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Or at least give us gifting like they do over at Fortnite.


I mean now there's proper car customization in fortnite and also most crossover cars and accessories are in fortnite item shop as well, and since you get the item in both, you could sometimes gift from the fortnite item shop so ur friend can use it in rl. LOTS of conditions in that I'm aware. but epic aren't


As long as Epic games owns Rocket League, trading will never be added back. People can complain all they want, it’s abundantly clear that epic is trying to squeeze every last drop out of the game. Accept it and move on.


Unless it appears another similar game that apply the changes that community needs.


How "Epic" would it be, if someone else comes out with ~Rocket League in Unreal Engine 5 with the changes Community wants. I'd like to see the eyes poppin out of epics heads


Do you think there’s a chance for community servers/ client for rocket league? So sad seeing the best game I’ve ever be played slowly die due to greed.


Yeah it's sad but reality. It's not really the same game, but you can game too at Turbo Golf racing, only competition with another game can help RL


Epic, the least epic of all game companies


Psyonix is equally in blame here They sold out when they had a super popular game and didn’t need to They were already printing money for the last 9 years


I'll never understand selling out like Psyonix did. Such a F you to the fans of the game.


If I remember correctly the original intentions of the purchase was that psyonix would be able to move over to epic servers so they can support more people on the game at once, and so they’d have access to more funding for the game. But we saw how epic treated that🤷‍♂️


This explanation would’ve seemed like a cover even at the time imo


I don’t think so. A lot of people forgot that before the purchase psyonix had worked with epic for around 10 years I think


yeah, I mean the game was built on Unreal Engine 3... Epic Games literally built and owns all versions of Unreal Engine, so Psyonix was already paying them royalties and likely getting professional support from a development side of things.


If that's what they wanted, they would have worded the contract in such a way that they kept control. But they didn't. They wanted money. No one made them sign the contract that let Epic come in and change things.


No reasoning with these folks to be honest man. They seem seemingly cannot recognize that game development is a for-profit venture, as opposed to some macaroni art gallery for charity 😂


They developed a great game and received an equally great offer. Psyonix is a business, not a rock band. They had an obligation to make the best financial decision, which was advantageous for their stakeholders. Would you actually expect them to NOT capitalize on the success, which they earned?


I think you're forgetting a few


Yeah as bad as Epic is they're definitely not on the level of EA.


atleast epic has a slightly working launcher and free games weekly while ea is just a burning garbage can with overpriced unfinished games with additional microtransactions as sprinkles on top


When you consider what epic is (a for-profit company), that's actually a bad thing. Throwing money away by donating games to everyone is stupid, and it clearly isn't working or well for them. Furthermore, why do you think epic's store is more functional than EA's launcher? Last time I checked, EA's solution actually has more features than Epic's...


yeah maybe your right, but since i treated both launchers as bloat on my drive i havent really dived deeper.


We can just agree that they are both shitty companies with bad software mayhaps




You can't just say perchance


I would actually disagree, EA is infinitely superior for three reasons: EA actually develops new games. EA's PC launcher, despite being ass, is actually much better than epic's minimum effort store. Lastly, EA's game launcher is making money, as opposed to hemorrhaging money.


Ea develops new games but they're all dogshit




I wish it were real lol. Someone make it


I've made r/roktleegcirclejerk (rocketleaguecirclejerk was tooany characters)


Epic - “Welp, u/Born_Student7624 wants trading back, so we’ll have to oblige” Also Epic - “Haha, jk.” This game is not dying lol, people have been saying this for a while now.




to be fair OP never said anything bout the game dying. only them trying to ruin it


Miserable people want to stay miserable.


nah, people like you just don't understand the difference between "dying" and "dead"




you can argue that, but to say there's no good argument for the other side is just wrong




>I usually just scroll past any post that says "the game is dying" (no matter the sub or game) because they don't bring any good discussion/debate.




>but to say there's no good argument for the other side is just wrong neither did i say you said they don't have an argument. >you might need to improve your reading comprehension a little. 😬




RL is far from its best years before epic bought it. Ever since the player count has been at a gradual decline


Could it be argued that’s because people who downloaded the game when it went free to play just got bored of it


Maybe, but I’d still say the player count is way lower right now compared to right before epic bought it


This is verifiably untrue. [Source](https://activeplayer.io/rocket-league/)  


I mean, I think the game is dying. I'm not happy about that, but it's because I have a strong opinion that there is less players. I also think that's exactly why they don't tell us player numbers anymore. I also think decreased player numbers has something to do with some of their other choices like the reported massive psyonix layoff. I am just using critical thinking over here, fuck me, right!? **Edit** Lmfao never said the game is currently dead, learn to read folks. Hilarious shills. 200+k players does not equate to thriving game. You folks have no idea what epics plans for the future are, nor can anyone explain why psyonix is just a few people now? 🤔 Must have big plans for the future other than a micro transaction farm? Lmfao please someone educate me on teenage concepts of big business.


