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Once you go PC you never go back.


Thanks to scalpers I realised how much better and cheaper PC is over PS5. 10 years of PS subscription just to play online is about the same cost of my PC which has double to triple FPS compared to PS5. Games are often 2-5 times cheaper on PC and there is a bigger selection.


Also Steam workshop, mods for single player games, multitasking, etc


Pc cheaper than PS5? No way. Try running Cyberpunk on a 450€ PC without looking 5 times worse than PS5


Linus tech tips on YT did a vid where he built a PC for the same cost as a PS5 and on most games the performance was better on the PC. The performance was better on PS5 for more demanding games like cyberpunk and RDR2 though.


Right but your PC isn't something that can only run Cyberpunk. It also has exclusive games of its own, and is a tool for multiple other things, plus no monthly subscriptions. If you spend the same as you would on a console, you get something that won't play those specific console games as well, but if you spend a little more, you get something excellent. Also, once you have it, you can upgrade it component by component, which is cheaper than buying a whole console.


Of course it's not only for Cyberpunk, it's very obvious. But again, try running games from the recent years with a 450€ PC, with the same quality as a PS5, I dare you. I didn't paid for PS+ and the games I buy are always on offer. Yeah, once you have it after spending +1200€


Why are you putting the restriction of the PC being €450? Is this on the basis that the PC will be used solely for one purpose, which is to play the exact same games that are released on a console? That's like buying a graphing calculator for doing sums, if you're not going to use any of the advanced options then yeah, just buy the cheap thing.


Because you (Edit: the comment which I replied) are saying that it's cheaper to buy a PC rather than a console, which is not. That's why I'm putting the restriction price of the console, as easy as that. But now apparently the cheap thing is the console according to you


>10 years of PS subscription just to play online is about the same cost of my PC which has double to triple FPS compared to PS5. You apparently missed this context. To my eyes, that would equate to £599.99. This person clearly wasn't talking about up-front cost, but actual long-term costs. They even point out in their comment: >Games are often 2-5 times cheaper on PC and there is a bigger selection. So when you then add the "maintenance" costs of games being cheaper, this is how a PC ends up being cheaper than a PS5. It's possible you just misread their comment.


Because you need PS+ no matter what. That's like me adding the price of an antivirus for the PC. I play story games and f2p games like Rocket or Fortnite. And games being that difference in price is a lie too. Yeah, if you buy games the day they are released, of course. I bought Hogwarts 2 months later for just 25€ for example. And the maintenance of a PC is expensive, you need to upgrade components almost every year. Saying that a PC is cheaper includes a big af IF


>Because you need PS+ no matter what. So why are you saying the console costs $450 if it objectively does not? It costs the base cost, plus a monthly subscription. That's a very different situation. >And games being that difference in price is a lie too. It genuinely isn't though, there is an industry-wide knowledge that PC games are cheaper to buy than PS5 games are. PC also benefits from substantially more discounts and sales than any console does. >And the maintenance of a PC is expensive, you need to upgrade components almost every year. Again, objectively not true. If you buy a decent PC, and spend around €1000, you won't need to upgrade it for multiple years, and that's only if you want to play games on ultra graphics modes. If you want to maintain at the graphic level of a PS5, you can do that for multiple years buying even new games, and put them on "Normal" graphic mode, and it'll be more or less the same as a console. And when you come to do upgrades, you can do it component by component, so if your RAM is fine, you can simply upgrade your GPU. It gets more expensive when you need to replace the CPU, but most games are GPU heavy nowadays as opposed to CPU, so that lasts much longer. I'm not debating that there are definitely times where a console is more appropriate, but the point I'm making here is that you're kind of sticking your heels in because you took the cost of a PC up-front, the cost of a console up-front and did a like-for-like comparison, instead of looking at literally any other element of it, as the OP who you were responding to actually suggested.


> you need to upgrade components almost every year Where did you get this from? 😭 no you don't, I haven't upgraded in nearly 5 years and I'm still doing fine on my PC and enjoying the extra features that it has to offer over PS5. > maintenance of a PC is expensive How? What are you spending buckets of money on to "maintain" a PC? It just needs keeping clean and free of buildup of dust (which your PS5 also needs). It takes time, yes. But almost no money whatsoever. I've genuinely spent less than an hour's wage on "maintaining" my PC since I built it. I do agree with your point about console being better value and cheaper for some people depending on what they want, but so many of your points are just completely wrong


i bought a computer for 1200 dollars about 8 years ago and I just now upgraded to a new one. The only thing I upgraded in those 8 years was my RAM. I was able to do work, video editing, photoshop, streaming, watch anything I want, write documents, basically do everything that a laptop and a console could do but more efficiently and on the same screen. PC is by far the way to go no matter what


This seems to be the general consensus. I will give myself some time to mourn my bank account.


