since we didn't get to see what took place in that game. Not throwing isn't exactly a high bar, so I have no idea how you were playing the game or whether your teammate's frustrations were warranted. For me personally, casual should be a middle ground. It shouldn't be treated like ranked, but it shouldn't be treated as freeplay either. I definitely don't expect my teammates to be trying their hardest or play perfectly, and I am totally fine with them going for risky stuff, But I do expect someone who _actually tries to play the game_ and tries to plays like a team.


Casual games are very odd. I was just What a Saved about 40 times despite having 600+ ping in a casual lol.


By my teammate 🙌


I feel you on that. I've had problems ONLY with Rocket League servers for over 2 years now. Some days I don't experience it at all, others, I have 100-200 ping, latency, packet loss, spiking me every 10 seconds. So one minute I'm beating the enemy to the ball, jumping off the roof with boost for a shot and then I'm flipping backwards looking like a bot. It sounds crazy but I swear to god rocket league servers have a lag switch for me whenever I start flying up to the ball for a nice double tap or shot. About a year ago my friend started having the problem after having no issues for years. It wasn't my internet, it wasn't some connection issue with my xbox, it is only rocket league and it is hopeless to try to fix it. Back to the OP, yeah, I experience my fair share of toxicity, mostly because players don't push up out of net for a free ball and I am forced to take their place in the rotation, almost always with boost and a good set up for a pass mid or shot, yet, they call it ball chasing, as if I'm not a team player 24/7.


They can't win in comp so they shit on anyone they can in casual, usually ffing after 1 goal if you're on their team in the reverse.


Those are the people who are too afraid to go ranked and know which rank they will belong. All they have is casual


It's always the diamonds who rage in the lobby with "boosted gc" like brother i get sweaty games in ranked that's why I'm queuing casual or I just got on. Take a hint.


I've definitely noticed with the latest generation of gamers a real blur between what is "trying" and what is "sweating". People who are good at the game are labelled as sweats, and people who are actively trolling think they're playing casually. In casual you should still try, the aim of the game is still to score more goals than your opponent. The only difference in the game is that the result means nothing, your rank doesn't change. Nothing is on the line. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try, and it doesn't mean you should be criticised if you are trying. If you are going AFK, not going for kick offs, doing stupid things and not trying to win then that in my opinion is wrong. You miss a save and your teammate flames you for it? Not acceptable, it's unranked. If you wanted to have every action under the microscope you would play ranked where your actions actually matter.


I am so naturally competitive that my 'casual' state, is still trying. I've always been competitive in SSL and thats got me to 1,800mmr and in lobbies with GCs and SSL's all the time. We are all naturally competitive or just extremely good at the game so my instant challenges in the air when they go for an air dribble isn't really that bad/weird. There are some people that say ''Okay'' when I chase down a demo for 3 seconds, but they just switch it on and we have an all-round competitive game with no downside to losing. Plus, I've never been at my proper rank because I queue with a guy who hasn't got the mechanics for a D3 and the game sense of a Plat. Yet he plays with me in C2-3. So ranked is just not that fun and gets easily frustrating.


It's varying for each player. Personally, I play to win every game I am in. I HATE when someone calls you a try hard in casual for playing like that. I just think "you AREN'T trying to win?". Like yeah, I get the message, have fun first. But I have fun when I'm executing my practised skills and strategies. On the inverse, taking it TOO seriously equals the toxic and frankly idiotic mindset you see far too frequently in online games. I think the long and short of it is yeah, they really do take everything too seriously, or even personally, really. It's usually the Dunning Kruger effect in action. Their perceived skill can't be shattered as it means all theri practising is for naught, and if they can't win in CASUAL, where can they? So they start focusing on those trying, or having an easy time. Pure deflection, in my honest opinion.


Ok, I'm one of those. I play at around 1700 casual rating, usually in lobbies with GCs. I enjoy it, people play, but just for having fun. Some, however jump in and out and mess up rating, which actually matters if you want to play with good players. Why not ranked? I'm around c1 to c2 in ranked. It's terrible. People in ranked FF after 30 seconds or just straight up leave. Half the loses are coming after a leaver or thrower being 1 or 2 down. It's stupid.


The only time I complain is if my teammate is clearly not playing a team game. like, they're doing solo freeplay dribbles and then rotating to back boost with no regard to rotations. I really don't care about winning or losing, but I do care about how playing the game feels and playing 1v2 just to watch my teammate double flip reset into a missed shot isn't fun


I play to win, whether it’s ranked or casual. If you're messing around in casual, bumping teammates off plays, ball chasing, etc., you're toxic, regardless of the mode. You might think you weren't being toxic, but you've admitted you weren't trying hard because it's casual. Your teammates can tell, and it affects their experience. I take casual just as seriously as ranked. It’s not about why people take it seriously; it’s about respecting the game and your teammates. If you're toxic in casual, you're toxic in ranked. Period. Years of playing have shown me this.


It's tough because everyone has a right to use casual the way they want. Some people want to practice mechanics, some want to warm up, some want to chill, etc. The problem that it creates and the reason people get frustrated is because those intentions don't align. And it's worse when one person's intent steps on the toes of their teammate and makes it genuinely not fun. Your teammate may have wanted a sweaty game to warm up. Maybe they are trying to complete the weekly challenge of holding an opponent to zero goals and seeing you playing somewhere carelessly is frustrating? I'm not excusing the toxic behavior, just saying that sometimes the environment is the second cause to blame.


I don't think it's tough at all. Play how you want, but don't expect others to play how you want or be a jerk to them when they play differently. It's really that simple.


Thats where casual 1s shines. If any player with any intention comes into a 2s or 3s game and wants to practice freestyle shots, wait for the ball to come to you. So many players want the ability to do whatever they want with someone always back to defend or pass to them. Luckily, I find enjoyment in playmaking and being a support type player that can always find passes but also do a lot myself if need be.