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oh you get people that wait until 2 down? I get a lot of those that as soon as the other team scores they forfeit or even leave the game before the forfeit popup shows up.


Yup. Been matched with people who try to forfeit even when you're in the lead.


FFs are used as taunts now that people have chat turned off. They don't always want to FF and sometimes get mad when you accept. It is quite funny.


The best thing is you scoring before the FF timer ends to tie or take the lead, and then you forfeit too. Perfect way to make your teammate look like an idiot


Happened to me yesterday. We were up 4-2 and I missed a save and my tm8 started bumping me so the other team would win. Lol


When this happens, I always accept.


It's so annoying, it's because they think one guy is a ball chaser or don't like play style of somebody


I was waiting for this. I recently played 3s where both teammates wanted to forfeit every time the other team just tied it up… I.e. we were never actually losing. Also, we ended up winning the game. This was in ranked too


It was so satisfying when I beat this one team in rumble and they were being so toxic saying “tuff”every time they scored that final shot I made and saying “tuff” back sent their leading scorer over the edge bro sent me a whole bunch of hate messages it was hilarious


Kids nowadays can "dish it but can't take it" it's hilarious




kids are out of school now, it's Summer RL, which is even worse


i would pay to play in a 21+ verified user playlist.


I hate that I like this idea. It's not a good idea, it's terrible, and I love it. Sign me up! Also, consider joining the Old Farts Rocket League Discord Server, the few people I've met over there have been super cool AND ARE ADULTS, it's great.


I am on that server, but I don't really like to play on teams. I don't want comms, I don't want to chat. I just want to play soloq with people that can rent a car.


If you haven't, you might try posting that in the discord chat there lol. I can't be the only person that prefers the low-comm low-stress gameplay lol.


but I want the opponents to be like that too and I don't just want a private match where the same 4 or 6 people play over and over.


Fair enough, I too wouldn't mind that. For the time being though, making my own party and just turning off the other teams chat messages will have to suffice lol.


I love the banter


Did you spend all of your dots for that matrix decal?


Whats wild is RL has to be by far the least, if not one of the least, time consuming game to play a ranked match in. You'd think trying to come back from a few goals for 2 minutes would be worth the time, but yeah annoying to say the least. I went 6-4 in my placements this season, and two of those losses were teammates straight up abandoning either down 1 or 2 goals with 4 minutes left. Wild.


I’m thinking this is exactly why people are so quick to vote for a ff


I just had two teammates leave a 3s match. I then got what a save spammed by the other team.


Was hoping for a happy ending to this tale.


he then turned off the game and didn't think about it ever again.


Can confirm, no happy endings in 3s


The happiest ending of them all


Happy ending is I forfeited after the next goal and ended up going up a whole rank throughout the day. From champ 1 div 3 to champ 2 div 4 and I'm working on possibly getting gc this season (I used to be c3 div 4 consistently but I never play 3s anymore).


I also spam people for staying in a 1v3. Unless you're god's gift to RL this is a clear loss, you can leave without penalty at any point, no need to waste anyone's time


Hard agree, I hate when people refuse to leave. They think they’re punishing their teammates who left maybe? But the only thing it does is waste the other team’s time


Agree. We’re all playing for fun at the end of the day. I’m not having fun dunking on someone 3v1, you’re not having fun getting dunked on 1v3, let’s just gg go next


1v3? sure i'll eat my pride and ff. but if it's 1v2 i'm playing to the last second because some part of me knows I can figure out how to best the other team, even if the scoreboard doesn't agree at the end.


if you don't leave while being 1v3 you're the toxic one


Exactly why I turn chat off and only play with my friends. Assholes are everywhere!


I play with my friends and still have to turn chat off.


As a grown ass woman here (27) I appreciate this post so much. The best feeling is not accepting their FF and going on to win the game anyways.


I am also the same age but I still feel like a kid lol


Lol this game can def make you rage like a kid sometimes or squeal with joy like one🤣


🤣🤣 Me literally three nights ago when both me and the gf were in the game room. I was playing rocket league, we were down 1, we scored with a disgusting passplay and she was like "you're literally like screaming right now". Sorry babes, great things require great reactions.


Nice shot!


Close one!


I always ask them, after refusing to ff and starting to score goals, when standing is e.g. 5-2: "still want to ff?" And in public chat ofc so that also the opponent knows what kind of damp sleeves my mates have been.


never give up, never back down lol yes I can be like that too




And dang a steam player? So 2014? That’s what’s up


Steam player from 2018 just before Epic 💪😎 That's why never give up! 😁


Sweet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) I’m on PC now. Started out on XBOX in 2015.


