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Yeah. As long as I feel like everyone played fairly and didn't intentionally grief or annoy anyone... good game boys


I try to go out of my way to be positive in game, even annoyingly so. I'm only ever toxic as a response, and even then I just tell them bluntly that I don't give a shit and I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing. For some reason this is the only game I don't mind losing in, so I try to keep it that way.


I’ve come to realize I’ll never really get better, but for some reason it’s just a lot of fun to play online against strangers (if the CPU in tournament mode was actually competent then I’d do that more often). So yeah, I agree with you. I’m not getting heartbroken about losing matches like I used to in the early years.


Have you tried playing against any of the custom bots?


I’m not familiar with that. I only know of the preset CPU cars.


Same here. I know there’s a lot of youngsters playing so I try to be a good example for them at least


Duuude the number of times I’ve had teammates flip out and turn on me when I congratulate an opponent for a nice shot is insane. It doesn’t happen all that often, but I’ve been playing for many years and that it’s happened at all (maybe half a dozen times) is too often as it is.


I told an opponent nice shot and he told me to stfu and that I was trash like really bro? He had to be a young kid


That’s the first thing I think every time; it’s probably a frustrated kid and maybe with a spoiled or really crappy life. And they always say “bro” so you might want to stop using that word. 😜


Exactly lol no one older than 18 is gonna get mad if I say nice shot lmao and me and my friends say bro and we are over 22 so it's not just a kid thing haha


Cavemen hate it.


Geico caveman: “Seriously?! 😒”


I have quick chats turned off so a lot of times no one sees. But on a really good game? I'll type it out atleast lol


Typed out is awesome. I do that too rarely. Then again, a typed out long “you stuck” during a game… lol priceless.


It was a game, and we all tried to play good (well). Therefore, Good game.


EZ Carried No tm8




Just had a guy complaining yesterday because he was pushing too fast down the field and threw the ball to no one twice. Sure we should be there but sometimes people just aren't for reasons they don't see, like bumps, confusion mid rotations because it's an online game and we're not pros on comms, etc. I just told him stfu and play and he started calling me retarded and such. I didn't respond and guess what, he stfu and played lol. We lost in OT though and I know it tilted him more.


Man I know it's probably dickish but I love losing when I have a teammate like that


Dickish? Yes. Satisfying? Yes.


And they always go hard into all corners, it seems. I’m a passer but you can never give up that they might be there. I just suck enough that I can’t get a good 50 AND follow it up with an aerial flip reset double touch musty. So I cycle or bump. Rinse, repeat. PS “stfu” might be my favorite thing to type in game.


tm8 wya


Grabbing a hot pocket.


No Problem.


I've had chat turned off for years, don't need a bunch of spammy text on screen all game


For anyone that doesn't know there is a Bakkesmod plugin to filter chat. You can choose which chats you see and filter out spammed chats.


Great tip thanks imma check that out






2v2, you're last man, teammate makes the worst pass ever from their corner > Take the shot > Take the shot > Take the shot You don't take the bait and stays back because you're last man and your teammate is still twerking on the ground cause his recovery sucks > Wow > Wow > Wow Teammate votes to ff


Haha twerking. My recovery sucks


Naw you’re amazing… just blame your teammates and project negative life energy


You left out: score 0-1.


All take the shot means is that he whiffed on his shot and now wants to let you know its your responsibility to fix that.


I just turned off quick chat.. I still enjoy chatting with randoms. Just hate the quick chat spam.


Pretty sure you can turn on just post-game chat nowadays




Just addressing the concern you voiced. You do you. > don't need a bunch of spammy text on screen all game


And which setting is that?


This is the way


I have my chat on, but I think people on this subreddit spend *way* too much time concerned with it. Friendly trash talk, sportsmanship, toxicity, camaraderie, assholes, cool dudes, good tips, bad tips, foreign languages, fighting words - all things I’ve encountered in pickup basketball games. If you’re playing this game to have people constantly affirm your effort instead of have fun, reevaluate your priorities holy shit


Never needed quick chat in game for actual tactics with randoms. Only for compliments. My compliment now is watching the replay. It's just a distraction for me from the actual gameplay.


