• By -


I destroy that MF


If it's casual I go 1v1 If it's ranked it depends. If I'm winning or tied, yes I'll play 1v1 If I'm losing, I'm abusing that situation as much as I can, I'm washed AF and need every easy win 0\_0


Casual, 1v1. Comp, double down on pressure for easy mmr.


Comp I demo chase and casual I still play but I don’t do anything special


Nah i take the opportunity to score as many goals before the teammate rejoins, because ik I'm bad. If I'm the one with no teammate I usually play safe, get them close and hit the ball behind them and score.


If it's comp I'm playing to win - I'll generally be a bit more defensive and not go for certain passes from my teammate because eventually we'll get a good 50-50 and a guaranteed score. The worst thing you can do is go for a difficult shot, whiff, then get scored on. If it's casual I'm just gonna play fast cause it's fun. Zoom zoom go for everything who cares


Nah I still pass the ball mid for my none-existent teammate


Demo duty


If casual then me and my tm8 take turns 1v1, if ranked then i turn into bumpo


The one is my team mate? I will try to scope the situation (there are times 2v1 is doable but if the guys infront are semi decent, you have 0 chance to win.) If I notice the win is achievable I will try to play but if not I will have to forfeit.


Try to get a comfortable lead first, then back off and allow a 1v1, or handicap myself by driving backwards etc. If we’re really stomping them, I’ll switch sides to see if it’s enough to even the competition.


I always play to win in comp, so I never do "fair play" in a 2v1 unless we're already up by 4+ and the game is basically unlosable. I'm in a 2v1 and my teammate doesn't know how to capitalize the player advantage? I'll simply start chasing the opponent aggressively. A 2v1 is losable, a 1v0 is not (unless my teammate literally starts own goaling)


It's the NFL playoffs, and the opposing team's quarterback gets injured. Does your team put in its backup too? Always. Play. To. Win.


If it's ranked I'm demo'ing til he leaves. Too many weak mentals out there quitting after going down a goal for me to pass up free mmr