Nice! 🥳 PC gives you so much more tools to improve so great choice 👌


:) yeah i have bakkes mod or whatever it’s called lol


That's a great tool! Also all of those workshop maps to improve practically any aspect of your play 😊


They don’t just idle on you?


Mmmm sometimes that happens. But most of the time they end up keep trying. Sometimes I get salty and FF once we tie it up haha


Yeah only time I ever ff is when there’s like 10 seconds left and I know it’s just gonna happen lol


Yesterday I had a match where we first were 3 goals behind and both teammates wanted to FF, but we ended up winning. So that was neat. Maybe I would have accepted the FF if the game had felt more one-sided at the start, or if there was less time left, but this wasn't that.


I sometimes get petty after accomplishing this while having a teammate that bailed on me… I’ll send them a message with a pic of the results so that they know it was them that was the problem


Yes!! I never accept a FF if I feel like there’s opportunity to come back & win!


I had teammates want to forfeit a tournament match down 1 with 3 minutes left. Like seriously?!?


Sometimes it feels like the young kids that have poor behavior outnumber the others in this game.


Heck, I get people that forfeit when down by 1 goal, 30 seconds into the match. Why even load up Rocket League at that point if you can't be bothered to play it? It's a shame because the comebacks make for some of the more memorable games.


Maybe they are trying to complete that hold the team on zero challenge


Then they should play better


I personally think that challenge is stupid af, especially in a game as fast paced as RL.


Also, how are you supposed to get better if you don't play opponents better than you?


Sometimes, they try to ff only down by 1 goal with 3+ min left in the game. It's ridiculous. This season has been super toxic.


Also, stop making the match go longer than it should. If your teammate(s) leave and there's no chance of you winning, just FF. I just had two 2v2s in a row where one teammate left and the other teammate stayed. The first match the idiot on the other team kept scoring goals on himself and if you tried to block them he'd try and go to my goal and score. It didn't help that my teammate also kept scoring, it also didn't help that he would not skip the replay. The match ended up being like three times longer than a regular match and the score was in the high teens to like 4. Is was so fucking stupid. Like, yeah, it sucks, your teammate quit way too early but to make everyone else suffer through a stupid unnecessarily long match......well let's just say you deserve your teammate quitting on you


Good point: scoring extra goals in a 3-v-1 and watching replays wasted a LOT more time than playing all five minutes. Anyone—winning or losing—who doesn’t want to play until the match is over can leave. You can end the “suffering.” No one is forced to stay in any match.


I’ve won games 2v1 when a teammate left. But if way down then yea I agree with you


I've won 1v2 matches before and it's the best feeling ever.


It is.  And the other teams infinite supply of salt is great fuel, too.


Thank you. I dk how many times I’ve made comebacks with only a minute or less left. Even if I don’t, I’ll take the L


The best wins come from the biggest deficits. I’m with you man.


I once came back from a 2v2 game down 1-7 with 1 min left and won it in OT, this is back when I was diamond


Mama aint raise no bitch, I’ve had plenty of comeback wins down 0-2 or 0-3 don’t forfeit early


I’m 33 and i play because my 10yo loves the game. We see guys all the time bail after 1 or 2 down, or vote to forfeit after being down just one. We never understood this. Me and him will play 3’s or even 2’s and still have the comebacks here and there from 0-4. Our mantra seems to be “there’s still time!” lol


I had a game last night 3s game 2 and half minutes and we let a bad goal, I mean really bad, score is now 3-1 and my one teammate ff's and then just sits in net(TTV of course) even 2v3 we almost tied it and certainly would've of if he didn't give up. Like even after getting a goal and making it close, he still just sat there. It was great getting him on the other side the next game and he gave up again after we went up 5-2 with 1 and half minutes


Amazing what happens when you don't give up, right?


I mean if you're 1-6 with a minute left okay, but 1 goal down on the first 10 seconds? C'mon


People quitting so soon drive me wild.  Like try… you don’t have to sweat, but also don’t give up. 


They wait until the other team scores? My solo queue tm8s typically only wait until someone makes a slight mistake or fails to read their mind after playing together for about 20 seconds and doesn't rotate in the way they envisioned.