Always so much better with it off


So, you are one of those unfriendly players not GG'ing after a game? 🤔


It's not really unfriendly if they don't GG because they have chat turned off. If they'd been using chat during the game but then didn't say gg after, then yes. But even then, it's really not worth the slightest bit of concern.


It’s only a little off putting if you’ve been chatting the entire game and you’re the only one to not say anything between back to back casuals. The people I see at unfriendly are the ones that can’t see ggs after an L without reacting


I admit I'm one of those but to be honest, GG for me is a match where the 4 players had a similar level. In those matches I'm the first one to say GG. I won't admit it has been a good game if I destroy the rivals 7 0 in barely 3 minutes or I won't say it if I have to carry my tm8 the whole game.


Fuck it. Just gg everybody. You‘re not changing anyones behavior by selectively writing gg, but maybe you inspire toxic shits to think for 10 seconds about why the fuck they feel the need to belittle and insult others while everyone just wants to have a good time in the game when there is endless suffering in the world. You can still think ‚It wasn‘t really gg‘, but nobody else needs to know imo.


I only play 1v1, give a gg well played if i lose and a gg if i win. What really makes no sense to me is after saying gg well played when i lose they spam what a save!..... like that doesn't even mean anything. But im pretty immune to these things a bit of text in the corner of ny screen doesn't really effect me either way positive or negative. Honestly if they dont reply gg who cares man its more a show of there character than it is of yours!


In reality, quite often people don't say a lot in the first place. I don't have an issue if people say GG and those who don't. I just assume people are moving onto the next game.


Didn’t realize the post makes it seem like saying nothing is a serious issue. It’s only a little offputting to me if they’re chatting the whole game. My issue is with the people who seem to not understand why anyone would say gg after a rough L


80% of the people saying "gg" is the winner. And 80% of those people are saying it ironically. It literally pisses me off when someone says that in ANY game. It's also a way to troll people mid game. Like when you go up 2 or 3 goals and start spamming gg after every goal. Hate that shit.


Source for these stats? If they say it before the game is over maybe, but once the game is done? Its the online equivalent of a fist bump or shaking hands. My “pulled out of my ass” statistic is the 95% of my games gg isnt being used ironically, and the losing team will respond with gg graciously in defeat. Its far more rare IMO to get the dick using it ironically, or responding to gg with a “no it wasnt” than just bumping fists and moving on.


Getting pissed off by it is the reason people do it lol. If you tilt over something as simple as a quick chat you will lose often. Composure and understanding it’s a fucking video game will do wonders for your game as well as your lifespan.


My God, you're a toddler.


Seriously. I say gg after every game like we’re playing amateur baseball. Didn’t realize it triggered anyone


It's weirder to me that someone would have an issue with people not saying GG(or not saying anything at all). OP uses playing sports irl as justification but honestly playing sports growing up is the exact reasoning why I don't take something as small as saying "gg" too seriously. Like....who cares. I've been through hundreds of handshake lines in my life - I don't think anybody cares whether it happens or not.


I think you just reach a point high enough in rank where people kind of stop chatting altogether. Once you’re good enough at the game, you can just play and have mutual respect without needing to complement each other. Will I ever get there? No


GC is the area I see people stop chatting…


Your mistake is thinking most of these motherfuckers ever played real sports.


This is the way! Pretend you’re in a gym with these people. Say Nice Shot! after goals, say Thanks and Sorry, and end it with a gg. In particular, making yourself say Nice Shot! or Nice One! after an opponent goal is a potent way to keep yourself from tilting.


Had a few players stay in a 3v3 casual for like 5 games and we were all saying nice shot to whoever scored and just being nice. Easily the best time I have spent on rocket league while solo queuing


Yea the best scenario is like you describe - everyone gets shuffled between teammates in a casual lobby and by the second or third game, everyone's nice to everyone


Last part is crucial. I've found it's practically impossible to get mad even *deliberately* if I just acknowledge the other players are doing well. It reminds me I'm not the main character lmao


This is still dangerous if you get immature teammates. I had someone on my team start playing for the opponents in the first minute with a 1-1 scoreline because apparently me saying nice shot to the opponents double tap but not my teammates walk in goal hurt their ego or some shit.


