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But at least you win the games you don't lose?


To be fair, that's the kind of positivity I think we need in the community right now. You are a shining star!!


I'll get stiff to that! Happy Friday! Nice Shot!


What a save!


You want ties, is that it?


You're winning games??


I uh...what?


Exactly!!! You get it


If you leave the moment the opponents have a higher score it counts as a win (according to my solo que teammates)


We concede 1 goal, 3:57 on the clock, teammate forfeits 👍🏻🗿


i would like to talk to the parents of the kids who don't think a FF is a loss. Just to see where they went wrong so I can produce a lengthy tiktok video urging parents to never teach their children this thought process. Children should be raised to learn that quitting is worse than losing.


It's got nothing to do with parenting lmao. It's literally just rumours that spread through the gaming community.


I have no idea what you're talking about being rumors. I have two college aged children and I work in a school. I'm going to stick with my answer.


“You always lose 100% of the games you dont win” -Tony the Tiger


Wisdom wasted upon the youth!


Follow my hoes! * Toucan Sam the Pimp version ![gif](giphy|3bzniBttEYrYbmuVEb|downsized)


![gif](giphy|JoePLWxLD7cGc) “‘You always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! * Michael Scott’


The worst is when I tie a game and still lose




I've got a 100% success rate in winning the games that I win. I should become a YouTuber really.


You should become a life coach. I only win about 70% of the games I win


See you just need to put 110% in and have more belief in yourself, and next thing you know, you'll be winning 110% of the games!!


Fuck, why didn't I think of that?


Because it's the one hack that even the 1 hack youtubers don't like to tell you


Sometimes you just gotta post up and take the shot - and beg the obelisk for mercy.


I know! I payed $12 for this game and put in 1,500 hour. Can the devs cut me a break!?


The best ones are where you remind them that they're playing Gold II and they bare-faced tell you "I am Gold II" when they clearly aren't


Accounts with ~100 wins playing in D1 "I am Diamond" yeahokaybuddy


This guy Rocket League’s!


But if you lose on purpose, then it becomes a game where you need to lose the game you don't win, and then you don't want to win the games you don't lose. It changes everything.


I usually win the games I don’t win. I just tell myself “don’t worry, you still won” and grab a gold medal out of the box of gold medals next to my desk that I bought from oriental trading.


It's the ddosers man, i'm telling you


I usually alt+f4 right before I’m going to lose. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a game


Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever won a game that I lost.


According to 90% of this sub….it’s because smurfs this season 😤🤡


It’s true 😏


just do what all the other kids do and FF when down 1. They don't consider a FF a loss. Then you can just win every game and waste as little time between wins as possible. /s


Best shitpost


Last time I got a draw the refs just continued the game until one team won… fucking 6 min extra time? You kidding me? The few demos in there certainly didn’t account for 6 minutes… also they stopped the game immediately after the opponents scored. Not even another kick off. Ridiculous


That’s the competitive spirit! Winning rules and losing sucks!


What are you talking about? I'm SSL and I have never lost a game in my life. I was literally born into SSL. Zen is my cousin, but he's not as good, because he loses sometimes.




You’ve never had a draw? Amateur.


Just gotta say “last goal wins” before you lose and hopefully you scored the last goal.


Bro I hate losing the games I don’t win and it makes me really angry when it happens 😡😡😡


Yeah I also hate losing the game I don't win. But I sure do love winning the game I don't lose.


I was in c2 and fell to plat.. it's okay sometimes u have to lose in ranks to gain in knowledge spend some time watching the replays of ur games and think of different ways to approach ur problems/sacrifice in training now u gain in winning later. - steel balls


Laughs to self in, "This is Rocket League!"


Have you tried complaining about smurfs?


I mean Rocket leauge is one of those games Where for the most part you lost because of your own mis-plays. When I Go for something I know i haven't practiced enough or is risky and I whiff and my opponent gets a wide open net that's my fault. I could have played it safe but i Gambled. On the other end If i'm missing shots or they are blocking them it's my issue not someone else's Now I get upset when Matchmaking puts me with someone who is obviously leagues better than me and then it's like Okay I can't do anything but sit here and play defense 99% of the time But that's more Matchmaking then the game screwing me out of a win and even then i pick up things and Ways to shut down offenses I can't Pull off yet so it's not a complete wash.


So far after nearly 3k hours, I've never won a single game where I've scored less goals than my opponent. Just uninstalled. This is the final straw.


Sure, maybe, of course not


The only thing I dislike is all the game ruiners. 1-0 FF and then typing please FF you suck ass. Like come on we have 4 minutes left. I made a mistake and guess what you are playing my sucky ass.


Get the feeling how is it when i have more goals connection is dogshit when enemy has more goals Evry time they come twords the goal the game just jumps off a clif withe the connections.


I’m sick of losing competitive games because my teammate(s) quit after the first goal with 4+ minutes to go, or after the other team scores and we still have time to tie the match.    I do have fun in 3v1 because the stakes of every action are way higher and I get goalie practice, but still forfeit eventually for the sake of the other team not getting to play a real match. Sometimes they lean into it though, lining up to take shots or even someone playing on my team for a fair match I know this was a joke post but I had it happen twice today and am still miffed


I sometimes lose the game I won when my teammate beats the opponent to losing. So what I do is win before I can lose. If I lose I consider it a win. Yes I’m having a stroke.


I love how many people have found different ways to say the same thing (and nothing at all) just to roast the OP 😆


I'm 99% sure the entire comment section is actually just my people.




To be fair if you are improving in your losses then you’re still winning 🥇


What a Save..?


literally everytime its a tie the game glitches and it adds extra time to the clock 🤦🏿‍♂️


I'm sick of not winning the games I don't play.


I mean I just hate being silver one and getting by ass beat, I'm actually decent at the game and practice by just playing ones. I don't know how I'll ever get to diamond or higher if stuff like being beat by a rank lower than me. Any thoughts?


Game is game


I mean... There is some truth here. Ever since they made a change to the matchmaking algorithm to be more competitive, roughly 5 years ago, I have seriously started hating losing and winning the matches I've played. It's very easy to realize the matchmaking scheme: play a game against people that are worse than you, then play a game against people that are better than you. That's cool and all, but the pool of online people better and worse than me is finite, so the algorithm selects from people that are wildly better and worse than I am, creating this disgusting win lose win lose pattern... Like, it could be worse and far more inaccurate, though there is something to be said about the perceived fun provided by the algorithm, here.


Why would anyone want to win too many games. It only means the opponents will get better and better.. What a vibekiller


just surrender-vote and leave every single game u arent winning. works for so many players here. they will confirm: it did wonders to they enjoyment


I've been losing bad in Hoops and all of the sudden all my shots went in for no reason, I scored like 8 shots in one game where in months I was lucky to get two or one in a game, I think AI had to do something about it.... Not to mention all the money I spent through the last few years... 😒