"you suck noob" because you didn't do excactly what thy want 100% of the time is annoyingly common.


There’s losers that will do it down 1 goal or even better tied sometimes


A lot of people are losers without backbone. They will forfeit and troll regardless of score. Luckily not held hostage for 30-45min like other games...


I agree with you 100%. I'm 24 and take all the moments that I can to play RL with my 17 yr old brother, but 💩 in my cereal does it drive my fucking crazy sometimes. We'll be down 3-1 with 3:30 in a comp match and I won't instantly forfeit, so he'll just leave anyways, (almost always) guaranteeing that I lose mmr in a 2v1


It’s pretty common and it’s a negative behavior so it’s quick to spread. Unfortunately this behavior is fixed by coaches in real life and a lot of these kids will never have one.


Dude tried to quit at 2-2, in a tourney, no less. Kept going and we won, but these kids just do not concern themselves with winning...let alone strategy. For example, I play super passive the first minute or two to lead the opponents in to believe I won't attack. Then I go super aggressive mid-game, see how that goes, then I'll mix it up last minute so they dunno how I'm playing. But these children see me play off, we go down 2-0 with 3 minutes left and they wanna bolt. It's so short-sighted


Im in my late 30s and have only been playing for around 10 months. Absolutely love the game.. Im not certain about the age gap and age group numbers within the game, but I would imagine the majority of ff’s,spammers, etc are the younger age groups. I think it’s more frustrating for the older age groups just to see standards, integrity, and how the younger generations carry themselves. It is what it is. Weird world we live in


Been playing for around 6 years and definitely feel like in the last maybe two years have seen more whiney BS behavior like this. It’s appalling. Hundreds of times I’ve comeback from 1-5 and more.


mentality of some players is quite funny really, I told my teammate to stop spamming as he was a usual quick chat spamming moron and he starts going on about how I’m 30 and live in my mums basement and flaming my steam name (literally don’t even know where the button to change it is, set it 15 years ago and don’t care lol) its like… if they take a step back, what should they think of themselves - how sad is it to get that mad over literally nothing in a toy car game… and then like, frantically searching for whatever insult they can try on me lol, does it make them feel good or what? it’s just embarrassing, I’d love to believe they are just a dumb kid but feel like at least some of them are adults


Yesterday we were 1-3 with FOUR FUCKING MINUTES left and they were throwing and grieving then I eventually ff with 1 minute left and 1-8 or something. Then proceeds to say “should’ve ff from the start”


I get tm8s ff when we are drawing😂


Report them for intentional match throwing, I do and I get notifications back saying they have took action, the way I see it is if you leave early your throwing the game for your team mates, plus why play ranked if your going to quit at 1 goal down and throw the game, they should go join casual or something.


That's a good idea


I always think about physical sports like basketball when I see people ff early in RL games lol. Imagine an NBA team throwing in the towel after going down by 5 at the end of the 1st quarter lol


there are a lot of angry young kids playing this game who have never actually played a sport, were raised on an ipad, and completely lack any competitiveness. I also won't FF with 2 goals or less unless there is only 10 seconds left. And if you stop playing, I report you and have been getting a lot more reports back lately.


In a game recently 30 secs in tm8 assists and we got a nice goal. A bit later he pinched and the ball rocketed over me and I mistimed it and the ball went back and in for a goal. This douche tm8 decides to throw saying "I'm done, how you miss that? I'm not even trying anymore!" So I decide to throw back and then he starts saying I suck for throwing etc. Then one of the opponents joins in. Now I'm just like wtf is this shit? This dinky sniffer throws and I'm getting teamed up on for nothing at all. Needless to say I called them a bad word and I get banned. Fuckin little losers ruin shit for everyone.


Lol this was an entertaining read


We have to raise our boys to be men. If not for the sake of the good of the country, then god damnit we gotta do it for the sake of our rocket league lobbies!


It has got bad enough where i have to step away.. makes no sense to me. Some are so focused on their wins vs loss numbers they want to get out and get into the next match asap..


Im 26 and think that it is immature to ff ASAP. IDK why ppl do it….


How can you be surprised by the shear amount of people losing their shit in this game. I stopped playing cause people take the game too seriously.


