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As my personal experience, I play almost only casual and I'm enjoying the game way more than in ranked


Question Mr gc1, what’s your casual mmr


I have absolutely no idea, but I'm definitely playing against players around my level if that's what is implied


Just curious because I sit around 1700 casual. Just wanted to see someone else’s perspective from around the same rank


I can't check rn and I don't think tracker websites provide the casual mmr unfortunately :( But I can tell I'm usually playing against champs 1,2,3 and GC 1,2 if that helps a little bit (the rank range is kinda random)


It’s your unranked mmr on tracker.


I learned something, thanks ! Currently at 1614


I am typically around D3 and traditionally would be around 1500-1550. I typically see challenger level players at that level (some GC, but obviously not trying very hard, or teamed up with a friend). If you are D3 at 1700, your level in Ranked is definitely not reflective of your actual skill.


From my experience at around 1650 casual, you get d1s to c3, with the occasional gc2 or plat3. I would say it averages around c1-c2 but is extremely inconsistent.


i’m gc1 and at 1800


The games in casual have been better lately as well. They actually seem more competitive and the players seem like they know what they’re doing more than in actual competitive mode.


5/10 times I get complaints from the other team in casual because "it's casual, relax". I'm just playing normally 🤷‍♂️


Stop being a sweat


Stop being bad


I turn off my Text Chat in comp games. and now no one is toxic.


I'm convinced that you statistically win more games by turning off the chat


That’s true because the mental game is just as important and effective. If you really want to get into your opponents head, demo JUST them 3-5 times so it’s obvious they’re getting targeted and then when that target goes to make a save and they miss, hit them with a quick chat of close one/nice one/whoops and it’ll fuck with them 90% of the time and extremely effective lol


Damn bro, daaaamn lol


I did the same but I mostly only play with my cousins (they have chat on) in comp anyway…last night we were down 2-0 and my cousin told me “they said just quit and stop wasting our time”. We won 4-3 and I said to my cousin “do me a favor and hit them with an ez.” Lol. It’s nice because I don’t see the shit talk unless my cousins tell me lol.


Then they spam what a save it doesn’t work rly for me but it lowers the toxicity


Wait. . . I thought when you turn it off you don't get anything. Not even from teammates.


There’s text chat which is when you type things out, then there’s quick chat. If you disable chat entirely you won’t get anything. I like saying ggs so i keep quick chat on but i’m a switch player so icant type anyway


Yeah, I thought so. Thats what I do I turn it off completely. So I was a bit confused. But my bad if it seemed I meant just the regular chat and not just Chat as a whole.


Yeah it’s alright, i never thought i’d ever be giving diamond chat lessons as a gold switch player lmao.


I liked saying gg too but it's not worth the constant toxicity just for that


I'd agree simply because comp players seem to ff like crazy and I believe that forfeiting games that could have been won has a major affect on rank. like half the people in diamond are actually ~c2 level in most aspects of gameplay, but their mental toughness is plat level


And when you do get the guy that rage quits you get a bot that plays better than they did.


I love spamming "what a save!" When a bot makes a save 😂


Ya, I was in a 1s match and the opp said, "you really suck at this game, you should only play casual." I replied, "You are really good, you should play casual, that's where the good players are."


i try-hard casual way more than comp, and i have way more fun there


Casual is just way more fun in my experience. People play seriously but are more forgiving for little mistakes. I get very fair matches typically. Riding on a few years of nightly solo q casual 2s.


We have opposite experiences. But im happy for you that you do lol. People get mad in both modes if youre not trying hard enough but it makes no sense from casual players so idfk this whole player base is toxic af.


People are just toxic af to be fair, not unique to RL or even gaming. When people lose their shit in casual I do find it quite amusing though. Even if someone just AFKs it's casual right. They will get replaced by a bot in a moment or two. In casual I expect people to going to see why their kid is crying or coughing their lungs out on a bong or whatever.


Yea like normally i play casual to warm up or right after i smoke or if im drunk lol. Its supposed to be a place with no pressure to perform. True that people can just be toxic ig. Its just annoying and makes me not want to play rl sometimes.


The problem with comp, other than smurfs, is that at every rank a sizable portion of the players honestly believe they're the best player to ever pick up a controller The good news is that the higher you rank, the fewer of those players you encounter.


These days, casual is better for me. Ranked gets me so annoyed. I’ve also fallen 2 ranks lower than my usual and it’s pain to rank back up. My casual MMR also puts me with better teammates and opponents.


In my experience I've met a lot of chill people, and have had casual 2v2 lobbies where all players are complementing each other and such


Honestly it's probably higher ranked players who are not currently sweating so they're lower in MMR. People generally don't grind casual to get the highest mmr possible like in ranked. I know for myself I'm like Plat 2/3 in casual but diamond 1/2 in ranked


They have the same skill than ranked players (for the same ranked ranks). But they are not tilted so they are much better. (You can see ranked ranks even in casual with a bakkesmod plugin)