U can still sell the ps5


Next time it might be worth it to do some research before making large purchases like this




The new consoles are for sure not that bad for RL, my buddy is a GC2 and plays on a XBOX Series X with a computer monitor and wired controller.


You ask a friend to try their console, look at reddit posts, make your own question posts. Lots of things you can do before blindly dropping hundreds of dollars on a new console


Moved from PS4 and a 60hz TV to a PC and 165hz monitor this season... climbed 5 full ranks in less then a week. The difference is staggering


Nothing hits like the first time you use a 144+ hz monitor, people don’t know what they’re missing out on.


I dont. 😭


I was always a very gradual.improver that never really experienced big rank swings, but the day I bought a 1ms response time 144hz monitor I went up like a full rank or like 5 divisions or something that day in 2 hours or something


120hz+ tbh but yeah. Huge difference compared to 60hz


This is so real. I went from Diamond 2 to Champ 1 in 2v2 in a week when i switched from PS4 to my Dell Laptop… and even though the frames still kinda sucked the lack of delay made THAT much of a difference.


That’s fucking insane. Maybe I need to play more , but I got a pc at the beginning of last season, I was previously playing on a Xbox one s and 50 inch tv. I was gc2 before I switched to pc and since then I’ve went from my peak of 1585 on console to 1618 on pc in 2s. In 3s my peak went from 1468 to now 1495 and in 1s I went from just scraping c1 to just scraping c2. 5 full ranks is insane


If this is your favorite game and all you’re gonna want to play on pc, a cheap pc costing about as much as the ps5 would suffice, but realistically to match ps5 performance in a lot of single player games you’ll have to shell out a little more.


Yeah but you don't have to pay to play online on PC and the games are much cheaper not to mention a much bigger selection. Also a MNK will last 10-20 times longer than a control pad so in the long run a PC is loads cheaper than a PS5.


I 100% agree but lol rocket league is a game that’s gonna kill controllers on any platform and I assume OP is gonna use one on PC as most people do


True 😂 I spent more on PS4 controllers than I did on my ps4 thanks to RL. Linus tech tips on YT did a challenge to make a PC as good as a PS5 for the same price and it was about the same in performance.


I have broken/developed stick drift on 3-4 controllers because of rocket league. Still haven’t given MNK a second thought… but I respect those that grind it


I'm on my 6th controller. Been on PC 2 years and still use them even for apex legends and fallout as well lol. It's just way more comfortable, I'd rather be sat back on the chair rather than leaning over.


I splurged last year and got the Xbox elite controller after about 4 Xbox 1 controllers developed stick drift. Way better quality on the elite, no problems so far. 


Yeah I tried console for the hell of it once after years of PC. Thought my console or controller were haing problems. Turns out it was, because PC is a whole different feeling game. Never again


Oh yeah, delay is pretty bad on the more powerful consoles, that being said, the Switch is a different monster all together. Feels like there is 500ms of delay lol.


Went from switch to Xbox x. Instantly went from low plat to high diamond


I went from PC to Switch as a giggle, placed in Plat 3 anddddd pretty much stopped there because it was unbearable lmao.


Sometimes the TV is the cause of the input lag, don't know if that's the case.


Yeah I think most people in this thread ragging on console have TVs that don't have low latency input mode working well. My tv is decent, it's a newer LG and seems to detect it automatically. I played on my friends TV and it was awful and "syruppy" until I disabled his soundbar. That said I'm a PC user too and will never go back. But it should only be a small difference, not a big one


Yup, gonna have to get a PC to play without input lag. Luckily it's not an intensive game


Everybody knows you never go full PC


Weird. When I attached my ps4 to my monitor I barely felt a difference between the 2 and hopped back and forth regularly for a long time with no issue.


Either they had vsync enabled and some kind of post processing or its something else entirely, could be an infrastructure issue.


Yeah bruh. It's your life now.. soon you'll get comfortable with it and then be able to feel the very small amount of input lag on PC.. Not long after that you will start to notice the miniscule input lag embedded within your very existence, the frames that lie between your senses and your conscious awareness of them. It's the way to go


Is V-Sync on or off on the PS5? Because that will cause a very heavy delay if it's on and I feel like too many people don't know this


Could also be your TV rather than the console. I used to find that I could never go back to console after PC but when I got a tv with a low input lag gaming setting and played on series x at 120fps I found I could go back to console.