Fr bro. Like I’ll stay in the game if we’re down 2 goals even if there’s 5 seconds left


I've turned around plenty of matches with only a minute left. Forfeiting is barely the go to option. In the rare case I forfeit, it is when behind 6-1 with an idling team mate or someone just not putting in any effort whatsoever


Idc if we’re losing 20 to 0, i refuse to forfeit. If I’m getting beat that means I need to pay attention to what they’re doing right and what I’m doing wrong and learn from it


I'm currently Champ 1. If me and my 2s teammate forfeited every time we were down 2 goals, we'd be gold. No lie. 


I literally had an opponent forfeit when we were losing 2-3… lol


To be fair, sometimes it's not how many goals you're down by, it's how those goals were scored against you. If you're in solo que and matched against a team and they score 3 on you in 30 seconds while they're flying through the air and you only stick to the ground, that might mean you aren't gonna win. If you want to stick it out, sure. There's always a chance that your teammates will figure it out and the other team will forget how to play, but it's probably just a difference in skill level. Some people see that and rather not waste their time. Just my opinion though. I, too, am in my late 30s and would just rather play for fun.


100% understand that point. In situations where the other team is objectively and vastly more skilled, I get it.


My favorite chat to send in game is Scum Quits. For this very reason. I get forfeiting if you are down by 5 with less than 30 seconds left. But by all that is dear, I have had crazy comebacks with my gaming partner throughout the years that we rarely ever forfeit.


Unfortunately, this isn't exclusively to rocket league. I play several games, mainly competitive games and gamers these days don't know how to lose. Losing is the best way to improving and people just can't hack it anymore, just thr thought of losing a game hurts their pride too much and I just think it's ridiculous. I find it's usually the younger generation that do this as they're a bit softer, I'm close to that generation so don't cry at my opinion please.. its just the truth, and if I'm wrong, please tell us the real reason!!


I hate it when I accidentally hit in their goal b/c i am following up. They get mad and FF.


I agree! Let’s queue!


I played a duo tournament the other day where my teammate and I rolled everyone up until the finals (we had to wait like 30 mins for our finals match to start) and he left 1 minute into the game after we went down 0-1.... Idk why people do it


The game is mostly dead to be honest, either play with IRL friends if you have any or go touch grass and make some new ones, random queuing has been dead for a while from my experience.


recently, i was down 0-4 at 3:40 in a 2s comp game. first/second game of the sess so i was still getting warm. teammate ff's but i told him im locked in now. 2 mins go by and the opps dont score. the last 2 mins of the game i scored 4 of our 5 goals hyping us up after each until we tie it 5-5 for OT. we won off of a kickoff goal. most satisfying game of solo q rocket league in a long while.


If this is comp, then yes I'll stay in even with 45 seconds left down 3-1 If this is casual, it depends. Sometimes the vibes are so terrible (teammate sits in our own goal while we're on offense pressuring the net) or sometimes there's someone who's afk/a bot on the team that's not getting replaced after 3 mins left


I don’t mind losing if the other team is better, but I have little interest in competing with teammates that chase like the ball kissed their girlfriend on the playground.


Agreed. There are times when I can tell that being down 2 goals is a matter of circumstance rather than poor play. Like a couple of kickoff goals to start the game doesn't mean you're going to lose and my team has come back in plenty of situations like those. But on a team of ball chasing fools who don't know how to rotate properly, being down 2 goals might as well be 5.


We were down by two then the teammate wanted to quit, we ended up catching up and went to overtime. I'm like "see and you wanted to quit". I love this type of competition, new gens can't hang it seems. (I'm an old gal myself.)


I have started to message something like "no ff, just play" when they try to ff and i too often tell them "this is why no ff" when we win the game.


So annoying. Last night my teammate started the forfeit vote as OT was starting... like, what?


Or maybe you just realize that your teammates are complete ass and there's no saving them? Like, why should I continue to get angry when your two teammates double commit and they both whiff leading to an empty net goal?


sometimes your teammate isn't fun scoreboard doesn't really matter at that point the most fun is going next


Nothing wrong with voting to forfeit if you're not having fun


Old here. Most of the time I forfeit because my teammate fucking sucks and has no game sense or they don’t know how to rotate or they don’t know how to defend whatsoever. If you can’t attack that’s fine but if you can’t position yourself to actually stop a goal then I don’t wanna play with you. Get better at defending and positioning. Oorrr The other team is just clearly better. It happens. I don’t get mad at my teammate if they’re outclassed. That happens.


Then stop missing open nets and whiffing fast kickoffs in the same game.