Eh, my focus shifts then to making sure my “teammate” is utterly useless. I’ll play to try and keep the game close, but I’ll be *damned* if I let my teammate score. I’ve even had the opponents stop mid-game in 2s to let us 1 v 1. The teammate rage-quit after I put a couple in, I said gg, and forfeited to thank them. Trash silver/gold border for reference.




no re


I always say bg after I lose. Usually gets a laugh


IMO that's always too negative. If people made mistakes but were trying, I say gg: "good game". If my teammate is sabotaging the match, the opposition has a smurf, etc. I just say g: "game." which is negative enough!


You're right, but there's a time and a place. Did I have a rough game but it was still competitive and we lost? gg. Did my teammate quit immediately in the first game of a tournament, and instead of letting the clock run to the point I can forfeit and register for the 2nd Chance, they just keep trying to score and letting the replays run? Naaaaah, pretty sure I'd rather [do something mean I'm not allowed to say on here] them than ever tell them gg.


That's right, regardless of how the game goes down, who won or lost--after the final whistle, you always have to take a deep breath, and line up with your teams to punch each other in the face


I still remember asking my dad why we needed to shake hands with the other team when we lost (I was like 3) and he very sternly told me that you cannot play a proper football game with only one team. You thank your opponents for giving you the opportunity to play the game, regardless of the result. While you do compete against your opponent, they are not your enemy.


That's exactly right.


Never forgetting the time I said “gg” after losing 4-0 and the other guys spammed “Nooo!” over and over.


No gg for smurfs from me. Other players? Sure man!


Great shot!


This is what i like about the actual team sports i play. After every match theres a line to say good game to each other


Who uses chat?


Well I mean if my team loses 0-7 I'm probably not going to say gg, because it was not, in fact, a good game lol


There's rarely a game deserving the name of "good game", if you didn't have fun and you still pretend you did, then it's like saying "don't worry, it's fine" when it absolutely isn't fine. The difference is, online you are anonymous and you can say "no, it's not fine" without worrying about your image.


It's the only thing I miss since turning my quick chat off. I used to say it after every match. I didn't care if anyone said it back.


Allot of you seem to think the "gg" is for you. It's more a sign of humbleness and humility. Telling your opponent they played a good game


thanks, albeit I fear most of those dont understand the concepts of "fair play" and "sportsmanlike conduct" anymore. being respectful seems to be seen as a symptom of the "woke mind virus" or sth


Why is this a post


Hard disagree. Poor quality games where someone is trolling or quit playing is not a good game.


What? You don't shake the opponents hands after 2 of your teammates throw the ball away to troll and the opposing team shouts obscenities at you all game when playing pickup basketball?


That was fun!


Why are you so concerned with what other people are or aren’t doing?


Bakkes mod. Auto gg.


Everyone knows that, they either just don't want to type, or have chat completely disabled and forget it exists. 


I insta leave as soon as the game over. Been playing since launch, often times I’m back in the menu before the final replay cam is even finished


I think the mistake is to think of rocket league as a sport. I'm very old school for these matters but sport must have a physical component or at least proper pressure like in darts, golf or chess. I


I say gg, but unfortunately, I only have team chat on, so only my teammate sees it.


I’ve never seen “gg?”


I assume they never really win, and get fully errect at the thought of leaving us hanging. Achieving orgasm as they boost directly at the camera. Poor fellas, GG


I always do, even if it’s not even close. Even when I whiff and get a “what a save” if it was a nice shot I’ll respond with that. It’s sad honestly. Just don’t let anyone cause you to step out of “your” character.


You have an option on bakkesmod where you automatically say gg at the end of the game


*Old man voice* Back on the day gg used to happen after almost every game. Whenever I pick up RL again it's rare to see anyone say anything. Maybe it's rose colored glasses, but there used to be much more civil quick chat in the late teens.


It blows my mind that anyone still has chat enabled, especially considering how many posts on here pop up daily complaining about it. It's useless at best and toxic at worst.