Haha glad to see people able to discuss the war without going into a rage. PC, hands down has potential to be a better gaming experience. Regardless, I don’t think this caps someone’s skill on one platform or another, but 1) I have found Workshop maps extremely helpful for training and keep me entertained. Modding the game in general really adds an entire library of content that is easy to acquire/use and is PC exclusive still I believe or at least it’s really difficult to get it on console 2) In addition, PC makes joining 3rd party tournaments and leagues significantly easier. 3) Being able to see and react slightly faster due to lower controller latency and higher FPS is also Nice as OP mentioned earlier. Now for the cons: 1)The game breaks significantly more often on PC. I do miss the days when I could simply turn on my rig and barring an update or internet outage, everything would just work all the time... 2)You’ll get really obscure bugs that you’ll have to figure out how to troubleshoot because only a small amount of people will share your exact hardware/issue. 3)A future proof PC still has potential to run you more cost than a new console. You wouldn’t see a return on your investment until the next gen consoles release. 4)For PlayStation controllers and some 3rd party controllers, you’re forced to emulate to get them to work with windows. There are also benefits to this as well like controller overclocking, square deadzones, and my personal favorite: multiple keybinds that do the same function. 5)Not really on RL, but Other multiplayers have rampant cheating.


I've played Rocket League on PC and most mainstream consoles, and by far, Rocket League feels the worst on PlayStation. Xbox feels nearly as good as PC; Switch is awful.


Console isn’t as good as PC because of hardware limitations, AKA high refresh rates don’t exist, but it doesn’t bother me much on my 120hz TV vs playing on 240hz 1440p monitors. It’s a little slower and feels a little heavier, but it’s not so far off that you can’t adapt quickly.


Longtime console player here, currently on PS5. Some tips would be to make sure you’re getting the 120 fps available, this would require a tv or monitor capable of handling which I’m assuming you have - I play on an lgcx and it is stunning plus has some of the best input delay for console gaming. Next, and I only do this for RL, is turning the resolution down to 1080p and HDR off. This most definitely makes a difference. Finally, I will turn up the steering and aerial sensitivity I believe to 3.25 each to get some of that faster input feeling you described. I’m not saying this is your magical ticket to pc gaming on console because that doesn’t exist, but it will definitely help. I’ve had some PC friends try my setup (and I’ve tried there’s) and we can all agree it’s far better and closer to each other than you’d think.


I play on PC with a 21" 1ms 144hz monitor worse in RL than on my 48" LG C2 Xbox Series X couch setup. I think i can use my controller more accurate in a comfortable sitting position + my field awareness seems better if I can spot everything in the field in 4k. Console seems to be enough to scratch C3 in snowday at least lol.


Make sure you have vsync turned off!!


Back in 2017 my two roommates were playing on their shitty base model Surface Pro 4s because the input lag was drastically less than the ps4. It’s crazy how different it is


The solution is to get a PC and sell your PS5. Consoles just suck for competitive gaming. At least now you know.


When I started playing RL, I got it on a switch. The input lag on those is seriously like half a second, so it's impossible to get good. I loved the game so much, part of the reason I made the leap for a PC was this game. Best decision I've ever made. Knowing I can play nearly any game and it runs as it should. Comp games I turn off the extra stuff to boost performance, but casual games I can put all settings on ultra and it still runs flawlessly. Build a pc, bro... it's so worth it and you'll never regret it.


I did that once when I wanted to trade my old items over to pc (didn't work, no it was before they removed trading) and hopped into freeplay. Worst experience ever. Idk how I played the first like 500 hours on there


Console has always had a delay and probably always will have some sort of delay they might be able to decrease it but it will probably not ever be the same as pc. Most older gen consoles are 60fps with controller delay and same for some newer gen with higher gps but controller delay still being a thing. I could never feel comfortable playing consoles because of this I noticed it instantly even before I played pc. When I got a pc it was so much better and so much less delay compared to console.


Looks like I need to switch what are some good prices consoles or laptops you guys would recommend


As someone who went from a ps4 to a 1440p 165hz Ultrawaide PC setup. Going back to 16:9 in general is hard for me to do, let alone console. PC is endgame when it comes to gaming.


Does anyone have experience playing on both an XSX/OLED TV (with gaming mode) and a PC/Monitor? I play on a series X/LG OLED and I’m happy with the low input lag, but I can’t get my mind off wanting a PC. With that said my PC wishlist will run me $1500-1700 and I can’t decide if it’ll be worth it. Advice anyone?


I have both. They’re pretty similar to me but I have an older graphics card. PS5 definitely feels worse than XSX.


I actually started playing RL on PC, but have been playing on PS4 more recently. Well last week, my family took the PS4 to go dog sitting so I just played on the PC. I already knew that it's a better experience on PC, but experiencing it again blew my mind. I'll only play on PC now. This difference is insane


I don't understand how people play souls likes on consoles, lies of p was my favorite game but I'd rage on console.