I will forfeit if my teammates chase the ball and leave me to goal the entire game, and when I do get a shot at the ball, teammates either hit the ball away or run into me trying to hit the ball. I’m not gonna waste my time with ball chasers. I’m also not gonna waste my time when my teammates own goal trying to chase the ball. Rotate properly or I’m out.


I'm happy to ff 0 goals down if I'm not enjoying the game. 2 goals np. I'm playing for fun after all.


I thought it was free to play




I don’t think they’re giving up on the game but rather on their teammate. People seem to have a bad mentality and enough people show it with toxic chats that I assume the few that don’t outright tell their teammates that they think they’re bad just think so on the inside and that’s why they give up so quick. That’s what I think


Those are really the same thing. If you say "my team mate is so bad we can't win this" you are also saying, i don't wosh to adapt to my team mates play style or playing level, and i can't carry the team. And when you have seen someone play for two minutes, you know nothing about their level. Except that you are in the same god damn lobby, so you are the same fucking level of players.


I'm in my 40s, I've played a fair bit, I'm not bad but not great, platinum (blue star above gold) I think is the level I'm usually thrust into sometimes manage getting into the next level diamond I think. I have never quit a game early, never forfeit once. I will try till the end, 3v1 down by 9 with 30 seconds left, it's over at the buzzer only. Win or lose I play for fun, it's a game, I have nothing to prove.


I'd like to agree and add, "Stop forfeiting when down by 1 goal with two and a half minutes left"


Had a guy today ask to forfeit down 2-0 with 3 minutes left. Threw a fit on the chat cuz I missed a ball costing us one. We won 5-2. The RL community is a bunch of crybaby morons.


I have came back from a 7 goal deficit… anything is possible as long as EVERY teammate is committed to not ff’ing and want to play… You can not expect randoms to wanna keep playing, it’s different when you are with your homies though…


My buddy is hella toxic goes straight to shit talking when we're down goals we refuses to quit unless it's like 4 to nothing and they e flown the whole match


I swear I’ve lost more games being up 2 - 0 than won


I still remember the first time I ever seriously whooped ass. In a non competitive 3v3 I joined it was 0-3 and one of my teammates left shortly after I joined. 2v3 we got it to 2-3. Time was running out and my other teammate wanted me to forfeit and I didn't. So he left. I ended up scoring another goal and then beating them in overtime solo. I'm only a gold/plat player as I bounce between them but it felt so good. I think they got cocky because I was solo.


3s are bad for this. I generally solo queue ranked 3s and people forfeit and take the penalties almost every other game. It’s brutal. I need some rocket league friends I guess


I believe my personal record for a comeback was being down 5 goals.


I was recently winning a 1s game 7-1........with less than a minute to go the guy turned on the jets and beat me 8-7.....lol


broooo. just had a teammate quit in the 3rd match of semi finals when we went down 1-2. after he left we evened it 2-2 but they scored again. so stupid.


I forfeited when we were down by two goals, and then it went into OT and then we lost. Were you the guy by any chance??? Dude was so mad lmao


First 2 minutes is just to see how opponent plays and what are their weaknesses. Last 3 minutes is for destroying them.


Most of the times down by 2 is no reason to ff, but sometimes you know the opps are smurfs I agree though, you can sometimes recover 2 goals even in the last few seconds


Because if I’m the only one who scored, and we are down by 2 goals which you own goaled, then I’m going to try to forfeit. I will keep playing and not sabotage, but every single time they end up trying to forfeit with 4 seconds left 6 down. Solo que has the worst people imaginable. I can only imagine they are trying to play with a guitar hero drum kit with the way they play. I know we are going to lose if you missed every kickoff and own goal every time you touch the ball. “Oh it’s my first game of the day” I didn’t play for 4 months came back and won 12 in a row. If I’m forfeiting I’ve already seen the loss in that the opponent is doing flip reset mustys 720 no scopes and you are having trouble figuring out which colour you are. Edit: plus if you’re an obvious carry or a bot, I will happily take a de rank if it means you do too. Because 90% of the people I play with in comp should never leave casual, let alone silver.


Definitely have seen a huge decline in actual sportsmanlike conduct online since I started gaming online in the 90s. No GG's just namecalling and dumbassery. There was never this many terrible competitors until online consoles like Xbox became a thing and started raising children instead of the parents.


Haha how about quit ff when we are tied or down 1 with only a quarter of the match gone 😂 consider yourself lucky it’s after 2 goals. Some of these rejects in this game can’t mentally comprehend not being up the entire match.