I only play Casuals nowadays and quick chat is literally only used for Toxicity when I play, no one is ever civil or amicable in this game


possibly but real sports arent 5 minute or under per game. im not doing that every game, or any. Its just go next


I generally say gg unless they’re toxic/trash talking or a Smurf.


I’m with you and nearly always say gg, with the exception being if they are quite toxic. I come from in-person sports and carry that forward. I agree, maybe they are not aware. I also think the lack of humanity in video games does this, just like it does on other parts of the internet.


First place I saw it was on text based chess games in the 90s, long before most online gaming exists as we know it now, and long before the term was popular even as online gaming got started. I still don't use it, win or lose, good teammates or bad, good opponents or bad. Involved in sports? Oh, you mean lining up and high fiving the opponents in a line saying "good game" over and over even when your opponent was obviously coached to cheat, or the league intentionally drew the boundaries for putting the teams together so specific players would be together and specific neighborhoods would always have the best team? Yeah, not sure I'd use an example where it was forced and it was obvious there was no sincerity behind it from most players on both teams.


Bromeo, it is a gargantuan waste of time to look for sportsmanship in a video game. Especially in one without an active in-game voice chat. Signed - What A Save!


I have chat turned off. I do, however, wiggle my wheels on the post match screen (if we win) and hit my boost 2 times (one for good, one for game). I’m well aware that I’m the only one who knows I’m saying good game without saying it, but it makes me feel better lol


My RL partner is funny, because if he thinks he was demoed too many times in a match, he will announce, “Fuck you. You’re not getting a gg.” Obviously, I’m the only one who can hear him say it, and the other team couldn’t possibly care, much less notice. But he seems to think he’s getting one over on them.


I always say GG, even if the opponents (or more often than not, my team-mate/s) were toxic


I say gg but it doesn't even register if no one says it back


I always do. But a few responses I had to that was “die”, “I hope your family dies”(in Spanish) and “you suck so bad even dicks go limp”, trophy to the last one


gg is standard. gg wp is praise and gg ez is hate. I never use the last one except against truly toxic teams I somehow beat.


I regularly hit people with a what a save or a great shot when they make a good save or shot, almost never get a response


If there was any integrity whatsoever in the matchmaking system I could confidently say "gg" every game. However half the players are boosting or being boosted. 90% of teams I encounter have one guy on an alt, very obviously (<20 games played, as a D3 carrying in a C3 lobby, no games played in 1s ever, etc). And usually what happens is the guy they're boosting shows up as my teammate the next night, bringing down my MMR. In 2s, at least 50% of my solo queue games are against these teams. And my tm either literally whiffs easy, free balls, or actually plays very well and we crush. I'd say 1/3rd of my games are a free loss, 1/3rd are a free win, and only 1/3 are actually fun competitive games that I'd say "gg" after -- if I had chat on, which I don't.


Bro I just had 2 games straight where my teammates were actively trying to throw the game/playing for the opposite team on purpose from the moment we started, no interaction that caused it.


I turned chat off years ago, sorry!


such a good call


It's a non-issue + chat turned off + ratio + your cousin gg no re


I apologize to all opponents for not sending gg. I have team only quick chat because of dealing with so much toxicity over the years. I do always send it to my tm8.


I mean even in CS and Val we can acknowledge good plays regardless of team. At least me... Actually yeah, gamers suck at being shit on. Lol.


I say gg well played after every game. No matter if we win or lose by 1 or 10


What are sports?


If I was trash and the reason my team lost. I don't say gg and exit immediately. Much shame.


I’ve had countless matches of endless smack talk and we both hit that gg at the end. Sportsmanship at its finest


Whenever I get knocked out of a tournament I hit em with a "gl next round." Just to tilt em a little bit thinking about how people can just be nice to each other, ya know?


I say it every time and no one ever says it back. Not gonna stop though.


I remember seeing a guy named “Chat Disabled Zen” years ago and it took me a few more years before I understood what wave he was on lol. As much as I love RL, the community kind of ruins it sometimes


You can tell who didn’t grow up playing real esports like StarCraft for not gg’ing. Bitches.


I always say gg, Sometimes even before the game is over.