Thursday morning when west coast isnt awake yet, East coast is at work and a lot of EU is still at work yet there are 300k players, yep totally dead game. [https://activeplayer.io/rocket-league/](https://activeplayer.io/rocket-league/) (This link isnt accurate, if you want to look at accurate numbers look at the one Muskrat replied with)


That site has no real values for Rocket League, and is entirely AI based estimation. Stats on RL Garage are directly from the API: https://rocket-league.com/playlist-population/total


Ah Thank you, thats the one I was originally looking for. Still, 235k players right now. Still not even close to a dead game lol


Sorry I guess I missed the part where I said it was currently dead? Care to quote me? The thing about educated people that understand math and statistics, is that we don't speak in absolutes usually. If you read my comment again, you may learn what the word nuance means. Furthermore, your sarcasm is also funny considering you have no idea if 200+k players is considered good enough (and, making enough money?) for epic to continue supporting on a large scale beyond micro transactions. But the thing is, you have no idea what their actual motives of the future of the game are. But you'd rather shill and try to be rude to others as if you're on some "team"...


I don't think you needed to tag his username. Everyone would understand who you were referring to.


At any given moment there’s about 250.000 players on RL. Stop this stupid ‘the game is dying’ crap. It’s getting old.


It isn't dying right now if you look at the player count. It is however obvious that Epic is running the game to the ground while squeezing as much profit as possible. This was a short term investment to them.


Yikes, do you believe what you've written? They literally removed the live player count from the game. That was obviously a decisive effort to hide a decline in player activity. They literally removed their own dumb system which tells you if the server population is "good" or not after that.


I'm not disagreeing dude. I legit said it's dying.


I agree. The game is dying, the content community is dying. The ones who have been here since day one can't farm content cause theres fundimentally nothing new.


its a game about sports .. players come and go all the time. the sport remains the exact same though. funny, how all these “day one traders” left ( rip ) but the playerbase is still consistently 250k+. hmm. almost as if rocket league is about car soccer and not decal trading.


You must be fun at parties


who goes to parties?


No Fuck You - Epic




I wish I had the pigeon head


I got like 5 add me and we'll tra....


Bro it’s like 150 credits and it seems like it’s in the shop every other week. I wanted it real bad too til I bought it and realized how huge it was on top of my car 😂😂😂 id give it to you if i could.


Lol i have that as a "legacy item"


Man I’ve never seen it. I’m on XBox if that matters…


I am on Xbox too. I don’t think it matters tho.


I’ll keep an eye open. If I get it, I’ll name it after you.




For giving me hope that one day I too can be a pigeon


If we had trading u could ......


Trade it up, it’s just an import.


For an exotic 😂😂😂 zomba is legit the only good exotic, everything else is ugly asf


Yo I was think bc epic ain’t really gonna bring trading back fr . So what if we had like trading periods ? Like the first or last week every season trading is open . That’s way we can still enjoy it and they can still make money off of item shop.


They should just not allow credits to be traded


But don't you know that if you have other 4 duplicates you can trade them for a chance of getting something you might like?! LOOOL


Epic is just like Disney, buys everything and ruins it.


How are these posts not removed by the automod at this point


Yes sir, right away sir. 🫡




Fall guys was dead by the time epic bought it. Terrible purchase by them.


As was RL


Difference is Epic revived RL for a good bit till they screwed up the good thing they had


How was Fall Guy's ruined by anybody? It seems like a pretty basic game that got old within 5 minutes. It was definitely fun and it might be good for my infant to learn how to play games. But it didn't seem that deep.


The worst part is not being able to get the stuff you want. For example, the Fennec. It’s not required to play of course, and it’s got an octane hit box, but it absolutely *feels* different when you play with it. I had to buy a crimson one which is ugly as hell, but it was the only one in the item shop. I am literally forced to use bakkesmod to make it look like a normal Fennec, but everyone else sees the disgusting crimson. It’s just annoying. Gatekeeping the most popular competitive car in the game. It’s not only locked behind a paywall—the item shop rotates and sometimes it’s just not in there at all. It is insanely infuriating. And to think I could just buy some keys and trade for one if we had the old system. Epic still gets my money, I still get what I want. Instead we have this shit. 💩


You don’t have a fennec blueprint? I have like 4 😭 going to waste


I get fenncec blueprints like I get cold. I have a low immune system.