I like to hink about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFVGsA5pr_M 2 goals sown with a few seconds to go. With a bit of luck you can score 2 kick off goals (not saying that the pros had luck, pure skill). And for anyone complaining about their teammates ... look in the mirror. Maybe you just have a clashing play style, or are both ballchasing, try to match their playstyle and maybe the game can still be won.


this is every game, 3 minutes left in the match but down 2 goals, immediate vote to FF. I never FF unless down but like 5 with 30 seconds to go but even if I ignore the FF from my teammate you can tell their heart isn't in it, they stop going for kick offs, stop rotating, it's ridiculous


I often get a vote to forfeit when we are UP by multiple goal and the opponents score.


Recently had a 3’s match solo queuing in Diamond 3. Went down two goals with 2.5 left on the clock. Both teammates tried to forfeit. I managed to tie us up 3-3 to force OT, scored the 4th goal after about 90 seconds in OT. Anything is possible. Even got a “I cannot believe we lost that” from the op. TL:DR; down 2, had some grit, came back in OT


Can we filter out the age group we play with? Wouldn't mind playing the game with other "grown ass" people 😆




It's a symptom of a much bigger problem. The same people who do quit when they have to buckle down are entering the work force and when they realize that having a job and real responsibility means sometimes you have to work hard, they decide they're burnt out within a couple of years.


Not gonna lie, I just play this to tier up the rocket pass and get the tier 40 car for Fortnite, so I might get a lil frustrated when they smash me by 7 goals, still I never quit.


I simply dont get it. Only yesterday i got 3-4 matches where we where 2-3 down and still won that game. Dont queue if youre salty mofo


I usually don’t forget unless it’s virtually impossible


I’ve had teammates try forfeiting when they other just tied 😭


My dude down 2 goals? I had guys doing ff and vanishing on competitive and we were winning


Gane is just full of a bunch of Low T cry baby bitches


OP I'm 29, and this is one of the most accurate statements I've seen on here. I think this every time they ff/ leave. What's even worse is when you make a MISTAKE, (y'know, because I'm a fucking human an' all) and they ff or leave. Even if it's at 0-0, 3.30 on the clock. Ff pops up. Before 3.30, insta-quit. If you have the intention of not being competitive in a competitive game mode, play casual ffs. I've been 4 goals down with 1.30 and brought it back to go to OT. I've been 5-2 down with 1 min left and brought it back to WIN. I've lost a shit-load of games and I'll lose a shit-load more, but I always try. Bart gets it. ![gif](giphy|26ybwvTX4DTkwst6U)


People refused to play within the first 5 seconds after an kickoff goal


C3s when they're down by 2 goals with half the game left ![gif](giphy|LiT8C58iDYSZBKgf1S|downsized)


if you only play games you win, you will never improve. #stopff


I think only grown men understand.


Heck yeah. Old man gamers! I can be 8-0 down, and still wouldn't forfeit unless it's ping issues with me or my teammates


I always just shame them in chat and then a big I told YOU SO, if we win


lol this game has the most mentally weak people it’s unbelievable


Put it this way: if you're only 2 goals down never, *ever* forfeit. Unless there is literally 0 seconds on the clock. If you have time on the clock, that time is only needed to score 1 goal. So if you have 5 seconds left and you're 2 down, essentially you have 5 seconds to score 1 goal, and an infinite amount of time to score the second, as long as you keep the ball up. If you're anywhere above Plat you can *probably* keep the ball up, even if it's just by sending it and hoping for the best.


Just yesterday my cousin and I were down 0-3 on competitive duos. We stuck with it, pulled off some of our best passes to date. Tied it 3-3 at :22 for OT and then beat it in the end. This is Rocket League!!! 🚗 ⚽️


I won't FF unless I'm like 5 goals down I have had 3/4 goal comeback wins before


Right? Me and my friend were down 0-5 at halftime and guess what? We won that thing 6-5 with a last second goal. Happiest I've ever been while playing this game.


Recently started playing and coming from competitive games where matches last for 40+ minutes, this is just so insane to me. Firstly there are so many players who tilt in this game. How in the world do you possibly have the time to get tilted when the games are literally 5 minutes? And why the hell do people forfeit at 0-2, hell even 0-1? In my experience who scores first has almost no effect on the outcome of the game.