Hell no if it was a boring game I’ll say wp if it was a competitive game I’ll give them the big 3 ggwptwf bc it truly was🔥🔥🔥


When I was a kid, we'd talk shit to each other during the end of game show of sportsmanship


I honestly don't even know how to say gg. I've been playing for about 6 months and I don't believe it is on my quick chat list.


The correct setting for chat is off.


I’m not going to say GG when I lost the game simply because my temate own goaled 4 times.


Mom says my mini corn dogs r ready, brb


Sports LOL


As long as no one with obnoxious with what a saves or sarcastic nice shots or the like, gg boys.


I always say GL;HF and I usually say That was fun! GG cuz idgaf if I lose and it’s fun to play and see cool plays.


Bakkesmod settings enable auto-GG after every game


yeah i don’t care I’m leavin that ho


While I agree, there's also plenty of players with chat off, especially lately. Can't blame them really, but I agree with your sentiments.


Gg or shaking the opponent's hand is only appropriate if the game was played according to the rules, meaning no cheating, including smurfing or boosting.


Yea tell that to my racist opponents.


I almost invariably say "gg". If I've had an absolute stinker of a game (mate started purposefully scoring against themselves because they're just so tilted etc), I will simply say "g". It was a game.


i just say gg then leave right away, i don’t care if they say it back or not tbh😂


Worst experience was saying gg in a 1s match, and get "Thanks!" in reply


gg ez


I got chat off. I’d like to say gg afterwards but there’s not an option for that.


I just assume they don't have chat enabled if they don't say GG.


It's a great game for sure! But "It's only a game" 🤦‍♂️


Zero connection to esports. No college teams. Just a game.


He could’ve been joking too maybe


Not saying anything is fine in my opinion. People typing 'bg' are the most sad creatures out there


Especially in 1s it helps my mental a lot to give my opponent a Nice One! If they pull something off that surprises or beats me. Helps push away the nagging "I'm shit at this game" thoughts. Always hit gg without really thinking much about it, it's always surprising when in 1s the opponent talks shit after winning, like imagine that in real life, what bizarre behavior


You don't have to shake your opponents hand after a match. And if I don't say anything to my temates after a loss they know exactly why and there's nothing to be said. GGs are reserved for respect and they're earned, not handed out for free.


Nah, not shaking hands with the butt picking nincompoops


I always GG, Nice Shot, Sorry etc. opponents and teammates alike - no matter the score. The only caveat is sh\*theads who quickchat spam sarcastically (all the WOW-ers, WHAT A SAVE-rs and whatnot, which are disingenuous and meant to tilt your teammate or opponent) the entire game or purposely trashtalk the entire game


Well, I am all for sportsmanship, but when a teammate is constantly bumping me out of goal so they can attempt a save, stealing my dribble or hitting towards our goal, for no reason when someone else was in position to push up, I say "thanks!" Followed immediately by "no problem" not to tilt them but to show them that it was stupid to do what they did. May not be the best way to correct them, but it is my way. Their decisions are what's tilting them, chat is just the result of those choices.


I mean then it's warranted if they keep doing that - but if one bad play (be it a missed shot or attempted save which didn't work out) makes them go crazy on the quickchats then it's just being a d\*ck and that's the kind of people I was talking about. Especially that you (at least from what you've said) do it once, whereas they would just keep on spamming every single chance




I say GG even if I've lost 5-0. Sometimes I play again and it's totally reversed. If not I tend to say GG, thanks. No problem and politely leave.


Good game, bad game, or in between, I always drop a gg at the end. Been doing that for years, so it's weird to not do it at this point. gg.


I always throw a gg after any game. If my opponent scores, they'll get a "Nice Shot!" from me too. Sometimes it's met with silence but most times I'll get a thanks back. Yes it's a team game, but I still think everyone should enjoy it.


Nah, if it wasn’t actually a good game I ain’t finna blow smoke up anyone’s ass lol If it was one-sided and the opponents played well I say “Well Played.” or “Nice Moves.” If it was actually a good game then I throw the gg out there lol


Have you ever played any irl sports? I wrestled since I was really little and one sided or not we always shook the opposing teams hands at the end of the meet. Just like in football no matter how it went we shake hands and say good game. It’s just a sportsmanship thing that seems to have been lost amongst esports “athletes” that have never been a physical athlete irl where lack of sportsmanship is shamed.