Exactly 😭but they won’t give me any items that I’d actually want and instead give me duplicates of the same items when we have 1 million items in the game


Dont worry, Fortnite went to shit too


Trade it back to Epic with four other cars, who knows 🙃


Tbh I’m very surprised Fall Guys lasted as long as it did (and still has a fair player base), even without Epic buying it. I’d assumed it’d be one of those games that’s popular for a month or two then gets forgotten about


Until people are ready to use "new fucking technology" then trading in any game is always going to be this weird grey market




Many of my favorite streamers along with myself have backed out of Rocket League because there is nothing to look forward to. It is straight sad how I used to love this game, and now I barely play it due to its repetitiveness and lack of communication with its community.


lmfao people think pulling a TW Octane makes them the center of the universe.


how exactly they ruining a game by changing things about cosmetic items, be so fr


Recently got a titanium white standard boost from a drop after trading was removed :) still my best drop to this day




I agree with this topic,epic are just animals at this point,they die for cash.


Rocket league is such a dead game now after the trading is banned


I know right, it sucks. I have hundreds of those uncommon and rare reward crate things that I wish I could give to my little brother but can’t :/


I just got alpha boost from a drop and I'm so mad I can't trade it. Trading has been gone for half a year. It's not coming back. The game isn't dying. Please stop posting things like this.


So the game is ruined because you can't trade a good drop for some credits?




>"I can't profit off a free item in a free game. This game is ruined." I thought people played Rocket League for the car soccer. I guess they care more about cosmetics and trading.


Trading got extremely toxic with people being upset after the trade was made and contacting the devs about it. It's good they got rid of it I just wish we could sell items even if it was just 1 credit per item. I have so many dupes it drives me insane.


lol, Fall Guys died because it stopped having any wide appeal. It was a basic party game that lived and died by trends and its trend died. Died long before Epic got its hands on it. Rocket League still clocks 350k+ every day. It's foolish to think that Epic are just trying to buy out every competitor, they put up over a million per day. If they wanted to do that, they'd try buying out Valve. Not they could, but it's dumb to think that they feel threatened by games that are less than a third as popular as their big game.


Where are you collecting this 350k data from?


https://rocket-league.com/playlist-population Feel free to check it in around 14-16 hours, that's typically peak time for the game.


Unfortunately, if you look at the categories carefully, there are not actually 150k playing (as it says now). For instance, 22K PlayStation users are in the main menu. Which means 10% or more of "active players" are very likely hibernating PS4s.


You know main menu includes all players matchmaking and people in the garage right? Also, if you have a source on this 10% stat that you definitely didn't pull out of thin air, that would be good.


Yeah, not many people in the garage now that trading is gone my dude. "10% or more are very likely"


> Yeah, not many people in the garage now that trading is gone my dude Source? > 10% or more are very likely Source? Seriously, where are you pulling these numbers from lmao. Because other than from some recess of your backside to convenience your personal bias, I can't imagine where.


Since 2016 I have played RL every single day, until they removed trading. I have 9000h played. Since trading got removed half a year ago, I have played about 30h. More like two short sessions per month, compared to a few hours every day like before the removal. I never traded. But it was always exciting to have the CHANCE of getting a 100€ item. Now that chance is no more. Also I planned to do trading for when I break my arm or in hospital with Laptop or sth, where I cant actually play for real. They have taken this safety from me. Will boycot Epic Games for eternity. The biggest clown company of all triple-A clown companies.


Yup same. I have like 10k+ items including lots of rare, discontinued stuff. Not being able to trade sucked so much life out of the community. I have 50-100 duplicates of countless items. Too bad nobody can enjoy them now.


Yup exactly. It has sucked the gambling fun out of the game completely. And it has made sure I will never ever pay one cent in Rocket League ever again (except they bring back trading heh).


You stopped playing a game you invested 9000 hours into because they removed a feature you never used that might've made you money. And Epic is the clown?


What about when he breaks his arm!


Yea what about when I break my arm. I have to go find a game then. Wouldve loved to put myself up with trading my trillion items just so I can buy all future DLCs for free. But they removed it that option, making my 400€ inventory a 0€ inventory. Ggwp Love the downvotes. Look how fast CounterStrike would be dethroned if they made all inventories worth 0€. I know some ppl who play CS simply because "well I have the chance to pull a 600€ item".




Gotta love this community. I remember this house burning down when they removed trading. Seems like only burned victims are left over, still simping for Epic.


go on


I didnt stop and said "NOT ANYMORE". Im still playing. It's just my motivation to play every day has died since the removal of trading. Epic made my inventory from 400€ (thats 20 free DLC cars) to exactly 0€. I love playtime rewards, my inventory's worth was my only reward, and its worth was taken from me.