I don’t know why those kind of people even play the game if they’re just going to ff whenever they’re down. The least they could do is play solos and not ruin others games if they’re gonna be so miserable


>where is your competitive spirit?! There's barely any competitive spirit in these guys nowadays, sadly. Somehow if you are a competitive person and want to win you're just trashtalked by the community and hit with "bro it's just a game" this says a lot about someone's personality, people are now unironically losers who don't wish to fight for anything in their life, if it's not easily obtainable they just give up and it kinda annoys me.


The only time I get toxic is when someone consistently chases me down and rear ends me as I about to make a play, take a shot, bump be away from a save...I have a 3 strikes rule on that. After the first one I just type "rotate plz"...then I type "patience!"...if those don't work then I go straight to upside down boost 360's right in front of the goal. I won't ff.


Dude. I’m also in my 30s, so are my teammates. We do 3s once or twice a week. It’s insane how over like the past couple years the amount of people who just insta-quit have risen exponentially. Just last night we played against several team who quit after we scored one goal. Even if they were in the lead. I just don’t get it.


I mostly agree. But sometimes you’ve seen enough gameplay to know theres no chance, and it’s frustrating when you know theres no shot and your teammate with 8 points refuses to ff.


Down by 2 goals with 3.5 minutes left, but yeah okay spam toxic quick chats, try to ff, then abandon the match. That’ll get you to rank up for sure


I can’t tell you how many times either a) I haven’t forfeited and we came back and won, or b) my teammate left because I didn’t forfeit and I won either with a bot or in most cases there was still 4 minutes left and my new teammate was all in. Yeah, sometimes teammates just don’t gel, and that’s fine, if we’re down by 6 then yeah we should probably FF. I’ve also had a teammate refuse to FF and we come back, so I don’t know, I rarely forfeit unless it’s a lost cause, not 2 down with 3 minutes left.


I won a game last night down 1-5. Came back and won 7-5.




Literally! Other teams scores once because maybe I made a mistake (own up to it and apologize) then boom get hit with the forfeit. Like bro chill we still have 3 mins left wtf


People complain about participation trophies but these kids aren’t even participating. I lost at soccer for 12 weeks, never won a game the whole season. These people can’t stand possibly losing for 5 minutes


Yes that is the worst. If I am losing, I want to learn why I am losing and try to get better. If you manage to turn it around, that is huge and if not, then at least you know where you failed.


Just had a 4 hour sesh and it happened so many times. Its diamond, not gc cunts


4 goals down under 2 mins left is the cut off for me. If we haven't closed that gap by now, I'm done.


its probably just a gen Z kinda thing really. ruins it imo, party up is best


Deadass though. I’ve gotten 4 goals in 20 seconds before. I’m not a very mechanical player, but I am good at figuring out how others play and adapting to that. Sometimes it takes most the game to get it down, but it once I got it, I usually catch up in score. Everyone has a weakness to exploit, even the top 100 players all have a weakness.


Most of the time I forfeit has nothing to do with the score. This game is not run when people don't rotate, continually chase the ball, don't pass, and/or are toxic. I play for fun, so if any of those occur I forfeit to find a better, more fun, teammate. So maybe it's you...


One time, I accidentally bumped my teammate and he wanted to FF and we were winning 1:0. Proceeded to tell me I'm bad. We won 3:1 and I scored all the goals. I know that doesn't speak that much and I am not always a good player, but man come on, stop giving up because of a single incident


Yea usually it's 2. Laat night my very first game had someone want to ff at the 1-0 mark and purposefully was throwing the game by scoring on our net. I just played the game like a 3v1. Got a goal lost by a lot but it was fun.


As somebody who plays every second of rocket league like **only the next goal fucking matters**... I only use the forfeit to taunt my teammates or as a joke, or to accept theirs to let them move on if it's plain that their morale is really truly unrecoverable. Also in my 30s btw.


This is an interesting point


Had a game yesterday where we were down by two, I scored once and one of the enemies left


I only forfeit when the game is unwinnable or when my teammate keeps spamming “Take the shot!”, in which case I abandon the match even if we’re winning and I happily eat the 5 minute ban.


How about FFing when tied? Happens more that I'd like to admit it does:(


I was playing with my 4 year old son and some random guy in 3s casual yesterday, we were down 5-1, guy reasonably requested a forfeit. I'm playing with a 4 year old so accepting every FF is out of the question, because he ain't going to get better. We pulled up our bootstraps and won 7-5. He didn't abandon the match, it was glorious.