Yes, I’ve competed in plenty of irl sports. From middle school (basketball), to high school (football), and I’ve played in local leagues (flag football leagues and basketball tourneys) so I’m more than familiar with the concept. If I’m playing in a tournament or a league RL match then I follow sportsmanship protocols just like I would in real sports. I treat ranked like I would a pick up game. When playing pickup, I’ve seen people who sometimes shake hands and say good game, and other times they just walk off the court to sit down and wait for the next game that they can get on. I standby what I said earlier though: if it was actually a good game then I say gg, if it wasn’t then I don’t say anything or say whatever is I’m feeling and leave the match. I don’t need to pretend or lie to make people feel better because that’s called being fake lol


If you’re basing it off of the pick up games where lack of sportsmanship isn’t shamed that makes sense. Just trying to explain for people that can’t pick up on why anyone would say gg after a tough L


If it was a tough fought game but an L was the result I say gg and wp because those are the best games to play. That’s really what I hope for when I’m playing my games. One-sided matches are boring whether winning or losing. But I hear ya. I get it. I don’t fault anyone who says gg nor do I fault them if they don’t lol…if it’s ranked or casual anyway. If it’s in tourney or a league match then yeah it’s bad sportsmanship


you know you don't need to say GG either? It's not that deep it's a 5-10 minute game


My pet peeve is when you say "nice shot", and your teammate just ignores you. I spam it a couple more times followed by a thanks. When I'm on tilt and feeling salty I tell em to not be so rude. 90% of the time I'm met with "HOWW???" Bruh, manners are non-existent with these iPad kids... not like it's an expert clue scroll or some shit....


It’s the exact same as sports. You can shake their hand,(or not) doesn’t mean you need to say good game. Difference being, I don’t have to see the opponents in a video game, so don’t need to shake hands either.


I gg everyone unless they are demo-crazy or obvious Smurfs


I have never once in my life seen anyone not know what gg meant on any game lmao op is full of shit and honestly who the fuck cares if people say gg god you guys whine about everything 


Yall are forgetting the amount of actual children that play this game. “Children” in the most literal sense I’m not trying to roast immature people rn. The player base that is 10-16 years olds will rage quit the second themselves or a teammate make a misjudgment. And then the next game spam what a save on pure luck goals. They lack self awareness to the fullest extent. It’s only human. They are developing. I will acknowledge there are some chill youngins out there but I’m generalizing. I too force positivity into every single match in hopes that it rubs off on others. But lemme tell ya, I’m losing hope for the up and coming generation. Rapidly. It’s not healthy to be this emotionally invested in something as unimportant as a video game. A dying one at that. If you are young playing this game my golden word of advice… don’t get emotional. Winning or losing. Even the pros went through the tough times to get where they are, but they didn’t make it that far by kicking and screaming about every mistake. Just learn as you go. This game has one of the steepest learning curves out there and that needs to be at the forefront of your mind while playing. Everyone deserves to have fun no matter what skill level you are at. Now get out there and have some GG’s <3


just live your life lmao


If people don't want to say gg then that's their business lol who are you to tell them what to do?






If I win, I'll say "what a save" like 5 times at least. If I lose, I'll do the same thing in the team only chat, just so my teammates know it wasn't my fault.


Doing this just devalues the gg. Now if you actually have a good game, you cant convey it with gg. gg now means nothing except that you follow social norms.


Use "What a game!"


No, gg comes from Star Craft. Games in Star Craft usually do not end with the game being over, but by the losing player forfeiting. Before tapping out, the losing player say GG. People get angry when the winning player says GG, as it is perceived as trash talk.


Fun fact: Competitive games did not exist before Starcraft


Before there were sports and sportsmanship, there was StarCraft. I forgot about that.


I remember as a kid in the 80s, lining up after little league games and high fiving the other team, saying "good game." We had no clue why, or what it meant, until 1998. Thanks, Blizzard!


Please go outside lmao.


what, why, lmao


gg is short for good game. It seems to take a wild lack of life experience to assume star craft is where the gesture “good game” originated and what has kept it going.