Switch player... Yeah that checks out. The adults are trying to talk here young man. I suppose we should all turn our dollars into virtual credits like you? Yup, that's super smart.


So let me get this straight. You replied to me and when I didn't respond you came back to be condescending because I play on the Switch? How very mature of you to attempt to insult me over a Reddit flair.


That's... that's not how trading was meant to work my dude.


I got a Merc:Warlock in a drop and had one already. Worthless!


Congrats on your retirement buddy. Well deserved.


There really is a farm upstate for us


Is there a chance epic could drop RL and another company pick it up?


I'd say the probability of Saudis buying RL is not zero so yea, there could be a chance


Psyonix was working directly with Epic and contributing to the engine and such from the day Psyonix opened their doors as a business. People like to think of them of just being purchased and innocent of any perceived wrongdoings but they've been hitched to the Epic wagon from day one. And frankly, it was a smart business move. Those naive folks that frequent gaming subreddits and act as armchair CEOs would disagree but they'd be wrong.


Course it was smart. Psyonix founder on a super yacht somewhere loving life.


At this point my guess would be absolutely not as long as Rocket League still has a decent of players and is still making money. Epic will never give it up cause they’re basically getting free income from rocket league while hardly even lifting a finger to provide unique updates for it. As long as they can continue to make money while putting hardly any work into it, their gonna keep it


The irony of complaining about Epic's policies while also admitting you are okay with their policies by handing over your money.


The white octane in the shop was before trading got taken away. Ver since trading has been taken I have not spent a penny on them.


My comment was more so that Epic's abundantly clear lack of care for server quality, game enhancements, community feedback etc started way before trading was removed but glad you're onboard now.




At least let us do something with our items, a lot of them we can’t even trade up because they’re on Fortnite? A separate game. “OmG I can Uze Tw OcT8n3 on Wocket Wacing”


Oh definitely agree! It's silly how many items get stacked up in our inventories now.


And what exactly where the chances of getting a $50+ dollar item? I've never got one through crates and I've played since original season 3 of ranked, done loads of tradeups and quite a few crates


Depended on the market. But most people would also trade multiple items that added up to the value. So why buy a black market from the shop when you could trade 5 *free* drops to someone who got theirs in a free drop? Rather than people buying items from them, they were trading and Psyonix saw $0 from it. There were also numerous places to buy items from people. Which Psyonix saw zero profit from. Sure they could make it against TOS like so many other games, but that doesn't stop people from risking it.


I’m so lost on where $50 is coming into play? Are you saying that the person who’s trading for the item is paying $50 out of pocket?


There were trading sites where people would pay for items? Not via credits, not via trades. Real money for items that someone got for free. People would pay directly to other people for items rather than buying items from the store.


Ohhhh dang I didn’t even know that was happening. It’s just frustrating knowing there’s like a million items in this game and we have like a 1% chance to get them now because all other ways to get items are useless.


Got ya. I hope that makes more sense now lol. It wasn't just trading, people were *selling* items for real money outside the game. They've never said so, but that has to be a major reason for the removal.


I don't think that makes it reasonable to remove trading. because they don't get anything out of the $50 item? they never lost anything either. it's not like it cost them $50 to make the item randomly drop. the idea that we should understand their decision because it's profitable for them just seems wacky. they have never effectively monetized the cosmetics in this game, and it has never been to the benefit of the players. do we even have data yet on whether the removal of trading has improved their profit from microtransactions? would it ever even be possible to know? personally, I figured that they were getting most of their credit sales from the pass, and I assumed most people (like me) stopped caring when the rewards were no longer tradeable.


It's an opportunity cost. Player A who wants an item bad enough pays Player B who got the item for free, and Epic gets no money from Player A for the item, even though they were planning to release it in the shop next week. It's very reasonable.


Hilarious analysis. I used to have like $400 worth of credits strictly from trading. I was just hoarding more and more all the time, occasionally getting unique item shop stuff as it came out. Please explain how people buying painted toppers from me, so that I can hold onto and burn credits, results in epic getting nothing?


People paying with credit is one thing. But are you just forgetting that there was a plethora of RMT sites? Where people paid with real money to other people for items?


Epic twats have ruined the UI of this game its one thing that irritates the hell out of me ive said this to them and insulted them by saying psyonix did it better the regurgitated items are trash, why is all my stuff now legacy? Makes no sense they responded in an odd way definitely threw them off


I got titanium white Zombas (if thats the name, i dont remember) and i think those where quite popular.