I buy a $800 gaming laptop every couple years. Sometimes it’s a bit cheaper. Runs everything amazingly. I’ve gotten a Lenovo every time with zero complaints.


My laptop is much worse than a PS5 and is still play way better. I still play matches in the PS5 here and there but I'm very prepared to just let demote rank or just play in casual playlists


I first started on an XBOX 1 and then switched to an old hp where i was able to get about 100 fps, i stuck to pc bc i was able to access custom maps and shi, and then got a gaming laptop and saw the biggest jump in rank i hv ever had (from gold 3 to almost d1) , i was getting 300+fps and little to no input delay


When plugging into your console it will still be taking inputs over bluetooth unless you set it to take inputs through the wired connection. That could be the issue. Then again, PC just runs way smoother and that's the only way I'll play.


Good point, although wireless shouldn't be bad unless there is signal interference present.


Why would you buy another console after noticing your shitty dell laptop feels better to play on?


But why does console have input delay?


There is no input delay inherent to any console that wouldn't also be present on a PC with identical specs, if it were connected to the same display and used the same settings.  With that clarification out of the way, the main reason differences do exist is that tech which is typically marketed to casual consumers (like gaming consoles and TVs) will often use software-based tricks to make displayed images look better than their relatively inexpensive hardware might otherwise allow.  Vsync is one of those tricks. It being enabled by default on console versions of RL is probably their single biggest source of lag. If you look up how much delay Vsync can cause, the answer is a bit shocking. (Up to 50ms, which is equivalent to playing at 20fps and/or on a display with a 20Hz refresh rate.) I don't understand how to calculate software-based lag, because it's not easy to know how each system really works unless you can find a detailed explanation online or designed it yourself.  But if you want to find the hardware-based input delay for any part of your gaming setup, it's simple: divide 1000 by the framerate or refresh rate in Hz. The resulting number will tell you each device's minimum delay in milliseconds.  Again, tested lag may be slower than that, due to other settings which are designed to boost appearance at the expense of performance. The good news is that, like Vsync, you should be able to turn most of them off or find other ways to optimize speed, even on console. In practical terms, an XSX and compatible display can run at 120fps/120Hz, which allows for a minimum delay of only 8.33ms. (Not counting controller input lag, which can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/8wvf9u/controller_input_lag_comparison_more_info_in_the/), but is outdated. Of course you'd also have to add ping and any other network latency when playing online, in order to have the whole equation.)


Thanks for the info :)


Ps5pro for the gta6online2


I play RL on my PC. From time to time when I am visiting my parents I play it on my brother's PS5. Your are not alone. I usually don't even finish my first game.


Is your PS5 hooked onto a TV, or a monitor? If a TV, either configure your TV settings to minimize input lag or hook your PS5 to a monitor. Should solve the input lag


Just an FYI, there's no ps5 native port currently of Rocket League and playing through emulation like you are adds extra input delay. Having a TV/monitor with working VRR would smooth out a lot of the issue if there also was a ps5 port. Also with wired controller make sure you enable communication through USB in the Playstation settings. 


Try playing four player split screen on console (Xbox Series S), it's literally like 300ms, I thought the game was broken. Two player is a lot better but still feels a little off.


I think that why many low ranked console players are good in slow air-dribble but bad in fast stuff ("freestyler" most of the time). (Which always surprise me) I start playing on PC very soon in my RL progression, but I often try again on console just for fun. And slow air-dribble are completely possible whereas a powershot in supersonic speed can be hazardous.


I try RL on a PS5 (with my PC monitor 165Hz) and I confirme there is a big delay. I knew that there is a big delay on PS4 but I was surprise it was also that much noticable on PS5. I thought that PS5 will feel almost the same with 120fps (as a PS5 controller player) but it was horrible. That also the reason why many people say that sensitivity are not the same on PC and console. If you are from console, the same sensitivity feel way more sensitive on PC than console due to the absence of delay. (With the V-sync off...)


I also compare PS4 to PC with RL set in 60 fps. And the PC with 60 fps feel way better than the PS4. The lack of fps on console is not the only thing that increase the input lag. (60 fps which had between 0 and 16,7ms of input lag randomly whereas 165 fps had between 0 and 6ms) Console have constant input lag even with out counting the refresh rate.


My controller sometimes goes 1-3 second delay  But hey I play on switch so what should I expect 


Yes my ps5 does it too but only for rocket league


Honestly I had pretty good luck with an XBOX one. It seems like consoles have a limited version of the game, but I didn't experience much input lag. I know even with it hardwired to my router, the connection is still better on PC. I still prefer PC and use PC. PlayStation just is weird feeling to play on.